Exemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// This initializes the cipher with the given password.
 /// See AppNote.txt for details.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="passphrase">The passphrase for encrypting or decrypting with this cipher.
 /// </param>
 /// <remarks>
 /// <code>
 /// Step 1 - Initializing the encryption keys
 /// -----------------------------------------
 /// Start with these keys:
 /// Key(0) := 305419896 (0x12345678)
 /// Key(1) := 591751049 (0x23456789)
 /// Key(2) := 878082192 (0x34567890)
 /// Then, initialize the keys with a password:
 /// loop for i from 0 to length(password)-1
 ///     update_keys(password(i))
 /// end loop
 /// Where update_keys() is defined as:
 /// update_keys(char):
 ///   Key(0) := crc32(key(0),char)
 ///   Key(1) := Key(1) + (Key(0) bitwiseAND 000000ffH)
 ///   Key(1) := Key(1) * 134775813 + 1
 ///   Key(2) := crc32(key(2),key(1) rightshift 24)
 /// end update_keys
 /// Where crc32(old_crc,char) is a routine that given a CRC value and a
 /// character, returns an updated CRC value after applying the CRC-32
 /// algorithm described elsewhere in this document.
 /// </code>
 /// <para>
 /// After the keys are initialized, then you can use the cipher to encrypt
 /// the plaintext.
 /// </para>
 /// <para>
 /// Essentially we encrypt the password with the keys, then discard the
 /// ciphertext for the password. This initializes the keys for later use.
 /// </para>
 /// </remarks>
 public void InitCipher(string passphrase)
     byte[] p = SharedUtilities.StringToByteArray(passphrase);
     for (int i = 0; i < passphrase.Length; i++)
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        ///   Read the next entry from the zip file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>
        ///   Call this method just before calling <see cref="Read(byte[], int, int)"/>,
        ///   to position the pointer in the zip file to the next entry that can be
        ///   read.  Subsequent calls to <c>Read()</c>, will decrypt and decompress the
        ///   data in the zip file, until <c>Read()</c> returns 0.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        ///   Each time you call <c>GetNextEntry()</c>, the pointer in the wrapped
        ///   stream is moved to the next entry in the zip file.  If you call <see
        ///   cref="Seek(long, SeekOrigin)"/>, and thus re-position the pointer within
        ///   the file, you will need to call <c>GetNextEntry()</c> again, to insure
        ///   that the file pointer is positioned at the beginning of a zip entry.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        ///   This method returns the <c>ZipEntry</c>. Using a stream approach, you will
        ///   read the raw bytes for an entry in a zip file via calls to <c>Read()</c>.
        ///   Alternatively, you can extract an entry into a file, or a stream, by
        ///   calling <see cref="ZipEntry.Extract()"/>, or one of its siblings.
        /// </para>
        /// </remarks>
        /// <returns>
        ///   The <c>ZipEntry</c> read. Returns null (or Nothing in VB) if there are no more
        ///   entries in the zip file.
        /// </returns>
        public ZipEntry GetNextEntry()
            if (_findRequired)
                // find the next signature
                long d = SharedUtilities.FindSignature(_inputStream, ZipConstants.ZipEntrySignature);
                if (d == -1)
                // back up 4 bytes: ReadEntry assumes the file pointer is positioned before the entry signature
                _inputStream.Seek(-4, SeekOrigin.Current);

            _currentEntry = ZipEntry.ReadEntry(_container, !_firstEntry);
            _endOfEntry   = _inputStream.Position;
            _firstEntry   = true;
            _needSetup    = true;
            _findRequired = false;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public long TruncateBackward(uint diskNumber, long offset)
            // Console.WriteLine("***ZSS.Trunc to disk {0}", diskNumber);
            // Console.WriteLine("***ZSS.Trunc:  current disk {0}", CurrentSegment);

            if (rw != 2)
                throw new ZipException("bad state.");

            // Seek back in the segmented stream to a (maybe) prior segment.

            // Check if it is the same segment.  If it is, very simple.
            if (diskNumber == CurrentSegment)
                return(_innerStream.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin));

            // Seeking back to a prior segment.
            // The current segment and any intervening segments must be removed.
            // First, remove the current segment.
            if (_innerStream != null)
                if (File.Exists(_currentTempName))

            // Now, remove intervening segments.
            for (uint j = CurrentSegment - 1; j > diskNumber; j--)
                string s = _NameForSegment(j);
                // Console.WriteLine("***ZSS.Trunc:  removing file {0}", s);
                if (File.Exists(s))

            // now, open the desired segment.  It must exist.
            CurrentSegment = diskNumber;

            // get a new temp file, try 3 times:
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    _currentTempName = SharedUtilities.InternalGetTempFileName();
                    File.Move(CurrentName, _currentTempName);  // move the .z0x file back to a temp name
                catch (IOException)
                    if (i == 2)

            _innerStream = new FileStream(_currentTempName, FileMode.Open);

            return(_innerStream.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin));