Exemplo n.º 1
        private static void MainMenu()
            IMenuOption[] menuOptions = new IMenuOption[]
                new RunPresetOption(),
                new CollectionCreationOption(),
                new OutputListOption()

                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
                Console.WriteLine($"{currentGame.Name} Encount Music Editor");

                for (int i = 0, total = menuOptions.Length; i < total; i++)
                    Console.WriteLine($"{i + 1}. {menuOptions[i].Name}");
                Console.WriteLine("0. Exit");

                int choice = ConsolePrompt.PromptInt("Choice");

                if (choice == 0)
                else if (choice - 1 < menuOptions.Length)
                    menuOptions[choice - 1].Run(currentGame);
            }while (true);
Exemplo n.º 2
        private static void SetupGame()
            int selectedGameInput = -1;

                Console.WriteLine("Select Persona Game");

                // display list of available games as choices, starting at 1
                foreach (GameTitle game in Enum.GetValues(typeof(GameTitle)))
                    Console.WriteLine($"{(int)game + 1}. {game}");

                // save temp choice
                int tempChoice = ConsolePrompt.PromptInt("Game");

                // save and exit prompt if game choice is valid
                if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(GameTitle), tempChoice - 1))
                    selectedGameInput = tempChoice - 1;
            }while (selectedGameInput < 0);

            GameTitle selectedGame = (GameTitle)selectedGameInput;

            currentGame = new GameProps(selectedGame);
        private string SelectPresetFile()
            string[] allPresets = null;

                allPresets = Directory.GetFiles(presetsFolderDir, "*.preset", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Problem reading presets from folder!");

            // exit if no presets were found
            if (allPresets.Length < 1)

            // display all presets
            Console.WriteLine("Available Presets");
            for (int i = 0, total = allPresets.Length; i < total; i++)
                Console.WriteLine($"{i + 1}. {Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(allPresets[i])}");

            // get valid preset choice
            int presetSelection = -1;

                int tempChoice = ConsolePrompt.PromptInt("Preset Selection");
                if (tempChoice > allPresets.Length)
                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid selection!");
                    presetSelection = tempChoice;
            } while (presetSelection < 1);

            return(allPresets[presetSelection - 1]);
        public void ExtendSongsList()
            int newNumSongs = ConsolePrompt.PromptInt("New Total Songs");

            string originalConversionFile = $@"{currentDir}\music manager\idtowaveindex_original.json";
            string outputConversionFile   = $@"{currentDir}\music manager\idtowaveindex.json";

            string originalNamesFile = $@"{currentDir}\music manager\songnames_original.json";
            string outputNamesFile   = $@"{currentDir}\music manager\songnames.json";

            idtowaveindex originalConversions = ParseConversionFile(originalConversionFile);

            if (originalConversions == null)

            songnames originalNames = ParseNamesFile(originalNamesFile);

            if (originalNames == null)

            int normalNumSongs = originalConversions.conversions.Length;

            // new array of conversion objects with new total
            conversionObject[] newConversionList = new conversionObject[newNumSongs];
            nameObject[]       newNamesList      = new nameObject[newNumSongs];

            // copy original list to new list
            Array.Copy(originalConversions.conversions, newConversionList, originalConversions.conversions.Length);
            Array.Copy(originalNames.names, newNamesList, originalNames.names.Length);

            int startingIndex = 886;

            for (int i = normalNumSongs, total = newNumSongs, indexCounter = 0; i < total; i++, indexCounter++)
                conversionObject newConversion = new conversionObject();
                newConversion.trackID   = i.ToString();
                newConversion.uwusID    = null;
                newConversion.waveIndex = (startingIndex + indexCounter).ToString();
                newConversionList[i]    = newConversion;

                nameObject newName = new nameObject();
                newName.id        = i.ToString();
                newName.trackName = $"(BGME) Song Index {newConversion.waveIndex}";
                newNamesList[i]   = newName;

            originalConversions.conversions = newConversionList;
            originalNames.names             = newNamesList;

            string newConversionText = JsonSerializer.Serialize <idtowaveindex>(originalConversions, new JsonSerializerOptions {
                WriteIndented = true
            string newNamesText = JsonSerializer.Serialize <songnames>(originalNames, new JsonSerializerOptions {
                WriteIndented = true

            File.WriteAllText(outputConversionFile, newConversionText);
            File.WriteAllText(outputNamesFile, newNamesText);