public void Dispose()
            // If we have a cached entity, it must be a POST request.
            if (cachedEntity != null)
                // Get the new entity from the Entity Framework object state manager.
                ObjectStateEntry entry = this.context.ObjectStateManager.GetObjectStateEntry(cachedEntity);

                if (entry.State == System.Data.EntityState.Unchanged)
                    // Since the entity was created successfully, move the temp file into the
                    // storage directory and rename the file based on the new entity key.
                    File.Move(tempFile, imageFilePath + "image" + cachedEntity.PhotoId.ToString());

                    // Delete the temp file.
                    // A problem must have occurred when saving the entity to the database,
                    // so we should delete the entity and temp file.

                    throw new DataServiceException("An error occurred. The photo could not be saved.");
        public void Dispose()
            // If we have a cached entity, it must be a POST request.
            if (cachedEntity != null)
                string newImageFileName      = imageFilePath + "image" + cachedEntity.PhotoId.ToString();
                string newImageThumbnailName =
                    imageFilePath + "image" + cachedEntity.PhotoId.ToString() + "_thumb";

                // Get the new entity from the Entity Framework object state manager.
                ObjectStateEntry entry = this.context.ObjectStateManager.GetObjectStateEntry(cachedEntity);

                if (entry.State == System.Data.EntityState.Unchanged)
                    // Since the entity was created successfully, move the temp file into the
                    // storage directory and rename the file based on the new entity key.
                    File.Move(tempFile, newImageFileName);

                    // Delete the temp file.

                    // Create a bitmap for the new image.
                    Bitmap newImage = new Bitmap(newImageFileName);

                    // Generate the 100px thumbnail of the image.
                    Image thumbnail = newImage.GetThumbnailImage(100, 100, null, IntPtr.Zero);

                    // Save the thumbnail.
                    // A problem must have occurred when saving the entity to the database,
                    // so we should delete the entity and temp file.

                    throw new DataServiceException("An error occurred. The photo could not be saved.");