// Trace
        public void TraceFullTree()
            trace.Write(TraceLevel.Debug, "CM1GroupsTree::TraceFullTree");
                trace?.Write(TraceLevel.Debug, $"#Groups: {GetGroupNum()} , #Nodes:{GetNodeNum()}");
                trace?.Write(TraceLevel.Debug, "Groups [  Group  | Type | NumChilds | NumConstraits | PruneFase ]   Childs {  Group  | ChildGroup }:");
                trace?.Write(TraceLevel.Debug, "Constraints ( Type |   Value   ):");

                for (int i = 0; i < GetGroupNum(); i++)
                    CM1Group pGrp = m_Groups[i];

                    if (pGrp == null)

                    // For each group have to be a node
                    CM1Node pNode = GetFirstNodeFromIds(pGrp.GetGrpId());
                    if (pNode != null)
                        trace?.Write(TraceLevel.Debug, $"       [ {pGrp.GetGrpId(),7} | {pGrp.GetGrpTypeId(),4} | {pNode.ChildsNum,9} | {pNode.CnstrNum,13} | {pNode.PruneFase} ]\t");

                        // A node can have constraints
                        CM1Constraint[] pCnstr = pGrp.GetConstraints();
                        for (int k = 0; k < CM1Constraint.CNSTR_NUM; k++)
                            if (!pCnstr[k].IsValid())

                            trace?.Write(TraceLevel.Debug, $"( {pCnstr[k].TypeId, 4} | %{pCnstr[k].Value},4)");

                        // A node can have childs
                        for (int j = 0; j < GetNodeNum(); j++)
                            pNode = m_Nodes[j];

                            if (pNode == null || pNode.GrpChild == null || pNode.GrpId != pGrp.GetGrpId())

                            trace?.Write(TraceLevel.Debug, $" ( {pNode.GrpId,7} | {pNode.GrpChild.GetGrpId(),10} )\t");

                        ////sRdo += _T("\n");
                        //trace?.Write(TraceLevel.Info, (LPCTSTR)strRdo);

                        //if (!strCnstr.IsEmpty())
                        //    /*
                        //    sRdo += _T("\t");
                        //    sRdo += sCnstr;
                        //    sRdo += _T("\n");
                        //    */
                        //    trace.Write(TRACE_M1_LEVEL, _T("\t%s"), (LPCTSTR)strCnstr);
            catch (Exception error)
                trace.Write(TraceLevel.Error, error.ToLogString());