Exemplo n.º 1
        //Find closest point on closest obstacle
        private static Vector3 FindClosestObstaclePos(Vector3 pathPos, List <Obstacle> obstacles)
            Vector3 closest = Vector3.zero;

            float closestDistSqr = float.MaxValue;

            for (int i = 0; i < obstacles.Count; i++)
                //Alternative 1. Center of obstacle
                //Is not always working because obstacles may have different size
                //Vector3 obstaclePos = obstacles[i].centerPos;

                //Alternative 2. closest point on obstacle edges
                Vector3 obstaclePos = ObstaclesDetection.FindClosestPointOnObstacle(obstacles[i], pathPos);

                float distSqr = (obstaclePos - pathPos).sqrMagnitude;

                if (distSqr < closestDistSqr)
                    closestDistSqr = distSqr;

                    closest = obstaclePos;

        // Find which cells are blocked by a rectangle if we know one of the cells
        public static HashSet <IntVector2> FindCellsOccupiedByRectangle(Rectangle rectangle, IntVector2 occupiedCell, Map map)
            //We can use a flood-fill algorithm to find the other cells that intersects with the obstacle
            HashSet <IntVector2> occupiedCells = new HashSet <IntVector2>();

            Queue <IntVector2> cellsToCheck = new Queue <IntVector2>();


            int safety = 0;

            while (cellsToCheck.Count > 0)
                if (safety > 100000)
                    Debug.Log("Stuck in infinite loop when finding which cells are occupied by a rectangle");


                IntVector2 currentCell = cellsToCheck.Dequeue();


                //Check neighbors
                IntVector2[] delta = HelpStuff.delta;

                for (int j = 0; j < delta.Length; j++)
                    IntVector2 testCell = new IntVector2(currentCell.x + delta[j].x, currentCell.z + delta[j].z);

                    //Is this cell outside the map?
                    if (!(testCell.x > 0 && testCell.x < map.MapWidth && testCell.z > 0 && testCell.z < map.MapWidth))

                    //Is this cell in the list of occupied cells or a cell to check
                    if (occupiedCells.Contains(testCell) || cellsToCheck.Contains(testCell))

                    //Is this cell intersecting with the rectangle
                    Vector3 centerPos = map.cellData[testCell.x, testCell.z].centerPos;

                    if (ObstaclesDetection.IsCellIntersectingWithRectangle(centerPos, map.CellWidth, rectangle))

        // Figure out which cells the obstacle touch
        public static void WhichCellsAreObstacle(Map map)
            int mapWidth = map.MapWidth;

            //The border of the map is always obstacle
            for (int x = 0; x < mapWidth; x++)
                for (int z = 0; z < mapWidth; z++)
                    if (x == 0 || x == mapWidth - 1 || z == 0 || z == mapWidth - 1)
                        map.cellData[x, z].isObstacleInCell = true;

            //Loop through all obstacles
            List <Obstacle> allObstacles = map.allObstacles;

            for (int i = 0; i < allObstacles.Count; i++)
                Rectangle obstacleRect = allObstacles[i].cornerPos;

                //Find a start cell from which we can find all other cells that intersects with this obstacle
                //The center of the obstacle is always within the map, so use it
                IntVector2 startCell = map.ConvertWorldToCell(obstacleRect.Center);

                if (!map.IsCellWithinGrid(startCell))
                    Debug.Log("Obstacle center is outside of grid, so can determine which cells it intersects");


                //Find all cells blocked by this obstacle by using flood-fill
                HashSet <IntVector2> intersectingCells = ObstaclesDetection.FindCellsOccupiedByRectangle(obstacleRect, startCell, map);

                //Mark them as obstacle
                Cell[,] cellData = map.cellData;

                foreach (IntVector2 cell in intersectingCells)
                    cellData[cell.x, cell.z].isObstacleInCell = true;

                    //Add which obstacle is in each cell
                    cellData[cell.x, cell.z].AddObstacleToCell(i);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void InitObstacles(Map map, Vector3 startPos)
            //Generate obstacles
            GenerateObstacles(map, startPos);

            int mapWidth = map.MapWidth;

            //Figure out which cells the obstacle touch and set them to blocked by obstacle

            //Generate the flow field showing how far to the closest obstacle from each cell
            GenerateObstacleFlowField(map, check8Cells: true);

            //Generate the voronoi field
            VoronoiFieldCell[,] voronoiField = VoronoiField.GenerateField(map.CellCenterArray, map.CellObstacleArray);

            for (int x = 0; x < map.MapWidth; x++)
                for (int z = 0; z < map.MapWidth; z++)
                    map.cellData[x, z].voronoiFieldCell = voronoiField[x, z];
Exemplo n.º 5
        // Generate a path with Hybrid A*
        public static List <Node> GeneratePath(Car startCar, Car endCar, Map map, List <Node> allExpandedNodes, Car startTrailer)
            //Reset timers
            timer_selectLowestCostNode    = 0;
            timer_addNodeToHeap           = 0;
            timer_findChildren            = 0;
            timer_isCollidingWithObstacle = 0;
            timer_ReedsSheppNode          = 0;
            timer_ReedsSheppHeuristics    = 0;
            timer_TrailerCollision        = 0;
            //Other data we want to track
            //How many nodes did we prune?
            int prunedNodes = 0;
            //To track max number of nodes in the heap
            int maxNodesInHeap = 0;

            //Init the data structure we need
            int mapWidth = map.MapWidth;

            //Is faster to cache this than using map.cellData
            Cell[,] cellData = map.cellData;

            //Open nodes - the parameter is how many items can fit in the heap
            //If we lower the heap size it will still find a path, which is more drunk
            Heap <Node> openNodes = new Heap <Node>(200000);

            //int in the dictionaries below is the rounded heading used to enter a cell
            HashSet <int>[,] closedCells = new HashSet <int> [mapWidth, mapWidth];
            //The node in the cell with the lowest g-cost at a certain angle
            Dictionary <int, Node>[,] lowestCostNodes = new Dictionary <int, Node> [mapWidth, mapWidth];
            //int in the dictionaries below is the rounded heading used to enter a cell
            HashSet <int>[,] closedCellsTrailer     = new HashSet <int> [mapWidth, mapWidth];
            HashSet <int>[,] lowestCostNodesTrailer = new HashSet <int> [mapWidth, mapWidth];

            for (int x = 0; x < mapWidth; x++)
                for (int z = 0; z < mapWidth; z++)
                    closedCells[x, z]     = new HashSet <int>();
                    lowestCostNodes[x, z] = new Dictionary <int, Node>();

                    closedCellsTrailer[x, z]     = new HashSet <int>();
                    lowestCostNodesTrailer[x, z] = new HashSet <int>();

            //Create the first node
            //Why rear wheel? Because we need that position when simulating the "skeleton" car
            //and then it's easier if everything is done from the rear wheel positions
            IntVector2 startCellPos = map.ConvertWorldToCell(startCar.rearWheelPos);

            Node node = new Node(
                previousNode: null,
                rearWheelPos: startCar.rearWheelPos,
                heading: startCar.HeadingInRadians,
                isReversing: false);

            if (startTrailer != null)
                node.TrailerHeadingInRadians = startTrailer.HeadingInRadians;

            node.AddCosts(gCost: 0f, hCost: cellData[startCellPos.x, startCellPos.z].heuristics);


            //The end of the path, which we will return
            Node finalNode = null;

            //bools so we can break out of the main loop
            //Set when search is complete
            bool found = false;
            //Set if we can't find a node to expand
            bool resign = false;

            //To break out of the loop if it takes too long time
            int iterations = 0;

            IntVector2 goalCellPos = map.ConvertWorldToCell(endCar.rearWheelPos);

            while (!found && !resign)
                if (iterations > 400000)
                    Debug.Log("Stuck in infinite loop");


                iterations += 1;

                //If we don't have any nodes to expand
                if (openNodes.Count == 0)
                    resign = true;

                    Debug.Log("Failed to find a path");
                //We have nodes to expand
                    if (openNodes.Count > maxNodesInHeap)
                        maxNodesInHeap = openNodes.Count;

                    //Get the node with the lowest f cost
                    int timeBefore = Environment.TickCount;

                    Node nextNode = openNodes.RemoveFirst();

                    timer_selectLowestCostNode += Environment.TickCount - timeBefore;

                    //Close this cell
                    IntVector2 cellPos = map.ConvertWorldToCell(nextNode.rearWheelPos);

                    int roundedHeading = HelpStuff.RoundValue(nextNode.HeadingInDegrees, headingResolution);

                    HashSet <int> closedHeadingsInThisCell = closedCells[cellPos.x, cellPos.z];

                    bool haveAlreadyClosedCell = false;

                    //Close the cell, but we can still drive into this cell from another angle
                    if (!closedHeadingsInThisCell.Contains(roundedHeading))
                    else if (startTrailer == null)
                        haveAlreadyClosedCell = true;

                    if (startTrailer != null)
                        int roundedHeadingTrailer = HelpStuff.RoundValue(nextNode.TrailerHeadingInDegrees, headingResolutionTrailer);

                        HashSet <int> closedTrailerHeadingsInThisCell = closedCellsTrailer[cellPos.x, cellPos.z];

                        if (!closedTrailerHeadingsInThisCell.Contains(roundedHeadingTrailer))
                            haveAlreadyClosedCell = true;

                    //We have already expanded a better node with the same heading so dont expand this node
                    if (haveAlreadyClosedCell)
                        iterations -= 1;


                    //For debugging

                    //Check if the vehicle has reached the target
                    float distanceSqrToGoal = (nextNode.rearWheelPos - endCar.rearWheelPos).sqrMagnitude;

                    //But we also need to make sure the vehiclke has correct heading
                    float headingDifference = Mathf.Abs(endCar.HeadingInDegrees - nextNode.HeadingInDegrees);

                    //If we end up in the same cell or is within a certain distance from the goal
                    if ((distanceSqrToGoal < posAccuracy * posAccuracy || (cellPos.x == goalCellPos.x && cellPos.z == goalCellPos.z)) &&
                        headingDifference < headingAccuracy)
                        found = true;

                        Debug.Log("Found a path");

                        finalNode = nextNode;

                        //Make sure the end node has the same position as the target
                        finalNode.rearWheelPos.x = endCar.rearWheelPos.x;
                        finalNode.rearWheelPos.z = endCar.rearWheelPos.z;
                    //If we havent found the goal, then expand this node
                        //Get all child nodes
                        timeBefore = Environment.TickCount;

                        List <Node> children = GetChildrenToNode(nextNode, map, cellData, startCar.carData, endCar, startTrailer);

                        timer_findChildren += Environment.TickCount - timeBefore;

                        //Should we add any of the child nodes to the open nodes?
                        foreach (Node child in children)
                            IntVector2 childCell = map.ConvertWorldToCell(child.rearWheelPos);

                            int roundedChildHeading = HelpStuff.RoundValue(child.HeadingInDegrees, headingResolution);

                            //Has this cell been closed with this heading?
                            //If so, it means we already have a path at this cell with this heading,
                            //and the existing node is cheaper because we have already expanded it
                            if (closedCells[childCell.x, childCell.z].Contains(roundedChildHeading) && startTrailer == null)
                                prunedNodes += 1;

                            //If we have a trailer
                            else if (closedCells[childCell.x, childCell.z].Contains(roundedChildHeading) && startTrailer != null)
                                int roundedTrailerHeading = HelpStuff.RoundValue(child.TrailerHeadingInDegrees, headingResolutionTrailer);

                                if (closedCellsTrailer[childCell.x, childCell.z].Contains(roundedTrailerHeading))
                                    prunedNodes += 1;


                            //Have we already expanded a node with lower cost in this cell at this heading?
                            float costSoFar = child.gCost;

                            //The dictionary with lowest cost nodes in this cell
                            Dictionary <int, Node> nodesWithLowestCost = lowestCostNodes[childCell.x, childCell.z];

                            //Have we expanded with this angle to the cell before?
                            if (nodesWithLowestCost.ContainsKey(roundedChildHeading) && startTrailer == null)
                                //If the open node has a large gCost then we need to update that node with data
                                //from the child node
                                if (costSoFar < nodesWithLowestCost[roundedChildHeading].gCost)
                                    //If this child node is better then we should update the node in the open list
                                    //which is faster than deleting the old node and adding this child node
                                    Node existingNode = nodesWithLowestCost[roundedChildHeading];


                                    //Modify the heap-position of the node already in the open nodes
                                //If the open node has a smaller gCost, then we dont need this child node, so do nothing

                                prunedNodes += 1;

                            //We have a trailer
                            else if (nodesWithLowestCost.ContainsKey(roundedChildHeading) && startTrailer != null)
                                //Have we expanded to this node before with this trailer heading
                                int roundedTrailerHeading = HelpStuff.RoundValue(child.TrailerHeadingInDegrees, headingResolutionTrailer);

                                if (lowestCostNodesTrailer[childCell.x, childCell.z].Contains(roundedTrailerHeading))
                                    //If the open node has a large gCost then we need to update that node with data
                                    //from the child node
                                    if (costSoFar < nodesWithLowestCost[roundedChildHeading].gCost)
                                        //If this child node is better then we should update the node in the open list
                                        //which is faster than deleting the old node and adding this child node
                                        Node existingNode = nodesWithLowestCost[roundedChildHeading];


                                        //Modify the heap-position of the node already in the open nodes
                                    //If the open node has a smaller gCost, then we dont need this child node, so do nothing

                                    prunedNodes += 1;

                                //Add the node to the cell with this angle
                                nodesWithLowestCost[roundedChildHeading] = child;

                                if (startTrailer != null)
                                    int roundedTrailerHeading = HelpStuff.RoundValue(child.TrailerHeadingInDegrees, headingResolutionTrailer);

                                    lowestCostNodesTrailer[childCell.x, childCell.z].Add(roundedTrailerHeading);

                            //Dont add the node if its colliding with an obstacle or is outside of map
                            timeBefore = Environment.TickCount;
                            if (ObstaclesDetection.HasCarInvalidPosition(child.rearWheelPos, child.heading, startCar.carData, map))
                                prunedNodes += 1;

                            timer_isCollidingWithObstacle += Environment.TickCount - timeBefore;

                            //Trailer obstacle calculations
                            int startTrailerTimer = Environment.TickCount;

                            if (startTrailer != null)
                                //Now we need to check if this new position is valid by checking for collision with obstacles and the drag vehicle
                                //To do that we need the rear wheel pos of the trailer with this heading
                                //We know where the trailer is attached to the drag vehicle
                                Vector3 trailerAttachmentPoint = startCar.carData.GetTrailerAttachmentPoint(child.rearWheelPos, child.HeadingInRadians);

                                //Now we need the trailer's rear-wheel pos based on the new heading
                                Vector3 trailerRearWheelPos = startTrailer.carData.GetTrailerRearWheelPos(trailerAttachmentPoint, child.TrailerHeadingInRadians);

                                //Obstacle detection
                                //With the environment
                                if (ObstaclesDetection.HasCarInvalidPosition(trailerRearWheelPos, child.TrailerHeadingInRadians, startTrailer.carData, map))
                                    prunedNodes += 1;

                                    //Debug.Log("Semi trailer environment collision");

                                //With the drag vehicle
                                if (ObstaclesDetection.IsTrailerCollidingWithDragVehicle(
                                        child.rearWheelPos, child.HeadingInRadians, startCar.carData,
                                        trailerRearWheelPos, child.TrailerHeadingInRadians, startTrailer.carData))
                                    prunedNodes += 1;

                                    //Debug.Log("Semi trailer collision");

                            timer_TrailerCollision += Environment.TickCount - startTrailerTimer;

                            timeBefore = Environment.TickCount;


                            timer_addNodeToHeap += Environment.TickCount - timeBefore;

            //Generate the final path when Hybrid A* has found the goal
            List <Node> finalPath = GenerateFinalPath(finalNode);

            //Display how long time everything took
            string display = DisplayController.GetDisplayTimeText(timer_selectLowestCostNode, "Select lowest cost node");

            display += DisplayController.GetDisplayTimeText(timer_addNodeToHeap, "Add new node to heap");

            display += DisplayController.GetDisplayTimeText(timer_findChildren, "Find children");

            display += DisplayController.GetDisplayTimeText(timer_isCollidingWithObstacle, "Is node colliding");

            display += DisplayController.GetDisplayTimeText(timer_ReedsSheppNode, "Reeds-Shepp Node");

            display += DisplayController.GetDisplayTimeText(timer_ReedsSheppHeuristics, "Reeds-Shepp Heuristics");

            display += DisplayController.GetDisplayTimeText(timer_TrailerCollision, "Trailer collision");

            display += DisplayController.GetDisplayText("Max nodes in heap", maxNodesInHeap, ". ");

            display += DisplayController.GetDisplayText("Expanded nodes", allExpandedNodes.Count, ". ");

            display += DisplayController.GetDisplayText("Pruned nodes", prunedNodes, null);


            //Display car positions along the final path
            DisplayController.DisplayVehicleAlongPath(finalPath, startCar.carData, startTrailer);
