public async Task <IEnumerable <IGrain> > GetActiveGrains(Type grainType)
            string grainTypeName = TypeCodeMapper.GetImplementation(grainType).GrainClass;

            IEnumerable <Tuple <GrainId, string, int> > activeGrainList = await GetGrainActivations();

            IEnumerable <IGrain> filteredList = activeGrainList.Where(s => s.Item2.Equals(grainTypeName)).Select(s => GrainFactory.GetGrain <IIndexableGrain>(s.Item1.GetPrimaryKey(), grainType));

Exemplo n.º 2
        public static async Task <IEnumerable <T> > GetActiveGrains <T>(IGrainFactory gf, params SiloAddress[] hostsIds) where T : IGrain
            string grainTypeName = TypeCodeMapper.GetImplementation(typeof(T)).GrainClass;

            IEnumerable <Tuple <GrainId, string, int> > activeGrainList = await GetGrainActivations(hostsIds);

            IEnumerable <T> filteredList = activeGrainList.Where(s => s.Item2.Equals(grainTypeName)).Select(s => gf.GetGrain <T>(s.Item1.GetPrimaryKey(), typeof(T)));

Exemplo n.º 3
 private void EnsureStorageProvider()
     if (_storageProvider == null)
         var  implementation = TypeCodeMapper.GetImplementation(typeof(V));
         Type implType;
         if (implementation == null || (grainImplClass = implementation.GrainClass) == null || !TypeUtils.TryResolveType(grainImplClass, out implType))
             throw new Exception("The grain implementation class " + implementation.GrainClass + " for grain interface " + TypeUtils.GetFullName(typeof(V)) + " was not resolved.");
         _storageProvider = InsideRuntimeClient.Current.Catalog.SetupStorageProvider(implType);
 private void EnsureGrainStorage()
     if (_grainStorage == null)
         var implementation = TypeCodeMapper.GetImplementation(this.SiloIndexManager.GrainTypeResolver, typeof(V));
         if (implementation == null || (_grainClassName = implementation.GrainClass) == null ||
             !this.SiloIndexManager.CachedTypeResolver.TryResolveType(_grainClassName, out Type grainClassType))
             throw new IndexException($"The grain implementation class {implementation.GrainClass} for grain" +
                                      " interface {IndexUtils.GetFullTypeName(typeof(V))} was not resolved.");
         _grainStorage = grainClassType.GetGrainStorage(this.SiloIndexManager.ServiceProvider);
Exemplo n.º 5
 private void EnsureGrainStorage()
     if (_grainStorage == null)
         var implementation = TypeCodeMapper.GetImplementation(this.SiloIndexManager.GrainTypeResolver, typeof(V));
         if (implementation == null || (grainImplClass = implementation.GrainClass) == null ||
             !this.SiloIndexManager.CachedTypeResolver.TryResolveType(grainImplClass, out Type implType))
             throw new IndexException($"The grain implementation class {implementation.GrainClass} for grain" +
                                      " interface {IndexUtils.GetFullTypeName(typeof(V))} was not resolved.");
         _grainStorage = implType.GetGrainStorage(this.SiloIndexManager.ServiceProvider);
         bool isFaultTolerant = ApplicationPartsIndexableGrainLoader.IsSubclassOfRawGenericType(typeof(IndexableGrain <,>), implType);
         _indexedFieldPrefix = isFaultTolerant ? "UserState." : string.Empty;
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// This is a helper method for creating an index on a field of an actor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gf">The current instance of IGrainFactory</param>
        /// <param name="idxType">The type of index to be created</param>
        /// <param name="indexName">The index name to be created</param>
        /// <param name="isUniqueIndex">Determines whether this is a unique index that needs to be created</param>
        /// <param name="isEager">Determines whether updates to this index should be applied eagerly or not</param>
        /// <param name="maxEntriesPerBucket">Determines the maximum number of entries in
        /// each bucket of a distributed index, if this index type is a distributed one.</param>
        /// <param name="indexedProperty">the PropertyInfo object for the indexed field.
        /// This object helps in creating a default instance of IndexUpdateGenerator.</param>
        /// <returns>A triple that consists of:
        /// 1) the index object (that implements IndexInterface
        /// 2) the IndexMetaData object for this index, and
        /// 3) the IndexUpdateGenerator instance for this index.
        /// This triple is untyped, because IndexInterface, IndexMetaData
        /// and IndexUpdateGenerator types are not visible in the core project.</returns>
        internal static Tuple <object, object, object> CreateIndex(this IGrainFactory gf, Type idxType, string indexName, bool isUniqueIndex, bool isEager, int maxEntriesPerBucket, PropertyInfo indexedProperty)
            Type iIndexType = idxType.GetGenericType(typeof(IndexInterface <,>));

            if (iIndexType != null)
                Type[] indexTypeArgs = iIndexType.GetGenericArguments();
                Type   keyType       = indexTypeArgs[0];
                Type   grainType     = indexTypeArgs[1];

                IndexInterface index;
                if (typeof(IGrain).IsAssignableFrom(idxType))
                    index = (IndexInterface)gf.GetGrain(IndexUtils.GetIndexGrainID(grainType, indexName), idxType, idxType);

                    Type idxImplType = TypeUtils.ResolveType(TypeCodeMapper.GetImplementation(idxType).GrainClass);

                    if (idxImplType.IsGenericTypeDefinition)
                        idxImplType = idxImplType.MakeGenericType(iIndexType.GetGenericArguments());

                    MethodInfo initPerSilo;
                    if ((initPerSilo = idxImplType.GetMethod("InitPerSilo", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public)) != null)
                        var initPerSiloMethod = (Action <Silo, string, bool>)Delegate.CreateDelegate(
                            typeof(Action <Silo, string, bool>),
                        initPerSiloMethod(Silo.CurrentSilo, indexName, isUniqueIndex);
                else if (idxType.IsClass)
                    index = (IndexInterface)Activator.CreateInstance(idxType, indexName, isUniqueIndex);
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("{0} is neither a grain nor a class. Index \"{1}\" cannot be created.", idxType, indexName));

                return(Tuple.Create((object)index, (object)new IndexMetaData(idxType, isUniqueIndex, isEager, maxEntriesPerBucket), (object)CreateIndexUpdateGenFromProperty(indexedProperty)));
                throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format("Adding an index that does not implement IndexInterface<K,V> is not supported yet. Your requested index ({0}) is invalid.", idxType.ToString()));
        /// <summary>
        /// This is a helper method for creating an index on a field of an actor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="idxType">The type of index to be created</param>
        /// <param name="indexName">The index name to be created</param>
        /// <param name="isUniqueIndex">Determines whether this is a unique index that needs to be created</param>
        /// <param name="isEager">Determines whether updates to this index should be applied eagerly or not</param>
        /// <param name="maxEntriesPerBucket">Determines the maximum number of entries in
        /// each bucket of a distributed index, if this index type is a distributed one.</param>
        /// <param name="indexedProperty">the PropertyInfo object for the indexed field.
        /// This object helps in creating a default instance of IndexUpdateGenerator.</param>
        /// <returns>An <see cref="IndexInfo"/> for the specified idxType and indexName.</returns>
        internal async Task <IndexInfo> CreateIndex(Type idxType, string indexName, bool isUniqueIndex, bool isEager, int maxEntriesPerBucket, PropertyInfo indexedProperty)
            Type iIndexType = idxType.GetGenericType(typeof(IIndexInterface <,>));

            if (iIndexType == null)
                throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format("Adding an index that does not implement IndexInterface<K,V> is not supported yet. Your requested index ({0}) is invalid.", idxType.ToString()));

            Type[] indexTypeArgs = iIndexType.GetGenericArguments();
            Type   keyType       = indexTypeArgs[0];
            Type   grainType     = indexTypeArgs[1];

            IIndexInterface index;

            if (typeof(IGrain).IsAssignableFrom(idxType))
                // This must call the static Silo methods because we may not be InSilo.
                index = (IIndexInterface)Silo.GetGrain(this.grainFactory, IndexUtils.GetIndexGrainPrimaryKey(grainType, indexName), idxType, idxType);

                if (this.IsInSilo)
                    var idxImplType = this.indexManager.CachedTypeResolver.ResolveType(
                        TypeCodeMapper.GetImplementation(this.siloIndexManager.GrainTypeResolver, idxType).GrainClass);
                    if (idxImplType.IsGenericTypeDefinition)
                        idxImplType = idxImplType.MakeGenericType(iIndexType.GetGenericArguments());

                    var initPerSiloMethodInfo = idxImplType.GetMethod("InitPerSilo", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
                    if (initPerSiloMethodInfo != null)  // Static method so cannot use an interface
                        var initPerSiloMethod = (Func <SiloIndexManager, string, bool, Task>)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Func <SiloIndexManager, string, bool, Task>), initPerSiloMethodInfo);
                        await initPerSiloMethod(this.siloIndexManager, indexName, isUniqueIndex);
                index = idxType.IsClass
                    ? (IIndexInterface)Activator.CreateInstance(idxType, this.indexManager.ServiceProvider, indexName, isUniqueIndex)
                    : throw new IndexException(string.Format("{0} is neither a grain nor a class. Index \"{1}\" cannot be created.", idxType, indexName));

            return(new IndexInfo(index, new IndexMetaData(idxType, isUniqueIndex, isEager, maxEntriesPerBucket), CreateIndexUpdateGenFromProperty(indexedProperty)));
Exemplo n.º 8
 /// <summary>
 /// Determines whether the index grain is a stateless worker
 /// or not. This piece of information can impact the relationship
 /// between index handlers and the index.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>the result of whether the current index is
 /// a stateless worker or not</returns>
 public bool IsIndexStatelessWorker()