PrintResults() private method

private PrintResults ( ) : void
return void
Exemplo n.º 1
        protected void ScanAllTiles(OnScanStatus statusCallback)
            System.Console.WriteLine("Recast Graph -- Collecting Meshes");

            editorTileSize = (int)(EditorVars.GridSize / cellSize);


            //Voxel grid size
            int gw = (int)(forcedBounds.size.x / cellSize + 0.5f);
            int gd = (int)(forcedBounds.size.z / cellSize + 0.5f);

            if (!useTiles)
                tileSizeX = gw;
                tileSizeZ = gd;
                tileSizeX = editorTileSize;
                tileSizeZ = editorTileSize;

            //Number of tiles
            int tw = (gw + tileSizeX - 1) / tileSizeX;
            int td = (gd + tileSizeZ - 1) / tileSizeZ;

            tileXCount = tw;
            tileZCount = td;

            if (tileXCount * tileZCount > TileIndexMask + 1)
                throw new System.Exception("Too many tiles (" + (tileXCount * tileZCount) + ") maximum is " + (TileIndexMask + 1) +
                                           "\nTry disabling ASTAR_RECAST_LARGER_TILES under the 'Optimizations' tab in the A* inspector.");

            tiles = new NavmeshTile[tileXCount * tileZCount];

            System.Console.WriteLine("Recast Graph -- Creating Voxel Base");

            // If this is true, just fill the graph with empty tiles
            if (scanEmptyGraph)
                for (int z = 0; z < td; z++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < tw; x++)
                        tiles[z * tileXCount + x] = NewEmptyTile(x, z);

            AstarProfiler.StartProfile("Finding Meshes");
            List <ExtraMesh> extraMeshes;

            System.Console.WriteLine("Collecting Meshes");
            CollectMeshes(out extraMeshes, forcedBounds);

            AstarProfiler.EndProfile("Finding Meshes");

            // A walkableClimb higher than walkableHeight can cause issues when generating the navmesh since then it can in some cases
            // Both be valid for a character to walk under an obstacle and climb up on top of it (and that cannot be handled with navmesh without links)
            // The editor scripts also enforce this but we enforce it here too just to be sure
            walkableClimb = Mathf.Min(walkableClimb, walkableHeight);

            //Create the voxelizer and set all settings
            var vox = new Voxelize(cellHeight, cellSize, walkableClimb, walkableHeight, maxSlope);
            vox.inputExtraMeshes = extraMeshes;

            vox.maxEdgeLength = maxEdgeLength;

            int lastInfoCallback = -1;
            var watch            = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();

            //Generate all tiles
            for (int z = 0; z < td; z++)
                for (int x = 0; x < tw; x++)
                    int tileNum = z * tileXCount + x;
                    System.Console.WriteLine("Generating Tile #" + (tileNum) + " of " + td * tw);

                    //Call statusCallback only 10 times since it is very slow in the editor
                    if (statusCallback != null && (tileNum * 10 / tiles.Length > lastInfoCallback || watch.ElapsedMilliseconds > 2000))
                        lastInfoCallback = tileNum * 10 / tiles.Length;

                        statusCallback(new Progress(Mathf.Lerp(0.1f, 0.9f, tileNum / (float)tiles.Length), "Building Tile " + tileNum + "/" + tiles.Length));

                    BuildTileMesh(vox, x, z);

            System.Console.WriteLine("Assigning Graph Indices");

            if (statusCallback != null)
                statusCallback(new Progress(0.9f, "Connecting tiles"));

            //Assign graph index to nodes
            uint graphIndex = (uint);

            GraphNodeDelegateCancelable del = delegate(GraphNode n) {
                n.GraphIndex = graphIndex;

            if (useCenterTileOnly && (3 != tileXCount || 3 != tileZCount))
                EB.Debug.LogError("RecastGenerator.ScanAllTiles() : Incorrect amount of tiles generated if ceneter tile is all that is required");

            int centerXTile = (tileXCount / 2);
            int centerZTile = (tileZCount / 2);

            for (int z = 0; z < td; z++)
                for (int x = 0; x < tw; x++)
                    // if we're only using the center tile, and this is not the center tile
                    if (useCenterTileOnly && !(centerZTile == z && centerXTile == x))

                    System.Console.WriteLine("Connecing Tile #" + (z * tileXCount + x) + " of " + td * tw);
                    if (x < tw - 1)
                        ConnectTiles(tiles[x + z * tileXCount], tiles[x + 1 + z * tileXCount]);
                    if (z < td - 1)
                        ConnectTiles(tiles[x + z * tileXCount], tiles[x + (z + 1) * tileXCount]);

Exemplo n.º 2
        public override void Scan()
            //AstarProfiler.StartProfile ("Base Scan");

            //base.Scan ();

            //AstarProfiler.EndProfile ("Base Scan");
            if (useCRecast)
                MeshFilter[] filters;
                ExtraMesh[]  extraMeshes;

                if (!CollectMeshes(out filters, out extraMeshes))
                    nodes = new Node[0];

                Voxelize vox = new Voxelize(cellHeight, cellSize, walkableClimb, walkableHeight, maxSlope);

                vox.maxEdgeLength      = maxEdgeLength;
                vox.forcedBounds       = forcedBounds;
                vox.includeOutOfBounds = includeOutOfBounds;

                vox.VoxelizeMesh(filters, extraMeshes);

                /*bool[,] open = new bool[width,depth];
                 * int[,] visited = new int[width+1,depth+1];
                 * for (int z=0;z<depth;z++) {
                 *      for (int x = 0;x < width;x++) {
                 *              open[x,z] = graphNodes[z*width+x].walkable;
                 *      }
                 * }*/

                /*for (int i=0;i<depth*width;i++) {
                 *      open[i] = graphNodes[i].walkable;
                 * }
                 * int wd = width*depth;
                 * List<int> boundary = new List<int>();
                 * int p = 0;
                 * for (int i=0;i<wd;i++) {
                 *      if (!open[i]) {
                 *              boundary.Add (i);
                 *              p = i;
                 *              int backtrack = i-1;
                 *      }*/

                vox.ErodeWalkableArea(Mathf.CeilToInt(2 * characterRadius / cellSize));



                VoxelContourSet cset = new VoxelContourSet();

                vox.BuildContours(contourMaxError, 1, cset, Voxelize.RC_CONTOUR_TESS_WALL_EDGES);

                VoxelMesh mesh;

                vox.BuildPolyMesh(cset, 3, out mesh);

                Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[mesh.verts.Length];

                AstarProfiler.StartProfile("Build Nodes");

                for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++)
                    vertices[i] = (Vector3)mesh.verts[i];

                matrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(vox.voxelOffset, Quaternion.identity, Int3.Precision * Voxelize.CellScale);

                //GenerateNodes (this,vectorVertices,triangles, out originalVertices, out _vertices);

                NavMeshGraph.GenerateNodes(this, vertices, mesh.tris, out _vectorVertices, out _vertices);

                AstarProfiler.EndProfile("Build Nodes");
