Exemplo n.º 1
        public override bool BeforeInvoke(InvocationInfo info, out object returnValue)
            // we can obtain the BattleMode instance from this call
            if (info.targetMethod.Equals("handleMessage"))
                if (bm == null)
                    bm = (BattleMode)info.target;
                Message m = (Message)info.arguments[0];

                if (m is GameInfoMessage)
                    GameInfoMessage gm = (GameInfoMessage)m;

                    if (new GameType(gm.gameType).isMultiplayer())                     // just multiplayer matches
                            String opponentName = getOpponentName(gm);

                            // now use the api to get the player's data
                            WebClientTimeOut wc = new WebClientTimeOut();
                            wc.TimeOut = 3000;
                            wc.DownloadStringCompleted += (sender, e) =>
                                parseJSONResult(e.Result, opponentName);
                            wc.DownloadStringAsync(new Uri("http://a.scrollsguide.com/player?fields=all&name=" + opponentName));
                        catch                         // could not get information

            returnValue = null;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public override bool BeforeInvoke(InvocationInfo info, out object returnValue)
            // we can obtain the BattleMode instance from this call
            if (info.targetMethod.Equals("handleMessage"))
                if (bm == null)
                    bm = (BattleMode)info.target;
                Message m = (Message)info.arguments[0];

                if (m is GameInfoMessage)
                    GameInfoMessage gm = (GameInfoMessage)m;

                    if (new GameType(gm.gameType).isMultiplayer()) // just multiplayer matches
                            String opponentName = getOpponentName(gm);

                            // now use the api to get the player's data
                            WebClientTimeOut wc = new WebClientTimeOut();
                            wc.TimeOut = 3000;
                            wc.DownloadStringCompleted += (sender, e) =>
                                    parseJSONResult(e.Result, opponentName);
                            wc.DownloadStringAsync(new Uri("http://a.scrollsguide.com/player?fields=all&name=" + opponentName));
                        catch // could not get information


            returnValue = null;
            return false;