* This method implements the A Algorithm.
         * Uses direct distance to the final city as a heuristic.
         * At each step finds the best next city to explore from citiesToExplore.
         * Finds the cities connected to it and examines them.
         * If the connected city is already found, then it examines is the new path to
         * it shorter than the already known one. If it is, than it renew the information
         * about the city in foundCities and citiesToExplore.
         * If the city has not been found yet, then it add it to citiesToExplore and
         * foundCities.
         * When all cities have been explored it finds the minimal path using the idea
         * that if the city B preceds the destination city A in the minimum path,
         * then the minimum path also includes the minimum path from the start city
         * to B. Thus, it goes from city to city in the reverse order and adds them
         * to the minimum path.
        public List <City> FindOptimalPath()
            City        nextCity;                               // Next city to explore
            CityInfo    nextCityInfo;                           // Next city information
            List <City> nextCityConnections;                    // Connections of the nextCity

            CityInfo nextConnectedCityInfo;                     // Information about the currently examined city connected to nextCity
            CityInfo nextConnectedCityOldInfo;                  // Old information about the currently examined city

            Coordinates tempStartPoint, tempEndPoint;           // Help variables. Store points on the map.
            City        tempCity, tempPrevCity;                 // Help variables. Store consecutive sities in the optimal path
            CityInfo    tempCityInfo;                           // Help variable. Stores a city's info

            LogManager logManager = new LogManager(textBoxLog); // Log manager

            bool   finalCityIsFound = false;                    // Flag that we found the final city
            double distanceToFinal  = -1;                       // Length of the found path to the final city

            // Print log - algorithm start
            logManager.PrintStartAlg(StartCity, FinalCity, AlgHeuristic);

            // Start with the start city:))
            nextCity     = StartCity;
            nextCityInfo = new CityInfo(StartCity, null, FinalCity,
                                        GetCityCoordinates(StartCity), null, GetCityCoordinates(FinalCity),
                                        0, AlgHeuristic);

            // Initialize
            foundCities     = new Dictionary <City, CityInfo>();
            citiesToExplore = new Dictionary <City, CityInfo>();

            // Add the start city
            foundCities.Add(nextCity, nextCityInfo);
            citiesToExplore.Add(nextCity, nextCityInfo);

            // While we have cities to explore
            while (citiesToExplore.Count != 0)
                // Print log

                // Clean the layout

                // Highlighting
                graphManager.MarkAllFoundCities(new List <City>(foundCities.Keys), graphLayout);
                graphManager.MarkAllCitiesToExplore(new List <City>(citiesToExplore.Keys), graphLayout);
                graphManager.MarkStartCity(StartCity, graphLayout);
                graphManager.MarkFinalCity(FinalCity, graphLayout);

                // Wait

                // Find the next best city among citiesToExplore
                nextCity = FindBestCity(citiesToExplore);
                // Get its info
                citiesToExplore.TryGetValue(nextCity, out nextCityInfo);

                // Stop if all the estimates are greater than the found path length
                if (finalCityIsFound)
                    if (nextCityInfo.PathDistance >= distanceToFinal)

                // Get the nextCity connections
                citiesConnecitons.connections.TryGetValue(nextCity, out nextCityConnections);

                // Print log - next city to explore
                logManager.PrintBestCity(nextCity, nextCityInfo);

                // Highlighting - next city to explore
                graphManager.MarkBestCity(nextCity, graphLayout);

                // Print log - city connections

                // Highlighting - city connections
                graphManager.MarkEdges(nextCity, nextCityConnections, graphLayout);
                graphManager.MarkAllCheckedCities(nextCityConnections, graphLayout);

                // Examine all the connections of the nextCity
                foreach (City nextConnectedCity in nextCityConnections)
                    // Get the examined city location and the nextCity location
                    citiesLocations.locations.TryGetValue(nextCity, out tempStartPoint);
                    citiesLocations.locations.TryGetValue(nextConnectedCity, out tempEndPoint);

                    // Create information about the currently examined city
                    if (AlgHeuristic == Heuristic.Distance)
                        nextConnectedCityInfo = new CityInfo(nextConnectedCity, nextCity, FinalCity,
                                                             tempEndPoint, tempStartPoint, GetCityCoordinates(FinalCity),
                                                             FindDistance(tempStartPoint, tempEndPoint) + nextCityInfo.FromStart,
                    // If we use number of hops as a heuristic
                        nextConnectedCityInfo = new CityInfo(nextConnectedCity, nextCity, FinalCity,
                                                             tempEndPoint, tempStartPoint, GetCityCoordinates(FinalCity),
                                                             1 + nextCityInfo.FromStart, AlgHeuristic);

                    // If the examined city has already been found.
                    // If the current path is better, then update the city's info
                    if (foundCities.ContainsKey(nextConnectedCity))
                        // Get the city's old info from foundCities
                        foundCities.TryGetValue(nextConnectedCity, out nextConnectedCityOldInfo);

                        // Compare its old path distance to the new path distance
                        if (nextConnectedCityInfo.PathDistance <
                            // Print log - updated city
                            logManager.PrintUpdatedCity(nextConnectedCity, nextConnectedCityInfo,

                            // Highlighting - updated city
                            graphManager.MarkUpdatedCity(nextConnectedCity, graphLayout);

                            // Update the info if the new path is shorter
                            nextConnectedCityOldInfo.PrevCity  = nextConnectedCityInfo.PrevCity;
                            nextConnectedCityOldInfo.FromStart = nextConnectedCityInfo.FromStart;

                            // If we updated the final city (found a better path)
                            if (nextConnectedCity.Equals(FinalCity))
                                distanceToFinal = nextConnectedCityInfo.FromStart;
                            // Print log - rejected city
                            logManager.PrintRejectedCity(nextConnectedCity, nextConnectedCityInfo,

                            // Highlighting - rejected city
                            graphManager.MarkRejectedCity(nextConnectedCity, graphLayout);
                    // If we have not found this city so far.
                    // Add it to foundCities and citiesToExplore.
                        // Add the city to foundCities and citiesToExplore.
                        foundCities.Add(nextConnectedCity, nextConnectedCityInfo);
                        citiesToExplore.Add(nextConnectedCity, nextConnectedCityInfo);

                        // Print log - added city
                        logManager.PrintAddedCity(nextConnectedCity, nextConnectedCityInfo);

                        // Highlighting - added city
                        graphManager.MarkAddedCity(nextConnectedCity, graphLayout);

                        // Check wether we added the desired final city
                        if (!finalCityIsFound)
                            if (nextConnectedCity.Equals(FinalCity))
                                finalCityIsFound = true;
                                distanceToFinal  = nextConnectedCityInfo.FromStart;

                // Wait

                // Mark nextCity as explored.
                // Remove it from citiesToExplore
                nextCityInfo.IsExplored = true;

            // If we were able to reach the destination,
            // then construct the optimal path.
            if (foundCities.ContainsKey(FinalCity))
                // Start with the end city
                tempCity = FinalCity;
                // Get the end city info
                foundCities.TryGetValue(tempCity, out tempCityInfo);

                // Initialize
                List <City> optimalPath = new List <City>();

                // Add the end city to the optimal path

                // Set the city that preceds the end city in the optimal path
                tempPrevCity = tempCityInfo.PrevCity;

                // While we have not reached the start city
                while (tempPrevCity != null)
                    // Add the city that preceds the current city in the optimal path
                    tempCity = tempPrevCity;

                    // Move to the previous city in the path in order to
                    // add it in the next loop iteration.
                    foundCities.TryGetValue(tempCity, out tempCityInfo);
                    tempPrevCity = tempCityInfo.PrevCity;

                // Reverse the list
                ReverseListOrder(ref optimalPath);

                // Print log - optimal path
                                     Algorithm.CalculateTotalPath(optimalPath, citiesLocations));

                // Highlighting - optimal path
                graphManager.MarkPath(optimalPath, graphLayout);

                // Print log - end of the algorithm

            // Output an error if the destination could not be reached.
                // Highlighting
                graphManager.MarkStartCity(StartCity, graphLayout);
                graphManager.MarkFinalCity(FinalCity, graphLayout);

                // Print log - end of the algorithm

                // Output an error that the path was not found
                MessageBox.Show("Cannot find a path between the chosen cities.",
                                "Path Finder", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Stop the algorithm execution and kill the algorithm thread
        /// </summary>
        public void StopAlgorithm()
            if (algThread != null)

            if (algorithm != null)
                algorithm.IsRunning = false;
                algorithm = null;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public LogicManager(MainWindow _window)
            graphToVisualize = null;

            citiesLocations = null;
            citiesConnections = null;

            defaultCitiesLocations = new CitiesLocations();
            defaultCitiesConnections = new CitiesConnections();

            algCitiesLocations = new CitiesLocations();

            startCity = null;
            finalCity = null;

            algSpeed = Alg_Speed.Fast;
            algHeuristic = Heuristic.Distance;

            resources = _window.Resources;
            window = _window;

            graphManager = new GraphManager(window);

            algorithm = null;
            algThread = null;
            IsRunningAlg = false;
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Start A-star algorithm in a separate thread
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graphLayout"></param>
        /// <param name="richTextBoxLog"></param>
        /// <param name="window"></param>
        public void StartAlgorithm(ref GraphLayoutCity graphLayout, ref TextBox richTextBoxLog,
            MainWindow window)
            // If already running
            if (IsRunningAlg)
                algorithm.CanContinue = true;
            // If not, then start a new thread

                algorithm = new Algorithm(citiesLocations, citiesConnections,
                    startCity.City, finalCity.City, algSpeed, algHeuristic,
                    ref graphLayout, ref richTextBoxLog, resources, graphManager);
                // Set window and create a mutex
                algorithm.Window = window;
                algorithm.WaitMutex = new Mutex();

                // Null the start and end cities
                startCity = null;
                finalCity = null;

                // Create and start the thread
                algThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(algorithm.RunAlgThread));

                // Allow the algorithm to continue
                algorithm.CanContinue = true;