public ConsumerEventApiPact()
            PactBuilder = new PactBuilder()
                .HasPactWith("Event API");

            MockProviderService = PactBuilder.MockService(MockServerPort);
        public MyobArlApiPact()
            PactBuilder = new PactBuilder()
                .HasPactWith("MYOB ARL API");

            MockProviderService = PactBuilder.MockService(MockServerPort); //Configure the http mock server
            //NOTE: You can also use SSL by passing true as the second param. This will however require a valid SSL certificate installed and bound with netsh (netsh http add sslcert ipport= certhash=thumbprint appid={app-guid}) on the machine running the test. See!topic/nancy-web-framework/t75dKyfgzpg
        public ConsumerCustomerApiPact()
            //PactBuilder = new PactBuilder(new PactConfig { PactDir = @"..\pacts", LogDir = @"c:\temp\logs" }); //Configures the PactDir and/or LogDir.

            PactBuilder = new PactBuilder()
                .HasPactWith("Customer API");
