Exemplo n.º 1
        public void AddChartStyle2D(Graphics g, ChartStyle cs3d)
            Pen aPen = new Pen(Color.Black, 1f);

            SizeF tickFontSize = g.MeasureString("A", cs3d.TickFont);
            // Create vertical gridlines:
            float fX, fY;

            if (cs3d.IsYGrid == true)
                aPen           = new Pen(cs3d.GridStyle.LineColor, 1f);
                aPen.DashStyle = cs3d.GridStyle.Pattern;
                for (fX = cs3d.XMin + cs3d.XTick; fX < cs3d.XMax; fX += cs3d.XTick)
                    g.DrawLine(aPen, Point2D(new PointF(fX, cs3d.YMin), cs3d),
                               Point2D(new PointF(fX, cs3d.YMax), cs3d));

            // Create horizontal gridlines:
            if (cs3d.IsXGrid == true)
                aPen           = new Pen(cs3d.GridStyle.LineColor, 1f);
                aPen.DashStyle = cs3d.GridStyle.Pattern;
                for (fY = cs3d.YMin + cs3d.YTick; fY < cs3d.YMax; fY += cs3d.YTick)
                    g.DrawLine(aPen, Point2D(new PointF(cs3d.XMin, fY), cs3d),
                               Point2D(new PointF(cs3d.XMax, fY), cs3d));

            // Create the x-axis tick marks:
            for (fX = cs3d.XMin; fX <= cs3d.XMax; fX += cs3d.XTick)
                PointF yAxisPoint = Point2D(new PointF(fX, cs3d.YMin), cs3d);
                g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, yAxisPoint, new PointF(yAxisPoint.X,
                                                              yAxisPoint.Y - 5f));

            // Create the y-axis tick marks:
            for (fY = cs3d.YMin; fY <= cs3d.YMax; fY += cs3d.YTick)
                PointF xAxisPoint = Point2D(new PointF(cs3d.XMin, fY), cs3d);
                g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, xAxisPoint,
                           new PointF(xAxisPoint.X + 5f, xAxisPoint.Y));

Exemplo n.º 2
        public PointF Point2D(PointF pt, ChartStyle cs3d)
            PointF aPoint = new PointF();

            if (pt.X < cs3d.XMin || pt.X > cs3d.XMax ||
                pt.Y < cs3d.YMin || pt.Y > cs3d.YMax)
                pt.X = Single.NaN;
                pt.Y = Single.NaN;
            aPoint.X = (pt.X - cs3d.XMin) *
                       form1.PlotPanel.Width / (cs3d.XMax - cs3d.XMin);
            aPoint.Y = form1.PlotPanel.Height - (pt.Y - cs3d.YMin) *
                       form1.PlotPanel.Height / (cs3d.YMax - cs3d.YMin);
        public Form1_jack_xu()

            this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint |
                          ControlStyles.UserPaint |
                          ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, true);
            this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw, true);
            this.BackColor = Color.White;

            // Subscribing to a paint eventhandler to drawingPanel:
            PlotPanel.Paint += new PaintEventHandler(PlotPanelPaint);

            cs   = new ChartStyle(this);
            cs2d = new ChartStyle2D(this);
            ds   = new DataSeries();
            dc   = new DrawChart(this);
            cf   = new ChartFunctions();
            cm   = new ColorMap();

            cs.GridStyle.LineColor = Color.LightGray;
            cs.GridStyle.Pattern   = DashStyle.Dash;
            cs.Title              = "No Title";
            cs.IsColorBar         = true;
            cs2d.ChartBackColor   = Color.White;
            cs2d.ChartBorderColor = Color.Black;

            ds.LineStyle.IsVisible       = false;
            ds.BarStyle.XLength          = 0.3f;
            ds.BarStyle.YLength          = 0.3f;
            ds.BarStyle.IsBarSingleColor = false;
            ds.BarStyle.ZOrigin          = 0;

            dc.ChartType = DrawChart.ChartTypeEnum.Slice;
            //dc.IsColorMap = true;
            dc.IsHiddenLine = false;
            //dc.IsInterp = true;
            dc.NumberInterp = 5;
            dc.CMap         = cm.Jet();

            dc.NumberContours = 15;
            dc.XYZSlice       = DrawChart.SliceEnum.ZSlice;
            dc.SliceLocation  = 1;
            //dc.IsBarSingleColor = false;
        public void Exp4D(DataSeries ds, ChartStyle cs)
            cs.XMin  = -2;
            cs.XMax  = 2;
            cs.YMin  = -2;
            cs.YMax  = 2;
            cs.ZMin  = -2;
            cs.ZMax  = 2;
            cs.XTick = 1;
            cs.YTick = 1;
            cs.ZTick = 1;

            ds.XDataMin  = cs.XMin;
            ds.YDataMin  = cs.YMin;
            ds.ZZDataMin = cs.ZMin;
            ds.XSpacing  = 0.1f;
            ds.YSpacing  = 0.1f;
            ds.ZSpacing  = 0.1f;
            ds.XNumber   = Convert.ToInt16((cs.XMax - cs.XMin) / ds.XSpacing) + 1;
            ds.YNumber   = Convert.ToInt16((cs.YMax - cs.YMin) / ds.YSpacing) + 1;
            ds.ZNumber   = Convert.ToInt16((cs.ZMax - cs.ZMin) / ds.ZSpacing) + 1;

            Point4[, ,] pts = new Point4[ds.XNumber, ds.YNumber, ds.ZNumber];
            for (int i = 0; i < ds.XNumber; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < ds.YNumber; j++)
                    for (int k = 0; k < ds.ZNumber; k++)
                        float x = ds.XDataMin + i * ds.XSpacing;
                        float y = ds.YDataMin + j * ds.YSpacing;
                        float z = cs.ZMin + k * ds.ZSpacing;
                        float v = z * (float)Math.Exp(-x * x - y * y - z * z);
                        pts[i, j, k] = new Point4(new Point3(x, y, z, 1), v);
            ds.Point4Array = pts;
        public void Peak3D(DataSeries ds, ChartStyle cs)
             *     cs.XMin = -1;
             *     cs.XMax = 1;
             *     cs.YMin = -1;
             *     cs.YMax = 1;
             *     cs.ZMin = -1;
             *     cs.ZMax = 1;
             *     cs.XTick = 1;
             *     cs.YTick = 1;
             *     cs.ZTick = 1;
             *     //cs.XMin = -1;
             *     //cs.XMax = 1;
             *     //cs.YMin = -1;
             *     //cs.YMax = 1;
             *     //cs.ZMin = -1;
             *     //cs.ZMax = 1;
             *     //cs.XTick = 1;
             *     //cs.YTick = 1;
             *     //cs.ZTick = 1;
             *     ds.XDataMin = cs.XMin;
             *     ds.YDataMin = cs.YMin;
             * ds.XSpacing = 1;// 0.3f;
             * ds.YSpacing = 1;// 0.3f;
             *     ds.XNumber = Convert.ToInt16((cs.XMax - cs.XMin) / ds.XSpacing) + 1;
             *     ds.YNumber = Convert.ToInt16((cs.YMax - cs.YMin) / ds.YSpacing) + 1;
             *     Point3[,] pts = new Point3[ds.XNumber, ds.YNumber];
             *     for (int i = 0; i < ds.XNumber; i++)
             *     {
             *         for (int j = 0; j < ds.YNumber; j++)
             *         {
             *             float x = ds.XDataMin + i * ds.XSpacing;
             *             float y = ds.YDataMin + j * ds.YSpacing;
             *            /*
             *               double zz = 3 * Math.Pow((1 - x), 2) * Math.Exp(-x * x -
             *                  (y + 1) * (y + 1)) - 10 * (0.2 * x - Math.Pow(x, 3) -
             *                  Math.Pow(y, 5)) * Math.Exp(-x * x - y * y) -
             *                  1 / 3 * Math.Exp(-(x + 1) * (x + 1) - y * y);
             */ /*
             *             double zz = Math.Pow(x, 2) + Math.Pow(y, 2);
             *        float z = (float)zz;
             *             pts[i, j] = new Point3(x, y, z, 1);
             *         }
             *     }
             * //==========================Contour demo code added====================//
             * //  */  /*
             * int[,] X = new int[6, 4];
             * int[,] Y = new int[6, 4];
             * int[,] Z = new int[6, 4];
             * cs.XMin = -4;
             * cs.XMax = 2;
             * cs.YMin = -2;
             * cs.YMax = 3;
             * //cs.ZMin = -1;
             * //cs.ZMax = 1;
             * cs.XTick = 1;
             * cs.YTick = 1;
             * // cs.ZTick = 1;
             * X[0, 0] = -4;
             * X[1, 0] = -4;
             * X[2, 0] = -4;
             * X[3, 0] = -4;
             * X[4, 0] = -4;
             * X[5, 0] = -4;
             * X[0, 1] = -2;
             * X[1, 1] = -2;
             * X[2, 1] = -2;
             * X[3, 1] = -2;
             * X[4, 1] = -2;
             * X[5, 1] = -2;
             * X[0, 2] = 0;
             * X[1, 2] = 0;
             * X[2, 2] = 0;
             * X[3, 2] = 0;
             * X[4, 2] = 0;
             * X[5, 2] = 0;
             * X[0, 3] = 2;
             * X[1, 3] = 2;
             * X[2, 3] = 2;
             * X[3, 3] = 2;
             * X[4, 3] = 2;
             * X[5, 3] = 2;
             * Y[0, 0] = -2;
             * Y[1, 0] = -1;
             * Y[2, 0] = 0;
             * Y[3, 0] = 1;
             * Y[4, 0] = 2;
             * Y[5, 0] = 3;
             * Y[0, 1] = -2;
             * Y[1, 1] = 1;
             * Y[2, 1] = 0;
             * Y[3, 1] = 1;
             * Y[4, 1] = 2;
             * Y[5, 1] = 3;
             * Y[0, 2] = -2;
             * Y[1, 2] = 1;
             * Y[2, 2] = 0;
             * Y[3, 2] = 1;
             * Y[4, 2] = 2;
             * Y[5, 2] = 3;
             * Y[0, 3] = -2;
             * Y[1, 3] = 1;
             * Y[2, 3] = 0;
             * Y[3, 3] = 1;
             * Y[4, 3] = 2;
             * Y[5, 3] = 3;
             * Z[0, 0] = 20;
             * Z[1, 0] = 17;
             * Z[2, 0] = 16;
             * Z[3, 0] = 17;
             * Z[4, 0] = 20;
             * Z[5, 0] = 25;
             * Z[0, 1] = 8;
             * Z[1, 1] = 5;
             * Z[2, 1] = 4;
             * Z[3, 1] = 5;
             * Z[4, 1] = 8;
             * Z[5, 1] = 13;
             * Z[0, 2] = 4;
             * Z[1, 2] = 1;
             * Z[2, 2] = 0;
             * Z[3, 2] = 1;
             * Z[4, 2] = 4;
             * Z[5, 2] = 9;
             * Z[0, 3] = 8;
             * Z[1, 3] = 5;
             * Z[2, 3] = 4;
             * Z[3, 3] = 5;
             * Z[4, 3] = 8;
             * Z[5, 3] = 13;
             * Point3[,] pts = new Point3[4, 6];
             * for (int i = 0; i <4; i++)
             * {
             *   for (int j = 0; j <6; j++)
             *   {
             *       //pts[i, j].X = X[i, j];
             *       //pts[i, j].Y = Y[i, j];
             *       //pts[i, j].Z = Z[i, j];
             *       pts[i, j] = new Point3(X[j,i], Y[j,i], Z[j,i], 1);
             *   }
             * }

            //  if (pts.Length == 0) { }
            //=====================End of the contour demo code==================//

            //==First calling the data in WFA_PH_Demo Project


            cs.XMin  = 0;
            cs.XMax  = 4000;
            cs.YMin  = 0;
            cs.YMax  = 100;
            cs.ZMin  = 0;
            cs.ZMax  = 1;
            cs.XTick = 500;
            cs.YTick = 10;
            cs.ZTick = 1;

            ds.XDataMin = cs.XMin;
            ds.YDataMin = cs.YMin;
            ds.XSpacing = 1; // 0.3f;
            ds.YSpacing = 1; // 0.3f;

            // WFA_PH_CurveDemo.Form1 f1 = new WFA_PH_CurveDemo.Form1();
            // f1.PlotPHChart("Water");//This will call the function required

            // MessageBox.Show("We are here inside peak 3d so ");

            // MessageBox.Show("Read finish excel file");
            // f1.DataPullFunctionForCoolProp("water");//n-Propane

            //ExcellDataPull ex = new ExcellDataPull();

            Point3[,] pts = new Point3[300, 300];

             *   for (int i = 0; i < f1.P_Value.GetLength(0); i++)
             *   {
             *       for (int j = 0; j <f1.P_Value.GetLength(1); j++)
             *       {
             *                  //pts[i, j].X = X[i, j];
             *                  //pts[i, j].Y = Y[i, j];
             *                  //pts[i, j].Z = Z[i, j];
             *                   pts[i, j] = new Point3((int)f1.H_Value[j,i], (int)f1.P_Value[j, i], (int)f1.T_Value[j, i], 1);
             *                  //pts[i, j] = new Point3((int)f1.H_Value[i ,j], (int)f1.P_Value[i, j], (int)f1.T_Value[i, j], 1);
             *                  //pts[i, j] = new Point3( (float)f1.P_Value[i, j], (float)ex.h_list_Value[i,j], (float)f1.T_Value[i, j], 1);
             *                  //pts[i, j] = new Point3( (float)ex.h_list_Value[i, j], (float)f1.P_Value[j, i], (float)f1.T_Value[j, i], 1);
             *              }
             *   }
             *          int lastValue =(int) f1.P_Value[299, 299];
            ds.PointArray = pts;
Exemplo n.º 6
        private void AddLabels(Graphics g, ChartStyle cs3d)
            float xOffset       = ChartArea.Width / 30.0f;
            float yOffset       = ChartArea.Height / 30.0f;
            SizeF labelFontSize = g.MeasureString("A", cs3d.LabelFont);
            SizeF titleFontSize = g.MeasureString("A", cs3d.TitleFont);
            SizeF tickFontSize  = g.MeasureString("A", cs3d.TickFont);

            SolidBrush   aBrush  = new SolidBrush(cs3d.TickColor);
            StringFormat sFormat = new StringFormat();

            // Create the x-axis tick marks:
            aBrush = new SolidBrush(cs3d.TickColor);
            for (float fX = cs3d.XMin; fX <= cs3d.XMax; fX += cs3d.XTick)
                PointF yAxisPoint = Point2D(new PointF(fX, cs3d.YMin), cs3d);
                sFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Far;
                SizeF sizeXTick = g.MeasureString(fX.ToString(), cs3d.TickFont);
                g.DrawString(fX.ToString(), cs3d.TickFont, aBrush,
                             new PointF(yAxisPoint.X + sizeXTick.Width / 2 + form1.PlotPanel.Left,
                                        yAxisPoint.Y + 4f + form1.PlotPanel.Top), sFormat);

            // Create the y-axis tick marks:
            for (float fY = cs3d.YMin; fY <= cs3d.YMax; fY += cs3d.YTick)
                PointF xAxisPoint = Point2D(new PointF(cs3d.XMin, fY), cs3d);
                sFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Far;
                g.DrawString(fY.ToString(), cs3d.TickFont, aBrush,
                             new PointF(xAxisPoint.X - 3f + form1.PlotPanel.Left,
                                        xAxisPoint.Y - tickFontSize.Height / 2 + form1.PlotPanel.Top), sFormat);

            // Add horizontal axis label:
            aBrush = new SolidBrush(cs3d.LabelColor);
            SizeF stringSize = g.MeasureString(cs3d.XLabel, cs3d.LabelFont);

            g.DrawString(cs3d.XLabel, cs3d.LabelFont, aBrush,
                         new Point(form1.PlotPanel.Left + form1.PlotPanel.Width / 2 -
                                   (int)stringSize.Width / 2, ChartArea.Bottom -
                                   (int)yOffset - (int)labelFontSize.Height));

            // Add y-axis label:
            sFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
            stringSize        = g.MeasureString(cs3d.YLabel, cs3d.LabelFont);
            // Save the state of the current Graphics object
            GraphicsState gState = g.Save();

            g.TranslateTransform(xOffset, yOffset + titleFontSize.Height
                                 + yOffset / 3 + form1.PlotPanel.Height / 2);
            g.DrawString(cs3d.YLabel, cs3d.LabelFont, aBrush, 0, 0, sFormat);
            // Restore it:

            // Add title:
            aBrush     = new SolidBrush(cs3d.TitleColor);
            stringSize = g.MeasureString(cs3d.Title, cs3d.TitleFont);
            if (cs3d.Title.ToUpper() != "NO TITLE")
                g.DrawString(cs3d.Title, cs3d.TitleFont, aBrush,
                             new Point(form1.PlotPanel.Left + form1.PlotPanel.Width / 2 -
                                       (int)stringSize.Width / 2, ChartArea.Top + (int)yOffset));