public void Write(int r, int c, colorstringpart s)
     Screen.Write(row + r, col + c, s, col, W, (row + H) - 1);
        public static void Write(int r, int c, colorstringpart s, int left_border, int width, int bottom_border)
            colorstringpart wrapped         = new colorstringpart("", defaultcolor);
            bool            carriage_return = false;
            int             available_space = (left_border + width) - c;

            if (r == H - 1)
                --available_space;                 //this prevents Parabola from printing to the bottom right corner, which would scroll the screen.
            if (s.s.Length > 0)
                colorchar cch;
                cch.color   = s.color;
                cch.bgcolor = s.bgcolor;
                if (ForegroundColor != s.color)
                    ForegroundColor = s.color;
                if (BackgroundColor != s.bgcolor)
                    BackgroundColor = s.bgcolor;
                string print_string = s.s;
                int    i            = 0;
                bool   changed      = false;
                foreach (char ch in s.s)
                    if (ch == '\r' || ch == '\n')
                        print_string    = s.s.Substring(0, i);
                        wrapped.s       = s.s.Substring(i + 1);
                        wrapped.bgcolor = s.bgcolor;
                        wrapped.color   = s.color;
                        if (ch == '\r')
                            carriage_return = true;
                        if (i >= available_space)
                            if (wordwrap)
                                wrapped.s       = s.s.Substring(i);
                                wrapped.bgcolor = s.bgcolor;
                                wrapped.color   = s.color;
                            print_string = s.s.Substring(0, i);
                            cch.c = ch;
                            if (!memory[r, c + i].Equals(cch))
                                memory[r, c + i] = cch;
                                changed          = true;
                if (changed)
                    Console.SetCursorPosition(c, r);
            if (wrapped.s.Length > 0)
                if (carriage_return)
                    Write(r, left_border, wrapped, left_border, width, bottom_border);
                    if (r < bottom_border)
                        Write(r + 1, left_border, wrapped, left_border, width, bottom_border);
 public static void Write(int r, int c, colorstring cs, int left_border, int width, int bottom_border)
     if (cs.Length() > 0)
         int row = r;
         int col = c;
         foreach (colorstringpart s1 in cs.strings)
             colorstringpart s               = new colorstringpart(s1.s, s1.color, s1.bgcolor);
             colorstringpart wrapped         = new colorstringpart("", defaultcolor);
             bool            carriage_return = false;
             int             available_space = (left_border + width) - col;
             if (row == H - 1)
                 --available_space;                         //this prevents Parabola from printing to the bottom right corner, which would scroll the screen.
             colorchar cch;
             cch.color   = s.color;
             cch.bgcolor = s.bgcolor;
             if (ForegroundColor != s.color)
                 ForegroundColor = s.color;
             if (BackgroundColor != s.bgcolor)
                 BackgroundColor = s.bgcolor;
             string print_string           = s.s;
             int    i                      = 0;
             bool   changed                = false;
             bool   last_char_was_NL_or_CR = false;
             foreach (char ch in s.s)
                 if (ch == '\r' || ch == '\n')
                     print_string = s.s.Substring(0, i);
                     wrapped.s    = s.s.Substring(i + 1);
                     if (wrapped.s.Length == 0)
                         last_char_was_NL_or_CR = true;
                     wrapped.bgcolor = s.bgcolor;
                     wrapped.color   = s.color;
                     if (ch == '\r')
                         carriage_return = true;
                     if (i >= available_space)
                         if (wordwrap)
                             wrapped.s       = s.s.Substring(i);
                             wrapped.bgcolor = s.bgcolor;
                             wrapped.color   = s.color;
                         print_string = s.s.Substring(0, i);
                         cch.c = ch;
                         if (!memory[row, col + i].Equals(cch))
                             memory[row, col + i] = cch;
                             changed = true;
             if (changed)
                 Console.SetCursorPosition(col, row);
             col += print_string.Length;
             if (wrapped.s.Length > 0)
                 if (carriage_return)
                     Write(row, left_border, wrapped, left_border, width, bottom_border);
                     col = left_border + wrapped.s.Length;
                     if (row < bottom_border)
                         Write(row, left_border, wrapped, left_border, width, bottom_border);
                         col = left_border + wrapped.s.Length;
                 if (last_char_was_NL_or_CR)
                     if (carriage_return)
                         col = left_border;
                         if (row < bottom_border)
                             col = left_border;
             if (col >= left_border + width)
                 if (wordwrap)
                     col = left_border;
                     if (row > bottom_border)
 public static void Write(int r, int c, colorstringpart s)
     Write(r, c, s, 0, W, H - 1);