public static CATran DefaultValues(PXCache sender, CATran catran_Row, CADepositDetail orig_Row)
            CADepositDetail parentDoc = orig_Row;
            CADeposit       deposit   = PXSelect <CADeposit, Where <CADeposit.tranType, Equal <Required <CADeposit.tranType> >,
                                                                    And <CADeposit.refNbr, Equal <Required <CADeposit.refNbr> > > > > .Select(sender.Graph, parentDoc.TranType, parentDoc.RefNbr);

            if ((parentDoc.Released == true) && (catran_Row.TranID != null) ||
                parentDoc.CuryTranAmt == null ||
                parentDoc.CuryTranAmt == 0)

            catran_Row.OrigModule   = BatchModule.CA;
            catran_Row.OrigTranType = parentDoc.TranType;
            catran_Row.OrigRefNbr   = parentDoc.RefNbr;

            catran_Row.CashAccountID = parentDoc.AccountID;

            catran_Row.CuryID      = parentDoc.OrigCuryID;
            catran_Row.CuryInfoID  = parentDoc.CuryInfoID;
            catran_Row.CuryTranAmt = parentDoc.CuryOrigAmtSigned * (parentDoc.DrCr == CADrCr.CADebit ? 1 : -1);
            catran_Row.TranAmt     = parentDoc.OrigAmtSigned * (parentDoc.DrCr == CADrCr.CADebit ? 1 : -1);
            catran_Row.DrCr        = parentDoc.DrCr;
            catran_Row.TranDesc    = parentDoc.TranDesc;
            catran_Row.ReferenceID = null;
            catran_Row.Released    = parentDoc.Released;
            if (parentDoc.DetailType == CADepositDetailType.CheckDeposit || parentDoc.DetailType == CADepositDetailType.VoidCheckDeposit)
                catran_Row.TranDesc = string.Format("{0}-{1}", parentDoc.OrigDocType, parentDoc.OrigRefNbr);
            if (deposit != null)
                catran_Row.Hold         = deposit.Hold;
                catran_Row.FinPeriodID  = deposit.FinPeriodID;
                catran_Row.TranPeriodID = deposit.TranPeriodID;
                catran_Row.ExtRefNbr    = deposit.ExtRefNbr;
                catran_Row.TranDate     = deposit.TranDate;
                catran_Row.Cleared      = deposit.Cleared;
                catran_Row.ClearDate    = deposit.ClearDate;
            if (parentDoc.DetailType == CADepositDetailType.VoidCheckDeposit)
                CADepositDetail voidedDoc = PXSelectReadonly <CADepositDetail, Where <CADepositDetail.refNbr, Equal <Required <CADepositDetail.refNbr> >,
                                                                                      And <CADepositDetail.tranType, Equal <Required <CADepositDetail.tranType> >,
                                                                                           And <CADepositDetail.lineNbr, Equal <Required <CADepositDetail.lineNbr> > > > > > .Select(sender.Graph, parentDoc.RefNbr, CATranType.CADeposit, parentDoc.LineNbr);

                if (voidedDoc != null)
                    catran_Row.VoidedTranID = voidedDoc.TranID;

            SetCleared(catran_Row, GetCashAccount(catran_Row, sender.Graph));

Exemplo n.º 2
        public virtual IEnumerable availablePayments()
            PaymentFilter flt = this.filter.Current;
            CABatch       doc = this.Document.Current;

            if (doc == null || doc.CashAccountID == null || doc.Released == true)
                yield break;
            PXSelectBase <ARPayment> paymentSelect = new PXSelectJoin <ARPayment,
                                                                       LeftJoin <CADepositDetail, On <CADepositDetail.origDocType, Equal <ARPayment.docType>,
                                                                                                      And <CADepositDetail.origRefNbr, Equal <ARPayment.refNbr>,
                                                                                                           And <CADepositDetail.tranType, Equal <CATranType.cADeposit> > > >,
                                                                                 LeftJoin <CABatch, On <CABatch.tranType, Equal <CADepositDetail.tranType>,
                                                                                                        And <CABatch.refNbr, Equal <CADepositDetail.refNbr> > >,
                                                                                           InnerJoin <CashAccountDeposit, On <CashAccountDeposit.depositAcctID, Equal <ARPayment.cashAccountID>,
                                                                                                                              And <Where <CashAccountDeposit.paymentMethodID, Equal <ARPayment.paymentMethodID>,
                                                                                                                                          Or <CashAccountDeposit.paymentMethodID, Equal <BQLConstants.EmptyString> > > > > > > >,
                                                                       Where <CashAccountDeposit.accountID, Equal <Current <CABatch.cashAccountID> >,
                                                                              And <ARPayment.docType, NotEqual <ARPaymentType.voidPayment>,
                                                                                   And <ARPayment.docType, NotEqual <ARPaymentType.cashReturn>,
                                                                                        And <ARPayment.released, Equal <boolTrue>,
                                                                                             And <ARPayment.voided, Equal <boolFalse>,
                                                                                                  And <ARPayment.depositAsBatch, Equal <boolTrue>,
                                                                                                       And <ARPayment.depositNbr, IsNull,
                                                                                                            And <ARPayment.depositAfter, LessEqual <Current <CABatch.tranDate> >,
                                                                                                                 And <Where <CADepositDetail.refNbr, IsNull, Or <CABatch.voided, Equal <boolTrue> > > > > > > > > > > >,
                                                                       OrderBy <Asc <ARPayment.docType, Asc <ARPayment.refNbr, Desc <CashAccountDeposit.paymentMethodID> > > > >(this);

            if (flt.CashAccountID.HasValue)
                paymentSelect.WhereAnd <Where <ARPayment.cashAccountID, Equal <Current <PaymentFilter.cashAccountID> > > >();
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(flt.PaymentMethodID))
                paymentSelect.WhereAnd <Where <ARPayment.paymentMethodID, Equal <Current <PaymentFilter.paymentMethodID> > > >();
            ARPayment last = null;

            foreach (PXResult <ARPayment, CADepositDetail, CABatch, CashAccountDeposit> it in paymentSelect.Select())
                ARPayment       payment = it;
                CADepositDetail detail  = it;
                bool            exist   = false;
                if (last != null && last.DocType == payment.DocType && last.RefNbr == payment.RefNbr)
                    continue;                                                                                                   //Skip duplicates
                last = payment;
                //Add filter for CashAccountDeposit.paymentMethodID according to priorities
                foreach (CADepositDetail iDet in this.Details.Select())
                    if (iDet.OrigDocType == payment.DocType && iDet.OrigRefNbr == payment.RefNbr)
                        exist = true;
                if (exist)

                yield return(it);