Exemplo n.º 1
        public PrtInterfaceValue CreateInterfaceOrMachine(string currMachRenameName, string interfaceOrMachineName, PrtValue payload)
            //add visible action to trace
            if (visibleInterfaces.Contains(interfaceOrMachineName))
                currentVisibleTrace.AddAction(interfaceOrMachineName, payload.ToString());

            var renamedImpMachine = linkMap[currMachRenameName][interfaceOrMachineName];
            var impMachineName    = renameMap[renamedImpMachine];
            var machine           = createMachineMap[impMachineName](this, payload);

            machine.isSafe      = isSafeMap[renamedImpMachine];
            machine.renamedName = renamedImpMachine;


            if (interfaceMap.ContainsKey(interfaceOrMachineName))
                return(new PrtInterfaceValue(machine, interfaceMap[interfaceOrMachineName]));
                return(new PrtInterfaceValue(machine, machine.self.permissions));
Exemplo n.º 2
        public PrtInterfaceValue CreateInterface(PrtImplMachine currMach, string interfaceOrMachineName, PrtValue payload)
            //add visible action to trace
            if (visibleInterfaces.Contains(interfaceOrMachineName))
                currentVisibleTrace.AddAction(interfaceOrMachineName, payload.ToString());

            var renamedImpMachine = linkMap[currMach.renamedName][interfaceOrMachineName];
            var impMachineName    = machineDefMap[renamedImpMachine];
            var machine           = createMachineMap[impMachineName](this, payload);

            machine.isSafe      = isSafeMap[renamedImpMachine];
            machine.renamedName = renamedImpMachine;


            //TraceLine("<CreateLog> Machine {0}-{1} was created by machine {2}-{3}", currMach.renamedName, currMach.instanceNumber, machine.renamedName, machine.instanceNumber);
            TraceLine("<CreateLog> Machine {0}-{1} was created by machine {2}-{3}", machine.renamedName, machine.instanceNumber, currMach.renamedName, currMach.instanceNumber);

            if (interfaceMap.ContainsKey(interfaceOrMachineName))
                return(new PrtInterfaceValue(machine, interfaceMap[interfaceOrMachineName]));
                return(new PrtInterfaceValue(machine, machine.self.permissions));
Exemplo n.º 3
        public string ToPrettyString(string indent = "")
            string result = "";

            result += indent + "renamedName:      " + renamedName + "\n";
            result += indent + "isSafe:           " + isSafe.ToString() + "\n";
            result += indent + "instanceNumber:   " + instanceNumber.ToString() + "\n";
            result += indent + "fields:           " + (fields.Count == 0 ? "null" : fields.Select(v => v.ToString()).Aggregate((s1, s2) => s1 + "," + s2)) + "\n";
            result += indent + "eventValue:       " + eventValue.ToString() + "\n";
            result += indent + "stateStack:       " + stateStack.ToString() + "\n";
            result += indent + "invertedFunStack: " + invertedFunStack.ToString() + "\n";
            result += indent + "continuation:     " + continuation.ToString() + "\n";
            result += indent + "currentStatus:    " + currentStatus.ToString() + "\n";
            result += indent + "nextSMOperation:  " + nextSMOperation.ToString() + "\n";
            result += indent + "stateExitReason:  " + stateExitReason.ToString() + "\n";
            result += indent + "currentTrigger:   " + currentTrigger.ToString() + "\n";
            result += indent + "currentPayload:   " + currentPayload.ToString() + "\n";
            result += indent + "destOfGoto:       " + (destOfGoto == null ? "null" : destOfGoto.ToString()) + "\n";

Exemplo n.º 4
        public override void PrtEnqueueEvent(PrtValue e, PrtValue arg, PrtMachine source, PrtMachineValue target = null)
            PrtEventValue ev = e as PrtEventValue;

            if (ev.evt.name == "null")
                throw new PrtIllegalEnqueueException("Enqueued event must not be null");

            //check if the sent event is in source send set
            if (!source.sends.Contains(e as PrtEventValue))
                throw new PrtIllegalEnqueueException(String.Format("Machine <0> cannot send event {1}", source.Name, e.ToString()));

            //check if the sent event is in target permissions
            if (target is PrtInterfaceValue)
                if (!(target as PrtInterfaceValue).permissions.Contains(e as PrtEventValue))
                    throw new PrtIllegalEnqueueException(String.Format("Event {1} is not in the permission set of the target", e.ToString()));

            PrtType prtType = ev.evt.payloadType;

            //assertion to check if argument passed inhabits the payload type.
            if (prtType is PrtNullType)
                if (!arg.Equals(PrtValue.@null))
                    throw new PrtIllegalEnqueueException("Did not expect a payload value");
            else if (!PrtValue.PrtInhabitsType(arg, prtType))
                throw new PrtInhabitsTypeException(String.Format("Payload <{0}> does not match the expected type <{1}> with event <{2}>", arg.ToString(), prtType.ToString(), ev.evt.name));

            //check if the event sent is in the permissions

            if (currentStatus == PrtMachineStatus.Halted)
                    @"<EnqueueLog> {0}-{1} Machine has been halted and Event {2} is dropped",
                    this.Name, this.instanceNumber, ev.evt.name);
                    @"<EnqueueLog> Enqueued Event <{0}, {1}> in {2}-{3} by {4}-{5}",
                    ev.evt.name, arg.ToString(), this.Name, this.instanceNumber, source.Name, source.instanceNumber);
                this.eventQueue.EnqueueEvent(e, arg);
                if (this.maxBufferSize != DefaultMaxBufferSize && this.eventQueue.Size() > this.maxBufferSize)
                    if (this.doAssume)
                        throw new PrtAssumeFailureException();
                        throw new PrtMaxBufferSizeExceededException(
                                  String.Format(@"<EXCEPTION> Event Buffer Size Exceeded {0} in Machine {1}-{2}",
                                                this.maxBufferSize, this.Name, this.instanceNumber));
                if (currentStatus == PrtMachineStatus.Blocked && this.eventQueue.IsEnabled(this))
                    currentStatus = PrtMachineStatus.Enabled;

            //Announce it to all the spec machines
            stateImpl.Announce(e as PrtEventValue, arg, source);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void Announce(PrtEventValue ev, PrtValue payload, PrtMachine parent)
            if (ev.Equals(PrtValue.@null))
                throw new PrtIllegalEnqueueException("Enqueued event must not be null");

            PrtType prtType = ev.evt.payloadType;

            //assertion to check if argument passed inhabits the payload type.
            if (prtType is PrtNullType)
                if (!payload.Equals(PrtValue.@null))
                    throw new PrtIllegalEnqueueException("Did not expect a payload value");
            else if (!PrtValue.PrtInhabitsType(payload, prtType))
                throw new PrtInhabitsTypeException(String.Format("Payload <{0}> does not match the expected type <{1}> with event <{2}>", payload.ToString(), prtType.ToString(), ev.evt.name));

            var allSpecMachines = GetSpecMachines(parent.renamedName);

            foreach (var mon in allSpecMachines)
                if (mon.observes.Contains(ev))
                    TraceLine("<AnnounceLog> Enqueued Event <{0}, {1}> to Spec Machine {2}", ev, payload, mon.Name);
                    mon.PrtEnqueueEvent(ev, payload, parent);
Exemplo n.º 6
 public SendAction(Tuple <string, int> t, string e, PrtValue v)
     target  = new Tuple <string, int>(t.Item1, t.Item2);
     ev      = e;
     payload = v.ToString();
Exemplo n.º 7
 public PrtValue Lookup(PrtValue key)
     if (!Contains(key))
         throw new PrtAssertFailureException(string.Format("Illegal key ({0}) in Lookup", key.ToString()));
     return(keyToValueMap[new PrtMapKey(key, 0)]);
Exemplo n.º 8
 public static PrtValue PrtCastValue(PrtValue value, PrtType type)
     if (!PrtInhabitsType(value, type))
         throw new PrtInhabitsTypeException(String.Format("value {0} is not a member of type {1}", value.ToString(), type.ToString()));
Exemplo n.º 9
 public static PrtValue PrtCastValue(PrtValue value, PrtType type)
     //cast for interface types is implemented as reduce.
     if (type is PrtInterfaceType)
         return((type as PrtInterfaceType).PrtReduceValue(value));
         if (!PrtInhabitsType(value, type))
             throw new PrtInhabitsTypeException(String.Format("value {0} is not a member of type {1}", value.ToString(), type.ToString()));
Exemplo n.º 10
        public bool PrtPopState(bool isPopStatement)
            Debug.Assert(stateStack.TopOfStack != null);
            //pop stack
            if (stateStack.TopOfStack == null)
                if (isPopStatement)
                    throw new PrtInvalidPopStatement();
                //TODO : Handle the spec machine case separately for the halt event
                else if (!eventValue.Equals(PrtValue.halt))
                    throw new PrtUnhandledEventException(string.Format("{0} failed to handle {1}", Name, eventValue.ToString()));
                    stateImpl.TraceLine("<HaltLog> Machine {0}-{1} HALTED", this.Name, this.instanceNumber);
                    currentStatus = PrtMachineStatus.Halted;

            return(currentStatus == PrtMachineStatus.Halted);
Exemplo n.º 11
 public override string ToString()
     return("(" + ev.ToString() + "," + arg.ToString() + ")"); // not including senderMachine data since the image (successor) relation doesn't depend on them
Exemplo n.º 12
 // I Print the Boolean nondet before the List retLocals (easier since list length varies)
 public override string ToString()
     return(reason.ToString() + "," + retVal.ToString() + "," + nondet.ToString() + "," + (retLocals.Count == 0 ? "null" : retLocals.Select(v => v.ToString()).Aggregate((s1, s2) => s1 + s2)));
Exemplo n.º 13
        public PrtValue PrtReduceValue(PrtValue value)
            if (value == PrtValue.@null)
            else if (value is PrtMachineValue)
                return(new PrtInterfaceValue(((PrtMachineValue)value).mach, permissions));
            else if (value is PrtInterfaceValue)
                if (permissions == null)
                    throw new PrtInternalException("Unexpected value of permissions in Interface Type");

                var iVal = value as PrtInterfaceValue;

                //permissions in iVal is all events
                if (iVal.permissions == null)
                    return(new PrtInterfaceValue(iVal.mach, permissions));

                //type_permissions is subset of value_permissions
                if (permissions.Where(ev => !iVal.permissions.Contains(ev)).Count() > 0)
                    throw new PrtInhabitsTypeException(String.Format("value {0} cannot be reduced to value of type {1}", value.ToString(), this.ToString()));
                    return(new PrtInterfaceValue(iVal.mach, permissions));
                throw new PrtInhabitsTypeException(String.Format("value {0} cannot be reduced to value of type {1}", value.ToString(), this.ToString()));
Exemplo n.º 14
        public bool PrtPopState(bool isPopStatement)
            Debug.Assert(stateStack.TopOfStack != null);
            //pop stack
            if (stateStack.TopOfStack == null)
                if (isPopStatement)
                    throw new PrtInvalidPopStatement();
                //TODO : Handle the spec machine case separately for the halt event
                else if (!eventValue.Equals(PrtValue.halt))
                    throw new PrtUnhandledEventException(string.Format("{0} failed to handle event {1}", Name, eventValue.ToString()));
                    if (this as PrtImplMachine != null)
                        stateImpl.TraceLine("<HaltLog> Machine {0}-{1} HALTED with {2} events in the queue", this.Name, this.instanceNumber, (((PrtImplMachine)this).eventQueue).Size());
                        //SpecMachine case:
                        //TODO: is it possible to send "halt" event to a spec machine?
                        stateImpl.TraceLine("<HaltLog> Machine {0}-{1} HALTED", this.Name, this.instanceNumber);
                    currentStatus = PrtMachineStatus.Halted;

            return(currentStatus == PrtMachineStatus.Halted);