//build base item data templates from base_items.min.json and item_classes.min.json, also builds core currencies and catalyst data
        public static int LoadBaseItems(string basesfile, string classesfile)
            Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, string> > classesdata = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, string> > >(File.ReadAllText(classesfile));

            AllBaseItems  = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <Dictionary <string, PoEBaseItemData> >(File.ReadAllText(basesfile));
            CoreBaseItems = new Dictionary <string, PoEBaseItemData>();
            Currencies    = new Dictionary <string, PoECurrencyData>();
            foreach (string k in AllBaseItems.Keys)
                //set item_class_properties field with a lookup
                AllBaseItems[k].item_class_properties = classesdata[AllBaseItems[k].item_class];
                //set key field
                AllBaseItems[k].key = k;
                //flag relevant items to move to core dictionary, "misc" domain only contains regular jewels as of 3.9
                if (AllBaseItems[k].domain == "item" || AllBaseItems[k].domain == "misc" || AllBaseItems[k].domain == "abyss_jewel" || AllBaseItems[k].domain == "affliction_jewel")
                    CoreBaseItems.Add(k, AllBaseItems[k]);
                //make currency or catalyst data if it's in the list of relevant currencies
                if (CurrencyIndex.Contains(AllBaseItems[k].name))
                    PoECurrencyData currency = new PoECurrencyData()
                        key = k, name = AllBaseItems[k].name, tooltip = AllBaseItems[k].name
                    string imgpath = "Icons/currency/" + AllBaseItems[k].name.Replace(" ", "").Replace("'", "") + ".png";
                    Uri    imguri  = new Uri(System.IO.Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, imgpath));
                        BitmapImage img = new BitmapImage(imguri);
                        currency.icon = img;
                    catch (Exception)
                        Debug.WriteLine("Can't find image " + imguri);
                        currency.icon = null;
                    Currencies.Add(k, currency);
            Debug.WriteLine(CoreBaseItems.Count + " core, " + AllBaseItems.Count + " total base items loaded");
        //Add special "currency" options
        private static void AppendCurrencies()
            PoECurrencyData extra = new PoECurrencyData()
                key = "RemoveCraftedMods", name = "Remove Crafted Mods", tooltip = "Remove Crafted Mods"
            string extrapath = "Icons/currency/RemoveCraftedMods.png";
            Uri    extrauri  = new Uri(System.IO.Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, extrapath));

                BitmapImage extraimg = new BitmapImage(extrauri);
                extra.icon = extraimg;
            catch (Exception)
                Debug.WriteLine("Can't find image " + extrauri);
                extra.icon = null;
            Currencies.Add("RemoveCraftedMods", extra);
            extra = new PoECurrencyData()
                key = "DoNothing", name = "Do Nothing", tooltip = "Skip to Post-Craft Actions"
            extrapath = "Icons/currency/DoNothing.png";
            extrauri  = new Uri(System.IO.Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, extrapath));
                BitmapImage extraimg = new BitmapImage(extrauri);
                extra.icon = extraimg;
            catch (Exception)
                Debug.WriteLine("Can't find image " + extrauri);
                extra.icon = null;
            Currencies.Add("DoNothing", extra);