Exemplo n.º 1
        public static void Initialize(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
            using (var context = new PlannerContext(
                       serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <
                           DbContextOptions <PlannerContext> >()))
                if (context.Plan.Any())
                    return;   // DB has been seeded

                    new Plan
                    Date          = DateTime.Parse("1989-2-12"),
                    Theme         = "Restoration",
                    OpeningSong   = 7,
                    OpeningPrayer = "Person 1",
                    Conducting    = "Bishop",
                    SacramentHymn = 193,
                    Speaker1      = "Person 2",
                    TalkTopic1    = "Book of Mormon",
                    Speaker2      = "Person 3",
                    TalkTopic2    = "Prieshood Keys",
                    ClosingSong   = 305,
                    ClosingPrayer = "Person 9"

Exemplo n.º 2
        public static void Initialize(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
            using (var context = new PlannerContext(
                       serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <DbContextOptions <PlannerContext> >()))
                // Look for any movies.
                if (context.Sacrament.Any())
                    return;   // DB has been seeded

                    new Sacrament
                    SacramentDate = DateTime.Parse("2017-1-1"),
                    Conducting    = "Bro. Smith",
                    OpeningHymn   = "God Speed the Right 106",
                    Invocation    = "Bro. Kearns",
                    SacramentHymn = "Reverently and Meekly Now 185",
                    FirstSpeaker  = "Bro. Stately",
                    SecondSpeaker = "Sis. Morley",
                    RestHymn      = "Put Your Shoulder to the Wheel 252",
                    ThirdSpeaker  = "Bro. Morley",
                    ClosingHymn   = "The Time Is Far Spent 266",
                    Convocation   = "Bro. Andrews"

                    new Sacrament
                    SacramentDate = DateTime.Parse("1-8-2017"),
                    Conducting    = "Bro. Smith",
                    OpeningHymn   = "God Speed the Right 106",
                    Invocation    = "Sis. Heart",
                    SacramentHymn = "While These Emblems We Partake 173",
                    FirstSpeaker  = "Sis. Black",
                    SecondSpeaker = "Sis. Black",
                    RestHymn      = "Count Your Blessings 241",
                    ThirdSpeaker  = "Bro. Black",
                    ClosingHymn   = "God Be With You Till We Meet Again 152",
                    Convocation   = "Bro. Burns"

                    new Sacrament
                    SacramentDate = DateTime.Parse("1-15-2017"),
                    Conducting    = "Bro. Smith",
                    OpeningHymn   = "Families Can Be Together Forever",
                    Invocation    = "Sis. Traeger",
                    SacramentHymn = "God of Power, God of Right 20",
                    FirstSpeaker  = "Bro. Stinely",
                    SecondSpeaker = "Sis. Love",
                    RestHymn      = "Home Can Be A Heaven On Earth 298",
                    ThirdSpeaker  = "Bro. Hormel",
                    ClosingHymn   = "Let Us Oft Speak Kind Words 232",
                    Convocation   = "Sis. Yiu"

                    new Sacrament
                    SacramentDate = DateTime.Parse("1-22-2017"),
                    Conducting    = "Bro. Smith",
                    OpeningHymn   = "Who's On The Lords Side 260",
                    Invocation    = "Bro. Jenkins",
                    SacramentHymn = "Sweet Hour Of Prayer 142",
                    FirstSpeaker  = "Sis. Henley",
                    SecondSpeaker = "Bro. John",
                    RestHymn      = "There Is Sunshine In My Soul Today 227",
                    ThirdSpeaker  = "Sis. Slade",
                    ClosingHymn   = "Now The Day Is Over 159",
                    Convocation   = "Bro. Lester"