Exemplo n.º 1
        public static void RotatePivotForMeshless(GameObject meshlessObject, Quaternion newRotation, bool preserveState)
            if (preserveState)
                childrenStatesBeforePivotMod = UtilityServices.SaveChildrenStates(meshlessObject);

            meshlessObject.transform.rotation = newRotation;

            //new UtilityServices().RunAfter(()=> { RestoreChildrenStates(); }, new WaitForEndOfFrame());

            if (preserveState)
        public static GameObject CreateChildNavMeshObs(GameObject forObject, bool forPosition)
            string navMeshObsName = "";

            var navMeshObstacle = forObject.GetComponent <NavMeshObstacle>();

            if (navMeshObstacle == null)

            navMeshObsName = forObject.name + "_NavMeshObstacle";
            navMeshObsName = "**" + navMeshObsName + "_DON'T DELETE**";

            GameObject childNavMeshObs = UtilityServices.DuplicateGameObject(forObject, navMeshObsName, false, false);

            foreach (Component component in childNavMeshObs.GetComponents <Component>())
                if (component is Transform || component is NavMeshObstacle)


            navMeshObstacle.enabled = false;

            childNavMeshObs.transform.position = forObject.transform.position;
            childNavMeshObs.transform.rotation = forObject.transform.rotation;

            childNavMeshObs.transform.parent = forObject.transform;
            childNavMeshObs.AddComponent <NavObsRecognize>();

        public static GameObject CreateChildCollider(GameObject forObject, bool forPosition, Vector3?newPivotPos, Quaternion?newPivotRot)
            string colliderName = "";

            var colliders = forObject.GetComponents <Collider>();

            if (colliders == null || colliders.Length == 0)

            #region Setting name of the child collider and disabling original colliders

            ColliderType lastType = ColliderType.None;

            foreach (Collider collider in colliders)
                ColliderType currentType;
                //collider.enabled = false;

                if (collider is BoxCollider)
                    currentType  = ColliderType.BoxCollider;
                    colliderName = forObject.name + "_" + Enum.GetName(typeof(ColliderType), currentType);

                    if (lastType != ColliderType.None)
                        if (lastType != currentType)
                            colliderName = forObject.name + "_MixedColliders";

                            colliderName = forObject.name + "_" + Enum.GetName(typeof(ColliderType), currentType) + "s";

                    lastType = currentType;

                else if (collider is CapsuleCollider)
                    currentType  = ColliderType.CapsuleCollider;
                    colliderName = forObject.name + "_" + Enum.GetName(typeof(ColliderType), currentType);

                    if (lastType != ColliderType.None)
                        if (lastType != currentType)
                            colliderName = forObject.name + "_MixedColliders";

                            colliderName = forObject.name + "_" + Enum.GetName(typeof(ColliderType), currentType) + "s";

                    lastType = currentType;

                else if (collider is SphereCollider)
                    currentType  = ColliderType.SphereCollider;
                    colliderName = forObject.name + "_" + Enum.GetName(typeof(ColliderType), currentType);

                    if (lastType != ColliderType.None)
                        if (lastType != currentType)
                            colliderName = forObject.name + "_MixedColliders";

                            colliderName = forObject.name + "_" + Enum.GetName(typeof(ColliderType), currentType) + "s";

                    lastType = currentType;

                else if (collider is MeshCollider)
                    currentType  = ColliderType.MeshCollider;
                    colliderName = forObject.name + "_" + Enum.GetName(typeof(ColliderType), currentType);

                    if (lastType != ColliderType.None)
                        if (lastType != currentType)
                            colliderName = forObject.name + "_MixedColliders";

                            colliderName = forObject.name + "_" + Enum.GetName(typeof(ColliderType), currentType) + "s";

                    lastType = currentType;

            #endregion Setting name of the child collider and disabling original colliders

            colliderName = "**" + colliderName + "_DON'T DELETE**";
            GameObject childCollider = UtilityServices.DuplicateGameObject(forObject, colliderName, false, false);

            foreach (Component component in childCollider.GetComponents <Component>())
                if (component is Transform || component is Collider)


            foreach (Collider collider in forObject.GetComponents <Collider>())
                if (collider.enabled && forPosition)
                    collider.enabled = true;

                    collider.enabled = false;

            childCollider.transform.parent = forObject.transform;
            childCollider.AddComponent <CollRecognize>();

            Collider coll = forObject.GetComponent <Collider>();

            if (coll && coll is MeshCollider)
                if (newPivotPos != null)
                    //childCollider.transform.position = (Vector3)newPivotPos;

                else if (newPivotRot != null)
                    //childCollider.transform.rotation = (Quaternion)newPivotRot;

Exemplo n.º 4
        public static void RotatePivot(GameObject forObject, Quaternion newRotation, bool preserveState)

            if (!CheckObject(forObject))

            // Transform.TransformPoint and InversetransformPoint have high performance implications

            if (preserveState)
                var collRecognize   = forObject.GetComponentsInChildren <CollRecognize>();
                var navObsRecognize = forObject.GetComponentsInChildren <NavObsRecognize>();

                if (collRecognize == null || collRecognize.Length == 0)
                    GameObject childColl = UtilityServices.CreateChildCollider(forObject, false, null, newRotation);
                    if (childColl)
                        Debug.Log(string.Format("<b><i><color=#0080ffff>The Collider(s) on \"{0}\" has been disabled.Due to pivot modification colliders get incorrectly oriented.To preserve the same collider orientation as the one before pivot modification, the original collider has been added to a child GameObject \"{1}\" use that as the collider for this GameObject. Please don't delete this child object otherwise any subsequent changes made to modify pivot cannot guarantee correct collider orientation. </color></i></b>", forObject.name, childColl.name));

                if (navObsRecognize == null || navObsRecognize.Length == 0)
                    GameObject childNavObs = UtilityServices.CreateChildNavMeshObs(forObject, true);
                    if (childNavObs)
                        Debug.Log(string.Format("<b><i><color=#0080ffff>The NavMeshObstacle on \"{0}\" has been disabled.Due to pivot modifcation NavMeshObstacles get incorrectly oriented.To preserve the same orientation as the one before pivot modification, the original NavMeshObstacle has been added to a child GameObject \"{1}\" use that as the NavMeshObstacle for this GameObject. Please don't delete this child object otherwise any subsequent changes made to modify pivot cannot guarantee correct NavMeshObstacle orientation. </color></i></b>", forObject.name, childNavObs.name));

                // Save children positions before pivotal modifications
                childrenStatesBeforePivotMod = UtilityServices.SaveChildrenStates(forObject);
                // Save the postion and rotation of the collider before pivotal modification

            GameObject tempObject = new GameObject();

            tempObject.transform.parent   = forObject.transform;
            tempObject.transform.rotation = newRotation;
            Quaternion inverseRotation = Quaternion.Inverse(tempObject.transform.localRotation);

            Quaternion prevRotation = forObject.transform.rotation;


            //Vector3 oldScale = forObject.transform.localScale;
            //forObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);

            Matrix4x4 transformationMatrix = Matrix4x4.Rotate(inverseRotation);

            forObject.transform.rotation = newRotation;

            Vector3[] vertices = selectedObjectMesh.vertices;
            Vector3[] normals  = selectedObjectMesh.normals;

            //Debug.Log("submeshes count  " + forObject.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().sharedMesh.subMeshCount + "  vertex count   "  + vertices.Length);

            for (int a = 0; a < vertices.Length; a++)
                vertices[a] = transformationMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(vertices[a]);
                normals[a]  = transformationMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(normals[a]);

            selectedObjectMesh.vertices = vertices;
            selectedObjectMesh.normals  = normals;


            if (preserveState)
                // Restore children positions and rotations as they were before pivotal modifications
                //new UtilityServices().RunAfter(() => { RestoreChildrenStates(); }, new WaitForEndOfFrame);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static void MovePivot(GameObject forObject, Vector3 moveTo, bool preserveState)

            if (!CheckObject(forObject))

            NavMeshObstacle      obs   = forObject.GetComponent <NavMeshObstacle>();
            NavMeshObstacleShape shape = NavMeshObstacleShape.Box;

            if (preserveState)
                var collRecognize   = forObject.GetComponentsInChildren <CollRecognize>();
                var navObsRecognize = forObject.GetComponentsInChildren <NavObsRecognize>();

                if (collRecognize == null || collRecognize.Length == 0)
                    GameObject childColl = UtilityServices.CreateChildCollider(forObject, true, moveTo, null);
                    if (childColl)
                        Debug.Log(string.Format("<b><i><color=#0080ffff>The Collider(s) on \"{0}\" has been disabled.Due to pivot modification colliders get incorrectly oriented.To preserve the same collider orientation as the one before pivot modification, the original collider has been added to a child GameObject \"{1}\" use that as the collider for this GameObject. Please don't delete this child object otherwise any subsequent changes made to modify pivot cannot guarantee correct collider orientation. </color></i></b>", forObject.name, childColl.name));

                if (navObsRecognize == null || navObsRecognize.Length == 0)
                    GameObject childNavObs = UtilityServices.CreateChildNavMeshObs(forObject, true);
                    if (childNavObs)
                        Debug.Log(string.Format("<b><i><color=#0080ffff>The NavMeshObstacle on \"{0}\" has been disabled.Due to pivot modifcation NavMeshObstacles get incorrectly oriented.To preserve the same orientation as the one before pivot modification, the original NavMeshObstacle has been added to a child GameObject \"{1}\" use that as the NavMeshObstacle for this GameObject. Please don't delete this child object otherwise any subsequent changes made to modify pivot cannot guarantee correct NavMeshObstacle orientation. </color></i></b>", forObject.name, childNavObs.name));

                // Save children positions before pivotal modifications
                childrenStatesBeforePivotMod = UtilityServices.SaveChildrenStates(forObject);

                // Save the position and rotation of the collider before pivotal modification
                collStateBeforeMod = UtilityServices.SaveColliderState(forObject);

                if (obs)
                    shape = obs.shape;
                    if (shape == NavMeshObstacleShape.Box)
                        obs.shape = NavMeshObstacleShape.Capsule;
                        obs.shape = NavMeshObstacleShape.Box;

            Vector3[] vertices = selectedObjectMesh.vertices;

            //Vector3 objCenterWorldSpace = selectedObject.transform.TransformPoint(selectedObjCenterLocalSpace);   // The world space position where the pivot will be moved and centered to the object

            Vector3 pivotOffsetLocalSpace = forObject.transform.InverseTransformVector(forObject.transform.position - moveTo);

            Matrix4x4 transformationMatrix = Matrix4x4.Translate(pivotOffsetLocalSpace);

            //var stopWatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();

            for (int a = 0; a < vertices.Length; a++)
                vertices[a] = transformationMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(vertices[a]);

            //UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Editor time for pivot centralization  " + stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds + "  for iterations  " + vertices.Length);

            selectedObjectMesh.vertices = vertices;    //Assign the vertex array back to the mesh


            forObject.transform.position = moveTo;   // Move the object to the previous position

            if (preserveState)
                if (obs)
                    obs.shape = shape;

                UtilityServices.RestoreColliderState(forObject, collStateBeforeMod);
                // Restore children positions and rotations as they were before pivotal modifications
                //new UtilityServices().RunAfter(()=> { RestoreChildrenStates();  }, new WaitForEndOfFrame);