public override void GetPacketDataString(TextWriter text, bool flagsDescription)
            text.Write("keepId:0x{0:X4} componentId:{1,-2} hookPointId:0x{2:X4} buyMoney:{3} buyBP:{4} buyGBP:{5} count:{6} unk1:{7} unk2:{8}",
                       keepId, componentId, hookPointId, flag1, flag2, flag3, itemCount, unk1, unk2);

            for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++)
                StoC_0x17_MerchantWindow.MerchantItem item = items[i];
                text.Write("\n\tindex:{0,-2} level:{1,-2} value1:{2,-3} value2:{3,-3} hand:0x{4:X2} damageType:0x{5:X2} objectType:0x{6:X2} canUse:{7} weight:{8,-4} price:{9,-8} model:0x{10:X4} name:\"{11}\"",
                           item.index, item.level, item.value1, item.value2, item.hand, item.damageType, item.objectType, item.canUse, item.weight, item.price, item.model,;
                if (flagsDescription)
                    text.Write(" ({0})", (StoC_0x02_InventoryUpdate.eObjectType)item.objectType);
        public override void Init()
            Position    = 0;
            keepId      = ReadShort();
            componentId = ReadShort();
            hookPointId = ReadShort();
            flag1       = ReadByte();
            flag2       = ReadByte();
            flag3       = ReadByte();
            itemCount   = ReadByte();
            unk1        = ReadByte();
            unk2        = ReadByte();

            items = new StoC_0x17_MerchantWindow.MerchantItem[itemCount];

            for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++)
                StoC_0x17_MerchantWindow.MerchantItem item = new StoC_0x17_MerchantWindow.MerchantItem();

                item.index  = ReadByte();
                item.level  = ReadByte();
                item.value1 = ReadByte();
                item.value2 = ReadByte();
                item.hand   = ReadByte();               // >>6 to get hand
                item.damageAndObjectType = ReadByte();
//				item.damageType = (byte)(item.damageAndObjectType >> 6);
//				item.objectType = (byte)(item.damageAndObjectType & 0x3F);
                item.objectType = item.damageAndObjectType;                 // KeepSiegeStore can't sold weapon
                item.canUse     = ReadByte();
                item.weight     = ReadShort();
                item.price      = ReadInt();
                item.model      = ReadShort();
             = ReadPascalString();

                items[i] = item;
        public override void Init()
            Position = 0;
            keepId = ReadShort();
            componentId = ReadShort();
            hookPointId = ReadShort();
            flag1 = ReadByte();
            flag2 = ReadByte();
            flag3 = ReadByte();
            itemCount = ReadByte();
            unk1 = ReadByte();
            unk2 = ReadByte();

            items = new StoC_0x17_MerchantWindow.MerchantItem[itemCount];

            for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++)
                StoC_0x17_MerchantWindow.MerchantItem item = new StoC_0x17_MerchantWindow.MerchantItem();

                item.index = ReadByte();
                item.level = ReadByte();
                item.value1 = ReadByte();
                item.value2 = ReadByte();
                item.hand = ReadByte(); // >>6 to get hand
                item.damageAndObjectType = ReadByte();
            //				item.damageType = (byte)(item.damageAndObjectType >> 6);
            //				item.objectType = (byte)(item.damageAndObjectType & 0x3F);
                item.objectType = item.damageAndObjectType; // KeepSiegeStore can't sold weapon
                item.canUse = ReadByte();
                item.weight = ReadShort();
                item.price = ReadInt();
                item.model = ReadShort();
       = ReadPascalString();

                items[i] = item;