Exemplo n.º 1
        /* @param mapSize before analising the map we can specify a size we want the map to be resized to
         *  this is useful because sometimes the target window that we are going to match is going to be of
         *  a different size */
        public VisualRecognitionMap(String mapLocation, ColorMap colorMap, Size desiredMapSize)
            Trace.Assert(System.IO.File.Exists(mapLocation), "Cannot create a visualrecognitionmap without a proper map location: " + mapLocation);
            this.mapLocation = mapLocation;
            this.mapData = new Hashtable();
            this.colorMap = colorMap;
            this.desiredMapSize = desiredMapSize;

            Bitmap map = new Bitmap(mapLocation);
            originalMapSize = map.Size;

Exemplo n.º 2
 public VisualRecognitionMap(String mapLocation, ColorMap colorMap)
     : this(mapLocation, colorMap, Size.Empty)
Exemplo n.º 3
 public VisualRecognitionMap(String mapLocation, ColorMap colorMap)
     : this(mapLocation, colorMap, Size.Empty)