Exemplo n.º 1
		public void Add(Stats other)
			for (int i=0; i < Counters.Length; i++) {
				Counters[i] += other.Counters[i];
Exemplo n.º 2
		public void CopyFrom(Stats other)
			for (int i=0; i < Counters.Length; i++) {
				Counters[i] = other.Counters[i];
Exemplo n.º 3
		public void Subtract(Stats other)
			for (int i=0; i < Counters.Length; i++) {
				Counters[i] -= other.Counters[i];
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static bool HasOwnProperty(object o, string name)
            name = FormatKeyForAs(name);


            if (IsNullOrUndefined(o))

            // handle dynamic objects
            var dynamicObject = o as IDynamicAccessorUntyped;

            if (dynamicObject != null)

            // handle dictionaries
            var dict = o as IDictionary <string, object>;

            if (dict != null)

            var dict2 = o as IDictionary;

            if (dict2 != null)

            var dc = o as IDynamicClass;

            if (dc != null && dc.__HasDynamicValue(name))

            var otype = o.GetType();

            try {
                var prop = otype.GetProperty(name);
                if (prop != null)
            } catch (Exception) {

            try {
                var field = otype.GetField(name);
                if (field != null)
            } catch (Exception) {

            try {
                var method = otype.GetMethod(name);
                if (method != null)
            } catch (Exception) {

            // not found
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static bool ConvertMethodParameters(MethodBase m, object[] args, out object[] outArgs)

            bool has_defaults         = false;
            var  parameters           = m.GetParameters();
            var  args_len             = args.Length;
            var  par_len              = parameters.Length;
            int  paramsIndex          = -1;
            int  parameterCheckLength = par_len;

            if (hasVariadicParameter(m))
                paramsIndex = --parameterCheckLength;

            // Note that this code does not check if the arguments passed for variadic parameters
            // matches the variadic type (we still convert later though).
            // This might not be important with PlayScript though (where it is just object[]).
            for (var i = 0; i < parameterCheckLength; i++)
                var p = parameters[i];
                if (i >= args.Length)
                    if ((p.Attributes & ParameterAttributes.HasDefault) != 0)
                        has_defaults = true;
                        outArgs = null;
                    if (!CanConvertValue(args[i], p.ParameterType))
                        outArgs = null;

            // default values and params are mutually exclusive in C# (they can't both be in the same signature)
            // TODO: Check that this is actually true... default, then variadic?
            // So it makes this code a bit simpler
            if (has_defaults)
                var new_args = new object[par_len];
                for (var j = 0; j < par_len; j++)
                    if (j < args.Length)
                        new_args[j] = ConvertValue(args[j], parameters[j].ParameterType);
                        new_args[j] = parameters[j].DefaultValue;
                outArgs = new_args;
            else if (paramsIndex >= 0)
                if ((paramsIndex == 0) && (args_len == 1))
                    // For variadic, there is a special case that we handle here
                    // In the case where there is only one argument, and it matches the type of the variadic
                    // we assume we receive the variadic array as input directly and no conversion is necessary.
                    // This can happen with all the various level of stacks that we have (would be good to investigate
                    // and cover with unit-tests).
                    // Note that there could be an issue that the passed parameter happened to be of the variadic type,
                    // but was actually the first parameter of the variadic array. In this case, the behavior will be incorrect.
                    if (parameters[paramsIndex].ParameterType == args[0].GetType())
                        // Exact same type, assume that we are done.
                        // This is a good place to put a breakpoint if you think this is an incorrect assumption.
                        outArgs = args;
                    if (args_len < paramsIndex)
                        outArgs = null;

                var new_args = new object[par_len];
                // We reserve the last parameter for special params handling
                // We verified earlier that there was enough args anyway to fill all the parameters (and optionally the parmsIndex)
                // Copy all the other parameters normally
                System.Type paramType = parameters[paramsIndex].ParameterType;
                Debug.Assert(paramType.IsArray, "Unexpected type");                                             // Because it is variadic the type is actually an array (like string[])
//				Debug.Assert(paramType.BaseType.IsArray, "Unexpected type");		// Its base type is an array too (the generic kind this time - System.Array)
                paramType = paramType.BaseType.BaseType;                                                        // Get the type we are interested in (string) for each parameters
                Debug.Assert(paramType != null, "Unexpected type");

                for (var j = 0; j < paramsIndex; j++)
                    new_args[j] = ConvertValue(args[j], parameters[j].ParameterType);
                // Then copy the additional parameters to the last parameter (params) as an array
                // Array can be empty if we have just enough parameters up to the params one
                int      numberOfAdditionalParameters = args_len - paramsIndex;
                object[] additionalParameters         = new object[numberOfAdditionalParameters];
                new_args[paramsIndex] = additionalParameters;
                for (var j = 0; j < numberOfAdditionalParameters; j++)
                    additionalParameters[j] = args[paramsIndex + j];
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(paramsIndex + numberOfAdditionalParameters == args_len, "Some arguments have not been handled properly");
                outArgs = new_args;
            else if (par_len == args_len)
                outArgs = args;
                // Let's make sure all the parameters are converted
                for (var i = 0; i < par_len; i++)
                    outArgs[i] = ConvertValue(args[i], parameters[i].ParameterType);
                outArgs = null;

            // success
Exemplo n.º 6
        public static T ConvertValue <T>(object value)

            return(Convert <T> .FromObject(value));