Exemplo n.º 1
        private void GenerateMatrices(string[,] values, out string error)
            error = "";
                if (values == null)
                RowCount             = values.GetLength(0) - 1;
                ColCount             = values.GetLength(1) - 1;
                QuantificationMatrix = new double[RowCount, ColCount];
                NormalizedMatrix     = new double[RowCount, ColCount];

                WildTypePeptide = new string('X', PermutationXAxis ? RowCount : ColCount);

                #region Generate permutation, position, and NormBy arrays
                if (PermutationXAxis)
                    NormBy = new double[RowCount];
                    for (int iRow = 1; iRow <= RowCount; iRow++)
                        NormBy[iRow - 1] = 0;
                    Permutation      = new char[ColCount];
                    PositionCaptions = new string[RowCount];
                    for (int iCol = 1; iCol <= ColCount; iCol++)
                        string s = values[0, iCol].Trim();
                        if (AminoAcids.GetAminoAcid(s[0]) == null)
                            error = "Not a valid permutation string";
                        Permutation[iCol - 1] = s[0];
                    //PositionYAxisTopToBottom is not used in setting the position captions. What user sees should not change. Use it only during the motif generation
                    for (int iRow = 1; iRow <= RowCount; iRow++)
                        string s = values[iRow, 0].Trim();
                        PositionCaptions[iRow - 1] = s;
                else //if(PermutationYAxis)
                    NormBy = new double[ColCount];
                    for (int iCol = 1; iCol <= ColCount; iCol++)
                        NormBy[iCol - 1] = 0;
                    Permutation      = new char[RowCount];
                    PositionCaptions = new string[ColCount];
                    for (int iRow = 1; iRow <= RowCount; iRow++)
                        string s = values[iRow, 0].Trim();
                        if (AminoAcids.GetAminoAcid(s[0]) == null)
                            error = "Not a valid permutation string";
                        Permutation[iRow - 1] = s[0];
                    for (int iCol = 1; iCol <= ColCount; iCol++)
                        string s = values[0, iCol].Trim();
                        PositionCaptions[iCol - 1] = s;

                //Generate Matrices and Normalization values
                for (int iRow = 0; iRow < RowCount; iRow++)
                    for (int iCol = 0; iCol < ColCount; iCol++)
                        double d = 0;
                        if (double.TryParse(values[iRow + 1, iCol + 1], out d))
                            QuantificationMatrix[iRow, iCol] = d;
                        else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(values[iRow + 1, iCol + 1]))
                            d = 0;
                            error = "Wrongly formatted data.";

                        if (PermutationXAxis)
                            NormBy[iRow] = Math.Max(d, NormBy[iRow]);
                            NormBy[iCol] = Math.Max(d, NormBy[iCol]);

                for (int iRow = 0; iRow < RowCount; iRow++)
                    for (int iCol = 0; iCol < ColCount; iCol++)
                        double normby = PermutationXAxis ? NormBy[iRow] : NormBy[iCol];
                        if (normby != 0)
                            NormalizedMatrix[iRow, iCol] = QuantificationMatrix[iRow, iCol] / normby;
                NormalizationValue = NormBy.Max();
            catch (Exception exc)
                error = "Unhandled exception: " + exc.Message;
Exemplo n.º 2
        private Bitmap GetLetterImage(Char c, int width, int height, Color color)
            if (width <= 0 || height <= 0)

            var scaledBitmap = new Bitmap(width, height);

            Bitmap bmp = Settings.GetAminoAcidImage(c, color != Common.ColorNegative);

            if (bmp != null)
                    var        sourceRectangle      = SelectFilledPixels(bmp);
                    RectangleF destinationRectangle = new RectangleF(0, 0, width, height);

                    using (var destination = Graphics.FromImage(scaledBitmap))
                        destination.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
                        destination.DrawImage(bmp, destinationRectangle, sourceRectangle, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
                catch (Exception exc) { }
            var initialFontSize = (int)(Math.Max(width, height) / 1.5);

            var fullSizeBitmap = new Bitmap(initialFontSize * 2, initialFontSize * 2);

            using (var source = Graphics.FromImage(fullSizeBitmap))
                using (var destination = Graphics.FromImage(scaledBitmap))
                    using (var font = new Font("Arial", initialFontSize, FontStyle.Bold))
                        using (var brush = new SolidBrush(color))
                            source.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, 0, 0, fullSizeBitmap.Width, fullSizeBitmap.Height);
                            AminoAcid aa = AminoAcids.GetAminoAcid(c); //aa?.MolecularWeight.ToString() ??
                            //source.DrawString(c=='X'?"X":aa?.pI.ToString(), font, brush, 0, 0);
                            source.DrawString(c.ToString(), font, brush, 0, 0);

                            var        sourceRectangle = SelectFilledPixels(fullSizeBitmap);
                            RectangleF destinationRectangle;
                            if (c == 'I')
                                double newwidth = 5 * sourceRectangle.Width * height / sourceRectangle.Height;
                                if (newwidth > width / 3)
                                    newwidth = width / 3;
                                destinationRectangle = new RectangleF((int)(width - newwidth) / 2, 0, (int)newwidth, height);
                                destinationRectangle = new RectangleF(0, 0, width, height);

                            destination.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
                            destination.DrawImage(fullSizeBitmap, destinationRectangle, sourceRectangle, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);

Exemplo n.º 3
        private void GenerateMatrices(string[,] values, out List <string> warnings, out string error)
            error    = "";
            warnings = new List <string>();
            if (values == null)
                RowCount             = values.GetLength(0) - 1;
                ColCount             = values.GetLength(1) - 1;
                PeptideMatrix        = new string[RowCount, ColCount];
                QuantificationMatrix = new double[RowCount, ColCount];
                NormalizedMatrix     = new double[RowCount, ColCount];

                bool nswwarning = false;
                bool nspwarning = false;
                //Generate Permutation and Wildtype arrays
                if (PermutationXAxis)
                    NormBy = new double[RowCount];
                    for (int iRow = 1; iRow <= RowCount; iRow++)
                        string s = values[iRow, 0].Trim();
                        if (AminoAcids.GetAminoAcid(s[0]) == null)
                            if (s.Length == 1)
                                if (!nswwarning)
                                    warnings.Add("Non-standard amino acid in wildtype peptide.");
                                nswwarning = true;
                                error = "Not a valid wildtype peptide";
                        if (WildTypeYAxisTopToBottom)
                            WildTypePeptide += s[0];
                            WildTypePeptide = s[0] + WildTypePeptide; //read from bottom to top
                    Permutation = new char[ColCount];
                    for (int iCol = 1; iCol <= ColCount; iCol++)
                        string s = values[0, iCol].Trim();
                        if (AminoAcids.GetAminoAcid(s[0]) == null)
                            if (s.Length == 1)
                                if (!nspwarning)
                                    warnings.Add("Non-standard amino acid in permutation string.");
                                nspwarning = true;
                                error = "Not a valid permutation string";
                        Permutation[iCol - 1] = s[0];
                else //if(PermutationYAxis)
                    NormBy = new double[ColCount];
                    for (int iCol = 1; iCol <= ColCount; iCol++)
                        string s = values[0, iCol].Trim();
                        if (AminoAcids.GetAminoAcid(s[0]) == null)
                            if (s.Length == 1)
                                if (!nswwarning)
                                    warnings.Add("Non-standard amino acid in wildtype peptide.");
                                nswwarning = true;
                                error = "Not a valid wildtype peptide";
                        WildTypePeptide += s[0];

                    Permutation = new char[RowCount];
                    for (int iRow = 1; iRow <= RowCount; iRow++)
                        string s = values[iRow, 0].Trim();
                        if (AminoAcids.GetAminoAcid(s[0]) == null)
                            if (s.Length == 1)
                                if (!nspwarning)
                                    warnings.Add("Non-standard amino acid in permutation string.");
                                nspwarning = true;
                                error = "Not a valid permutation string";
                        Permutation[iRow - 1] = s[0];

                //Generate Matrices and Normalization values
                int wtl = WildTypePeptide.Length;

                int    counter   = 0;
                double totalNorm = 0;
                for (int iRow = 0; iRow < RowCount; iRow++)
                    for (int iCol = 0; iCol < ColCount; iCol++)
                        if (double.TryParse(values[iRow + 1, iCol + 1], out double d))
                            QuantificationMatrix[iRow, iCol] = d;
                        else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(values[iRow + 1, iCol + 1]))
                            d = 0;
                            error = "Wrongly formatted data.";

                        if (PermutationXAxis) //wildTypeYAxis
                            if (WildTypeYAxisTopToBottom)
                                PeptideMatrix[iRow, iCol] = (iRow >= 1 ? WildTypePeptide.Substring(0, iRow) : "") + Permutation[iCol] + (iRow < WildTypePeptide.Length - 1 ? WildTypePeptide.Substring(iRow + 1) : "");
                            else  //from bottom to top
                                PeptideMatrix[iRow, iCol] = (iRow < wtl - 1 ? WildTypePeptide.Substring(0, wtl - iRow - 1) : "") + Permutation[iCol] + (iRow > 0 ? WildTypePeptide.Substring(wtl - iRow) : "");
                            PeptideMatrix[iRow, iCol] = (iCol >= 1 ? WildTypePeptide.Substring(0, iCol) : "") + Permutation[iRow] + (iCol < WildTypePeptide.Length - 1 ? WildTypePeptide.Substring(iCol + 1) : "");

                        if (PeptideMatrix[iRow, iCol] == WildTypePeptide)
                            if (d > 0)
                                totalNorm += d;
                            if (PermutationXAxis)
                                NormBy[iRow] = d;
                                NormBy[iCol] = d;
                if (counter > 0 && counter < NormBy.GetLength(0)) //fill the blanks with average
                    for (int i = 0; i < NormBy.GetLength(0); i++)
                        if (NormBy[i] < 0.0001)
                            NormBy[i] = totalNorm / counter;
                NormalizationValue = totalNorm / counter;
            catch (Exception exc)
                error = "Unhandled exception: " + exc.Message;