Exemplo n.º 1
        private static CheckMoveResult[] ParseMoves(PKM pkm, MoveParseSource source, LegalInfo info)
            var res = new CheckMoveResult[4];

            bool AllParsed() => res.All(z => z != null);

            // Special considerations!
            const int NoMinGeneration = 0;
            int       minGeneration   = NoMinGeneration;

            if (pkm is IBattleVersion {
                BattleVersion : not 0
            } v)
                minGeneration = ((GameVersion)v.BattleVersion).GetGeneration();

            // Check empty moves and relearn moves before generation specific moves
            for (int m = 0; m < 4; m++)
                var move = source.CurrentMoves[m];
                if (move == 0)
                    res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(None, pkm.Format, Valid, LMoveSourceEmpty, CurrentMove);
                else if (minGeneration == NoMinGeneration && info.EncounterMoves.Relearn.Contains(move))
                    res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(Relearn, info.Generation, Valid, LMoveSourceRelearn, CurrentMove);

            if (AllParsed())

            // Encapsulate arguments to simplify method calls
            var moveInfo = new LearnInfo(pkm, source);

            // Check moves going backwards, marking the move valid in the most current generation when it can be learned
            int[] generations = GenerationTraversal.GetVisitedGenerationOrder(pkm, info.EncounterOriginal.Generation);
            if (pkm.Format <= 2)
                generations = Array.FindAll(generations, z => z < info.EncounterMoves.LevelUpMoves.Length);
            if (minGeneration != NoMinGeneration)
                generations = Array.FindAll(generations, z => z >= minGeneration);

            if (generations.Length != 0)
                int lastgen = generations[^ 1];
Exemplo n.º 2
        private static CheckMoveResult[] ParseMoves(PKM pkm, MoveParseSource source, LegalInfo info)
            var res = new CheckMoveResult[4];

            bool AllParsed() => res.All(z => z != null);

            var required = pkm is not PK1 pk1 ? 1 : GBRestrictions.GetRequiredMoveCount(pk1, source.CurrentMoves, info, source.Base);

            // Special considerations!
            int reset = 0;

            if (pkm is IBattleVersion {
                BattleVersion : not 0
            } v)
                reset = ((GameVersion)v.BattleVersion).GetGeneration();

            // Check empty moves and relearn moves before generation specific moves
            for (int m = 0; m < 4; m++)
                if (source.CurrentMoves[m] == 0)
                    res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(None, pkm.Format, m < required ? Fishy : Valid, LMoveSourceEmpty, CurrentMove);
                else if (reset == 0 && info.EncounterMoves.Relearn.Contains(source.CurrentMoves[m]))
                    res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(Relearn, info.Generation, Valid, LMoveSourceRelearn, CurrentMove);

            if (AllParsed())

            // Encapsulate arguments to simplify method calls
            var moveInfo = new LearnInfo(pkm, source);

            // Check moves going backwards, marking the move valid in the most current generation when it can be learned
            int[] generations = GenerationTraversal.GetVisitedGenerationOrder(pkm, info.EncounterOriginal.Generation);
            if (pkm.Format <= 2)
                generations = generations.Where(z => z < info.EncounterMoves.LevelUpMoves.Length).ToArray();
            if (reset != 0)
                generations = generations.Where(z => z >= reset).ToArray();

            int lastgen = generations.Length == 0 ? 0 : generations[^ 1];
Exemplo n.º 3
        private static void ParseEggMovesRemaining(PKM pkm, CheckMoveResult[] res, LearnInfo learnInfo)
            // A pokemon could have normal egg moves and regular egg moves
            // Only if all regular egg moves are event egg moves or all event egg moves are regular egg moves
            var RegularEggMovesLearned = learnInfo.EggMovesLearned.Union(learnInfo.LevelUpEggMoves).ToList();

            if (RegularEggMovesLearned.Count != 0 && learnInfo.EventEggMoves.Count != 0)
                // Moves that are egg moves or event egg moves but not both
                var IncompatibleEggMoves = RegularEggMovesLearned.Except(learnInfo.EventEggMoves).Union(learnInfo.EventEggMoves.Except(RegularEggMovesLearned)).ToList();
                if (IncompatibleEggMoves.Count == 0)
                foreach (int m in IncompatibleEggMoves)
                    if (learnInfo.EventEggMoves.Contains(m) && !learnInfo.EggMovesLearned.Contains(m))
                        res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(res[m], Severity.Invalid, V337, CheckIdentifier.Move);
                    else if (!learnInfo.EventEggMoves.Contains(m) && learnInfo.EggMovesLearned.Contains(m))
                        res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(res[m], Severity.Invalid, V336, CheckIdentifier.Move);
                    else if (!learnInfo.EventEggMoves.Contains(m) && learnInfo.LevelUpEggMoves.Contains(m))
                        res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(res[m], Severity.Invalid, V358, CheckIdentifier.Move);
            // If there is no incompatibility with event egg check that there is no inherited move in gift eggs and event eggs
            else if (RegularEggMovesLearned.Count != 0 && (pkm.WasGiftEgg || pkm.WasEventEgg))
                foreach (int m in RegularEggMovesLearned)
                    if (learnInfo.EggMovesLearned.Contains(m))
                        res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(res[m], Severity.Invalid, pkm.WasGiftEgg ? V377 : V341, CheckIdentifier.Move);
                    else if (learnInfo.LevelUpEggMoves.Contains(m))
                        res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(res[m], Severity.Invalid, pkm.WasGiftEgg ? V378 : V347, CheckIdentifier.Move);
Exemplo n.º 4
        private static void ParseEggMovesRemaining(PKM pkm, CheckMoveResult[] res, LearnInfo learnInfo)
            // A pokemon could have normal egg moves and regular egg moves
            // Only if all regular egg moves are event egg moves or all event egg moves are regular egg moves
            var RegularEggMovesLearned = learnInfo.EggMovesLearned.Union(learnInfo.LevelUpEggMoves).ToList();

            if (RegularEggMovesLearned.Count != 0 && learnInfo.EventEggMoves.Count != 0)
                // Moves that are egg moves or event egg moves but not both
                var IncompatibleEggMoves = RegularEggMovesLearned.Except(learnInfo.EventEggMoves).Union(learnInfo.EventEggMoves.Except(RegularEggMovesLearned)).ToList();
                if (IncompatibleEggMoves.Count == 0)
                foreach (int m in IncompatibleEggMoves)
                    if (learnInfo.EventEggMoves.Contains(m) && !learnInfo.EggMovesLearned.Contains(m))
                        res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(res[m], Invalid, LMoveEggIncompatibleEvent, Move);
                    else if (!learnInfo.EventEggMoves.Contains(m) && learnInfo.EggMovesLearned.Contains(m))
                        res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(res[m], Invalid, LMoveEggIncompatible, Move);
                    else if (!learnInfo.EventEggMoves.Contains(m) && learnInfo.LevelUpEggMoves.Contains(m))
                        res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(res[m], Invalid, LMoveEventEggLevelUp, Move);
            else if (RegularEggMovesLearned.Count != 0 && (pkm.WasGiftEgg || pkm.WasEventEgg))
                // Event eggs cannot inherit moves from parents; they are not bred.
                foreach (int m in RegularEggMovesLearned)
                    if (learnInfo.EggMovesLearned.Contains(m))
                        res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(res[m], Invalid, pkm.WasGiftEgg ? LMoveEggMoveGift : LMoveEggInvalidEvent, Move);
                    else if (learnInfo.LevelUpEggMoves.Contains(m))
                        res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(res[m], Invalid, pkm.WasGiftEgg ? LMoveEggInvalidEventLevelUpGift : LMoveEggInvalidEventLevelUp, Move);
Exemplo n.º 5
        private static void ParseEggMoves(PKM pkm, CheckMoveResult[] res, int gen, LearnInfo learnInfo)
            var moves = learnInfo.Source.CurrentMoves;

            // Check egg moves after all the generations and all the moves, every move that can't be learned in another source should have preference
            // the moves that can only be learned from egg moves should in the future check if the move combinations can be breed in gens 2 to 5
            for (int m = 0; m < 4; m++)
                if (IsCheckValid(res[m]))
                if (moves[m] == 0)

                bool wasEggMove = learnInfo.Source.EggMoveSource.Contains(moves[m]);
                if (wasEggMove)
                    // To learn exclusive generation 1 moves the pokemon was tradeback, but it can't be trade to generation 1
                    // without removing moves above MaxMoveID_1, egg moves above MaxMoveID_1 and gen 1 moves are incompatible
                    if (learnInfo.IsGen2Pkm && learnInfo.Gen1Moves.Count != 0 && moves[m] > Legal.MaxMoveID_1)
                        res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(MoveSource.EggMove, gen, Severity.Invalid, V334, CheckIdentifier.Move);
                        learnInfo.MixedGen12NonTradeback = true;
                        res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(MoveSource.EggMove, gen, Severity.Valid, V171, CheckIdentifier.Move)
                            Flag = true

                    if (pkm.TradebackStatus == TradebackType.Any && pkm.GenNumber == 1)
                        pkm.TradebackStatus = TradebackType.WasTradeback;
                if (!learnInfo.Source.EggEventSource.Contains(moves[m]))

                if (!wasEggMove)
                    if (learnInfo.IsGen2Pkm && learnInfo.Gen1Moves.Count != 0 && moves[m] > Legal.MaxMoveID_1)
                        res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(MoveSource.SpecialEgg, gen, Severity.Invalid, V334, CheckIdentifier.Move);
                        learnInfo.MixedGen12NonTradeback = true;
                        res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(MoveSource.SpecialEgg, gen, Severity.Valid, V333, CheckIdentifier.Move);
                if (pkm.TradebackStatus == TradebackType.Any && pkm.GenNumber == 1)
                    pkm.TradebackStatus = TradebackType.WasTradeback;
Exemplo n.º 6
        private static void ParseEggMovesInherited(PKM pkm, CheckMoveResult[] res, int gen, LearnInfo learnInfo)
            var moves = learnInfo.Source.CurrentMoves;

            // Check higher-level moves after all the moves but just before egg moves to differentiate it from normal level up moves
            // Also check if the base egg moves is a non tradeback move
            for (int m = 0; m < 4; m++)
                if (IsCheckValid(res[m])) // already validated
                if (moves[m] == 0)
                if (!learnInfo.Source.EggLevelUpSource.Contains(moves[m])) // Check if contains level-up egg moves from parents

                if (learnInfo.IsGen2Pkm && learnInfo.Gen1Moves.Count != 0 && moves[m] > Legal.MaxMoveID_1)
                    res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(MoveSource.InheritLevelUp, gen, Severity.Invalid, V334, CheckIdentifier.Move);
                    learnInfo.MixedGen12NonTradeback = true;
                    res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(MoveSource.InheritLevelUp, gen, Severity.Valid, V345, CheckIdentifier.Move);
                if (pkm.TradebackStatus == TradebackType.Any && pkm.GenNumber == 1)
                    pkm.TradebackStatus = TradebackType.WasTradeback;
Exemplo n.º 7
 private static void ParseMovesByGenerationLast(PKM pkm, CheckMoveResult[] res, int gen, LearnInfo learnInfo)
     ParseEggMovesInherited(pkm, res, gen, learnInfo);
     ParseEggMoves(pkm, res, gen, learnInfo);
     ParseEggMovesRemaining(pkm, res, learnInfo);
Exemplo n.º 8
        private static void ParseMovesByGeneration12(PKM pkm, CheckMoveResult[] res, int[] moves, int gen, LegalInfo info, LearnInfo learnInfo)
            // Mark the gen 1 exclusive moves as illegal because the pokemon also have Non tradeback egg moves.
            if (learnInfo.MixedGen12NonTradeback)
                foreach (int m in learnInfo.Gen1Moves)
                    res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(res[m], Severity.Invalid, V335, CheckIdentifier.Move);

                foreach (int m in learnInfo.Gen2PreevoMoves)
                    res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(res[m], Severity.Invalid, V412, CheckIdentifier.Move);

            if (gen == 1 && pkm.Format == 1 && pkm.Gen1_NotTradeback)
                ParseRedYellowIncompatibleMoves(pkm, res, moves);
                ParseEvolutionsIncompatibleMoves(pkm, res, moves, info.EncounterMoves.TMHMMoves[1]);
Exemplo n.º 9
        private static void ParseMovesByGeneration(PKM pkm, IList <CheckMoveResult> res, int gen, LegalInfo info, LearnInfo learnInfo)
            var  moves  = learnInfo.Source.CurrentMoves;
            bool native = gen == pkm.Format;

            for (int m = 0; m < 4; m++)
                if (IsCheckValid(res[m])) // already validated with another generation
                int move = moves[m];
                if (move == 0)

                if (gen <= 2)
                    if (gen == 2 && !native && move > Legal.MaxMoveID_1 && pkm.VC1)
                        res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(MoveSource.Unknown, gen, Severity.Invalid, V176, CheckIdentifier.Move);
                    if (gen == 2 && learnInfo.Source.EggMoveSource.Contains(move))
                        res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(MoveSource.EggMove, gen, Severity.Valid, V171, CheckIdentifier.Move);
                    else if (learnInfo.Source.Base.Contains(move))
                        res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(MoveSource.Initial, gen, Severity.Valid, native ? V361 : string.Format(V362, gen), CheckIdentifier.Move);
                if (info.EncounterMoves.LevelUpMoves[gen].Contains(move))
                    res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(MoveSource.LevelUp, gen, Severity.Valid, native ? V177 : string.Format(V330, gen), CheckIdentifier.Move);
                else if (info.EncounterMoves.TMHMMoves[gen].Contains(move))
                    res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(MoveSource.TMHM, gen, Severity.Valid, native ? V173 : string.Format(V331, gen), CheckIdentifier.Move);
                else if (info.EncounterMoves.TutorMoves[gen].Contains(move))
                    res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(MoveSource.Tutor, gen, Severity.Valid, native ? V174 : string.Format(V332, gen), CheckIdentifier.Move);
                else if (gen == info.Generation && learnInfo.Source.SpecialSource.Contains(move))
                    res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(MoveSource.Special, gen, Severity.Valid, V175, CheckIdentifier.Move);

                if (res[m] == null || gen >= 3)

                if (res[m].Valid && gen == 2 && learnInfo.Source.NonTradeBackLevelUpMoves.Contains(m))
                if (res[m].Valid && gen == 1)
                    if (learnInfo.Gen2PreevoMoves.Count != 0)
                        learnInfo.MixedGen12NonTradeback = true;

                if (res[m].Valid && gen <= 2 && pkm.TradebackStatus == TradebackType.Any && info.Generation != gen)
                    pkm.TradebackStatus = TradebackType.WasTradeback;
Exemplo n.º 10
        private static void ParseMovesByGeneration(PKM pkm, CheckMoveResult[] res, int gen, LegalInfo info, LearnInfo learnInfo, int last)
            GetHMCompatibility(pkm, res, gen, learnInfo.Source.CurrentMoves, out bool[] HMLearned, out bool KnowDefogWhirlpool);
            ParseMovesByGeneration(pkm, res, gen, info, learnInfo);

            if (gen == last)
                ParseMovesByGenerationLast(pkm, res, gen, learnInfo);

            switch (gen)
            case 3:
            case 4:
                if (pkm.Format > gen)
                    FlagIncompatibleTransferHMs(res, learnInfo.Source.CurrentMoves, gen, HMLearned, KnowDefogWhirlpool);

            case 1:
            case 2:
                ParseMovesByGeneration12(pkm, res, learnInfo.Source.CurrentMoves, gen, info, learnInfo);

            // Pokemon that evolved by leveling up while learning a specific move
            // This pokemon could only have 3 moves from preevolutions that are not the move used to evolved
            // including special and eggs moves before realearn generations
            if (Legal.SpeciesEvolutionWithMove.Contains(pkm.Species))
                ParseEvolutionLevelupMove(pkm, res, learnInfo.Source.CurrentMoves, learnInfo.IncenseMoves, info);
Exemplo n.º 11
        private static CheckMoveResult[] ParseMoves(PKM pkm, MoveParseSource source, LegalInfo info)
            CheckMoveResult[] res = new CheckMoveResult[4];
            bool AllParsed() => res.All(r => r != null);

            var required = Legal.GetRequiredMoveCount(pkm, source.CurrentMoves, info, source.Base);

            // Check empty moves and relearn moves before generation specific moves
            for (int m = 0; m < 4; m++)
                if (source.CurrentMoves[m] == 0)
                    res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(MoveSource.None, pkm.Format, m < required ? Severity.Fishy : Severity.Valid, V167, CheckIdentifier.Move);
                else if (info.EncounterMoves.Relearn.Contains(source.CurrentMoves[m]))
                    res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(MoveSource.Relearn, info.Generation, Severity.Valid, V172, CheckIdentifier.Move)
                        Flag = true

            if (AllParsed())

            // Encapsulate arguments to simplify method calls
            var moveInfo = new LearnInfo(pkm)
                Source = source

            // Check moves going backwards, marking the move valid in the most current generation when it can be learned
            int[] generations = GetGenMovesCheckOrder(pkm);
            if (pkm.Format <= 2)
                generations = generations.Where(z => z < info.EncounterMoves.LevelUpMoves.Length).ToArray();

            int lastgen = generations.LastOrDefault();

            foreach (var gen in generations)
                ParseMovesByGeneration(pkm, res, gen, info, moveInfo, lastgen);
                if (AllParsed())

            if (pkm.Species == 292 && info.Generation <= 4)
                ParseShedinjaEvolveMoves(pkm, res, source.CurrentMoves);

            for (int m = 0; m < 4; m++)
                if (res[m] == null)
                    res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(MoveSource.Unknown, info.Generation, Severity.Invalid, V176, CheckIdentifier.Move);
Exemplo n.º 12
        private static void ParseMovesByGeneration(PKM pkm, IList <CheckMoveResult> res, int gen, LegalInfo info, LearnInfo learnInfo)
            var  moves  = learnInfo.Source.CurrentMoves;
            bool native = gen == pkm.Format;

            for (int m = 0; m < 4; m++)
                if (IsCheckValid(res[m])) // already validated with another generation
                int move = moves[m];
                if (move == 0)

                if (gen <= 2)
                    if (gen == 2 && !native && move > Legal.MaxMoveID_1 && pkm.VC1)
                        res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(Unknown, gen, Invalid, LMoveSourceInvalid, Move);
                    if (gen == 2 && learnInfo.Source.EggMoveSource.Contains(move))
                        res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(EggMove, gen, Valid, LMoveSourceEgg, Move);
                    else if (learnInfo.Source.Base.Contains(move))
                        res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(Initial, gen, Valid, native ? LMoveSourceDefault : string.Format(LMoveFDefault_0, gen), Move);
                if (info.EncounterMoves.LevelUpMoves[gen].Contains(move))
                    res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(LevelUp, gen, Valid, native ? LMoveSourceLevelUp : string.Format(LMoveFLevelUp_0, gen), Move);
                else if (info.EncounterMoves.TMHMMoves[gen].Contains(move))
                    res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(TMHM, gen, Valid, native ? LMoveSourceTMHM : string.Format(LMoveFTMHM_0, gen), Move);
                else if (info.EncounterMoves.TutorMoves[gen].Contains(move))
                    res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(Tutor, gen, Valid, native ? LMoveSourceTutor : string.Format(LMoveFTutor_0, gen), Move);
                else if (gen == info.Generation && learnInfo.Source.SpecialSource.Contains(move))
                    res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(Special, gen, Valid, LMoveSourceSpecial, Move);
                else if (gen >= 8 && MoveEgg.GetIsSharedEggMove(pkm, gen, move))
                    res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(Shared, gen, Valid, native ? LMoveSourceShared : string.Format(LMoveSourceSharedF, gen), Move);

                if (gen >= 3 || !IsCheckValid(res[m]))

                // Gen1/Gen2 only below
                if (gen == 2 && learnInfo.Source.NonTradeBackLevelUpMoves.Contains(m))
                else if (gen == 1)
                    if (learnInfo.Gen2PreevoMoves.Count != 0)
                        learnInfo.MixedGen12NonTradeback = true;

                if (pkm.TradebackStatus == TradebackType.Any && info.Generation != gen)
                    pkm.TradebackStatus = TradebackType.WasTradeback;
Exemplo n.º 13
        private static CheckMoveResult[] ParseMoves(PKM pkm, MoveParseSource source, LegalInfo info)
            var res = new CheckMoveResult[4];

            bool AllParsed() => res.All(z => z != null);

            var required = pkm.Format != 1 ? 1 : GBRestrictions.GetRequiredMoveCount(pkm, source.CurrentMoves, info, source.Base);

            // Special considerations!
            int reset = 0;

            if (pkm is IBattleVersion v && v.BattleVersion != 0)
                reset = ((GameVersion)v.BattleVersion).GetGeneration();
                source.EggEventSource           = Array.Empty <int>();
                source.Base                     = Array.Empty <int>();
                source.EggLevelUpSource         = Array.Empty <int>();
                source.EggMoveSource            = Array.Empty <int>();
                source.NonTradeBackLevelUpMoves = Array.Empty <int>();
                source.SpecialSource            = Array.Empty <int>();

            // Check empty moves and relearn moves before generation specific moves
            for (int m = 0; m < 4; m++)
                if (source.CurrentMoves[m] == 0)
                    res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(None, pkm.Format, m < required ? Fishy : Valid, LMoveSourceEmpty, Move);
                else if (reset == 0 && info.EncounterMoves.Relearn.Contains(source.CurrentMoves[m]))
                    res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(Relearn, info.Generation, Valid, LMoveSourceRelearn, Move)
                        Flag = true

            if (AllParsed())

            // Encapsulate arguments to simplify method calls
            var moveInfo = new LearnInfo(pkm, source);

            // Check moves going backwards, marking the move valid in the most current generation when it can be learned
            int[] generations = GetGenMovesCheckOrder(pkm);
            if (pkm.Format <= 2)
                generations = generations.Where(z => z < info.EncounterMoves.LevelUpMoves.Length).ToArray();
            if (reset != 0)
                generations = generations.Where(z => z >= reset).ToArray();

            int lastgen = generations.LastOrDefault();

            foreach (var gen in generations)
                ParseMovesByGeneration(pkm, res, gen, info, moveInfo, lastgen);
                if (AllParsed())

            if (pkm.Species == (int)Species.Shedinja && info.Generation <= 4)
                ParseShedinjaEvolveMoves(pkm, res, source.CurrentMoves, info.EvoChainsAllGens);

            for (int m = 0; m < 4; m++)
                if (res[m] == null)
                    res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(Unknown, info.Generation, Invalid, LMoveSourceInvalid, Move);
Exemplo n.º 14
        private static void ParseEggMovesInherited(PKM pkm, CheckMoveResult[] res, int gen, LearnInfo learnInfo)
            var moves = learnInfo.Source.CurrentMoves;

            // Check higher-level moves after all the moves but just before egg moves to differentiate it from normal level up moves
            // Also check if the base egg moves is a non tradeback move
            for (int m = 0; m < 4; m++)
                var r = res[m];
                if (IsCheckValid(r)) // already validated
                    if (gen == 2 && r.Generation != 1)

                int move = moves[m];
                if (move == 0)
                if (!learnInfo.Source.EggLevelUpSource.Contains(move)) // Check if contains level-up egg moves from parents

                if (learnInfo.IsGen2Pkm && learnInfo.Gen1Moves.Count != 0 && move > Legal.MaxMoveID_1)
                    res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(InheritLevelUp, gen, Invalid, LG1MoveTradeback, Move);
                    learnInfo.MixedGen12NonTradeback = true;
                    res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(InheritLevelUp, gen, Valid, LMoveEggLevelUp, Move);
                if (gen == 2 && learnInfo.Gen1Moves.Contains(m))

            if (gen <= 2 && learnInfo.Gen1Moves.Count == 0)
                pkm.TradebackStatus = TradebackType.Any;
Exemplo n.º 15
        private static void ParseMovesByGenerationLast(PKM pkm, CheckMoveResult[] res, LearnInfo learnInfo, IEncounterable enc)
            int gen = enc.Generation;

            ParseEggMovesInherited(pkm, res, gen, learnInfo);
            ParseEggMoves(pkm, res, gen, learnInfo);
            ParseEggMovesRemaining(pkm, res, learnInfo, enc);
Exemplo n.º 16
        private static void ParseMovesByGeneration12(PKM pkm, CheckMoveResult[] res, IReadOnlyList <int> currentMoves, int gen, LegalInfo info, LearnInfo learnInfo)
            // Mark the gen 1 exclusive moves as illegal because the pokemon also have Non tradeback egg moves.
            if (learnInfo.MixedGen12NonTradeback)
                foreach (int m in learnInfo.Gen1Moves)
                    res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(res[m], Invalid, LG1MoveExclusive, CurrentMove);

                foreach (int m in learnInfo.Gen2PreevoMoves)
                    res[m] = new CheckMoveResult(res[m], Invalid, LG1TradebackPreEvoMove, CurrentMove);

            if (gen == 1 && pkm.Format == 1 && pkm.Gen1_NotTradeback)
                ParseRedYellowIncompatibleMoves(pkm, res, currentMoves);
                ParseEvolutionsIncompatibleMoves(pkm, res, currentMoves, info.EncounterMoves.TMHMMoves[1]);