private static void OutputWinnerInfo(Player winner, Player loser)
     Console.WriteLine("{0} beat {1}.\nThe winning hand was a {2} that consisted of:\n{3}\n\nThe losing hand was a {4} consisting of:\n{5}",
         winner.Name, loser.Name, winner.HandName, winner.PrintHand(), loser.HandName, loser.PrintHand());
     Console.WriteLine("Press any key to quit.");
 private static void OutputTie(Player player1, Player player2)
     Console.WriteLine("{0} and {1} tied. They both drew a {2} with a high card of {3}.", player1.Name, player2.Name, player1.HandName, player1.HighCard);
     Console.WriteLine("{0}'s hand was:\n{1}\n\n{2}'s hand was:\n{4}", player1.Name, player1.PrintHand(), player2.Name, player2.PrintHand());
     Console.WriteLine("Press any key to quit.");