private void LoadFromXmlDocument()
            var doc = new XmlDocument();


            var posts = doc.GetElementsByTagName("post");

            foreach (XmlNode post in posts)
                var blogX = new BlogMlExtendedPost();

                if (post.Attributes != null)
                    blogX.PostUrl = GetAttributeValue <string>(post.Attributes["post-url"]);

                if (post.ChildNodes.Count <= 0)

                foreach (XmlNode child in post.ChildNodes)
                    if (child.Name == "tags")
                        foreach (XmlNode tag in child.ChildNodes)
                            if (tag.Attributes != null)
                                if (blogX.Tags == null)
                                    blogX.Tags = new List <string>();

                                blogX.Tags.Add(GetAttributeValue <string>(tag.Attributes["ref"]));

                    if (child.Name == "comments")
                        LoadBlogComments(blogX, child);

                    if (child.Name == "trackbacks")
                        LoadBlogTrackbacks(blogX, child);

        private void LoadBlogComments(BlogMlExtendedPost blogX, XmlNode child)
            foreach (XmlNode com in child.ChildNodes)
                if (com.Attributes != null)
                    var c = new Comment
                        // Id = GetGuid("comment", GetAttributeValue<string>(com.Attributes["id"])).ToString(),
                        Author       = GetAttributeValue <string>(com.Attributes["user-name"]),
                        Email        = GetAttributeValue <string>(com.Attributes["user-email"]),
                        IP           = GetAttributeValue <string>(com.Attributes["user-ip"]),
                        CreationTime = GetDate(com.Attributes["date-created"]),

                    var parentid = GetAttributeValue <string>(com.Attributes["parentid"]);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parentid))
                        c.ParentId = GetGuid("comment", parentid).ToString();

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(GetAttributeValue <string>(com.Attributes["user-url"])))
                        c.Website = (GetAttributeValue <string>(com.Attributes["user-url"]));

                    c.IsApproved = GetAttributeValue <bool>(com.Attributes["approved"]);

                    foreach (XmlNode comNode in com.ChildNodes)
                        if (comNode.Name == "content")
                            c.Content = comNode.InnerText;

                    if (blogX.Comments == null)
                        blogX.Comments = new List <Comment>();

        private async Task <bool> AddPage(BlogMlExtendedPost extPost)
            var p = new Page();

            p.Title                = extPost.BlogPost.Title;
            p.CreationTime         = extPost.BlogPost.DateCreated;
            p.LastModificationTime = extPost.BlogPost.DateModified;
            p.Content              = extPost.BlogPost.Content.UncodedText;
            p.Description          = extPost.BlogPost.Excerpt.UncodedText;
            p.Published            = extPost.BlogPost.Approved;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(extPost.PostUrl))
                // looking for a Slug with patterns such as:
                //    /some-slug.aspx
                //    /some-slug.html
                //    /some-slug
                Match slugMatch = Regex.Match(extPost.PostUrl, @"/([^/\.]+)(?:$|\.[\w]{1,10}$)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                if (slugMatch.Success)
                    p.Slug = slugMatch.Groups[1].Value.Trim();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(p.Slug))
                p.Slug = p.GetSeName();

            // skip if exists
            if (await _pageManager.FindBySlugAsync(p.Slug) != null)

            await _pageManager.CreateAsync(p);

        private void LoadBlogTrackbacks(BlogMlExtendedPost blogX, XmlNode child)
            foreach (XmlNode com in child.ChildNodes)
                if (com.Attributes != null)
                    var c = new Comment
                        Id           = GetGuid("comment", GetAttributeValue <string>(com.Attributes["id"])).ToString(),
                        IP           = "",
                        IsApproved   = GetAttributeValue <bool>(com.Attributes["approved"]),
                        CreationTime = GetDate(com.Attributes["date-created"])

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(GetAttributeValue <string>(com.Attributes["url"])))
                        c.Website = (GetAttributeValue <string>(com.Attributes["url"]));

                    foreach (XmlNode comNode in com.ChildNodes)
                        if (comNode.Name == "title")
                            c.Content = comNode.InnerText;

                    c.Email  = c.Content.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("pingback") ? "pingback" : "trackback";
                    c.Author = c.Email;

                    if (blogX.Comments == null)
                        blogX.Comments = new List <Comment>();

        private async Task <bool> AddPost(BlogMlExtendedPost extPost)
            var p = new Post();

            p.Title                = extPost.BlogPost.Title;
            p.CreationTime         = extPost.BlogPost.DateCreated;
            p.PublishedTime        = extPost.BlogPost.DateCreated;
            p.LastModificationTime = extPost.BlogPost.DateModified;
            p.Content              = extPost.BlogPost.Content.UncodedText;
            p.Description          = extPost.BlogPost.Excerpt.UncodedText;
            p.IsDraft              = !extPost.BlogPost.Approved;
            p.ViewsCount           = GetValue(extPost.BlogPost.Views);

            if (extPost.BlogPost.HasExcerpt)
                p.Description = extPost.BlogPost.Excerpt.UncodedText;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(extPost.PostUrl))
                // looking for a Slug with patterns such as:
                //    /some-slug.aspx
                //    /some-slug.html
                //    /some-slug
                Match slugMatch = Regex.Match(extPost.PostUrl, @"/([^/\.]+)(?:$|\.[\w]{1,10}$)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                if (slugMatch.Success)
                    p.Slug = slugMatch.Groups[1].Value.Trim();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(p.Slug))
                p.Slug = p.GetSeName();

            // skip if exists
            if (await _postManager.FindBySlugAsync(p.Slug) != null)

            if (extPost.BlogPost.Authors != null && extPost.BlogPost.Authors.Count > 0)
                // p.UserId = extPost.BlogPost.Authors[0].Ref;
                p.UserId = _author.Id;

            if (extPost.Categories != null && extPost.Categories.Count > 0)
                foreach (var item in extPost.Categories)
                    p.Categories.Add(new PostCategory()
                        CategoryId = item.Id, PostId = item.Id

            if (extPost.Tags != null && extPost.Tags.Count > 0)
                foreach (var item in extPost.Tags)
                    var tag = await _tagsManager.CreateOrUpdateAsync(item);

                    p.Tags.Add(new PostTags()
                        PostId = p.Id, TagsId = tag.Id

            await _postManager.CreateAsync(p);

            if (extPost.Comments != null && extPost.Comments.Count > 0)
                foreach (var comment in extPost.Comments)
                    comment.PostId = p.Id;
                        await _commentManager.CreateAsync(comment);
                    catch (Exception)

                p.CommentsCount = extPost.Comments.Count;

                await _postManager.UpdateAsync(p);

        private async Task LoadBlogPosts()
            _logger.LogInformation("BlogReader.LoadBlogPosts: Start importing posts");

            var allPost = blogsExtended.OrderByDescending(t => t.BlogPost.DateCreated).ToList();

            foreach (BlogMlExtendedPost extPost in allPost)
                if (extPost.BlogPost.PostType == BlogPostTypes.Normal)
                        BlogMlExtendedPost post = extPost;

                        if (extPost.BlogPost.Categories.Count > 0)
                            for (var i = 0; i < extPost.BlogPost.Categories.Count; i++)
                                int i2  = i;
                                var cId = GetGuid("category", post.BlogPost.Categories[i2].Ref).ToString();

                                foreach (var category in categoryLookup)
                                    if (category.Id == cId)
                                        if (extPost.Categories == null)
                                            extPost.Categories = new List <Category>();


                        if (await AddPost(extPost))
                            _logger.LogInformation("Post '{0}' has been skipped" + extPost.BlogPost.Title);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        _logger.LogInformation("BlogReader.LoadBlogPosts: " + ex.Message);
                else if (extPost.BlogPost.PostType == BlogPostTypes.Article)
                        BlogMlExtendedPost post = extPost;

                        if (await AddPage(extPost))
                            _logger.LogInformation("Post '{0}' has been skipped" + extPost.BlogPost.Title);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        _logger.LogInformation("BlogReader.LoadBlogPosts: " + ex.Message);

            _logger.LogInformation(string.Format("BlogReader.LoadBlogPosts: Completed importing {0} posts", PostCount));