Exemplo n.º 1
        public void Randomize(string population)
            var random = new Random();
            var newSNPToGenotypeMap = new Dictionary <string, SNPGenotype>();

            foreach (var pair in SNPDatabaseManager.localDatabase.snpToInfoMap)
                // Chose a random genotype, weighted according to the specified population frequency.
                var randomFraction = random.NextDouble();
                foreach (var genotypeInfo in pair.Value.genotypes)
                    // Determine the frequency for this genotype in the specified population.
                    var populationFrequency = 1.0 / (double)pair.Value.genotypes.Length;
                    if (genotypeInfo.populationFrequencies.ContainsKey(population))
                        populationFrequency = genotypeInfo.populationFrequencies[population];

                    // Randomly decide whether to use this genotype.
                    if (randomFraction > populationFrequency)
                        randomFraction -= populationFrequency;
                        var newValue = new SNPGenotype();
                        newValue.genotype    = genotypeInfo.genotype;
                        newValue.orientation = pair.Value.orientation;
                        newSNPToGenotypeMap.Add(pair.Key, newValue);
            snpToGenotypeMap = newSNPToGenotypeMap;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static SNPGenotype Read(BinaryReader reader)
            var result = new SNPGenotype();

            result.orientation = (Orientation)reader.ReadByte();
            result.genotype    = DiploidGenotype.Read(reader);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static SNPGenotype ReadLegacy(BinaryReader reader)
            var result            = new SNPGenotype();
            var legacyGenotype    = DiploidGenotype.Read(reader);
            var legacyOrientation = reader.ReadByte();

            result.orientation = Orientation.Plus;
            result.genotype    = DiploidGenotype.Read(reader);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void AddSNPValue(string id, SNPGenotype value)
            // Always store the SNP value with the lower-case SNP ID.
            id = id.ToLowerInvariant();

            if (snpToGenotypeMap.ContainsKey(id))
                // If there SNP value is already in the database, ensure this data doesn't conflict with it.
                SNPGenotype oldValue = snpToGenotypeMap[id];
                // Add the SNP value to the database.
                snpToGenotypeMap.Add(id, value);
        public IndividualGenomeDatabase Read()
            // Initialize the database.
            var database = new IndividualGenomeDatabase();

            // Read the table of SNP genotypes.
                delegate(string[] columns)
                if (columns.Length == 4)
                    // Parse a column of this format: rs#	chromosome	position	genotype
                    var snpId            = columns[0];
                    var snpValue         = new SNPGenotype();
                    snpValue.genotype    = DNA.StringToDiploidGenotype(columns[3]);
                    snpValue.orientation = Orientation.Plus;

                    // Add the SNP genotype to the database.
                    database.AddSNPValue(snpId, snpValue);
        public IndividualGenomeDatabase Read()
            // Initialize the database.
            var database = new IndividualGenomeDatabase();

            // Read the table of SNP genotypes.
                delegate(string[] columns)
                if (columns.Length == 6)
                    // Parse a column of this format: rs4477212,A/G,1,72017,+,AA
                    var snpId            = columns[0];
                    var snpValue         = new SNPGenotype();
                    snpValue.genotype    = DNA.StringToDiploidGenotype(columns[5]);
                    snpValue.orientation = DNA.StringToOrientation(columns[4]);

                    // Add the SNP genotype to the database.
                    database.AddSNPValue(snpId, snpValue);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public static GenomeLoadResult Load(Stream stream, string password, ref IndividualGenomeDatabase outResult)
            var reader = new BinaryReader(stream);

            // Read the file magic and version.
            char[] fileMagic = reader.ReadChars(referenceFileMagic.Length);

            // If the file doesn't have the expected magic header, abort and return an error.
            bool bFileHasMagic       = Utilities.ArrayCompare(fileMagic, referenceFileMagic);
            bool bFileHasLegacyMagic = Utilities.ArrayCompare(fileMagic, referenceFileMagicLegacy);

            if (!bFileHasMagic && !bFileHasLegacyMagic)

            // The encryption system doesn't handle short passwords gracefully, so extend them to 16 characters with spaces.
            password = password.PadRight(16, ' ');

            // Read the saved password hash from the file, and compare it to the hash of the password we're trying to load with.
            // This can't be done by saving some magic header inside the encrypted part of the file, as the CryptoStream will crash when decrypting with the wrong password.
            byte[] passwordASCII     = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(password);
            byte[] passwordHash      = (new SHA512Managed()).ComputeHash(passwordASCII);
            byte[] savedPasswordHash = reader.ReadBytes(passwordHash.Length);
            if (!Utilities.ArrayCompare(passwordHash, savedPasswordHash))

            // Read the initialization vector.
            byte[] initializationVector = reader.ReadBytes(16);

            // Create a decrypting stream to read the encrypted data from the file.
            reader = new BinaryReader(
                new CryptoStream(

            // Create the genome database that's about to be loaded.
            outResult          = new IndividualGenomeDatabase();
            outResult.password = password;

            // Read SNPs until the end of the file.
            while (stream.Position < stream.Length)
                // Read a SNP ID and value pair, and add them to the database.
                var         Key = reader.ReadString();
                SNPGenotype Genotype;
                if (bFileHasLegacyMagic)
                    Genotype = SNPGenotype.ReadLegacy(reader);
                    Genotype = SNPGenotype.Read(reader);
                outResult.AddSNPValue(Key, Genotype);
