Exemplo n.º 1
        private static CheckResult[] VerifyRelearnEggBase(PKM pkm, LegalInfo info, EncounterEgg e)
            int[]         RelearnMoves = pkm.RelearnMoves;
            CheckResult[] res          = new CheckResult[4];
            // Level up moves cannot be inherited if Ditto is the parent
            // that means genderless species and male only species except Nidoran and Volbeat (they breed with female nidoran and illumise) could not have level up moves as an egg
            bool inheritLvlMoves = Legal.GetCanInheritMoves(e.Species);

            // Obtain level1 moves
            var baseMoves = Legal.GetBaseEggMoves(pkm, e.Species, e.Version, 1);
            int baseCt    = Math.Min(4, baseMoves.Length);

            // Obtain Inherited moves
            var inheritMoves = Legal.GetValidRelearn(pkm, e.Species, inheritLvlMoves, e.Version).ToList();
            int reqBase      = GetRequiredBaseMoves(RelearnMoves, baseMoves, baseCt, inheritMoves);

            // Check if the required amount of Base Egg Moves are present.
            FlagBaseEggMoves(res, reqBase, baseMoves, RelearnMoves);

            // Non-Base moves that can magically appear in the regular movepool
            if (Legal.LightBall.Contains(pkm.Species))
                inheritMoves.Add(344); // Volt Tackle
            // If any splitbreed moves are invalid, flag accordingly
            var splitMoves = e is EncounterEggSplit s
                ? Legal.GetValidRelearn(pkm, s.OtherSpecies, inheritLvlMoves, e.Version).ToList()
                : (IReadOnlyList <int>)Array.Empty <int>();

            // Inherited moves appear after the required base moves.
            // If the pkm is capable of split-species breeding and any inherited move is from the other split scenario, flag accordingly.
            bool splitInvalid = FlagInvalidInheritedMoves(res, reqBase, RelearnMoves, inheritMoves, splitMoves);

            if (splitInvalid)
                FlagSplitbreedMoves(res, reqBase, e, pkm);

            info.RelearnBase = baseMoves;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public LegalityAnalysis(PKM pk)
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) 
                vMoves[i] = new CheckResult(CheckIdentifier.Move);
                vRelearn[i] = new CheckResult(CheckIdentifier.RelearnMove);

                switch (pk.GenNumber)
                    case 6: parsePK6(pk); break;
                    case 7: parsePK7(pk); break;
                    default: return;

                if (pkm.Format == 7) // Temp G7 Bank Checks

                Valid = Parsed = Parse.Any();
                if (Parsed)
                    if (Parse.Any(chk => !chk.Valid))
                        Valid = false;
                    if (vMoves.Any(m => m.Valid != true))
                        Valid = false;
                    else if (vRelearn.Any(m => m.Valid != true))
                        Valid = false;

                    if (pkm.FatefulEncounter && vRelearn.Any(chk => !chk.Valid) && EncounterMatch == null)
                        AddLine(Severity.Indeterminate, "Fateful Encounter with no matching Encounter. Has the Mystery Gift data been contributed?", CheckIdentifier.Fateful);
            catch { Valid = false; }
            AllSuggestedMoves = !pkm.IsOriginValid() ? new int[4] : getSuggestedMoves(true, true, true);
            AllSuggestedRelearnMoves = !pkm.IsOriginValid() ? new int[4] : Legal.getValidRelearn(pkm, -1).ToArray();
            AllSuggestedMovesAndRelearn = AllSuggestedMoves.Concat(AllSuggestedRelearnMoves).ToArray();
Exemplo n.º 3
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a new Check parse value.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="chk">Check result to add.</param>
 internal void AddLine(CheckResult chk) => Parse.Add(chk);
Exemplo n.º 4
 private void UpdateInfo()
     Info      = EncounterFinder.FindVerifiedEncounter(pkm);
     Encounter = Info.Parse[0];
Exemplo n.º 5
 private void AddLine(CheckResult chk)
Exemplo n.º 6
        public LegalityAnalysis(PKM pk)
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                vMoves[i]   = new CheckResult(CheckIdentifier.Move);
                vRelearn[i] = new CheckResult(CheckIdentifier.RelearnMove);

                switch (pk.Format) // prior to storing GameVersion
                case 1: parsePK1(pk); break;

                case 2: parsePK1(pk); break;

                if (!Parse.Any())
                    switch (pk.GenNumber)
                    case 3: parsePK3(pk); break;

                    case 4: parsePK4(pk); break;

                    case 5: parsePK5(pk); break;

                    case 6: parsePK6(pk); break;

                    case 1: parsePK7(pk); break;

                    case 7: parsePK7(pk); break;

                if (Parse.Count > 0)
                    if (Parse.Any(chk => !chk.Valid))
                        Valid = false;
                    else if (vMoves.Any(m => m.Valid != true))
                        Valid = false;
                    else if (vRelearn.Any(m => m.Valid != true))
                        Valid = false;
                        Valid = true;

                    if (pkm.FatefulEncounter && vRelearn.Any(chk => !chk.Valid) && EncounterMatch == null)
                        AddLine(Severity.Indeterminate, V188, CheckIdentifier.Fateful);
            catch (Exception e)
                Valid = false;
                AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V190, CheckIdentifier.Misc);
                Error = true;
            Parsed = true;
Exemplo n.º 7
 public EncounterRejected(IEncounterable encounter, CheckResult check)
     Encounter = encounter;
     Check     = check;
Exemplo n.º 8
        private CheckResult[] verifyMoves()
            int[] Moves = pkm.Moves;
            CheckResult[] res = new CheckResult[4];
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                res[i] = new CheckResult(CheckIdentifier.Move);
            if (pkm.GenNumber < 6)
                return res;

            var validMoves = Legal.getValidMoves(pkm, EvoChain).ToArray();
            if (pkm.Species == 235) // Smeargle
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    res[i] = Legal.InvalidSketch.Contains(Moves[i])
                        ? new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, "Invalid Sketch move.", CheckIdentifier.Move)
                        : new CheckResult(CheckIdentifier.Move);
            else if (EventGiftMatch?.Count > 1) // Multiple possible Mystery Gifts matched
                int[] RelearnMoves = pkm.RelearnMoves;
                foreach (MysteryGift mg in EventGiftMatch)
                    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                        if (Moves[i] == Legal.Struggle)
                            res[i] = new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, "Invalid Move: Struggle.", CheckIdentifier.Move);
                        else if (validMoves.Contains(Moves[i]))
                            res[i] = new CheckResult(Severity.Valid, Moves[i] == 0 ? "Empty" : "Level-up.", CheckIdentifier.Move);
                        else if (RelearnMoves.Contains(Moves[i]))
                            res[i] = new CheckResult(Severity.Valid, Moves[i] == 0 ? "Empty" : "Relearn Move.", CheckIdentifier.Move) { Flag = true };
                        else if (mg.Moves.Contains(Moves[i]))
                            res[i] = new CheckResult(Severity.Valid, "Wonder Card Non-Relearn Move.", CheckIdentifier.Move);
                            res[i] = new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, "Invalid Move.", CheckIdentifier.Move);
                    if (res.Any(r => !r.Valid))

                    EncounterMatch = mg;
                    RelearnBase = mg.RelearnMoves;
                int[] RelearnMoves = pkm.RelearnMoves;
                MysteryGift MatchedGift = EncounterMatch as MysteryGift;
                int[] GiftMoves = MatchedGift?.Moves ?? new int[0];
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    if (Moves[i] == Legal.Struggle)
                        res[i] = new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, "Invalid Move: Struggle.", CheckIdentifier.Move);
                    else if (validMoves.Contains(Moves[i]))
                        res[i] = new CheckResult(Severity.Valid, Moves[i] == 0 ? "Empty" : "Level-up.", CheckIdentifier.Move);
                    else if (RelearnMoves.Contains(Moves[i]))
                        res[i] = new CheckResult(Severity.Valid, Moves[i] == 0 ? "Empty" : "Relearn Move.", CheckIdentifier.Move) { Flag = true };
                    else if (GiftMoves.Contains(Moves[i]))
                        res[i] = new CheckResult(Severity.Valid, "Wonder Card Non-Relearn Move.", CheckIdentifier.Move);
                        res[i] = new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, "Invalid Move.", CheckIdentifier.Move);
            if (Moves[0] == 0) // None
                res[0] = new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, "Invalid Move.", CheckIdentifier.Move);

            if (pkm.Species == 647) // Keldeo
                if (pkm.AltForm == 1 ^ pkm.Moves.Contains(548))
                    res[Math.Max(Array.IndexOf(pkm.Moves, 548), 0)] = new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, "Secret Sword / Resolute Keldeo Mismatch.", CheckIdentifier.Move);

            // Duplicate Moves Check
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                if (Moves.Count(m => m != 0 && m == Moves[i]) > 1)
                    res[i] = new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, "Duplicate Move.", CheckIdentifier.Move);

            return res;
Exemplo n.º 9
 private void AddLine(CheckResult chk)
Exemplo n.º 10
        private void updateEncounterChain()
            if (EventGiftMatch?.Count > 1) // Multiple possible Mystery Gifts matched
                EncounterMatch = EventGiftMatch.First(); // temporarily set one so that Encounter can be verified

            Encounter = verifyEncounter();
            EvoChain = Legal.getEvolutionChain(pkm, EncounterMatch);
Exemplo n.º 11
 private void updateMoveLegality()
     try { vMoves = verifyMoves(); }
     catch { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) vMoves[i] = new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, "Internal error.", CheckIdentifier.Move); }
     // SecondaryChecked = false;
Exemplo n.º 12
 private void updateRelearnLegality()
     try { vRelearn = verifyRelearn(); }
     catch { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) vRelearn[i] = new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, "Internal error.", CheckIdentifier.RelearnMove); }
     // SecondaryChecked = false;
Exemplo n.º 13
        private CheckResult[] verifyRelearn()
            RelearnBase = null;
            CheckResult[] res = new CheckResult[4];
            int[] Moves = pkm.RelearnMoves;
            if (pkm.GenNumber < 6)
                goto noRelearn;

            if (pkm.WasLink)
                var Link = Legal.getValidLinkGifts(pkm);
                if (Link == null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                        res[i] = new CheckResult(CheckIdentifier.RelearnMove);
                    return res;
                EncounterMatch = Link;

                int[] moves = ((EncounterLink)EncounterMatch).RelearnMoves;
                RelearnBase = moves;
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    res[i] = moves[i] != Moves[i]
                        ? new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, $"Expected: {movelist[moves[i]]}.", CheckIdentifier.RelearnMove)
                        : new CheckResult(CheckIdentifier.RelearnMove);
                return res;
            if (pkm.WasEvent || pkm.WasEventEgg)
                // Get WC6's that match
                EventGiftMatch = new List<MysteryGift>(Legal.getValidGifts(pkm));
                foreach (MysteryGift mg in EventGiftMatch.ToArray())
                    int[] moves = mg.RelearnMoves;
                    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                        res[i] = moves[i] != Moves[i]
                            ? new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, $"Expected: {movelist[moves[i]]}.", CheckIdentifier.RelearnMove)
                            : new CheckResult(CheckIdentifier.RelearnMove);
                    if (res.Any(r => !r.Valid))
                if (EventGiftMatch.Count > 1)
                    return res;
                if (EventGiftMatch.Count == 1)
                { EncounterMatch = EventGiftMatch[0]; RelearnBase = EventGiftMatch[0].RelearnMoves; return res; }

                EncounterMatch = EncounterType = null;
                goto noRelearn; // No WC match

            if (pkm.WasEgg && !Legal.NoHatchFromEgg.Contains(pkm.Species))
                GameVersion[] Games = { GameVersion.XY };
                switch (pkm.GenNumber)
                    case 6:
                        Games = new[] {GameVersion.XY, GameVersion.ORAS};
                    case 7:
                        Games = new[] {GameVersion.SM};

                bool checkAllGames = pkm.WasTradedEgg;
                bool splitBreed = Legal.SplitBreed.Contains(pkm.Species);

                int iterate = (checkAllGames ? Games.Length : 1) * (splitBreed ? 2 : 1);
                for (int i = 0; i < iterate; i++)
                    int gameSource = !checkAllGames ? -1 : i % iterate / (splitBreed ? 2 : 1);
                    int skipOption = splitBreed && iterate / 2 <= i ? 1 : 0;
                    GameVersion ver = gameSource == -1 ? GameVersion.Any : Games[gameSource];

                    // Obtain level1 moves
                    List<int> baseMoves = new List<int>(Legal.getBaseEggMoves(pkm, skipOption, ver));
                    int baseCt = baseMoves.Count;
                    if (baseCt > 4) baseCt = 4;

                    // Obtain Nonstandard moves
                    var relearnMoves = Legal.getValidRelearn(pkm, skipOption).ToArray();
                    var relearn = pkm.RelearnMoves.Where(move => move != 0 
                        && (!baseMoves.Contains(move) || relearnMoves.Contains(move))
                    int relearnCt = relearn.Length;

                    // Get Move Window
                    List<int> window = new List<int>(baseMoves);
                    int[] moves = window.Skip(baseCt + relearnCt - 4).Take(4).ToArray();
                    Array.Resize(ref moves, 4);

                    int reqBase;
                    int unique = baseMoves.Concat(relearn).Distinct().Count();
                    if (relearnCt == 4)
                        reqBase = 0;
                    else if (baseCt + relearnCt > 4)
                        reqBase = 4 - relearnCt;
                        reqBase = baseCt;

                    if (pkm.RelearnMoves.Where(m=>m != 0).Count() < Math.Min(4, baseMoves.Count))
                        reqBase = Math.Min(4, unique);

                    // Movepool finalized! Check validity.
                    int[] rl = pkm.RelearnMoves;
                    string em = string.Join(", ", baseMoves.Select(r => r >= movelist.Length ? "ERROR" : movelist[r]));
                    RelearnBase = baseMoves.ToArray();
                    // Base Egg Move
                    for (int j = 0; j < reqBase; j++)
                        if (baseMoves.Contains(rl[j]))
                            res[j] = new CheckResult(Severity.Valid, "Base egg move.", CheckIdentifier.RelearnMove);
                            res[j] = new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, "Base egg move missing.", CheckIdentifier.RelearnMove);
                            for (int f = j+1; f < reqBase; f++)
                                res[f] = new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, "Base egg move missing.", CheckIdentifier.RelearnMove);
                            res[reqBase-1].Comment += $"{Environment.NewLine}Expected the following Relearn Moves: {em}.";

                    // Non-Base
                    if (Legal.LightBall.Contains(pkm.Species))
                        relearnMoves = relearnMoves.Concat(new[] { 344 }).ToArray();
                    for (int j = reqBase; j < 4; j++)
                        res[j] = !relearnMoves.Contains(rl[j])
                            ? new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, "Not an expected relearn move.", CheckIdentifier.RelearnMove)
                            : new CheckResult(Severity.Valid, rl[j] == 0 ? "Empty" : "Relearn move.", CheckIdentifier.RelearnMove);

                    if (res.All(r => r.Valid))
                // Duplicate Moves Check
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    if (Moves.Count(m => m != 0 && m == Moves[i]) > 1)
                        res[i] = new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, "Duplicate Relearn Move.", CheckIdentifier.RelearnMove);

                return res;
            if (Moves[0] != 0) // DexNav only?
                // Check DexNav
                if (!Legal.getDexNavValid(pkm))
                    goto noRelearn;

                res[0] = !Legal.getValidRelearn(pkm, 0).Contains(Moves[0])
                        ? new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, "Not an expected DexNav move.", CheckIdentifier.RelearnMove)
                        : new CheckResult(CheckIdentifier.RelearnMove);
                for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++)
                    res[i] = Moves[i] != 0
                        ? new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, "Expected no Relearn Move in slot.", CheckIdentifier.RelearnMove)
                        : new CheckResult(CheckIdentifier.RelearnMove);

                if (res[0].Valid)
                    RelearnBase = new[] { Moves[0], 0, 0, 0 };
                return res;

            // Should have no relearn moves.
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                res[i] = Moves[i] != 0
                    ? new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, "Expected no Relearn Moves.", CheckIdentifier.RelearnMove)
                    : new CheckResult(CheckIdentifier.RelearnMove);
            return res;
Exemplo n.º 14
 private static bool IsCheckInvalid(CheckResult chk) => !(chk?.Valid ?? false);
Exemplo n.º 15
 public void AddLine(CheckResult chk) => Parse.Add(chk);
Exemplo n.º 16
 private static bool IsCheckValid(CheckResult chk) => chk?.Valid ?? false;
Exemplo n.º 17
        private static CheckResult[] VerifyRelearnEggBase(PKM pkm, LegalInfo info, EncounterEgg e)
            int[] RelearnMoves = pkm.RelearnMoves;
            info.RelearnBase = new int[4];
            CheckResult[] res = new CheckResult[4];
            // Level up moves could not be inherited if Ditto is parent,
            // that means genderless species and male only species except Nidoran and Volbet (they breed with female nidoran and illumise) could not have level up moves as an egg
            var inheritLvlMoves = pkm.PersonalInfo.Gender > 0 && pkm.PersonalInfo.Gender < 255 || Legal.MixedGenderBreeding.Contains(e.Species);

            // Obtain level1 moves
            List <int> baseMoves = new List <int>(Legal.GetBaseEggMoves(pkm, e.Species, e.Game, 1));
            int        baseCt    = baseMoves.Count;

            if (baseCt > 4)
                baseCt = 4;

            // Obtain Inherited moves
            var inheritMoves = Legal.GetValidRelearn(pkm, e.Species, inheritLvlMoves).ToList();
            var inherited    = RelearnMoves.Where(m => m != 0 && (!baseMoves.Contains(m) || inheritMoves.Contains(m))).ToList();
            int inheritCt    = inherited.Count;

            // Get required amount of base moves
            int unique  = baseMoves.Concat(inherited).Distinct().Count();
            int reqBase = inheritCt == 4 || baseCt + inheritCt > 4 ? 4 - inheritCt : baseCt;

            if (RelearnMoves.Where(m => m != 0).Count() < Math.Min(4, baseMoves.Count))
                reqBase = Math.Min(4, unique);

            // Check if the required amount of Base Egg Moves are present.
            for (int i = 0; i < reqBase; i++)
                if (baseMoves.Contains(RelearnMoves[i]))
                    res[i] = new CheckResult(Severity.Valid, V179, CheckIdentifier.RelearnMove);
                    // mark remaining base egg moves missing
                    for (int z = i; z < reqBase; z++)
                        res[z] = new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V180, CheckIdentifier.RelearnMove);

                    // provide the list of suggested base moves for the last required slot
                    string em = string.Join(", ", baseMoves.Select(m => m >= MoveStrings.Length ? V190 : MoveStrings[m]));
                    res[reqBase - 1].Comment += string.Format(Environment.NewLine + V181, em);

            // Non-Base moves that can magically appear in the regular movepool
            if (Legal.LightBall.Contains(pkm.Species))

            // Begin verification of moves

            // If any splitbreed moves are invalid, flag accordingly
            var splitInvalid = false;
            var splitMoves   = e.SplitBreed ? Legal.GetValidRelearn(pkm, Legal.GetBaseEggSpecies(pkm), inheritLvlMoves).ToList() : new List <int>();

            // Inherited moves appear after the required base moves.
            for (int i = reqBase; i < 4; i++)
                if (RelearnMoves[i] == 0) // empty
                    res[i] = new CheckResult(Severity.Valid, V167, CheckIdentifier.RelearnMove);
                else if (inheritMoves.Contains(RelearnMoves[i])) // inherited
                    res[i] = new CheckResult(Severity.Valid, V172, CheckIdentifier.RelearnMove);
                else if (e.SplitBreed && splitMoves.Contains(RelearnMoves[i])) // inherited
                    splitInvalid = true;
                else // not inheritable, flag
                    res[i] = new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V182, CheckIdentifier.RelearnMove);

            if (splitInvalid)
                var splitSpecies = Legal.GetBaseEggSpecies(pkm);
                for (int i = reqBase; i < 4; i++)
                    if (inheritMoves.Contains(RelearnMoves[i]) && !splitMoves.Contains(RelearnMoves[i]))
                        res[i] = new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(V379, SpeciesStrings[splitSpecies], SpeciesStrings[e.Species]), CheckIdentifier.RelearnMove);
                    if (!inheritMoves.Contains(RelearnMoves[i]) && splitMoves.Contains(RelearnMoves[i]))
                        res[i] = new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(V379, SpeciesStrings[e.Species], SpeciesStrings[splitSpecies]), CheckIdentifier.RelearnMove);

            info.RelearnBase = baseMoves.ToArray();