Exemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// sets the data from the dataStruct into the dataList vector, returns false if id is too big
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dataStruct">Structure containing data to set</param>
 /// <param name="id">Image id to set data of</param>
 /// <returns>True/False whether image is valid and data was set</returns>
 public bool setData(pictureData dataStruct, int id)
     if (id >= dataList.Count)
         dataList[id] = dataStruct;
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Function is called when importing a picture, where path is the picture's path
        /// Copies the pic to a new photos folder
        /// Compares pictires if a duplicate name exists
        /// adds the image to the datalist
        /// sets a default description to nothing
        /// Zach & Cavan
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">Path to picture to import</param>
        /// <param name="allImages">List of all current images</param>
        public void addPhoto(string path, ref List <Utilities.AllImagesInfo> allImages)
            int    totalImages = allImages.Count;
            string newPath;
            bool   alreadyExists = false;
            string dateAdded     = Utilities.getTimeStamp();
            string imageName     = Utilities.getNameFromPath(path);
            string calculateMD5  = Utilities.CalculateMD5(path);

            Utilities.AllImagesInfo newImage;
            pictureData             image = new pictureData();

            newPath = directory + photoFolder + "\\" + imageName + Path.GetExtension(path);
            //Checks to see if a pic with the same name exists, checks if it exists then compare the pics
                for (int i = 0; i < totalImages; i++)
                    if (allImages[i].MD5 == calculateMD5)
                        alreadyExists = true;
                        newPath       = allImages[i].path;

                if (!alreadyExists)                                     //if the md5 was not found
                    if (File.Exists(newPath))                           //check to see if a file w/ the same name exists
                        newPath = Utilities.getAppendName(newPath);     //append a number to the end of it
                    new Thread(() => copyImage(path, newPath)).Start(); //copy that image over to our photos directory in a new thread

                newImage.path      = newPath;
                newImage.MD5       = calculateMD5;
                image.description  = "";
                image.dateAdded    = dateAdded;
                image.dateModified = dateAdded;
                image.MD5          = calculateMD5;
                image.path         = newPath;
                image.name         = imageName;
                image.id           = Utilities.getIdFromInt(dataList.Count);
            catch { }
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the album information from a .abm(XML format) file and adds information to a query
        /// then, the datalist vector will get each pictures information
        /// Zach
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="albumName">Name of album to open</param>
        /// <returns>Whether album was successfuly opened</returns>
        public bool loadAlbum(string albumName)
            pictureData PicData = new pictureData();
            //if fails to get or read file
            //return false;
            XDocument xdoc = new XDocument();

                xdoc = XDocument.Load(albumName);
            //Run query, only header item is the album name. children contains all pciture information
            var Albums = from AlbumInfo in xdoc.Descendants("AlbumInfo")
                         select new
                Header   = AlbumInfo.Attribute("name").Value,
                Children = AlbumInfo.Descendants("PictureInfo")

            //Loop through results and add the info to the datalist for each picture
            foreach (var albumInfo in Albums)
                foreach (var PictureInfo in albumInfo.Children)
                    PicData.id           = PictureInfo.Attribute("id").Value;
                    PicData.path         = PictureInfo.Attribute("path").Value;
                    PicData.name         = PictureInfo.Attribute("name").Value;
                    PicData.description  = PictureInfo.Attribute("description").Value;
                    PicData.MD5          = PictureInfo.Attribute("md5").Value;
                    PicData.dateAdded    = PictureInfo.Attribute("dateAdded").Value;
                    PicData.dateModified = PictureInfo.Attribute("dateModified").Value;
                    PicData.albumPath    = albumName;
            //read and load xml data into dataList
            _filePath         = albumName;
            _currentAlbumName = albumName;

Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Function is used to get picture info from and element in the datalist
        /// The id of the picture is sent and the info for that pic is returned
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">ID of picture to retrieve data of</param>
        /// <returns>Data retrieved</returns>
        public pictureData getData(int id)
            pictureData tempData = new pictureData();

            tempData.name        = "";
            tempData.id          = "0";
            tempData.path        = "";
            tempData.description = "";
            //if invalid id is received
            if (id >= dataList.Count)
                tempData = dataList[id];
Exemplo n.º 5
 //Sets current photo. Passed pictureData structure
 public void setData(pictureData data)
     photoData = data;
Exemplo n.º 6
 /// <summary>
 /// sets the data from the dataStruct into the dataList vector, returns false if id is too big
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dataStruct">Structure containing data to set</param>
 /// <param name="id">Image id to set data of</param>
 /// <returns>True/False whether image is valid and data was set</returns>
 public bool setData(pictureData dataStruct, int id)
     if (id >= dataList.Count)
         return false;
         dataList[id] = dataStruct;
         return true;
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Function is called when importing a picture, where path is the picture's path
        /// Copies the pic to a new photos folder
        /// Compares pictires if a duplicate name exists
        /// adds the image to the datalist
        /// sets a default description to nothing
        /// Zach & Cavan
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">Path to picture to import</param>
        /// <param name="allImages">List of all current images</param>
        public void addPhoto(string path, ref List<Utilities.AllImagesInfo> allImages)
            int totalImages = allImages.Count;
            string newPath;
            bool alreadyExists = false;
            string dateAdded = Utilities.getTimeStamp();
            string imageName = Utilities.getNameFromPath(path);
            string calculateMD5 = Utilities.CalculateMD5(path);
            Utilities.AllImagesInfo newImage;
            pictureData image = new pictureData();

            newPath = directory + photoFolder + "\\" + imageName + Path.GetExtension(path);
            //Checks to see if a pic with the same name exists, checks if it exists then compare the pics
                for (int i = 0; i < totalImages; i++)
                    if (allImages[i].MD5 == calculateMD5)
                        alreadyExists = true;
                        newPath = allImages[i].path;

                if (!alreadyExists) //if the md5 was not found
                    if (File.Exists(newPath)) //check to see if a file w/ the same name exists
                        newPath = Utilities.getAppendName(newPath); //append a number to the end of it
                    new Thread(() => copyImage(path, newPath)).Start(); //copy that image over to our photos directory in a new thread

                newImage.path = newPath;
                newImage.MD5 = calculateMD5;
                image.description = "";
                image.dateAdded = dateAdded;
                image.dateModified = dateAdded;
                image.MD5 = calculateMD5;
                image.path = newPath;
                image.name = imageName;
                image.id = Utilities.getIdFromInt(dataList.Count);
            catch { }
Exemplo n.º 8
 /// <summary>
 /// Function is used to get picture info from and element in the datalist
 /// The id of the picture is sent and the info for that pic is returned
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="id">ID of picture to retrieve data of</param>
 /// <returns>Data retrieved</returns>
 public pictureData getData(int id)
     pictureData tempData = new pictureData();
     tempData.name = "";
     tempData.id = "0";
     tempData.path = "";
     tempData.description = "";
     //if invalid id is received
     if (id >= dataList.Count)
         return tempData;
         tempData = dataList[id];
         return tempData;
Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the album information from a .abm(XML format) file and adds information to a query
        /// then, the datalist vector will get each pictures information
        /// Zach
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="albumName">Name of album to open</param>
        /// <returns>Whether album was successfuly opened</returns>
        public bool loadAlbum(string albumName)
            pictureData PicData = new pictureData();
            //if fails to get or read file
            //return false;
            XDocument xdoc = new XDocument();
                xdoc = XDocument.Load(albumName);
                return false;
            //Run query, only header item is the album name. children contains all pciture information
            var Albums = from AlbumInfo in xdoc.Descendants("AlbumInfo")
                       select new
                           Header = AlbumInfo.Attribute("name").Value,
                           Children = AlbumInfo.Descendants("PictureInfo")
            //Loop through results and add the info to the datalist for each picture
            foreach (var albumInfo in Albums)
                foreach (var PictureInfo in albumInfo.Children)
                    PicData.id = PictureInfo.Attribute("id").Value;
                    PicData.path = PictureInfo.Attribute("path").Value;
                    PicData.name = PictureInfo.Attribute("name").Value;
                    PicData.description = PictureInfo.Attribute("description").Value;
                    PicData.MD5 = PictureInfo.Attribute("md5").Value;
                    PicData.dateAdded = PictureInfo.Attribute("dateAdded").Value;
                    PicData.dateModified = PictureInfo.Attribute("dateModified").Value;
                    PicData.albumPath = albumName;
            //read and load xml data into dataList
            _filePath = albumName;
            _currentAlbumName = albumName;

            return true;
Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Ceate New Panel thumbnail
        /// Parameters: accepts picturedata struct
        /// Creates a new panel, sets its picture data, and sets background image to scaled down image from file
        /// Returns thumbnial panel
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="imageData">Picture data to use for thumbnail</param>
        /// <param name="id">ID of picture to find</param>
        /// <returns>New thumbnail panel to be inserted</returns>
        private Panel getNewThumbnail(ref pictureData imageData, int id)
            Panel newPanel = new Panel();
            newPanel.Visible = false;
            newPanel.Name = "panel" + imageData.id;
            newPanel.Size = frameSize;
            newPanel.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Zoom;

            //Attempts to load background Image. If fail, loads a default image and updates description
                Image tempImage = Image.FromFile(imageData.path);
                //imageData.size = tempImage.Size;
                //_albumData.setData(imageData, id);
                imageData.size.Height = tempImage.Height;
                imageData.size.Width = tempImage.Width;
                newPanel.BackgroundImage = Utilities.ScalImage(tempImage, new Size(frameSize.Width, frameSize.Height));
                //imageData.size = newPanel.BackgroundImage.Size;
                newPanel.BackgroundImage = Resources.Resource1.warning;
                //imageData.size = new Size(0, 0);
                if (!imageData.description.Contains("File not found"))
                    imageData.description = "File not found\n\n" + imageData.description;
                //_albumData.setData(imageData, id);
            //Panel event handlers
            newPanel.MouseClick += new System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler(this.panel_MouseClick);
            newPanel.MouseDoubleClick += new System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler(this.panel_MouseDoubleClick);

            return newPanel;
Exemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Thumbnail click event
        /// Shows border panel around clicked panel. Sets current photo. enables and populates picture info panel
        /// Focusses thumbnail panel for delete button catching
        /// Calls selectNode method
        /// If right clicked also shows the context menu
        /// Cavan & Zach
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void panel_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left || e.Button == MouseButtons.Right)
                _panel_CurrentPanel.BackColor = color_backColor;
                Panel p = sender as Panel;
                string id = p.Name.Substring(p.Name.Length - 3, 3); //get id
                //currentId = Convert.ToInt32(id);
                //Set border panel
                panel_Border.Location = new Point((p.Location.X - (_frameWidth / 20 + 2)), (p.Location.Y - (_frameWidth / 20)) - 3);
                _pictureDataStored = _albumData.getData(Convert.ToInt32(id)); //get album data
                _currentPhoto.setData(_pictureDataStored); //Sets current photo properties

                //Set picture info panel
                textBox_Name.Text = _pictureDataStored.name;
                //picViewPath = pictureDataStored.path;
                richTextBox_Description.Text = _pictureDataStored.description;
                label_picSize.Text = _pictureDataStored.size.Width + " x " + _pictureDataStored.size.Height + " pixels";

                p.BackColor = panel_Border.BackColor; //reset last thubmnail backcolor

                _panel_CurrentPanel = p;
                p.Focus(); //so delete key works
                panel_PictureData.Enabled = true;
                removeToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = true;
                selectTreeNode(Convert.ToInt32(id)); //update list view
                label_NameError.Visible = false;

            //Show context menu
            if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right)
                //fileNameToolStripMenuItem.Text = currentPhoto.name;
                fileNameToolStripMenuItem.Visible = false;
                toolStripSeparator_Picture.Visible = false;
                contextMenuStrip_Picture.Show(Cursor.Position.X, Cursor.Position.Y);
Exemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Picture list tree node click
        /// Updates picture data panel with picture info. Sets current panel and find corresponding panel
        /// Sets border and thubmnails for thumbnail view
        /// calls select node method
        /// Cavan & Zach
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void treeView_Pictures_NodeMouseClick(object sender, TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs e)
            if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left || e.Button == MouseButtons.Right)
                //Get data
                int id = e.Node.Index;

                if (_filterList == null)
                    _pictureDataStored = _albumData.getData(Convert.ToInt32(id));
                    _pictureDataStored = _filterList[Convert.ToInt32(id)];

                //Set data panel
                textBox_Name.Text = _pictureDataStored.name;
                richTextBox_Description.Text = _pictureDataStored.description;
                label_picSize.Text = _pictureDataStored.size.Width + ", " + _pictureDataStored.size.Height;
                panel_PictureData.Enabled = true;
                removeToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = true;
                label_NameError.Visible = false;
                _panel_CurrentPanel.BackColor = panel1.BackColor;
                //Finds panel based on id and sets border and current panel so both views match
                foreach (Panel value in panel1.Controls)
                    if (value.Name == ("panel" + Utilities.getIdFromInt(id)))
                        _panel_CurrentPanel = value;
                        _panel_CurrentPanel.Name = "panel" + Utilities.getIdFromInt(id);
                        panel_Border.Location = new Point((value.Location.X - (_frameWidth / 20 + 2)), (value.Location.Y - (_frameWidth / 20)) - 3);
                        _panel_CurrentPanel.BackColor = panel_Border.BackColor;

            //Show context menu
            if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right)
                fileNameToolStripMenuItem.Text = _currentPhoto.name;
                fileNameToolStripMenuItem.Visible = true;
                toolStripSeparator_Picture.Visible = true;
                treeView_Pictures.SelectedNode = e.Node;
                contextMenuStrip_Picture.Show(Cursor.Position.X, Cursor.Position.Y);
Exemplo n.º 13
 /// <summary>
 /// Displays the thumbnails in the current picture list
 /// Brandon
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="picList">List of thumnails to display</param>
 private void showThumbnail(List<pictureData> picList)
     pictureData picData = new pictureData();
     int loopCount = picList.Count;
     Panel tempPanel;
         for (int i = 0; i < loopCount; i++)
             //If panel is already added, skip it (mainly for when inporting pictures)
             //if (panel1.Controls.Find("panel" + Utilities.getIdFromInt(i), false).Count() > 0)
             //    continue;
             picData = picList[i];
             tempPanel = getNewThumbnail(ref picData, i); //Create new panel
             picList[i] = picData; //reset the picList[i] with the picData changed in the thumbnail - we update the photo dimensions
             tempPanel.Location = getFrameLocation(i); //Sets panel position from frame variables
             this.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate()
                 tempPanel.Show();  //Still shares reference with panel1.Controls element, so this change affects that one
                 panel1.Controls.Add(tempPanel); //Add panel to main panel
                 //label4.Text = "Processing Images " + i.ToString() + "/" + loopCount.ToString();
         handleError("Unable to show thumbnails.");
Exemplo n.º 14
 /// <summary>
 /// Rename Picture method
 /// Checks for invalid names and updates picture data. Notifyes user of success or failure
 /// Cavan
 /// </summary>
 private void renamePicture()
     //Check for invalid characters or blank name. If invalid, show error message
     if (textBox_Name.Text.Trim() != "" && Utilities.isStringValid(textBox_Name.Text))
         //Valid name, update picture data
         _currentPhoto.name = textBox_Name.Text;
         string id = _panel_CurrentPanel.Name.Substring(_panel_CurrentPanel.Name.Length - 3, 3); //get id
         _pictureDataStored = _albumData.getData(Convert.ToInt32(id));
         textBox_Name.Text = textBox_Name.Text.Trim(); //trim spaces
         _pictureDataStored.name = textBox_Name.Text;
         _albumData.setData(_pictureDataStored, Convert.ToInt32(id));
         //Notify user of success
         label_NameError.ForeColor = Color.Green;
         label_NameError.Text = "Update successful";
         label_NameError.Visible = true;
         label_NameError.Text = "Invalid Name";
         label_NameError.ForeColor = Color.DarkRed;
         label_NameError.Visible = true;
Exemplo n.º 15
 //Sets current photo. Passed pictureData structure
 public void setData(pictureData data)
     photoData = data;
Exemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// If images are modified, make sure they are saved and that main form
        /// will be updated appropriately
        /// </summary>
        private void saveModifiedImage()
            bool              gifContinue = true;
            string            imageID;
            string            imagePath;
            string            newPath;
            string            newMD5;
            string            newModified;
            modifiedImageInfo holder;

            List <Utilities.AllImagesInfo> allImages;

                if (_isModifiedCurrent && MessageBox.Show("Would you like to save the changes you have made?", "Confirm Save", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes)
                    if (System.IO.Path.GetExtension(_pictureList[_currentImage].path) == ".gif" && MessageBox.Show("You appear to be rotating a .GIF image. If there is animation in your GIF file, the animation will not be saved after being rotate. Are you sure you want to continue?", "Confirm", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information) == DialogResult.No)
                        gifContinue = false;

                    if (gifContinue)
                        allImages = Utilities.getAllImageInfo();
                        imagePath = _pictureList[_currentImage].path;
                        imageID   = _pictureList[_currentImage].id;

                        if (allImages.FindAll(s => s.path == imagePath).Count > 1) //if photo exists multiple times
                            newPath = Utilities.getAppendName(imagePath);
                            newPath = imagePath;

                            XDocument xdoc = new XDocument();
                            xdoc = XDocument.Load(_pictureList[_currentImage].albumPath);
                            var Albums = from AlbumInfo in xdoc.Elements("Album").Elements("AlbumInfo").Elements("PictureInfo") select AlbumInfo;

                            foreach (XElement picture in Albums)
                                if (picture.Attribute("id").Value == imageID)
                                    newMD5      = Utilities.CalculateMD5(newPath);
                                    newModified = Utilities.getTimeStamp();
                                    picture.Attribute("path").Value         = newPath;
                                    picture.Attribute("md5").Value          = newMD5;
                                    picture.Attribute("dateModified").Value = newModified;
                                    pictureData temp = _pictureList[_currentImage];
                                    temp.path                   = newPath;
                                    temp.MD5                    = newMD5;
                                    temp.dateModified           = newModified;
                                    _pictureList[_currentImage] = temp;
                            MessageBox.Show("you gone done sumthin wrong");

                        _isModifiedCurrent = false;
                        _isModified        = true;
                        _totalFlips        = 0;
                        holder.path        = newPath;
                        holder.id          = "panel" + imageID;
                        _isModifiedCurrent = false;
                    _isModifiedCurrent = false;
            catch (Exception e)
                MessageBox.Show("Sorry but an error has occurred while saving your image.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                Console.WriteLine("Error: " + e.Message);