Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Prepares CommandText for use with the Prepare method
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Command text stripped of all paramter names</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Takes the output of TokenizeSql and creates a single string of SQL
        /// that only contains '?' markers for each parameter.  It also creates
        /// the parameterMap array list that includes all the paramter names in the
        /// order they appeared in the SQL
        /// </remarks>
        private List <string> PrepareCommandText(out string stripped_sql)
            StringBuilder newSQL       = new StringBuilder();
            List <string> parameterMap = new List <string>();

            int            startPos  = 0;
            string         sql       = ResolvedCommandText;
            MySqlTokenizer tokenizer = new MySqlTokenizer(sql);
            string         parameter = tokenizer.NextParameter();

            while (parameter != null)
                if (parameter.IndexOf(StoredProcedure.ParameterPrefix) == -1)
                    newSQL.Append(sql.Substring(startPos, tokenizer.StartIndex - startPos));
                    startPos = tokenizer.StopIndex;
                parameter = tokenizer.NextParameter();
            stripped_sql = newSQL.ToString();
Exemplo n.º 2
        private static void ParseConstraint(MySqlSchemaCollection fkTable, MySqlSchemaRow table,
                                            MySqlTokenizer tokenizer, bool includeColumns)
            string         name = tokenizer.NextToken();
            MySqlSchemaRow row  = fkTable.AddRow();

            // make sure this constraint is a FK
            string token = tokenizer.NextToken();

            if (token != "foreign" || tokenizer.Quoted)
            tokenizer.NextToken(); // read off the 'KEY' symbol
            tokenizer.NextToken(); // read off the '(' symbol

            row["CONSTRAINT_CATALOG"]       = table["TABLE_CATALOG"];
            row["CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA"]        = table["TABLE_SCHEMA"];
            row["TABLE_CATALOG"]            = table["TABLE_CATALOG"];
            row["TABLE_SCHEMA"]             = table["TABLE_SCHEMA"];
            row["TABLE_NAME"]               = table["TABLE_NAME"];
            row["REFERENCED_TABLE_CATALOG"] = null;
            row["CONSTRAINT_NAME"]          = name.Trim(new char[] { '\'', '`' });

            List <string> srcColumns = includeColumns ? ParseColumns(tokenizer) : null;

            // now look for the references section
            while (token != "references" || tokenizer.Quoted)
                token = tokenizer.NextToken();
            string target1 = tokenizer.NextToken();
            string target2 = tokenizer.NextToken();

            if (target2.StartsWith(".", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                row["REFERENCED_TABLE_SCHEMA"] = target1;
                row["REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME"]   = target2.Substring(1).Trim(new char[] { '\'', '`' });
                tokenizer.NextToken();  // read off the '('
                row["REFERENCED_TABLE_SCHEMA"] = table["TABLE_SCHEMA"];
                row["REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME"]   = target1.Substring(1).Trim(new char[] { '\'', '`' });;

            // if we are supposed to include columns, read the target columns
            List <string> targetColumns = includeColumns ? ParseColumns(tokenizer) : null;

            if (includeColumns)
                ProcessColumns(fkTable, row, srcColumns, targetColumns);
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void InternalBindParameters(string sql, MySqlParameterCollection parameters,
                                            MySqlPacket packet)
            bool sqlServerMode = command.Connection.Settings.SqlServerMode;

            if (packet == null)
                packet         = new MySqlPacket(Driver.Encoding);
                packet.Version = Driver.Version;

            MySqlTokenizer tokenizer = new MySqlTokenizer(sql);

            tokenizer.ReturnComments = true;
            tokenizer.SqlServerMode  = sqlServerMode;

            int    pos            = 0;
            string token          = tokenizer.NextToken();
            int    parameterCount = 0;

            while (token != null)
                // serialize everything that came before the token (i.e. whitespace)
                packet.WriteStringNoNull(sql.Substring(pos, tokenizer.StartIndex - pos));
                pos = tokenizer.StopIndex;
                if (MySqlTokenizer.IsParameter(token))
                    if ((!parameters.containsUnnamedParameters && token.Length == 1 && parameterCount > 0) || parameters.containsUnnamedParameters && token.Length > 1)
                        throw new MySqlException(Resources.MixedParameterNamingNotAllowed);

                    parameters.containsUnnamedParameters = token.Length == 1;
                    if (SerializeParameter(parameters, packet, token, parameterCount))
                        token = null;
                if (token != null)
                    if (sqlServerMode && tokenizer.Quoted && token.StartsWith("[", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                        token = String.Format("`{0}`", token.Substring(1, token.Length - 2));
                token = tokenizer.NextToken();
Exemplo n.º 4
        private string GetProcedureParameterLine(MySqlSchemaRow isRow)
            string sql = "SHOW CREATE {0} `{1}`.`{2}`";

            sql = String.Format(sql, isRow["ROUTINE_TYPE"], isRow["ROUTINE_SCHEMA"],
            MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(sql, connection);

            using (MySqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())

                // if we are not the owner of this proc or have permissions
                // then we will get null for the body
                if (reader.IsDBNull(2))

                string sql_mode = reader.GetString(1);

                string         body      = reader.GetString(2);
                MySqlTokenizer tokenizer = new MySqlTokenizer(body);
                tokenizer.AnsiQuotes       = sql_mode.IndexOf("ANSI_QUOTES") != -1;
                tokenizer.BackslashEscapes = sql_mode.IndexOf("NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES") == -1;

                string token = tokenizer.NextToken();
                while (token != "(")
                    token = tokenizer.NextToken();
                int start = tokenizer.StartIndex + 1;
                token = tokenizer.NextToken();
                while (token != ")" || tokenizer.Quoted)
                    token = tokenizer.NextToken();
                    // if we see another ( and we are not quoted then we
                    // are in a size element and we need to look for the closing paren
                    if (token == "(" && !tokenizer.Quoted)
                        while (token != ")" || tokenizer.Quoted)
                            token = tokenizer.NextToken();
                        token = tokenizer.NextToken();
                return(body.Substring(start, tokenizer.StartIndex - start));
Exemplo n.º 5
        private void AdjustDelimiterEnd(MySqlTokenizer tokenizer)
            if (tokenizer.StopIndex < query.Length)
                int  pos = tokenizer.StopIndex;
                char c   = query[pos];

                while (!Char.IsWhiteSpace(c) && pos < (query.Length - 1))
                    c = query[++pos];
                tokenizer.StopIndex = pos;
                tokenizer.Position  = pos;
Exemplo n.º 6
        private static List <string> ParseColumns(MySqlTokenizer tokenizer)
            List <string> sc    = new List <string>();
            string        token = tokenizer.NextToken();

            while (token != ")")
                if (token != ",")
                token = tokenizer.NextToken();
Exemplo n.º 7
        private static List <string> GetPossibleValues(MySqlSchemaRow row)
            string[] types         = new string[] { "ENUM", "SET" };
            string   dtdIdentifier = row["DTD_IDENTIFIER"].ToString().Trim();

            int index = 0;

            for (; index < 2; index++)
                if (dtdIdentifier.StartsWith(types[index], StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
            if (index == 2)
            dtdIdentifier = dtdIdentifier.Substring(types[index].Length).Trim();
            dtdIdentifier = dtdIdentifier.Trim('(', ')').Trim();

            List <string>  values    = new List <string>();
            MySqlTokenizer tokenzier = new MySqlTokenizer(dtdIdentifier);
            string         token     = tokenzier.NextToken();
            int            start     = tokenzier.StartIndex;

            while (true)
                if (token == null || token == ",")
                    int end = dtdIdentifier.Length - 1;
                    if (token == ",")
                        end = tokenzier.StartIndex;

                    string value = dtdIdentifier.Substring(start, end - start).Trim('\'', '\"').Trim();
                    start = tokenzier.StopIndex;
                if (token == null)
                token = tokenzier.NextToken();
Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// GetForeignKeysOnTable retrieves the foreign keys on the given table.
        /// Since MySQL supports foreign keys on versions prior to 5.0, we can't  use
        /// information schema.  MySQL also does not include any type of SHOW command
        /// for foreign keys so we have to resort to use SHOW CREATE TABLE and parsing
        /// the output.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fkTable">The table to store the key info in.</param>
        /// <param name="tableToParse">The table to get the foeign key info for.</param>
        /// <param name="filterName">Only get foreign keys that match this name.</param>
        /// <param name="includeColumns">Should column information be included in the table.</param>
        private void GetForeignKeysOnTable(MySqlSchemaCollection fkTable, MySqlSchemaRow tableToParse,
                                           string filterName, bool includeColumns)
            string sqlMode = GetSqlMode();

            if (filterName != null)
                filterName = StringUtility.ToLowerInvariant(filterName);

            string sql = string.Format("SHOW CREATE TABLE `{0}`.`{1}`",
                                       tableToParse["TABLE_SCHEMA"], tableToParse["TABLE_NAME"]);
            string       lowerBody = null, body = null;
            MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(sql, connection);

            using (MySqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                body      = reader.GetString(1);
                lowerBody = StringUtility.ToLowerInvariant(body);

            MySqlTokenizer tokenizer = new MySqlTokenizer(lowerBody);

            tokenizer.AnsiQuotes       = sqlMode.IndexOf("ANSI_QUOTES") != -1;
            tokenizer.BackslashEscapes = sqlMode.IndexOf("NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES") != -1;

            while (true)
                string token = tokenizer.NextToken();
                // look for a starting contraint
                while (token != null && (token != "constraint" || tokenizer.Quoted))
                    token = tokenizer.NextToken();
                if (token == null)

                ParseConstraint(fkTable, tableToParse, tokenizer, includeColumns);
Exemplo n.º 9
        private static List<string> GetPossibleValues(MySqlSchemaRow row)
            string[] types = new string[] { "ENUM", "SET" };
            string dtdIdentifier = row["DTD_IDENTIFIER"].ToString().Trim();

            int index = 0;
            for (; index < 2; index++)
                if (dtdIdentifier.StartsWith(types[index], StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
            if (index == 2) return null;
            dtdIdentifier = dtdIdentifier.Substring(types[index].Length).Trim();
            dtdIdentifier = dtdIdentifier.Trim('(', ')').Trim();

            List<string> values = new List<string>();
            MySqlTokenizer tokenzier = new MySqlTokenizer(dtdIdentifier);
            string token = tokenzier.NextToken();
            int start = tokenzier.StartIndex;
            while (true)
                if (token == null || token == ",")
                    int end = dtdIdentifier.Length - 1;
                    if (token == ",")
                        end = tokenzier.StartIndex;

                    string value = dtdIdentifier.Substring(start, end - start).Trim('\'', '\"').Trim();
                    start = tokenzier.StopIndex;
                if (token == null) break;
                token = tokenzier.NextToken();
            return values;
Exemplo n.º 10
        private List <ScriptStatement> BreakIntoStatements(bool ansiQuotes, bool noBackslashEscapes)
            string currentDelimiter            = Delimiter;
            int    startPos                    = 0;
            List <ScriptStatement> statements  = new List <ScriptStatement>();
            List <int>             lineNumbers = BreakScriptIntoLines();
            MySqlTokenizer         tokenizer   = new MySqlTokenizer(query);

            tokenizer.AnsiQuotes       = ansiQuotes;
            tokenizer.BackslashEscapes = !noBackslashEscapes;

            string token = tokenizer.NextToken();

            while (token != null)
                if (!tokenizer.Quoted)
                    if (token.ToLower() == "delimiter")
                        currentDelimiter = query.Substring(tokenizer.StartIndex,
                                                           tokenizer.StopIndex - tokenizer.StartIndex).Trim();
                        startPos = tokenizer.StopIndex;
                        // this handles the case where our tokenizer reads part of the
                        // delimiter
                        if (currentDelimiter.StartsWith(token, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                            if ((tokenizer.StartIndex + currentDelimiter.Length) <= query.Length)
                                if (query.Substring(tokenizer.StartIndex, currentDelimiter.Length) == currentDelimiter)
                                    token = currentDelimiter;
                                    tokenizer.Position  = tokenizer.StartIndex + currentDelimiter.Length;
                                    tokenizer.StopIndex = tokenizer.Position;

                        int delimiterPos = token.IndexOf(currentDelimiter, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                        if (delimiterPos != -1)
                            int endPos = tokenizer.StopIndex - token.Length + delimiterPos;
                            if (tokenizer.StopIndex == query.Length - 1)
                            string          currentQuery = query.Substring(startPos, endPos - startPos);
                            ScriptStatement statement    = new ScriptStatement();
                            statement.text     = currentQuery.Trim();
                            statement.line     = FindLineNumber(startPos, lineNumbers);
                            statement.position = startPos - lineNumbers[statement.line];
                            startPos = endPos + currentDelimiter.Length;
                token = tokenizer.NextToken();

            // now clean up the last statement
            if (startPos < query.Length - 1)
                string sqlLeftOver = query.Substring(startPos).Trim();
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sqlLeftOver))
                    ScriptStatement statement = new ScriptStatement();
                    statement.text     = sqlLeftOver;
                    statement.line     = FindLineNumber(startPos, lineNumbers);
                    statement.position = startPos - lineNumbers[statement.line];
Exemplo n.º 11
    private void InternalBindParameters(string sql, MySqlParameterCollection parameters,
        MySqlPacket packet)
      bool sqlServerMode = command.Connection.Settings.SqlServerMode;

      if (packet == null)
        packet = new MySqlPacket(Driver.Encoding);
        packet.Version = Driver.Version;

      MySqlTokenizer tokenizer = new MySqlTokenizer(sql);
      tokenizer.ReturnComments = true;
      tokenizer.SqlServerMode = sqlServerMode;

      int pos = 0;
      string token = tokenizer.NextToken();
      int parameterCount = 0;
      while (token != null)
        // serialize everything that came before the token (i.e. whitespace)
        packet.WriteStringNoNull(sql.Substring(pos, tokenizer.StartIndex - pos));
        pos = tokenizer.StopIndex;
        if (MySqlTokenizer.IsParameter(token))
          if ((!parameters.containsUnnamedParameters && token.Length == 1 && parameterCount > 0) || parameters.containsUnnamedParameters && token.Length > 1)
            throw new MySqlException(Resources.MixedParameterNamingNotAllowed);

          parameters.containsUnnamedParameters = token.Length == 1;
          if (SerializeParameter(parameters, packet, token, parameterCount))
            token = null;
        if (token != null)
          if (sqlServerMode && tokenizer.Quoted && token.StartsWith("[", StringComparison.Ordinal))
            token = String.Format("`{0}`", token.Substring(1, token.Length - 2));
        token = tokenizer.NextToken();
Exemplo n.º 12
    private void AdjustDelimiterEnd(MySqlTokenizer tokenizer)
      if (tokenizer.StopIndex < query.Length)
        int pos = tokenizer.StopIndex;
        char c = query[pos];

        while (!Char.IsWhiteSpace(c) && pos < (query.Length - 1))
          c = query[++pos];
        tokenizer.StopIndex = pos;
        tokenizer.Position = pos;
Exemplo n.º 13
        private void ParseProcedureBody(MySqlSchemaCollection parametersTable, string body,
                                        MySqlSchemaRow row, string nameToRestrict)
            List <string> modes = new List <string>(new string[3] {
                "IN", "OUT", "INOUT"

            string sqlMode = row["SQL_MODE"].ToString();

            int            pos       = 1;
            MySqlTokenizer tokenizer = new MySqlTokenizer(body);

            tokenizer.AnsiQuotes       = sqlMode.IndexOf("ANSI_QUOTES") != -1;
            tokenizer.BackslashEscapes = sqlMode.IndexOf("NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES") == -1;
            tokenizer.ReturnComments   = false;
            string token = tokenizer.NextToken();

            // this block will scan for the opening paren while also determining
            // if this routine is a function.  If so, then we need to add a
            // parameter row for the return parameter since it is ordinal position
            // 0 and should appear first.
            while (token != "(")
                if (String.Compare(token, "FUNCTION", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0 &&
                    nameToRestrict == null)
                    InitParameterRow(row, parametersTable.Rows[0]);
                token = tokenizer.NextToken();
            token = tokenizer.NextToken(); // now move to the next token past the (

            while (token != ")")
                MySqlSchemaRow parmRow = parametersTable.NewRow();
                InitParameterRow(row, parmRow);
                parmRow["ORDINAL_POSITION"] = pos++;

                // handle mode and name for the parameter
                string mode = StringUtility.ToUpperInvariant(token);
                if (!tokenizer.Quoted && modes.Contains(mode))
                    parmRow["PARAMETER_MODE"] = mode;
                    token = tokenizer.NextToken();
                if (tokenizer.Quoted)
                    token = token.Substring(1, token.Length - 2);
                parmRow["PARAMETER_NAME"] = token;

                // now parse data type
                token = ParseDataType(parmRow, tokenizer);
                if (token == ",")
                    token = tokenizer.NextToken();

                // now determine if we should include this row after all
                // we need to parse it before this check so we are correctly
                // positioned for the next parameter
                if (nameToRestrict == null ||
                    String.Compare(parmRow["PARAMETER_NAME"].ToString(), nameToRestrict, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)

            // now parse out the return parameter if there is one.
            token = StringUtility.ToUpperInvariant(tokenizer.NextToken());
            if (String.Compare(token, "RETURNS", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                MySqlSchemaRow parameterRow = parametersTable.Rows[0];
                parameterRow["PARAMETER_NAME"] = "RETURN_VALUE";
                ParseDataType(parameterRow, tokenizer);
Exemplo n.º 14
        internal string GetCommandTextForBatching()
            if (batchableCommandText == null)
                // if the command starts with insert and is "simple" enough, then
                // we can use the multi-value form of insert
                if (String.Compare(CommandText.Substring(0, 6), "INSERT", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                    MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand("SELECT @@sql_mode", Connection);
                    string sql_mode = StringUtility.ToUpperInvariant(cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString());
                    MySqlTokenizer tokenizer = new MySqlTokenizer(CommandText);
                    tokenizer.AnsiQuotes = sql_mode.IndexOf("ANSI_QUOTES") != -1;
                    tokenizer.BackslashEscapes = sql_mode.IndexOf("NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES") == -1;
                    string token = StringUtility.ToLowerInvariant(tokenizer.NextToken());
                    while (token != null)
                        if (StringUtility.ToUpperInvariant(token) == "VALUES" &&
                            token = tokenizer.NextToken();
                            if (token != "(")
                                throw new Exception();

                            // find matching right paren, and ensure that parens 
                            // are balanced.
                            int openParenCount = 1;
                            while (token != null)
                                batchableCommandText += token;
                                token = tokenizer.NextToken();

                                if (token == "(")
                                else if (token == ")")

                                if (openParenCount == 0)

                            if (token != null)
                                batchableCommandText += token;
                            token = tokenizer.NextToken();
                            if (token != null && (token == "," ||
                                StringUtility.ToUpperInvariant(token) == "ON"))
                                batchableCommandText = null;
                        token = tokenizer.NextToken();
                // Otherwise use the command verbatim
                else batchableCommandText = CommandText;

            return batchableCommandText;
Exemplo n.º 15
    private string GetProcedureParameterLine(MySqlSchemaRow isRow)
      string sql = "SHOW CREATE {0} `{1}`.`{2}`";
      sql = String.Format(sql, isRow["ROUTINE_TYPE"], isRow["ROUTINE_SCHEMA"],
      MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(sql, connection);
      using (MySqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())

        // if we are not the owner of this proc or have permissions
        // then we will get null for the body
        if (reader.IsDBNull(2)) return null;

        string sql_mode = reader.GetString(1);

        string body = reader.GetString(2);
        MySqlTokenizer tokenizer = new MySqlTokenizer(body);
        tokenizer.AnsiQuotes = sql_mode.IndexOf("ANSI_QUOTES") != -1;
        tokenizer.BackslashEscapes = sql_mode.IndexOf("NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES") == -1;

        string token = tokenizer.NextToken();
        while (token != "(")
          token = tokenizer.NextToken();
        int start = tokenizer.StartIndex + 1;
        token = tokenizer.NextToken();
        while (token != ")" || tokenizer.Quoted)
          token = tokenizer.NextToken();
          // if we see another ( and we are not quoted then we
          // are in a size element and we need to look for the closing paren
          if (token == "(" && !tokenizer.Quoted)
            while (token != ")" || tokenizer.Quoted)
              token = tokenizer.NextToken();
            token = tokenizer.NextToken();
        return body.Substring(start, tokenizer.StartIndex - start);
Exemplo n.º 16
    /// <summary>
    ///  Parses out the elements of a procedure parameter data type.
    /// </summary>
    private string ParseDataType(MySqlSchemaRow row, MySqlTokenizer tokenizer)
      StringBuilder dtd = new StringBuilder(
      row["DATA_TYPE"] = dtd.ToString();
      string type = row["DATA_TYPE"].ToString();

      string token = tokenizer.NextToken();
      if (token == "(")
        token = tokenizer.ReadParenthesis();
        dtd.AppendFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}", token);
        if (type != "ENUM" && type != "SET")
          ParseDataTypeSize(row, token);
        token = tokenizer.NextToken();
        dtd.Append(GetDataTypeDefaults(type, row));

      while (token != ")" &&
             token != "," &&
             String.Compare(token, "begin", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != 0 &&
             String.Compare(token, "return", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != 0)
        if (String.Compare(token, "CHARACTER", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0 ||
            String.Compare(token, "BINARY", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
        { }  // we don't need to do anything with this
        else if (String.Compare(token, "SET", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0 ||
                 String.Compare(token, "CHARSET", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
          row["CHARACTER_SET_NAME"] = tokenizer.NextToken();
        else if (String.Compare(token, "ASCII", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
          row["CHARACTER_SET_NAME"] = "latin1";
        else if (String.Compare(token, "UNICODE", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
          row["CHARACTER_SET_NAME"] = "ucs2";
        else if (String.Compare(token, "COLLATE", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
          row["COLLATION_NAME"] = tokenizer.NextToken();
          dtd.AppendFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, " {0}", token);
        token = tokenizer.NextToken();

      if (dtd.Length > 0)
        row["DTD_IDENTIFIER"] = dtd.ToString();

      // now default the collation if one wasn't given
      if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( ( string )row["COLLATION_NAME"] ) &&
          !string.IsNullOrEmpty( ( string )row["CHARACTER_SET_NAME"] ))
        row["COLLATION_NAME"] = CharSetMap.GetDefaultCollation(
            row["CHARACTER_SET_NAME"].ToString(), connection);

      // now set the octet length
      if (row["CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH"] != null)
        if (row["CHARACTER_SET_NAME"] == null)
          row["CHARACTER_SET_NAME"] = "";
            CharSetMap.GetMaxLength(( string )row["CHARACTER_SET_NAME"], connection) *

      return token;
Exemplo n.º 17
    private void ParseProcedureBody(MySqlSchemaCollection parametersTable, string body,
        MySqlSchemaRow row, string nameToRestrict)
      List<string> modes = new List<string>(new string[3] { "IN", "OUT", "INOUT" });

      string sqlMode = row["SQL_MODE"].ToString();

      int pos = 1;
      MySqlTokenizer tokenizer = new MySqlTokenizer(body);
      tokenizer.AnsiQuotes = sqlMode.IndexOf("ANSI_QUOTES") != -1;
      tokenizer.BackslashEscapes = sqlMode.IndexOf("NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES") == -1;
      tokenizer.ReturnComments = false;
      string token = tokenizer.NextToken();

      // this block will scan for the opening paren while also determining
      // if this routine is a function.  If so, then we need to add a
      // parameter row for the return parameter since it is ordinal position
      // 0 and should appear first.
      while (token != "(")
        if (String.Compare(token, "FUNCTION", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0 &&
            nameToRestrict == null)
          InitParameterRow(row, parametersTable.Rows[0]);
        token = tokenizer.NextToken();
      token = tokenizer.NextToken();  // now move to the next token past the (

      while (token != ")")
        MySqlSchemaRow parmRow = parametersTable.NewRow();
        InitParameterRow(row, parmRow);
        parmRow["ORDINAL_POSITION"] = pos++;

        // handle mode and name for the parameter
        string mode = StringUtility.ToUpperInvariant(token);
        if (!tokenizer.Quoted && modes.Contains(mode))
          parmRow["PARAMETER_MODE"] = mode;
          token = tokenizer.NextToken();
        if (tokenizer.Quoted)
          token = token.Substring(1, token.Length - 2);
        parmRow["PARAMETER_NAME"] = token;

        // now parse data type
        token = ParseDataType(parmRow, tokenizer);
        if (token == ",")
          token = tokenizer.NextToken();

        // now determine if we should include this row after all
        // we need to parse it before this check so we are correctly
        // positioned for the next parameter
        if (nameToRestrict == null ||
            String.Compare(parmRow["PARAMETER_NAME"].ToString(), nameToRestrict, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)

      // now parse out the return parameter if there is one.
      token = StringUtility.ToUpperInvariant(tokenizer.NextToken());
      if (String.Compare(token, "RETURNS", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
        MySqlSchemaRow parameterRow = parametersTable.Rows[0];
        parameterRow["PARAMETER_NAME"] = "RETURN_VALUE";
        ParseDataType(parameterRow, tokenizer);
Exemplo n.º 18
        internal string GetCommandTextForBatching()
            if (batchableCommandText == null)
                // if the command starts with insert and is "simple" enough, then
                // we can use the multi-value form of insert
                if (String.Compare(CommandText.Substring(0, 6), "INSERT", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                    MySqlCommand   cmd       = new MySqlCommand("SELECT @@sql_mode", Connection);
                    string         sql_mode  = StringUtility.ToUpperInvariant(cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString());
                    MySqlTokenizer tokenizer = new MySqlTokenizer(CommandText);
                    tokenizer.AnsiQuotes       = sql_mode.IndexOf("ANSI_QUOTES") != -1;
                    tokenizer.BackslashEscapes = sql_mode.IndexOf("NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES") == -1;
                    string token = StringUtility.ToLowerInvariant(tokenizer.NextToken());
                    while (token != null)
                        if (StringUtility.ToUpperInvariant(token) == "VALUES" &&
                            token = tokenizer.NextToken();
                            if (token != "(")
                                throw new Exception();

                            // find matching right paren, and ensure that parens
                            // are balanced.
                            int openParenCount = 1;
                            while (token != null)
                                batchableCommandText += token;
                                token = tokenizer.NextToken();

                                if (token == "(")
                                else if (token == ")")

                                if (openParenCount == 0)

                            if (token != null)
                                batchableCommandText += token;
                            token = tokenizer.NextToken();
                            if (token != null && (token == "," ||
                                                  StringUtility.ToUpperInvariant(token) == "ON"))
                                batchableCommandText = null;
                        token = tokenizer.NextToken();
                // Otherwise use the command verbatim
                    batchableCommandText = CommandText;

Exemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary>
        /// GetForeignKeysOnTable retrieves the foreign keys on the given table.
        /// Since MySQL supports foreign keys on versions prior to 5.0, we can't  use
        /// information schema.  MySQL also does not include any type of SHOW command
        /// for foreign keys so we have to resort to use SHOW CREATE TABLE and parsing
        /// the output.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fkTable">The table to store the key info in.</param>
        /// <param name="tableToParse">The table to get the foeign key info for.</param>
        /// <param name="filterName">Only get foreign keys that match this name.</param>
        /// <param name="includeColumns">Should column information be included in the table.</param>
        private void GetForeignKeysOnTable(MySqlSchemaCollection fkTable, MySqlSchemaRow tableToParse,
                           string filterName, bool includeColumns)
            string sqlMode = GetSqlMode();

            if (filterName != null)
                filterName = StringUtility.ToLowerInvariant(filterName);

            string sql = string.Format("SHOW CREATE TABLE `{0}`.`{1}`",
                           tableToParse["TABLE_SCHEMA"], tableToParse["TABLE_NAME"]);
            string lowerBody = null, body = null;
            MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(sql, connection);
            using (MySqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                body = reader.GetString(1);
                lowerBody = StringUtility.ToLowerInvariant(body);

            MySqlTokenizer tokenizer = new MySqlTokenizer(lowerBody);
            tokenizer.AnsiQuotes = sqlMode.IndexOf("ANSI_QUOTES") != -1;
            tokenizer.BackslashEscapes = sqlMode.IndexOf("NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES") != -1;

            while (true)
                string token = tokenizer.NextToken();
                // look for a starting contraint
                while (token != null && (token != "constraint" || tokenizer.Quoted))
                    token = tokenizer.NextToken();
                if (token == null) break;

                ParseConstraint(fkTable, tableToParse, tokenizer, includeColumns);
Exemplo n.º 20
        private static void ParseConstraint(MySqlSchemaCollection fkTable, MySqlSchemaRow table,
          MySqlTokenizer tokenizer, bool includeColumns)
            string name = tokenizer.NextToken();
            MySqlSchemaRow row = fkTable.AddRow();

            // make sure this constraint is a FK
            string token = tokenizer.NextToken();
            if (token != "foreign" || tokenizer.Quoted)
            tokenizer.NextToken(); // read off the 'KEY' symbol
            tokenizer.NextToken(); // read off the '(' symbol

            row["CONSTRAINT_CATALOG"] = table["TABLE_CATALOG"];
            row["CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA"] = table["TABLE_SCHEMA"];
            row["TABLE_CATALOG"] = table["TABLE_CATALOG"];
            row["TABLE_SCHEMA"] = table["TABLE_SCHEMA"];
            row["TABLE_NAME"] = table["TABLE_NAME"];
            row["REFERENCED_TABLE_CATALOG"] = null;
            row["CONSTRAINT_NAME"] = name.Trim(new char[] { '\'', '`' });

            List<string> srcColumns = includeColumns ? ParseColumns(tokenizer) : null;

            // now look for the references section
            while (token != "references" || tokenizer.Quoted)
                token = tokenizer.NextToken();
            string target1 = tokenizer.NextToken();
            string target2 = tokenizer.NextToken();
            if (target2.StartsWith(".", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                row["REFERENCED_TABLE_SCHEMA"] = target1;
                row["REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME"] = target2.Substring(1).Trim(new char[] { '\'', '`' });
                tokenizer.NextToken();  // read off the '('
                row["REFERENCED_TABLE_SCHEMA"] = table["TABLE_SCHEMA"];
                row["REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME"] = target1.Substring(1).Trim(new char[] { '\'', '`' }); ;

            // if we are supposed to include columns, read the target columns
            List<string> targetColumns = includeColumns ? ParseColumns(tokenizer) : null;

            if (includeColumns)
                ProcessColumns(fkTable, row, srcColumns, targetColumns);
Exemplo n.º 21
 private static List<string> ParseColumns(MySqlTokenizer tokenizer)
     List<string> sc = new List<string>();
     string token = tokenizer.NextToken();
     while (token != ")")
         if (token != ",")
         token = tokenizer.NextToken();
     return sc;
Exemplo n.º 22
        /// <summary>
        ///  Parses out the elements of a procedure parameter data type.
        /// </summary>
        private string ParseDataType(MySqlSchemaRow row, MySqlTokenizer tokenizer)
            StringBuilder dtd = new StringBuilder(

            row["DATA_TYPE"] = dtd.ToString();
            string type = row["DATA_TYPE"].ToString();

            string token = tokenizer.NextToken();

            if (token == "(")
                token = tokenizer.ReadParenthesis();
                dtd.AppendFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}", token);
                if (type != "ENUM" && type != "SET")
                    ParseDataTypeSize(row, token);
                token = tokenizer.NextToken();
                dtd.Append(GetDataTypeDefaults(type, row));

            while (token != ")" &&
                   token != "," &&
                   String.Compare(token, "begin", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != 0 &&
                   String.Compare(token, "return", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != 0)
                if (String.Compare(token, "CHARACTER", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0 ||
                    String.Compare(token, "BINARY", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                } // we don't need to do anything with this
                else if (String.Compare(token, "SET", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0 ||
                         String.Compare(token, "CHARSET", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                    row["CHARACTER_SET_NAME"] = tokenizer.NextToken();
                else if (String.Compare(token, "ASCII", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                    row["CHARACTER_SET_NAME"] = "latin1";
                else if (String.Compare(token, "UNICODE", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                    row["CHARACTER_SET_NAME"] = "ucs2";
                else if (String.Compare(token, "COLLATE", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                    row["COLLATION_NAME"] = tokenizer.NextToken();
                    dtd.AppendFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, " {0}", token);
                token = tokenizer.NextToken();

            if (dtd.Length > 0)
                row["DTD_IDENTIFIER"] = dtd.ToString();

            // now default the collation if one wasn't given
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(( string )row["COLLATION_NAME"]) &&
                !string.IsNullOrEmpty(( string )row["CHARACTER_SET_NAME"]))
                row["COLLATION_NAME"] = CharSetMap.GetDefaultCollation(
                    row["CHARACTER_SET_NAME"].ToString(), connection);

            // now set the octet length
            if (row["CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH"] != null)
                if (row["CHARACTER_SET_NAME"] == null)
                    row["CHARACTER_SET_NAME"] = "";
                row["CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH"] =
                    CharSetMap.GetMaxLength(( string )row["CHARACTER_SET_NAME"], connection) *

Exemplo n.º 23
    private List<ScriptStatement> BreakIntoStatements(bool ansiQuotes, bool noBackslashEscapes)
      string currentDelimiter = Delimiter;
      int startPos = 0;
      List<ScriptStatement> statements = new List<ScriptStatement>();
      List<int> lineNumbers = BreakScriptIntoLines();
      MySqlTokenizer tokenizer = new MySqlTokenizer(query);

      tokenizer.AnsiQuotes = ansiQuotes;
      tokenizer.BackslashEscapes = !noBackslashEscapes;

      string token = tokenizer.NextToken();
      while (token != null)
        if (!tokenizer.Quoted)
          if (token.ToLower() == "delimiter")
            currentDelimiter = query.Substring(tokenizer.StartIndex,
              tokenizer.StopIndex - tokenizer.StartIndex).Trim();
            startPos = tokenizer.StopIndex;
            // this handles the case where our tokenizer reads part of the
            // delimiter
            if (currentDelimiter.StartsWith(token, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
              if ((tokenizer.StartIndex + currentDelimiter.Length) <= query.Length)
                if (query.Substring(tokenizer.StartIndex, currentDelimiter.Length) == currentDelimiter)
                  token = currentDelimiter;
                  tokenizer.Position = tokenizer.StartIndex + currentDelimiter.Length;
                  tokenizer.StopIndex = tokenizer.Position;

            int delimiterPos = token.IndexOf(currentDelimiter, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
            if (delimiterPos != -1)
              int endPos = tokenizer.StopIndex - token.Length + delimiterPos;
              if (tokenizer.StopIndex == query.Length - 1)
              string currentQuery = query.Substring(startPos, endPos - startPos);
              ScriptStatement statement = new ScriptStatement();
              statement.text = currentQuery.Trim();
              statement.line = FindLineNumber(startPos, lineNumbers);
              statement.position = startPos - lineNumbers[statement.line];
              startPos = endPos + currentDelimiter.Length;
        token = tokenizer.NextToken();

      // now clean up the last statement
      if (startPos < query.Length - 1)
        string sqlLeftOver = query.Substring(startPos).Trim();
        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sqlLeftOver))
          ScriptStatement statement = new ScriptStatement();
          statement.text = sqlLeftOver;
          statement.line = FindLineNumber(startPos, lineNumbers);
          statement.position = startPos - lineNumbers[statement.line];
      return statements;