Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets Recipient Type/Database from Exchange database, this method can be more general, but it is ok
        /// for our needs
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="oc">object class, currently the method works for <see cref="ObjectClass.ACCOUNT"/> only</param>
        /// <param name="cobject">connector object to get the recipient type/database for</param>
        /// <param name="attToGet">attributes to get</param>
        /// <returns>Connector Object with recipient type added</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ConnectorException">In case of some troubles in powershell (if the
        /// user is not found we get this exception too)</exception>
        private ConnectorObject AddExchangeAttributes(ExchangeConnector exchangeConnector, ObjectClass oc, ConnectorObject cobject, IEnumerable <string> attToGet)
            // NOTHING TO DO. Everything has been read from AD!

             * ExchangeConfiguration configuration = exchangeConnector.Configuration;
             * ExchangeUtility.NullCheck(oc, "name", configuration);
             * ExchangeUtility.NullCheck(oc, "cobject", configuration);
             * // we support ACCOUNT only or there is nothing to add
             * if (!oc.Is(ObjectClass.ACCOUNT_NAME) || attToGet == null)
             * {
             *  return cobject;
             * }
             * // check it is not deleted object
             * bool? deleted = ExchangeUtility.GetAttValue(ExchangeConnectorAttributes.AttIsDeleted, cobject.GetAttributes()) as bool?;
             * if (deleted != null && deleted == true)
             * {
             *  // do nothing, it is deleted object
             *  return cobject;
             * }
             * ICollection<string> lattToGet = CollectionUtil.NewCaseInsensitiveSet();
             * CollectionUtil.AddAll(lattToGet, attToGet);
             * foreach (string att in attToGet)
             * {
             *  if (cobject.GetAttributeByName(att) != null && att != ExchangeConnectorAttributes.AttDatabase)
             *  {
             *      lattToGet.Remove(att);
             *  }
             * }
             * if (lattToGet.Count == 0)
             * {
             *  return cobject;
             * }
             * ConnectorObjectBuilder cobjBuilder = new ConnectorObjectBuilder();
             * cobjBuilder.AddAttributes(cobject.GetAttributes());
             * PSExchangeConnector.CommandInfo cmdInfo = PSExchangeConnector.CommandInfo.GetUser;
             * // prepare the connector attribute list to get the command
             * ICollection<ConnectorAttribute> attributes = new Collection<ConnectorAttribute> { cobject.Name };
             * // get the command
             * Command cmd = ExchangeUtility.GetCommand(cmdInfo, attributes, configuration);
             * ICollection<PSObject> foundObjects = _helper.InvokePipeline(exchangeConnector, cmd);
             * PSObject user = null;
             * if (foundObjects != null && foundObjects.Count == 1)
             * {
             *  user = GetFirstElement(foundObjects);
             *  foreach (var info in user.Properties)
             *  {
             *      ConnectorAttribute att = ExchangeUtility.GetAsAttribute(info);
             *      if (att != null && lattToGet.Contains(att.Name))
             *      {
             *          cobjBuilder.AddAttribute(att);
             *          lattToGet.Remove(att.Name);
             *      }
             *  }
             *  if (lattToGet.Count == 0)
             *  {
             *      return cobjBuilder.Build();
             *  }
             * }
             * if (user == null)
             * {
             *  // nothing to do
             *  return cobject;
             * }
             * string rcptType = user.Members[ExchangeConnectorAttributes.AttRecipientType].Value.ToString();
             * foundObjects = null;
             * // get detailed information
             * if (rcptType == ExchangeConnectorAttributes.RcptTypeMailBox)
             * {
             *  foundObjects = _helper.InvokePipeline(exchangeConnector, ExchangeUtility.GetCommand(PSExchangeConnector.CommandInfo.GetMailbox, attributes, configuration));
             * }
             * else if (rcptType == ExchangeConnectorAttributes.RcptTypeMailUser)
             * {
             *  foundObjects = _helper.InvokePipeline(exchangeConnector, ExchangeUtility.GetCommand(PSExchangeConnector.CommandInfo.GetMailUser, attributes, configuration));
             * }
             * if (foundObjects != null && foundObjects.Count == 1)
             * {
             *  PSObject userDetails = GetFirstElement(foundObjects);
             *  foreach (var info in userDetails.Properties)
             *  {
             *      ConnectorAttribute att = ExchangeUtility.GetAsAttribute(info);
             *      if (att != null && lattToGet.Contains(att.Name))
             *      {
             *          cobjBuilder.AddAttribute(att);
             *          lattToGet.Remove(att.Name);
             *      }
             *  }
             * }
             * return cobjBuilder.Build();
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void ExecuteQuery(ExecuteQueryContext context)
            ExchangeConnector        exconn = (ExchangeConnector)context.Connector;
            ActiveDirectoryConnector adconn = exconn.ActiveDirectoryConnector;

            ICollection <string> attsToGet = null;

            if (context.Options != null && context.Options.AttributesToGet != null)
                attsToGet = CollectionUtil.NewList(context.Options.AttributesToGet);

            // delegate to get the exchange attributes if requested
            ResultsHandler filter = new SearchResultsHandler()
                Handle = cobject =>
                    LOGGER.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Verbose, CAT_DEFAULT, "Object returned from AD connector: {0}", CommonUtils.DumpConnectorAttributes(cobject.GetAttributes()));
                    ConnectorObject filtered = ExchangeUtility.ConvertAdAttributesToExchange(cobject);
                    //filtered = AddExchangeAttributes(exconn, context.ObjectClass, filtered, attsToGet);
                    LOGGER.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Verbose, CAT_DEFAULT, "Object as passed from Exchange connector: {0}", CommonUtils.DumpConnectorAttributes(filtered.GetAttributes()));

                HandleResult = result =>
                    if (context.ResultsHandler is SearchResultsHandler)

            ResultsHandler   handler2use = filter;
            OperationOptions options2use = context.Options;

            // mapping AttributesToGet from Exchange to AD "language"
            // actually, we don't need this code any more, because there are no attribute that are not retrieved by default
            // Uncomment this code if necessary in the future.
            if (context.Options != null && context.Options.AttributesToGet != null)
                 * ISet<string> mappedExchangeAttributesToGet = new HashSet<string>(AttMap2AD.Keys);
                 * mappedExchangeAttributesToGet.IntersectWith(options.AttributesToGet);
                 * if (mappedExchangeAttributesToGet.Count > 0 || attsToGet.Contains(AttRecipientType))
                 * {
                 *  // replace Exchange attributes with AD names
                 *  var newAttsToGet = ExchangeUtility.FilterReplace(attsToGet, AttMap2AD);
                 *  // we have to remove recipient type, as it is unknown to AD
                 *  newAttsToGet.Remove(AttRecipientType);
                 *  // build new op options
                 *  var builder = new OperationOptionsBuilder(options);
                 *  string[] attributesToGet = new string[newAttsToGet.Count];
                 *  newAttsToGet.CopyTo(attributesToGet, 0);
                 *  builder.AttributesToGet = attributesToGet;
                 *  options2use = builder.Build();
                 * } */

                 * if (attsToGet.Contains(ExchangeConnectorAttributes.AttDatabase))
                 * {
                 *  attsToGet.Remove(ExchangeConnectorAttributes.AttDatabase);
                 *  // build new op options
                 *  var builder = new OperationOptionsBuilder(context.Options);
                 *  string[] attributesToGet = new string[attsToGet.Count];
                 *  attsToGet.CopyTo(attributesToGet, 0);
                 *  builder.AttributesToGet = attributesToGet;
                 *  options2use = builder.Build();
                 * }

                                        context.Query, handler2use, options2use,
                                        GetAdAttributesToReturn(adconn, context.ObjectClass, context.Options));
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void Update(UpdateOpContext context)
            ExchangeConnector        exconn = (ExchangeConnector)context.Connector;
            ActiveDirectoryConnector adconn = exconn.ActiveDirectoryConnector;

            // update in AD first
            var filtered = ExchangeUtility.FilterOut(

            adconn.Update(context.UpdateType, context.ObjectClass, context.Uid, filtered, context.Options);

            // retrieve Exchange-related information about the user
            string          query         = "(objectGUID=" + ActiveDirectoryUtils.ConvertUIDToSearchString(context.Uid) + ")";
            ConnectorObject currentObject = _helper.GetCurrentObject(context, query);
            ICollection <ConnectorAttribute> attributesForReplace = _helper.DetermineNewAttributeValues(context, currentObject);

            attributesForReplace = DeduplicateEmailAddresses(context, attributesForReplace);

            string origRcptType;
            var    newRcptType = _helper.DetermineOrigAndNewAttributeValue(context, currentObject, attributesForReplace, ExchangeConnectorAttributes.AttRecipientType, out origRcptType);

            if (newRcptType == null)
                newRcptType = ExchangeConnectorAttributes.RcptTypeUser;

            string origDatabase;
            var    newDatabase = _helper.DetermineOrigAndNewAttributeValue(context, currentObject, attributesForReplace, ExchangeConnectorAttributes.AttDatabase, out origDatabase);

            // PART 1 - DEALING WITH MailUser CASE

            if (ExchangeConnectorAttributes.RcptTypeMailUser.Equals(newRcptType))
                // disabling Mailbox if needed
                if (ExchangeConnectorAttributes.RcptTypeMailBox.Equals(origRcptType))
                    Command cmdDisable = ExchangeUtility.GetCommand(PSExchangeConnector.CommandInfo.DisableMailbox, attributesForReplace, context.Uid, exconn.Configuration);
                    cmdDisable.Parameters.Add("Confirm", false);
                    _helper.InvokePipeline(exconn, cmdDisable);

                // enabling MailUser if needed
                if (!ExchangeConnectorAttributes.RcptTypeMailUser.Equals(origRcptType))
                    // Enable-MailUser needs the value of ExternalEmailAddress, so we have to get it
                    string origExternalEmailAddress;
                    var    newExternalEmailAddress = _helper.DetermineOrigAndNewAttributeValue(context, currentObject, attributesForReplace, ExchangeConnectorAttributes.AttExternalEmailAddress, out origExternalEmailAddress);

                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(newExternalEmailAddress))
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Missing ExternalEmailAddress value, which is required for a MailUser");
                    ExchangeUtility.SetAttValue(ExchangeConnectorAttributes.AttExternalEmailAddress, newExternalEmailAddress, attributesForReplace);

                    // now execute the Enable-MailUser command
                    Command cmdEnable = ExchangeUtility.GetCommand(
                        PSExchangeConnector.CommandInfo.EnableMailUser, attributesForReplace, context.Uid, exconn.Configuration);
                    _helper.InvokePipeline(exconn, cmdEnable);

                // setting MailUser attributes
                Command cmdSet = ExchangeUtility.GetCommand(PSExchangeConnector.CommandInfo.SetMailUser, attributesForReplace, context.Uid, exconn.Configuration);
                _helper.InvokePipeline(exconn, cmdSet);

            // PART 2 - DEALING WITH UserMailbox CASE

            else if (ExchangeConnectorAttributes.RcptTypeMailBox.Equals(newRcptType))
                // enable mailbox if necessary

                // we should execute something like this here:
                // get-user -identity id|?{$_.RecipientType -eq "User"}|enable-mailbox -database "db"
                // unfortunately I was not able to get it working with the pipeline... that's why there are two commands
                // executed :-(
                // alternatively there can be something like:
                // get-user -identity id -RecipientTypeDetails User|enable-mailbox -database "db", but we have then trouble
                // with detecting attempt to change the database attribute
                if (!ExchangeConnectorAttributes.RcptTypeMailBox.Equals(origRcptType))
                    Command cmdEnable = ExchangeUtility.GetCommand(PSExchangeConnector.CommandInfo.EnableMailbox, attributesForReplace, context.Uid, exconn.Configuration);
                    _helper.InvokePipeline(exconn, cmdEnable);
                    // are we trying to update the database?
                    if (newDatabase != null && origDatabase != null && !newDatabase.Equals(origDatabase))
                        throw new ArgumentException(
                                      "ex_not_updatable", "Update of [{0}] attribute is not supported", ExchangeConnectorAttributes.AttDatabase));

                Command cmdSet = ExchangeUtility.GetCommand(PSExchangeConnector.CommandInfo.SetMailbox, attributesForReplace, context.Uid, exconn.Configuration);
                _helper.InvokePipeline(exconn, cmdSet);

            // PART 3 - DEALING WITH User CASE

            else if (ExchangeConnectorAttributes.RcptTypeUser.Equals(newRcptType))
                if (ExchangeConnectorAttributes.RcptTypeMailBox.Equals(origRcptType))
                    Command cmdDisable = ExchangeUtility.GetCommand(PSExchangeConnector.CommandInfo.DisableMailbox, attributesForReplace, context.Uid, exconn.Configuration);
                    cmdDisable.Parameters.Add("Confirm", false);
                    _helper.InvokePipeline(exconn, cmdDisable);
                else if (ExchangeConnectorAttributes.RcptTypeMailUser.Equals(origRcptType))
                    Command cmdDisable = ExchangeUtility.GetCommand(PSExchangeConnector.CommandInfo.DisableMailUser, attributesForReplace, context.Uid, exconn.Configuration);
                    cmdDisable.Parameters.Add("Confirm", false);
                    _helper.InvokePipeline(exconn, cmdDisable);
                else if (ExchangeConnectorAttributes.RcptTypeUser.Equals(origRcptType))
                    // if orig is User, there is no need to disable anything
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid original recipient type: " + origRcptType);

                Command cmdSet = ExchangeUtility.GetCommand(PSExchangeConnector.CommandInfo.SetUser, attributesForReplace, context.Uid, exconn.Configuration);
                _helper.InvokePipeline(exconn, cmdSet);
                // unsupported rcpt type
                throw new ArgumentException(
                              "ex_bad_rcpt", "Recipient type [{0}] is not supported", newRcptType));
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void Create(CreateOpContext context)
            context.Attributes = DeduplicateEmailAddresses(context, context.Attributes);

            // get recipient type
            string rcptType = ExchangeUtility.GetAttValue(ExchangeConnectorAttributes.AttRecipientType, context.Attributes) as string;

            if (rcptType == null || rcptType.Equals(""))
                rcptType = ExchangeConnectorAttributes.RcptTypeUser;

            ExchangeConnector        exconn = (ExchangeConnector)context.Connector;
            ActiveDirectoryConnector adconn = exconn.ActiveDirectoryConnector;

            PSExchangeConnector.CommandInfo cmdInfoEnable = null;
            PSExchangeConnector.CommandInfo cmdInfoSet    = null;
            switch (rcptType)
            case ExchangeConnectorAttributes.RcptTypeMailBox:
                cmdInfoEnable = PSExchangeConnector.CommandInfo.EnableMailbox;
                cmdInfoSet    = PSExchangeConnector.CommandInfo.SetMailbox;

            case ExchangeConnectorAttributes.RcptTypeMailUser:
                cmdInfoEnable = PSExchangeConnector.CommandInfo.EnableMailUser;
                cmdInfoSet    = PSExchangeConnector.CommandInfo.SetMailUser;

            case ExchangeConnectorAttributes.RcptTypeUser:

                throw new ArgumentException(
                              "ex_bad_rcpt", "Recipient type [{0}] is not supported", rcptType));

            // first create the object in AD
            ICollection <ConnectorAttribute> adAttributes = ExchangeUtility.FilterOut(context.Attributes,
            Uid uid = adconn.Create(context.ObjectClass, adAttributes, context.Options);

            if (rcptType == ExchangeConnectorAttributes.RcptTypeUser)
                // AD account only, we do nothing
                context.Uid = uid;

            // add a empty "EmailAddresses" attribute if needed (address policy is disabled and no addresses are provided)
            ICollection <ConnectorAttribute> enhancedAttributes;
            ConnectorAttribute policyEnabledAttribute = ConnectorAttributeUtil.Find(ExchangeConnectorAttributes.AttEmailAddressPolicyEnabled, context.Attributes);

            if (policyEnabledAttribute != null &&
                ConnectorAttributeUtil.GetBooleanValue(policyEnabledAttribute).Value == false &&
                ConnectorAttributeUtil.Find(ExchangeConnectorAttributes.AttPrimarySmtpAddress, context.Attributes) == null &&
                ConnectorAttributeUtil.Find(ExchangeConnectorAttributes.AttEmailAddresses, context.Attributes) == null)
                enhancedAttributes = new HashSet <ConnectorAttribute>(context.Attributes);
                LOGGER.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Verbose, CAT_DEFAULT, "Added empty EmailAddresses attribute because address policy use is disabled and no addresses were provided");
                enhancedAttributes = context.Attributes;        // no change

            // prepare the command
            Command cmdEnable = ExchangeUtility.GetCommand(cmdInfoEnable, enhancedAttributes, uid, (ExchangeConfiguration)context.ConnectorConfiguration);
            Command cmdSet    = ExchangeUtility.GetCommand(cmdInfoSet, enhancedAttributes, uid, (ExchangeConfiguration)context.ConnectorConfiguration);

            try {
                _helper.InvokePipeline(exconn, cmdEnable);
                _helper.InvokePipeline(exconn, cmdSet);
            catch {
                LOGGER.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, CAT_DEFAULT, "Rolling back AD create for UID: " + uid.GetUidValue());

                // rollback AD create
                try {
                    adconn.Delete(context.ObjectClass, uid, context.Options);
                } catch {
                    LOGGER.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Warning, CAT_DEFAULT, "Not able to rollback AD create for UID: " + uid.GetUidValue());
                    // note: this is not perfect, we hide the original exception

                // rethrow original exception

            context.Uid = uid;
Exemplo n.º 5
 public FilterTranslator <string> CreateFilterTranslator(ExchangeConnector connector, ObjectClass oclass, OperationOptions options)
     return(new LegacyExchangeConnectorFilterTranslator());