Exemplo n.º 1
 /// 文字列、デコレーション、オフセットを指定するコンストラクタ。
 public GWord(TextDecoration d, int o, CharGroup chargroup) {
     Debug.Assert(d != null);
     _offset = o;
     _decoration = d;
     _next = null;
     _charGroup = chargroup;
Exemplo n.º 2
        private static string TestPutChar(string initial, int col, char ch)
            GLineManipulator m = new GLineManipulator();

            m.Load(GLine.ToCharArray(initial), col);
            //Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Test{0}  [{1}] col={2} char={3}", num, SafeString(m._text), m.CaretColumn, ch));
            m.PutChar(ch, TextDecoration.ClonedDefault());
            //Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Result [{0}] col={1}", SafeString(m._text), m.CaretColumn));
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static GLine CreateSimpleGLine(string text, TextDecoration dec)
            char[]    buff      = new char[text.Length * 2];
            int       offset    = 0;
            int       start     = 0;
            CharGroup prevType  = CharGroup.LatinHankaku;
            GWord     firstWord = null;
            GWord     lastWord  = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++)
                char      originalChar = text[i];
                char      privateChar  = Unicode.ToPrivate(originalChar);
                CharGroup nextType     = Unicode.GetCharGroup(privateChar);
                int       size         = CharGroupUtil.GetColumnsPerCharacter(nextType);
                if (nextType != prevType)
                    if (offset > start)
                        GWord newWord = new GWord(dec, start, prevType);
                        if (lastWord == null)
                            firstWord = lastWord = newWord;
                            lastWord.Next = newWord;
                            lastWord      = newWord;
                    prevType = nextType;
                    start    = offset;

                buff[offset++] = originalChar;
                if (size == 2)
                    buff[offset++] = WIDECHAR_PAD;

            GWord w = new GWord(dec, start, prevType);

            if (lastWord == null)
                firstWord = w;
                lastWord.Next = w;

            return(new GLine(buff, offset, firstWord));
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void Clear(TextDecoration dec)
            TextDecoration fillDec = (dec != null) ? dec.RetainBackColor() : TextDecoration.Default;
            char           fill    = fillDec.IsDefault ? '\0' : ' '; // 色指定付きのことがあるのでスペース

            for (int i = 0; i < _text.Length; i++)
                _text[i] = fill;
            _displayLength = fillDec.IsDefault ? 0 : _text.Length;
            _firstWord     = new GWord(fillDec, 0, CharGroup.LatinHankaku);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void LoadForTest(string filename)
            StreamReader r = null;

            try {
                r = new StreamReader(filename, Encoding.Default);
                TextDecoration dec  = TextDecoration.Default;
                string         line = r.ReadLine();
                while (line != null)
                    this.AddLine(GLine.CreateSimpleGLine(line, dec));
                    line = r.ReadLine();
            finally {
                if (r != null)
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// <ja>
        /// 指定範囲を半角スペースで埋めます。
        /// </ja>
        /// <en>
        /// Fill the range of specification with space.
        /// </en>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="from"><ja>埋める開始位置(この位置を含みます)</ja><en>Start position(include this position)</en></param>
        /// <param name="to"><ja>埋める終了位置(この位置は含みません)</ja><en>End position(exclude this position)</en></param>
        /// <param name="dec"><ja>テキスト書式を指定するTextDecorationオブジェクト</ja><en>TextDecoration object that specifies text format
        /// </en></param>
        public void FillSpace(int from, int to, TextDecoration dec)
            if (to > _text.Length)
                to = _text.Length;
            TextDecoration fillDec = dec;

            if (fillDec != null)
                fillDec = fillDec.RetainBackColor();
                if (fillDec.IsDefault)
                    fillDec = null;
            for (int i = from; i < to; i++)
                _text[i]  = ' ';
                _attrs[i] = new CharAttr(fillDec, CharGroup.LatinHankaku);
        public void LoadForTest(string filename)
            StreamReader r = null;

            try {
                r = new StreamReader(filename, Encoding.Default);
                TextDecoration dec  = TextDecoration.Default;
                string         line = r.ReadLine();
                while (line != null)
                    CharGroup cg = line.Length > 0? GLine.CalcCharGroup(line[0]) : CharGroup.Hankaku;
                    this.AddLine(new GLine(GLine.ToCharArray(line), new GWord(dec, 0, cg)));
                    line = r.ReadLine();
            } finally {
                if (r != null)
Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// <ja>
        /// 指定された場所から指定された文字数を削除し、その後ろを詰めます。
        /// </ja>
        /// <en>
        /// The number of characters specified from the specified place is deleted, and the furnace is packed afterwards.
        /// </en>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="start"><ja>削除する開始位置</ja><en>Start position</en></param>
        /// <param name="count"><ja>削除する文字数</ja><en>Count to delete</en></param>
        /// <param name="dec"><ja>末尾の新しい空白領域のテキスト装飾</ja><en>text decoration for the new empty spaces at the tail of the line</en></param>
        public void DeleteChars(int start, int count, TextDecoration dec)
            char           fillChar;
            TextDecoration fillDec = dec;

            if (fillDec != null)
                fillDec = fillDec.RetainBackColor();
                if (fillDec.IsDefault)
                    fillDec  = null;
                    fillChar = '\0';
                    fillChar = ' ';
                fillChar = '\0';
            for (int i = start; i < _text.Length; i++)
                int j = i + count;
                if (j < _text.Length)
                    _text[i]  = _text[j];
                    _attrs[i] = _attrs[j];
                    _text[i]  = fillChar;
                    _attrs[i] = new CharAttr(fillDec, CharGroup.LatinHankaku);
Exemplo n.º 9
 private TextDecoration SelectForeColor(TextDecoration dec, int index) {
     RenderProfile prof = GetRenderProfile();
     ESColor c = prof.ESColorSet[index];
     return dec.GetCopyWithTextColor(c.Color);
Exemplo n.º 10
        public AbstractTerminal(TerminalInitializeInfo info)

            _session = info.Session;

            //_invalidateParam = new InvalidateParam();
            _document = new TerminalDocument(info.InitialWidth, info.InitialHeight);
            _afterExitLockActions = new List<AfterExitLockDelegate>();

            _decoder = new ISO2022CharDecoder(this, EncodingProfile.Get(info.Session.TerminalSettings.Encoding));
            _terminalMode = TerminalMode.Normal;
            _currentdecoration = TextDecoration.Default;
            _manipulator = new GLineManipulator();
            _scrollBarValues = new ScrollBarValues();
            _logService = new LogService(info.TerminalParameter, _session.TerminalSettings);
            _promptRecognizer = new PromptRecognizer(this);
            _intelliSense = new IntelliSense(this);
            _commandResultRecognizer = new PopupStyleCommandResultRecognizer(this);

            if (info.Session.TerminalSettings.LogSettings != null)
                _logService.ApplyLogSettings(_session.TerminalSettings.LogSettings, false);

            //event handlers
            ITerminalSettings ts = info.Session.TerminalSettings;
            ts.ChangeEncoding += delegate(EncodingType t) {
            ts.ChangeRenderProfile += delegate(RenderProfile prof) {
                TerminalControl tc = _session.TerminalControl;
                if (tc != null)
Exemplo n.º 11
        private FontHandle CalcFontInternal(TextDecoration dec, CharGroup cg, bool ignore_underline) {
            if (_font == null)

            if (CharGroupUtil.IsCJK(cg)) {
                if (dec == null)
                    return _cjkFont;

                if (CalcBold(dec)) {
                    if (!ignore_underline && dec.Underline)
                        return _cjkBoldUnderlinefont;
                        return _cjkBoldfont;
                else if (!ignore_underline && dec.Underline)
                    return _cjkUnderlinefont;
                    return _cjkFont;
            else {
                if (dec == null)
                    return _font;

                if (CalcBold(dec)) {
                    if (!ignore_underline && dec.Underline)
                        return _boldunderlinefont;
                        return _boldfont;
                else if (!ignore_underline && dec.Underline)
                    return _underlinefont;
                    return _font;
Exemplo n.º 12
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dec"></param>
 /// <param name="cg"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 /// <exclude/>
 public IntPtr CalcHFONT_NoUnderline(TextDecoration dec, CharGroup cg) {
     return CalcFontInternal(dec, cg, true).HFONT;
Exemplo n.º 13
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dec"></param>
 /// <param name="cg"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 /// <exclude/>
 public Font CalcFont(TextDecoration dec, CharGroup cg) {
     return CalcFontInternal(dec, cg, false).Font;
Exemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Invert text attribute at the specified position.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>If doInvert was false, only splitting of GWords will be performed.
        /// It is required to avoid problem when the text which conatins blinking cursor is drawn by DrawWord().</para>
        /// <para>DrawWord() draws contiguous characters at once,
        /// and the character pitch depends how the character in the font was designed.</para>
        /// <para>By split GWord even if inversion is not required,
        /// the position of a character of the blinking cursor will be constant.</para>
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="index">Column index to invert.</param>
        /// <param name="doInvert">Whether inversion is really applied.</param>
        /// <param name="color">Background color of the inverted character.</param>
        internal void InvertCharacter(int index, bool doInvert, Color color)
            if (index >= _displayLength)
                int prevLength = _displayLength;
                ExpandBuffer(index + 1);
                for (int i = prevLength; i < index + 1; i++)
                    _text[i] = ' ';
                _displayLength     = index + 1;
                this.LastWord.Next = new GWord(TextDecoration.Default, prevLength, CharGroup.LatinHankaku);
            if (_text[index] == WIDECHAR_PAD)

            GWord prev       = null;
            GWord word       = _firstWord;
            int   nextoffset = 0;

            while (word != null)
                nextoffset = GetNextOffset(word);
                if (word.Offset <= index && index < nextoffset)
                    GWord next = word.Next;

                    TextDecoration inv_dec = word.Decoration;
                    if (doInvert)
                        inv_dec = inv_dec.GetInvertedCopyForCaret(color);

                    GWord head      = word.Offset < index ? new GWord(word.Decoration, word.Offset, word.CharGroup) : null;
                    GWord mid       = new GWord(inv_dec, index, word.CharGroup);
                    int   nextIndex = index + CharGroupUtil.GetColumnsPerCharacter(word.CharGroup);
                    GWord tail      = nextIndex < nextoffset ? new GWord(word.Decoration, nextIndex, word.CharGroup) : null;

                    //連結 head,tailはnullのこともあるのでややこしい
                    List <GWord> list = new List <GWord>(3);
                    if (head != null)
                        head.Next = mid;

                    mid.Next = tail == null ? next : tail;

                    if (tail != null)

                    if (prev == null)
                        _firstWord = list[0];
                        prev.Next = list[0];

                    list[list.Count - 1].Next = next;


                prev = word;
                word = word.Next;
Exemplo n.º 15
 /// <summary>
 /// <ja>
 /// 指定範囲を半角スペースで埋めます。
 /// </ja>
 /// <en>
 /// Fill the range of specification with space. 
 /// </en>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="from"><ja>埋める開始位置(この位置を含みます)</ja><en>Start position(include this position)</en></param>
 /// <param name="to"><ja>埋める終了位置(この位置は含みません)</ja><en>End position(exclude this position)</en></param>
 /// <param name="dec"><ja>テキスト書式を指定するTextDecorationオブジェクト</ja><en>TextDecoration object that specifies text format
 /// </en></param>
 public void FillSpace(int from, int to, TextDecoration dec) {
     if (to > _text.Length)
         to = _text.Length;
     TextDecoration fillDec = dec;
     if (fillDec != null) {
         fillDec = fillDec.RetainBackColor();
         if (fillDec.IsDefault)
             fillDec = null;
     for (int i = from; i < to; i++) {
         _text[i] = ' ';
         _attrs[i] = new CharAttr(fillDec, CharGroup.LatinHankaku);
Exemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// <ja>
        /// 指定位置に1文字書き込みます。
        /// </ja>
        /// <en>
        /// Write one character to specified position.
        /// </en>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ch"><ja>書き込む文字</ja><en>Character to write.</en></param>
        /// <param name="dec"><ja>テキスト書式を指定するTextDecorationオブジェクト</ja>
        /// <en>TextDecoration object that specifies text format
        /// </en></param>
        public void PutChar(char ch, TextDecoration dec)
            Debug.Assert(dec != null);
            Debug.Assert(_caretColumn >= 0);
            Debug.Assert(_caretColumn < _text.Length);

            char      originalChar = Unicode.ToOriginal(ch);
            CharGroup charGroup    = Unicode.GetCharGroup(ch);

            bool onZenkaku      = (_attrs[_caretColumn].CharGroup == CharGroup.CJKZenkaku);
            bool onZenkakuRight = (_text[_caretColumn] == GLine.WIDECHAR_PAD);

            if (onZenkaku)
                if (!onZenkakuRight)
                    _text[_caretColumn]  = originalChar;
                    _attrs[_caretColumn] = new CharAttr(dec, charGroup);
                    if (CharGroupUtil.GetColumnsPerCharacter(charGroup) == 1)
                        if (_caretColumn < _text.Length)
                            _text[_caretColumn]            = ' ';
                            _attrs[_caretColumn].CharGroup = CharGroup.LatinHankaku;
                        _attrs[_caretColumn + 1] = new CharAttr(dec, charGroup);
                        _caretColumn            += 2;
                    _text[_caretColumn - 1]            = ' ';
                    _attrs[_caretColumn - 1].CharGroup = CharGroup.LatinHankaku;
                    _text[_caretColumn]  = originalChar;
                    _attrs[_caretColumn] = new CharAttr(dec, charGroup);
                    if (CharGroupUtil.GetColumnsPerCharacter(charGroup) == 2)
                        if (CharGroupUtil.GetColumnsPerCharacter(_attrs[_caretColumn + 1].CharGroup) == 2)
                            if (_caretColumn + 2 < _text.Length)
                                _text[_caretColumn + 2]            = ' ';
                                _attrs[_caretColumn + 2].CharGroup = CharGroup.LatinHankaku;
                        _text[_caretColumn + 1]  = GLine.WIDECHAR_PAD;
                        _attrs[_caretColumn + 1] = _attrs[_caretColumn];
                        _caretColumn            += 2;
            else   //半角の上に書く
                _text[_caretColumn]  = originalChar;
                _attrs[_caretColumn] = new CharAttr(dec, charGroup);
                if (CharGroupUtil.GetColumnsPerCharacter(charGroup) == 2)
                    if (CharGroupUtil.GetColumnsPerCharacter(_attrs[_caretColumn + 1].CharGroup) == 2)   //半角、全角となっているところに全角を書いたら
                        if (_caretColumn + 2 < _text.Length)
                            _text[_caretColumn + 2]            = ' ';
                            _attrs[_caretColumn + 2].CharGroup = CharGroup.LatinHankaku;
                    _text[_caretColumn + 1]  = GLine.WIDECHAR_PAD;
                    _attrs[_caretColumn + 1] = _attrs[_caretColumn];
                    _caretColumn            += 2;
                    _caretColumn++; //これが最もcommonなケースだが
Exemplo n.º 17
        public static GLine CreateSimpleGLine(string text, TextDecoration dec) {
            char[] buff = new char[text.Length * 2];
            int offset = 0;
            int start = 0;
            CharGroup prevType = CharGroup.LatinHankaku;
            GWord firstWord = null;
            GWord lastWord = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++) {
                char originalChar = text[i];
                char privateChar = Unicode.ToPrivate(originalChar);
                CharGroup nextType = Unicode.GetCharGroup(privateChar);
                int size = CharGroupUtil.GetColumnsPerCharacter(nextType);
                if (nextType != prevType) {
                    if (offset > start) {
                        GWord newWord = new GWord(dec, start, prevType);
                        if (lastWord == null) {
                            firstWord = lastWord = newWord;
                        else {
                            lastWord.Next = newWord;
                            lastWord = newWord;
                    prevType = nextType;
                    start = offset;

                buff[offset++] = originalChar;
                if (size == 2)
                    buff[offset++] = WIDECHAR_PAD;

            GWord w = new GWord(dec, start, prevType);
            if (lastWord == null) {
                firstWord = w;
            else {
                lastWord.Next = w;

            return new GLine(buff, offset, firstWord);
Exemplo n.º 18
 /// <summary>
 /// <ja>指定位置に指定された数だけの半角スペースを挿入します。</ja>
 /// <en>The half angle space only of the number specified for a specified position is inserted. </en>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="start"><ja>削除する開始位置</ja><en>Start position</en></param>
 /// <param name="count"><ja>挿入する半角スペースの数</ja><en>Count space to insert</en></param>
 /// <param name="dec"><ja>空白領域のテキスト装飾</ja><en>text decoration for the new empty spaces</en></param>
 public void InsertBlanks(int start, int count, TextDecoration dec) {
     TextDecoration fillDec = dec;
     if (fillDec != null) {
         fillDec = fillDec.RetainBackColor();
         if (fillDec.IsDefault)
             fillDec = null;
     for (int i = _text.Length - 1; i >= _caretColumn; i--) {
         int j = i - count;
         if (j >= _caretColumn) {
             _text[i] = _text[j];
             _attrs[i] = _attrs[j];
         else {
             _text[i] = ' ';
             _attrs[i] = new CharAttr(fillDec, CharGroup.LatinHankaku);
Exemplo n.º 19
 private TextDecoration SetForeColorByRGB(TextDecoration dec, int r, int g, int b)
     return dec.GetCopyWithTextColor(Color.FromArgb(r, g, b));
Exemplo n.º 20
 public CharAttr(TextDecoration dec, CharGroup cg)
     Decoration = dec;
     CharGroup  = cg;
Exemplo n.º 21
        /// <summary>
        /// Clone this instance that text attributes in the specified range are inverted.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="from">start column index of the range. (inclusive)</param>
        /// <param name="to">end column index of the range. (exclusive)</param>
        /// <returns>new instance</returns>
        internal GLine CreateInvertedClone(int from, int to)
            ExpandBuffer(Math.Max(from + 1, to)); //激しくリサイズしたときなどにこの条件が満たせないことがある
            Debug.Assert(from >= 0 && from < _text.Length);
            if (from < _text.Length && _text[from] == WIDECHAR_PAD)
            if (to < _text.Length && _text[to] == WIDECHAR_PAD)

            const int PHASE_LEFT   = 0;
            const int PHASE_MIDDLE = 1;
            const int PHASE_RIGHT  = 2;

            int phase        = PHASE_LEFT;
            int inverseIndex = from;

            GWord first = null;
            GWord last  = null;

            for (GWord word = _firstWord; word != null; word = word.Next)
                TextDecoration originalDecoration = word.Decoration;
                if (originalDecoration == null)
                    originalDecoration = TextDecoration.Default;

                int wordStart = word.Offset;
                int wordEnd   = GetNextOffset(word);

                    GWord newWord;

                    if (phase == PHASE_RIGHT || inverseIndex < wordStart || wordEnd <= inverseIndex)
                        TextDecoration newDec = (phase == PHASE_MIDDLE) ? originalDecoration.GetInvertedCopy() : originalDecoration;
                        newWord   = new GWord(newDec, wordStart, word.CharGroup);
                        wordStart = wordEnd;
                        TextDecoration leftDec = (phase == PHASE_LEFT) ? originalDecoration : originalDecoration.GetInvertedCopy();

                        if (wordStart < inverseIndex)
                            newWord = new GWord(leftDec, wordStart, word.CharGroup);
                            newWord = null;

                        wordStart = inverseIndex;

                        // update phase
                        if (phase == PHASE_LEFT)
                            phase        = PHASE_MIDDLE;
                            inverseIndex = to;
                        else if (phase == PHASE_MIDDLE)
                            phase = PHASE_RIGHT;

                    // append new GWord to the list.
                    if (newWord != null)
                        if (last == null)
                            first = newWord;
                            last.Next = newWord;

                        last = newWord;
                } while (wordStart < wordEnd);

            GLine ret = new GLine((char[])_text.Clone(), _displayLength, first);

            ret.ID      = _id;
            ret.EOLType = _eolType;

Exemplo n.º 22
        private TextDecoration SelectBackgroundColor(TextDecoration dec, int index) {
            RenderProfile prof = GetRenderProfile();
            ESColor c = prof.ESColorSet[index];

            Color color;
            if (prof.DarkenEsColorForBackground && !c.IsExactColor)
                color = DrawUtil.DarkColor(c.Color);
                color = c.Color;

            return dec.GetCopyWithBackColor(color);
Exemplo n.º 23
        /// <summary>
        /// <ja>
        /// 指定位置に1文字書き込みます。
        /// </ja>
        /// <en>
        /// Write one character to specified position.
        /// </en>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ch"><ja>書き込む文字</ja><en>Character to write.</en></param>
        /// <param name="dec"><ja>テキスト書式を指定するTextDecorationオブジェクト</ja>
        /// <en>TextDecoration object that specifies text format
        /// </en></param>
        public void PutChar(char ch, TextDecoration dec) {
            Debug.Assert(dec != null);
            Debug.Assert(_caretColumn >= 0);
            Debug.Assert(_caretColumn < _text.Length);

            char originalChar = Unicode.ToOriginal(ch);
            CharGroup charGroup = Unicode.GetCharGroup(ch);

            bool onZenkaku = (_attrs[_caretColumn].CharGroup == CharGroup.CJKZenkaku);
            bool onZenkakuRight = (_text[_caretColumn] == GLine.WIDECHAR_PAD);

            if (onZenkaku) {
                if (!onZenkakuRight) {
                    _text[_caretColumn] = originalChar;
                    _attrs[_caretColumn] = new CharAttr(dec, charGroup);
                    if (CharGroupUtil.GetColumnsPerCharacter(charGroup) == 1) {
                        if (_caretColumn < _text.Length) {
                            _text[_caretColumn] = ' ';
                            _attrs[_caretColumn].CharGroup = CharGroup.LatinHankaku;
                    else {
                        _attrs[_caretColumn + 1] = new CharAttr(dec, charGroup);
                        _caretColumn += 2;
                else {
                    _text[_caretColumn - 1] = ' ';
                    _attrs[_caretColumn - 1].CharGroup = CharGroup.LatinHankaku;
                    _text[_caretColumn] = originalChar;
                    _attrs[_caretColumn] = new CharAttr(dec, charGroup);
                    if (CharGroupUtil.GetColumnsPerCharacter(charGroup) == 2) {
                        if (CharGroupUtil.GetColumnsPerCharacter(_attrs[_caretColumn + 1].CharGroup) == 2) {
                            if (_caretColumn + 2 < _text.Length) {
                                _text[_caretColumn + 2] = ' ';
                                _attrs[_caretColumn + 2].CharGroup = CharGroup.LatinHankaku;
                        _text[_caretColumn + 1] = GLine.WIDECHAR_PAD;
                        _attrs[_caretColumn + 1] = _attrs[_caretColumn];
                        _caretColumn += 2;
                    else {
            else { //半角の上に書く
                _text[_caretColumn] = originalChar;
                _attrs[_caretColumn] = new CharAttr(dec, charGroup);
                if (CharGroupUtil.GetColumnsPerCharacter(charGroup) == 2) {
                    if (CharGroupUtil.GetColumnsPerCharacter(_attrs[_caretColumn + 1].CharGroup) == 2) { //半角、全角となっているところに全角を書いたら
                        if (_caretColumn + 2 < _text.Length) {
                            _text[_caretColumn + 2] = ' ';
                            _attrs[_caretColumn + 2].CharGroup = CharGroup.LatinHankaku;
                    _text[_caretColumn + 1] = GLine.WIDECHAR_PAD;
                    _attrs[_caretColumn + 1] = _attrs[_caretColumn];
                    _caretColumn += 2;
                else {
                    _caretColumn++; //これが最もcommonなケースだが
Exemplo n.º 24
        /// <summary>
        /// <ja>
        /// �w��ʒu��1�����������݂܂��B
        /// </ja>
        /// <en>
        /// Write one character to specified position.
        /// </en>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ch"><ja>�������ޕ���</ja><en>Character to write.</en></param>
        /// <param name="dec"><ja>�e�L�X�g������w�肷��TextDecoration�I�u�W�F�N�g</ja>
        /// <en>TextDecoration object that specifies text format
        /// </en></param>
        public void PutChar(char ch, TextDecoration dec)
            Debug.Assert(dec != null);
            Debug.Assert(_caretColumn >= 0);
            Debug.Assert(_caretColumn < _text.Length);

            char originalChar = Unicode.ToOriginal(ch);
            CharGroup charGroup = Unicode.GetCharGroup(ch);

            bool onZenkaku = (_attrs[_caretColumn].CharGroup == CharGroup.CJKZenkaku);
            bool onZenkakuRight = (_text[_caretColumn] == GLine.WIDECHAR_PAD);

            if (onZenkaku) {
                if (!onZenkakuRight) {
                    _text[_caretColumn] = originalChar;
                    _attrs[_caretColumn] = new CharAttr(dec, charGroup);
                    if (CharGroupUtil.GetColumnsPerCharacter(charGroup) == 1) {
                        if (_caretColumn < _text.Length) {
                            _text[_caretColumn] = ' ';
                            _attrs[_caretColumn].CharGroup = CharGroup.LatinHankaku;
                    else {
                        _attrs[_caretColumn + 1] = new CharAttr(dec, charGroup);
                        _caretColumn += 2;
                else {
                    _text[_caretColumn - 1] = ' ';
                    _attrs[_caretColumn - 1].CharGroup = CharGroup.LatinHankaku;
                    _text[_caretColumn] = originalChar;
                    _attrs[_caretColumn] = new CharAttr(dec, charGroup);
                    if (CharGroupUtil.GetColumnsPerCharacter(charGroup) == 2) {
                        if (CharGroupUtil.GetColumnsPerCharacter(_attrs[_caretColumn + 1].CharGroup) == 2) {
                            if (_caretColumn + 2 < _text.Length) {
                                _text[_caretColumn + 2] = ' ';
                                _attrs[_caretColumn + 2].CharGroup = CharGroup.LatinHankaku;
                        _text[_caretColumn + 1] = GLine.WIDECHAR_PAD;
                        _attrs[_caretColumn + 1] = _attrs[_caretColumn];
                        _caretColumn += 2;
                    else {
            else { //���p�̏�ɏ���
                _text[_caretColumn] = originalChar;
                _attrs[_caretColumn] = new CharAttr(dec, charGroup);
                if (CharGroupUtil.GetColumnsPerCharacter(charGroup) == 2) {
                    if (CharGroupUtil.GetColumnsPerCharacter(_attrs[_caretColumn + 1].CharGroup) == 2) { //���p�A�S�p�ƂȂ��Ă���Ƃ���ɑS�p���������
                        if (_caretColumn + 2 < _text.Length) {
                            _text[_caretColumn + 2] = ' ';
                            _attrs[_caretColumn + 2].CharGroup = CharGroup.LatinHankaku;
                    _text[_caretColumn + 1] = GLine.WIDECHAR_PAD;
                    _attrs[_caretColumn + 1] = _attrs[_caretColumn];
                    _caretColumn += 2;
                else {
                    _caretColumn++; //���ꂪ�ł�common�ȃP�[�X����
Exemplo n.º 25
 protected void ProcessSGRParameterANSI(int code, ref TextDecoration dec)
     switch (code) {
         case 0: // default rendition (implementation-defined) (ECMA-48,VT100,VT220)
             dec = TextDecoration.Default;
         case 1: // bold or increased intensity (ECMA-48,VT100,VT220)
             dec = dec.GetCopyWithBold(true);
         case 2: // faint, decreased intensity or second colour (ECMA-48)
             dec = dec.GetCopyWithTextColor(DrawUtil.DarkColor(dec.TextColor));
         case 3: // italicized (ECMA-48)
         case 4: // singly underlined (ECMA-48,VT100,VT220)
             dec = dec.GetCopyWithUnderline(true);
         case 5: // slowly blinking (ECMA-48,VT100,VT220)
         case 6: // rapidly blinking (ECMA-48)
             // use bold instead of blinking
             dec = dec.GetCopyWithBold(true);
         case 7: // negative image (ECMA-48,VT100,VT220)
             dec = dec.GetInvertedCopy();
         case 8: // concealed characters (ECMA-48,VT300)
         case 9: // crossed-out (ECMA-48)
         case 10: // primary (default) font (ECMA-48)
         case 11: // first alternative font (ECMA-48)
         case 12: // second alternative font (ECMA-48)
         case 13: // third alternative font (ECMA-48)
         case 14: // fourth alternative font (ECMA-48)
         case 15: // fifth alternative font (ECMA-48)
         case 16: // sixth alternative font (ECMA-48)
         case 17: // seventh alternative font (ECMA-48)
         case 18: // eighth alternative font (ECMA-48)
         case 19: // ninth alternative font (ECMA-48)
         case 20: // Fraktur (Gothic) (ECMA-48)
         case 21: // doubly underlined (ECMA-48)
         case 22: // normal colour or normal intensity (neither bold nor faint) (ECMA-48,VT220,VT300)
             dec = TextDecoration.Default;
         case 23: // not italicized, not fraktur (ECMA-48)
         case 24: // not underlined (neither singly nor doubly) (ECMA-48,VT220,VT300)
             dec = dec.GetCopyWithUnderline(false);
         case 25: // steady (not blinking) (ECMA-48,VT220,VT300)
             // disable bold instead of disabling blinking
             dec = dec.GetCopyWithBold(false);
         case 26: // reserved (ECMA-48)
         case 27: // positive image (ECMA-48,VT220,VT300)
             // actually, there is no guarantee that this operation displays a positive attributes...
             dec = dec.GetInvertedCopy();
         case 28: // revealed characters (ECMA-48)
         case 29: // not crossed out (ECMA-48)
         case 30: // black display (ECMA-48)
         case 31: // red display (ECMA-48)
         case 32: // green display (ECMA-48)
         case 33: // yellow display (ECMA-48)
         case 34: // blue display (ECMA-48)
         case 35: // magenta display (ECMA-48)
         case 36: // cyan display (ECMA-48)
         case 37: // white display (ECMA-48)
             dec = SelectForeColor(dec, code - 30);
         case 38: // reserved (ECMA-48)
         case 39: // default display colour (implementation-defined) (ECMA-48)
             dec = dec.GetCopyWithDefaultTextColor();
         case 40: // black background (ECMA-48)
         case 41: // red background (ECMA-48)
         case 42: // green background (ECMA-48)
         case 43: // yellow background (ECMA-48)
         case 44: // blue background (ECMA-48)
         case 45: // magenta background (ECMA-48)
         case 46: // cyan background (ECMA-48)
         case 47: // white background (ECMA-48)
             dec = SelectBackgroundColor(dec, code - 40);
         case 48: // reserved (ECMA-48)
         case 49: // default background colour (implementation-defined) (ECMA-48)
             dec = dec.GetCopyWithDefaultBackColor();
         case 50: // reserved (ECMA-48)
         case 51: // framed (ECMA-48)
         case 52: // encircled (ECMA-48)
         case 53: // overlined (ECMA-48)
         case 54: // not framed, not encircled (ECMA-48)
         case 55: // not overlined (ECMA-48)
         case 56: // reserved (ECMA-48)
         case 57: // reserved (ECMA-48)
         case 58: // reserved (ECMA-48)
         case 59: // reserved (ECMA-48)
         case 60: // ideogram underline or right side line (ECMA-48)
         case 61: // ideogram double underline or double line on the right side (ECMA-48)
         case 62: // ideogram overline or left side line (ECMA-48)
         case 63: // ideogram double overline or double line on the left side (ECMA-48)
         case 64: // ideogram stress marking (ECMA-48)
         case 65: // cancels the effect of the rendition aspects established by parameter values 60 to 64 (ECMA-48)
             // other values are ignored without notification to the user
             Debug.WriteLine("unknown SGR code (ANSI) : {0}", code);
Exemplo n.º 26
 /// <summary>
 /// <ja>
 /// 指定された場所から指定された文字数を削除し、その後ろを詰めます。
 /// </ja>
 /// <en>
 /// The number of characters specified from the specified place is deleted, and the furnace is packed afterwards. 
 /// </en>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="start"><ja>削除する開始位置</ja><en>Start position</en></param>
 /// <param name="count"><ja>削除する文字数</ja><en>Count to delete</en></param>
 /// <param name="dec"><ja>末尾の新しい空白領域のテキスト装飾</ja><en>text decoration for the new empty spaces at the tail of the line</en></param>
 public void DeleteChars(int start, int count, TextDecoration dec) {
     char fillChar;
     TextDecoration fillDec = dec;
     if (fillDec != null) {
         fillDec = fillDec.RetainBackColor();
         if (fillDec.IsDefault) {
             fillDec = null;
             fillChar = '\0';
         else {
             fillChar = ' ';
     else {
         fillChar = '\0';
     for (int i = start; i < _text.Length; i++) {
         int j = i + count;
         if (j < _text.Length) {
             _text[i] = _text[j];
             _attrs[i] = _attrs[j];
         else {
             _text[i] = fillChar;
             _attrs[i] = new CharAttr(fillDec, CharGroup.LatinHankaku);
Exemplo n.º 27
        internal void Render(IntPtr hdc, RenderProfile prof, Color baseBackColor, int x, int y)
            if (_text.Length == 0 || _text[0] == '\0')
                return; //何も描かなくてよい。これはよくあるケース
            float fx0 = (float)x;
            float fx1 = fx0;
            int   y1  = y;
            int   y2  = y1 + (int)prof.Pitch.Height;

            float pitch = prof.Pitch.Width;
            int   defaultBackColorArgb = baseBackColor.ToArgb();

            Win32.SetBkMode(hdc, Win32.TRANSPARENT);

            GWord word = _firstWord;

            while (word != null)
                TextDecoration dec = word.Decoration;

                IntPtr hFont = prof.CalcHFONT_NoUnderline(dec, word.CharGroup);
                Win32.SelectObject(hdc, hFont);

                uint foreColorRef = DrawUtil.ToCOLORREF(prof.CalcTextColor(dec));
                Win32.SetTextColor(hdc, foreColorRef);

                Color bkColor  = prof.CalcBackColor(dec);
                bool  isOpaque = (bkColor.ToArgb() != defaultBackColorArgb);
                if (isOpaque)
                    uint bkColorRef = DrawUtil.ToCOLORREF(bkColor);
                    Win32.SetBkColor(hdc, bkColorRef);

                int nextOffset = GetNextOffset(word);

                float fx2 = fx0 + pitch * nextOffset;

                if (prof.CalcBold(dec) || CharGroupUtil.IsCJK(word.CharGroup))
                    // It is not always true that width of a character in the CJK font is twice of a character in the ASCII font.
                    // Characters are drawn one by one to adjust pitch.

                    int   step      = CharGroupUtil.GetColumnsPerCharacter(word.CharGroup);
                    float charPitch = pitch * step;
                    int   offset    = word.Offset;
                    float fx        = fx1;
                    if (isOpaque)
                        // If background fill is required, we call ExtTextOut() with ETO_OPAQUE to draw the first character.
                        if (offset < nextOffset)
                            Win32.RECT rect = new Win32.RECT((int)fx1, y1, (int)fx2, y2);
                            char       ch   = _text[offset];
                            Debug.Assert(ch != GLine.WIDECHAR_PAD);
                            unsafe {
                                Win32.ExtTextOut(hdc, rect.left, rect.top, Win32.ETO_OPAQUE, &rect, &ch, 1, null);
                        offset += step;
                        fx     += charPitch;

                    for (; offset < nextOffset; offset += step)
                        char ch = _text[offset];
                        Debug.Assert(ch != GLine.WIDECHAR_PAD);
                        unsafe {
                            Win32.ExtTextOut(hdc, (int)fx, y1, 0, null, &ch, 1, null);
                        fx += charPitch;
                    int offset        = word.Offset;
                    int displayLength = nextOffset - offset;
                    if (isOpaque)
                        Win32.RECT rect = new Win32.RECT((int)fx1, y1, (int)fx2, y2);
                            fixed(char *p = &_text[offset])
                                Win32.ExtTextOut(hdc, rect.left, rect.top, Win32.ETO_OPAQUE, &rect, p, displayLength, null);
                            fixed(char *p = &_text[offset])
                                Win32.ExtTextOut(hdc, (int)fx1, y1, 0, null, p, displayLength, null);

                if (dec.Underline)
                    DrawUnderline(hdc, foreColorRef, (int)fx1, y2 - 1, (int)fx2 - (int)fx1);

                fx1  = fx2;
                word = word.Next;
Exemplo n.º 28
 public void Clear(TextDecoration dec) {
     TextDecoration fillDec = (dec != null) ? dec.RetainBackColor() : TextDecoration.Default;
     char fill = fillDec.IsDefault ? '\0' : ' '; // 色指定付きのことがあるのでスペース
     for (int i = 0; i < _text.Length; i++)
         _text[i] = fill;
     _displayLength = fillDec.IsDefault ? 0 : _text.Length;
     _firstWord = new GWord(fillDec, 0, CharGroup.LatinHankaku);
Exemplo n.º 29
        public void ClearAfter(int from, TextDecoration dec) {
            GLine l = FindLineOrNullClipTop(from);
            if (l == null)

            while (l != null) {
                l = l.NextLine;

            _invalidatedRegion.InvalidatedAll = true;
Exemplo n.º 30
 public CharAttr(TextDecoration dec, CharGroup cg) {
     Decoration = dec;
     CharGroup = cg;
Exemplo n.º 31
        public void ClearRange(int from, int to, TextDecoration dec) {
            GLine l = FindLineOrNullClipTop(from);
            if (l == null)

            while (l != null && l.ID < to) {
                l = l.NextLine;
Exemplo n.º 32
 public void Load(char[] text, int cc) {
     _text = text;
     _decorations = new TextDecoration[text.Length];
     _eolType = EOLType.Continue;
     _caretColumn = cc;
Exemplo n.º 33
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dec"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <exclude/>
        public Color CalcBackColor(TextDecoration dec) {
            if (_brush == null)
            if (dec == null)
                return _bgcolor;

            switch (dec.BackColorType) {
                case ColorType.Custom:
                    return dec.BackColor;
                case ColorType.DefaultBack:
                    return _bgcolor;
                case ColorType.DefaultText:
                    return _forecolor;
                    throw new Exception("Unexpected decoration object");
Exemplo n.º 34
 /// <summary>
 /// <ja>
 /// テキスト書式を指定するTextDecorationオブジェクトを設定します。
 /// </ja>
 /// <en>
 /// Set the TextDecoration object that specifies the text format.
 /// </en>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dec"><ja>設定するTextDecorationオブジェクト</ja><en>Set TextDecoration object</en></param>
 public void SetDecoration(TextDecoration dec) {
     if (_caretColumn < _attrs.Length)
         _attrs[_caretColumn].Decoration = dec;
Exemplo n.º 35
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dec"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <exclude/>
        public bool CalcBold(TextDecoration dec) {
            if (_forceBoldStyle)
                return true;

            if (_enableBoldStyle)
                return dec.Bold;
                return false;