Exemplo n.º 1
        public Message[] Receive(ConnectionObject con)
            HostConfigObject pop3config = SettingsObject.ListPOP3[con.Pop3ID];

            POPClient popClient = new POPClient();
            // Set timeouts to 5 seconds
            popClient.ReceiveTimeOut = 5000;
            popClient.SendTimeOut = 5000;
            bool connected = false;

            // Port is set to automatic, try SSL first, then STANDARD
            if (pop3config.Port == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Automatic port is activated for POP3 host.");
                Console.WriteLine("Trying to connect with SSL.");
                connected = Connect(popClient,pop3config.Host, SSL);
                if (!connected)
                    Console.WriteLine("Connection denied.");
                    Console.WriteLine("Trying to connect at standard port [" + STANDARD + "].");
                    connected = Connect(popClient, pop3config.Host, STANDARD);
                    if (!connected)
                        Console.WriteLine("Connection denied.");
                        Console.WriteLine("Connection granted.");
                    Console.WriteLine("Connection granted.");
                Console.WriteLine("Currently activated port: " + pop3config.Port);
                Console.WriteLine("Trying to connect at this port.");
                connected = Connect(popClient,pop3config.Host, pop3config.Port);
                if (!connected)
                    Console.WriteLine("Connection denied.");
                    Console.WriteLine("Connection granted.");

            bool errorOccured = false;
            // Contacting the server and login

            Message[] msgArray = null;
            if (connected){
                try {
                    Console.WriteLine("Starting authentication.");
                    AuthenticationMethod auth = AuthenticationMethod.TRYBOTH;
                    popClient.Authenticate(pop3config.Username, pop3config.Password, auth);
                    Logger.sendMessage("Login successful.", Logger.MessageTag.INFO);
                    Console.WriteLine("login successful.");

                    int msgCount = popClient.GetMessageCount();
                    Logger.sendMessage("Account statistics loaded. [" + msgCount + "] messages on server.", Logger.MessageTag.INFO);
                    Console.WriteLine("Account statistics loaded. [" + msgCount + "] messages on server.");

                    List<Message> msgs = new List<Message>();

                    //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Fetching first 3 messages only (Bugfixing)");
                    // Mailbox entries always start with "1"
                    for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) // msgCount
                        if (running)
                            // Receive UID of mail
                            string uid = popClient.GetMessageUID(i);
                            List<string> cache = SettingsObject.CacheUIDs[con.ConnectionID];
                            if (cache == null)
                                cache = new List<string>();

                            // Receive complete email
                            Message msgObj = popClient.GetMessage(i, false);
                            if (msgObj != null)

                            // Add UID to list of cached mail UIDs
                            SettingsObject.CacheUIDs.Add(con.ConnectionID, cache);

                    msgArray = (Message[])msgs.ToArray();
                catch (Exception)
                    errorOccured = true;
                    Logger.sendMessage("Problem while receiving message/s.", Logger.MessageTag.ERROR);
            if (!errorOccured)
                Logger.sendMessage("Received " + (msgArray != null ? msgArray.Length.ToString() : "no") + " mails from " + pop3config.Description + ".", Logger.MessageTag.INFO);
            return msgArray;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static void readConfigFile()
            SettingsObject.ListConnections = new List<ConnectionObject>();
            SettingsObject.ListPOP3 = new List<HostConfigObject>();
            SettingsObject.ListSMTP = new List<HostConfigObject>();
            SettingsObject.ListAddress = new List<AddressObject>();
                XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
                XmlNode root = doc.SelectSingleNode("config");

                // Read connections
                XmlNode connections = root.SelectSingleNode("connections");
                if (connections != null)
                    XmlNodeList dataNodes = connections.ChildNodes;
                    // Iterates through data nodes
                    foreach (XmlNode connect in dataNodes)
                        ConnectionObject item = new ConnectionObject();
                        item.Pop3ID = getIntValue(connect, "pop3id");
                        item.SmtpID = getIntValue(connect, "smtpid");
                        item.AddressID = Convert.ToInt32(getValue(connect, "emailid"));
                        item.Active = getBoolValue(connect, "active");
                        item.ContinousMode = getBoolValue(connect, "continousmode");

                        // Repetition Times for cycling
                        XmlNode timecycle = connect.ChildNodes[0];
                        int hours = getIntValue(timecycle, "hours");
                        int minutes = getIntValue(timecycle, "minutes");
                        int seconds = getIntValue(timecycle, "seconds");
                        TimeSpan time = new TimeSpan(hours, minutes, seconds);
                        item.WaitTime = time;

                // Read POP3 Hosts
                XmlNode pops = root.SelectSingleNode("pop3hosts");
                if (pops != null)
                    XmlNodeList dataNodes = pops.ChildNodes;
                    // Iterates through data nodes
                    foreach (XmlNode pop3 in dataNodes)
                        HostConfigObject item = new HostConfigObject();
                        item.Description = getValue(pop3, "description");
                        item.Host = getValue(pop3, "host");
                        int port = 0;
                        int.TryParse(getValue(pop3, "port"),out port);
                        item.Port = port;
                        item.Username = getValue(pop3, "username");
                        item.Password = getValue(pop3, "password");
                        item.Active = getBoolValue(pop3, "active");

                // Read SMTP Hosts
                XmlNode smtps = root.SelectSingleNode("smtphosts");
                if (smtps != null)
                    XmlNodeList dataNodes = smtps.ChildNodes;
                    // Iterates through data nodes
                    foreach (XmlNode smtp in dataNodes)
                        HostConfigObject item = new HostConfigObject();
                        item.Description = getValue(smtp, "description");
                        item.EMail = getValue(smtp, "email");
                        item.Host = getValue(smtp, "host");
                        int port = 0;
                        int.TryParse(getValue(smtp, "port"), out port);
                        item.Port = port;
                        item.Username = getValue(smtp, "username");
                        item.Password = getValue(smtp, "password");
                        item.Active = getBoolValue(smtp, "active");

                // Read mail addresses
                XmlNode addresses = root.SelectSingleNode("mailaddresses");
                if (addresses != null)
                    XmlNodeList dataNodes = addresses.ChildNodes;
                    // Iterates through data nodes
                    foreach (XmlNode add in dataNodes)
                        AddressObject item = new AddressObject();
                        item.AddressName = getValue(add, "name");
                        item.AddressEMail = getValue(add, "email");
                        item.Active = getBoolValue(add, "active");
            catch (Exception)
                Logger.sendMessage("Cannot load config!", Logger.MessageTag.ERROR);