Exemplo n.º 1
        public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IServiceProvider serviceProvider, IHostingEnvironment env)
            FileProcessor fp = new FileProcessor(env);

            try {
                var havokcontext = fp.LoadJsonFromAppFolder("\\", "havok.json");
            catch {
                Havok havok = new Havok();
                havok.Id   = 1;
                havok.Name = "Item1";
                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(havok);
                fp.SaveJsonToAppFolder("\\", "havok.json", json);
            Func <HttpContext, bool> isApiRequest = (HttpContext context) => context.Request.Path.ToString().StartsWith("/api/");

            app.UseWhen(context => !isApiRequest(context), appbuilder => { appbuilder.UseHavokMiddleware(min: TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(30000), max: TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(40000)); });

            // Configure Session.

            // Add static files to the request pipeline

            // Allow static files within the .well-known directory to allow for automatic SSL renewal
            app.UseStaticFiles(new StaticFileOptions()
                ServeUnknownFileTypes = true, // this was needed as IIS would not serve extensionless URLs from the directory without it
                FileProvider          = new PhysicalFileProvider(
                    Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "wwwroot", @".well-known")),
                RequestPath = new PathString("/.well-known")

            // Add cookie-based authentication to the request pipeline

            AppBuilderLoginProviderExtensions.AddLoginProviders(service, new ConfigurationLoginProviders(Configuration.GetSection("Authentication")));
            // Add login providers (Microsoft/AzureAD/Google/etc).  This must be done after `app.UseIdentity()`
            //app.AddLoginProviders( new ConfigurationLoginProviders(Configuration.GetSection("Authentication")));

            // Add MVC to the request pipeline
            app.UseMvc(routes =>
                    name: "areaRoute",
                    template: "{area:exists}/{controller}/{action}",
                    defaults: new { action = "Index" });

                    name: "default",
                    template: "{controller}/{action}/{id?}",
                    defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index" });

                    name: "api",
                    template: "{controller}/{id?}");
        public async Task Invoke(HttpContext httpContext, IHostingEnvironment env)
            int delayInMs = _random.Value.Next(_minDelayInMs, _maxDelayInMs);

            FileProcessor fp = new FileProcessor(env);

            Havok myEnt = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Havok>(fp.LoadJsonFromAppFolder("\\", "havok.json"));

            if (myEnt.HavokEnabled == true && myEnt.isScaledOut == false)
                await Task.Delay(delayInMs);
            await _next(httpContext);