Exemplo n.º 1
        public bool combine(EQProtocolPacket rhs)
            bool result = false;

            if (opcode == (ushort)OpCodes.OP_Combined && size + rhs.size + 5 < 256)
                // This packet was previously combined.  Add another packet into it.
                byte[] tmpbuffer = new byte[size + rhs.size + 3];

                // Copy the current packet (left-hand side) into the new buffer.
                Buffer.BlockCopy(pBuffer, 0, tmpbuffer, 0, (int)size);

                // set the offset for the second packet to the end of the first.
                var offset = size;

                // add the size of the second packet.
                Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(rhs.Size()), 0, tmpbuffer, (int)offset++, sizeof(ushort));

                // Copy in the second packet.
                offset += rhs.serialize(tmpbuffer, offset);

                // update the total size.
                size = offset;
                // Copy the combined packet into this one.
                pBuffer = tmpbuffer;
                result  = true;
            else if (size + rhs.size + 7 < 256)
                // This packet hasn't been combined before, so once we're done mark it as a combined packet.
                var tmpbuffer = new byte[size + rhs.size + 6];
                var offset    = 0;

                // Explanation of the shenenagians here.  Size() is uint which is 4 bytes in size, so the byte
                // array produced by GetBytes is length 4.  However, we only increase the offset by 1 (1 byte)
                // because we don't NEED all 4 bytes, we only need the first byte (due to the small size of packets
                // and Intel CPUs being little endian.
                Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(Size()), 0, tmpbuffer, offset++, sizeof(uint)); // shouldn't this be an offset of sizeof(uint)?
                offset += serialize(tmpbuffer, offset);
                Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(rhs.Size()), 0, tmpbuffer, offset++, sizeof(uint));
                offset += rhs.serialize(tmpbuffer, offset);

                size    = offset;
                pBuffer = tmpbuffer;
                opcode  = (ushort)OpCodes.OP_Combined;
                result  = true;

Exemplo n.º 2
        private void ProcessPacket(string source, string destination, EQProtocolPacket p)
            int processed        = 0;
            int subpacket_length = 0;

            if (null == p)

            //// Raw Application packet
            //if (p.opcode > 0xff)
            //    p.opcode = p.opcode.HToNus(); //byte order is backwards in the protocol packet
            //    var ap = MakeApplicationPacket(p);

            //    if (null != ap)
            //    {
            //        InboundQueue.TryAdd(ap);
            //    }

            //    return;

            //if (0 == Session && p.OpCodeEnum != OpCodes.OP_SessionRequest && p.OpCodeEnum != OpCodes.OP_SessionResponse)
            //    Log.DetailRule.Debug("Session not initialized, packet ignored");
            //    // _raw(NET__DEBUG, 0xFFFF, p);
            //    return;

            switch (p.OpCodeEnum)
            case OpCodes.OP_Combined:
                processed = 0;
                while (processed < p.size)
                    subpacket_length = p.pBuffer[processed];
                    // +1 advances past the packet size byte.
                    var subp = EQStream.MakeProtocolPacket(p.pBuffer, processed + 1, subpacket_length);

                    ProcessPacket(source, destination, subp);
                    //delete subp;
                    processed += subpacket_length + 1;

            case OpCodes.OP_AppCombined:
                processed = 0;
                while (processed < p.size)
                    var ap = default(EQRawApplicationPacket);
                    if ((subpacket_length = p.pBuffer[processed]) != 0xff)
// (unsigned char)*(p->pBuffer + processed))!= 0xff) {
                        //Log.DetailRule.Debug($"Extracting combined app packet of length {subpacket_length}, short len");
                        // + 1 to skip past the packet size.
                        //System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine($"p.pBuffer = {BitConverter.ToString(p.pBuffer)}, processed = {processed} + 1, subpacket_length: {subpacket_length}");
                        ap = EQStream.MakeApplicationPacket(p.pBuffer, processed + 1, subpacket_length);
                        //System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine($"ap.GetRawOpcode = {ap.GetRawOpcode()}, ap.pBuffer = {BitConverter.ToString(ap.pBuffer)}");
                        processed += subpacket_length + 1;
                        //System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine($"processed = {processed}");
                        // If the first byte of the size is 0xff then this is actually a two byte size, so skip the 0xff
                        // to then get the size.
                        subpacket_length = p.pBuffer.NetU16(processed + 1);
                        // BitConverter.ToUInt16(p.pBuffer, processed + 1).NToHus();//ntohs(*(ushort*)(p->pBuffer + processed + 1));
                        //Log.DetailRule.Debug($"Extracting combined app packet of length {subpacket_length}, short len");
                        // Skipping 3 because 1 is 0xff, the next two bytes are the size.
                        ap         = EQStream.MakeApplicationPacket(p.pBuffer, processed + 3, subpacket_length);
                        processed += subpacket_length + 3;
                    if (null != ap)
                            $"{source} => {destination}, ApplicationPacket: OpCode {ap.opcode}, Data: {BitConverter.ToString(ap.pBuffer)}");

            case OpCodes.OP_Packet:
                var seq = p.pBuffer.NetU16(0);

                // Check for an embedded OP_AppCombinded (protocol level 0x19)
                if (p.pBuffer[2] == 0x00 && p.pBuffer[3] == 0x19)
                //if (*(p->pBuffer + 2) == 0x00 && *(p->pBuffer + 3) == 0x19)
                    var subp = EQStream.MakeProtocolPacket(p.pBuffer, 2, p.size - 2);

                    ProcessPacket(source, destination, subp);
                    var ap = EQStream.MakeApplicationPacket(p.pBuffer, 2, p.size - 2);
                        $"{source} => {destination}, ApplicationPacket: OpCode {ap.opcode}, Data: {BitConverter.ToString(ap.pBuffer)}");

            case OpCodes.OP_Fragment:
                if (null == p.pBuffer || (p.Size() < 4))
                    Console.WriteLine("Received OP_Fragment that was of malformed size");
                var seq = p.pBuffer.NetU16(0);

                // In case we did queue one before as well.
                if (PacketQueue.Remove(seq))
                    Console.WriteLine($"[NET_TRACE] OP_Fragment: Removing older queued packet with sequence {seq}");
                    //delete qp;
                if (null != oversize_buffer)
                    Buffer.BlockCopy(p.pBuffer, 2, oversize_buffer, oversize_offset, p.size - 2);
                    oversize_offset += p.size - 2;

                    // Does the offset match the total length?  If so it means we have assembled the full packet.  If not,
                    // that means we're still waiting for all of the parts to arrive.
                    if (oversize_offset == oversize_length)
                        // We have the full packet.  What kind is it?
                        if (p.pBuffer[2] == 0x00 && p.pBuffer[3] == 0x19)
                            var subp = EQStream.MakeProtocolPacket(oversize_buffer, oversize_offset);
                            ProcessPacket(source, destination, subp);
                            var ap = EQStream.MakeApplicationPacket(oversize_buffer, oversize_offset);
                            if (null != ap)
                                Console.WriteLine($"{source} => {destination}, {ap.opcode}");
                    // Allocate space for the fragment.  The first fragment contains the total size of the
                    // fragment.
                    oversize_length = p.pBuffer.NetU32(2);
                    // BitConverter.ToUInt32(p.pBuffer, 2).NToHui();//ntohl(*(uint*)(p->pBuffer + 2));
                    oversize_buffer = new byte[oversize_length];
                    Buffer.BlockCopy(p.pBuffer, 6, oversize_buffer, 0, p.size - 6);
                    //memcpy(oversize_buffer, p->pBuffer + 6, p->size - 6);
                    oversize_offset = p.size - 6;
                        $"First fragment of oversized of seq {seq}: now at {oversize_offset}/{oversize_length}");

            case OpCodes.OP_KeepAlive:

            case OpCodes.OP_Ack:
                //Console.WriteLine($"OP_Ack: {p.pBuffer.NetU16(0)}");
                //    default:
                //        {
                //            var ap = MakeApplicationPacket(p);

                //            if (null != ap)
                //            {
                //                InboundQueue.TryAdd(ap);
                //            }
                //        }
                //        break;