Multiply() public abstract method

public abstract Multiply ( BigInteger b ) : ECPoint
b BigInteger
return ECPoint
Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: Keys.cs Projeto: rgx91/BWTool
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the public key from the private key.
        /// </summary>
        protected override byte[] ComputePublicKey()
            var ps = Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Sec.SecNamedCurves.GetByName("secp256k1");

            Org.BouncyCastle.Math.EC.ECPoint point = ps.G;

            Org.BouncyCastle.Math.BigInteger Db = new Org.BouncyCastle.Math.BigInteger(1, _privKey);
            Org.BouncyCastle.Math.EC.ECPoint dd = point.Multiply(Db);

            if (IsCompressedPoint)
                dd = ps.Curve.CreatePoint(dd.X.ToBigInteger(), dd.Y.ToBigInteger(), true);
                byte[] pubaddr = new byte[65];
                byte[] Y       = dd.Y.ToBigInteger().ToByteArray();
                Array.Copy(Y, 0, pubaddr, 64 - Y.Length + 1, Y.Length);
                byte[] X = dd.X.ToBigInteger().ToByteArray();
                Array.Copy(X, 0, pubaddr, 32 - X.Length + 1, X.Length);
                pubaddr[0] = 4;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static byte GetRecoveryId(byte[] sigR, byte[] sigS, byte[] message, byte[] publicKey)
            //ECNamedCurveParameterSpec spec = ECNamedCurveTable.getParameterSpec("secp256k1");
            X9ECParameters spec = ECNamedCurveTable.GetByName("secp256k1");

            BigInteger pointN = spec.N;

            for (int recoveryId = 0; recoveryId < 2; recoveryId++)
                    BigInteger pointX = new BigInteger(1, sigR);

                    byte[] compEnc =
                        X9IntegerConverter.IntegerToBytes(pointX, 1 + X9IntegerConverter.GetByteLength(spec.Curve));
                    compEnc[0] = (byte)((recoveryId & 1) == 1 ? 0x03 : 0x02);
                    ECPoint pointR = spec.Curve.DecodePoint(compEnc);
                    if (!pointR.Multiply(pointN).IsInfinity)

                    BigInteger pointE        = new BigInteger(1, message);
                    BigInteger pointEInv     = BigInteger.Zero.Subtract(pointE).Mod(pointN);
                    BigInteger pointRInv     = new BigInteger(1, sigR).ModInverse(pointN);
                    BigInteger srInv         = pointRInv.Multiply(new BigInteger(1, sigS)).Mod(pointN);
                    BigInteger pointEInvRInv = pointRInv.Multiply(pointEInv).Mod(pointN);
                    ECPoint    pointQ        = ECAlgorithms.SumOfTwoMultiplies(spec.G, pointEInvRInv, pointR, srInv);
                    byte[]     pointQBytes   = pointQ.GetEncoded(false);
                    bool       matchedKeys   = true;
                    for (int j = 0; j < publicKey.Length; j++)
                        if (pointQBytes[j] != publicKey[j])
                            matchedKeys = false;

                    if (!matchedKeys)

                    return((byte)(0xFF & recoveryId));
                catch (Exception e)
                    Console.WriteLine(" Failed: GET recoveryID");

Exemplo n.º 3
        public static string PrivHexToPubHex(string PrivHex, ECPoint point)
            byte[] hex = ValidateAndGetHexPrivateKey(0x00, PrivHex, 33);
            if (hex == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("Invalid private hex key");
            Org.BouncyCastle.Math.BigInteger Db = new Org.BouncyCastle.Math.BigInteger(hex);
            ECPoint dd = point.Multiply(Db);

            byte[] pubaddr = PubKeyToByteArray(dd);

Exemplo n.º 4
        public static ECPoint SumOfTwoMultiplies(ECPoint P, BigInteger a, ECPoint Q, BigInteger b)
            ECCurve cp = P.Curve;
            Q = ImportPoint(cp, Q);

            // Point multiplication for Koblitz curves (using WTNAF) beats Shamir's trick
            if (cp is F2mCurve)
                F2mCurve f2mCurve = (F2mCurve) cp;
                if (f2mCurve.IsKoblitz)
                    return P.Multiply(a).Add(Q.Multiply(b));

            return ImplShamirsTrickWNaf(P, a, Q, b);
        public static ECPoint SumOfTwoMultiplies(ECPoint p, IBigInteger a, ECPoint q, IBigInteger b)
            var c = p.Curve;
            if (!c.Equals(q.Curve))
                throw new ArgumentException("P and Q must be on same curve");

            // Point multiplication for Koblitz curves (using WTNAF) beats Shamir's trick
            var f2MCurve = c as F2MCurve;
            if (f2MCurve != null)
                if (f2MCurve.IsKoblitz)
                    return p.Multiply(a).Add(q.Multiply(b));

            return ImplShamirsTrick(p, a, q, b);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public static ECPoint SumOfTwoMultiplies(ECPoint P, BigInteger a, ECPoint Q, BigInteger b)
            ECCurve cp = P.Curve;

            Q = ImportPoint(cp, Q);

            // Point multiplication for Koblitz curves (using WTNAF) beats Shamir's trick
            if (cp is F2mCurve)
                F2mCurve f2mCurve = (F2mCurve)cp;
                if (f2mCurve.IsKoblitz)

            return(ImplShamirsTrickWNaf(P, a, Q, b));
Exemplo n.º 7
		public static ECPoint SumOfTwoMultiplies(ECPoint P, BigInteger a,
			ECPoint Q, BigInteger b)
			ECCurve c = P.Curve;
			if (!c.Equals(Q.Curve))
				throw new ArgumentException("P and Q must be on same curve");

			// Point multiplication for Koblitz curves (using WTNAF) beats Shamir's trick
			if (c is F2mCurve)
				F2mCurve f2mCurve = (F2mCurve) c;
				if (f2mCurve.IsKoblitz)
					return P.Multiply(a).Add(Q.Multiply(b));

			return ImplShamirsTrick(P, a, Q, b);
Exemplo n.º 8
        private ECPoint CalculatePoint(ECPublicKeyParameters pubKeyParams)
            ECDomainParameters dp = KeyParam.Parameters;

            if (!dp.Equals(pubKeyParams.Parameters))
                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                          "ECDH public key has wrong domain parameters"

            BigInteger d = KeyParam.D;

            ECPoint q = dp.Curve.DecodePoint(pubKeyParams.Q.GetEncoded(true));

            if (q.IsInfinity)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                          "Infinity is not a valid public key for ECDH"

            BigInteger h = dp.H;

            if (!h.Equals(BigInteger.One))
                d = dp.H.ModInverse(dp.N).Multiply(d).Mod(dp.N);
                q = ECAlgorithms.ReferenceMultiply(q, h);

            ECPoint p = q.Multiply(d).Normalize();

            if (p.IsInfinity)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                          "Infinity is not a valid agreement value for ECDH"

Exemplo n.º 9
        public static ECPoint SumOfTwoMultiplies(ECPoint P, BigInteger a, ECPoint Q, BigInteger b)
            ECCurve c = P.Curve;

            Q = ImportPoint(c, Q);
            AbstractF2mCurve curve2 = c as AbstractF2mCurve;

            if ((curve2 != null) && curve2.IsKoblitz)
            GlvEndomorphism glvEndomorphism = c.GetEndomorphism() as GlvEndomorphism;

            if (glvEndomorphism != null)
                ECPoint[]    ps = new ECPoint[] { P, Q };
                BigInteger[] ks = new BigInteger[] { a, b };
                return(ValidatePoint(ImplSumOfMultipliesGlv(ps, ks, glvEndomorphism)));
            return(ValidatePoint(ImplShamirsTrickWNaf(P, a, Q, b)));
Exemplo n.º 10
        public static ECPoint SumOfTwoMultiplies(ECPoint P, BigInteger a,
                                                 ECPoint Q, BigInteger b)
            ECCurve c = P.Curve;

            if (!c.Equals(Q.Curve))
                throw new ArgumentException("P and Q must be on same curve");

            // Point multiplication for Koblitz curves (using WTNAF) beats Shamir's trick
            if (c is F2mCurve)
                F2mCurve f2mCurve = (F2mCurve)c;
                if (f2mCurve.IsKoblitz)

            return(ImplShamirsTrick(P, a, Q, b));
Exemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Used by the token service. Signs the point submitted by the initiator in order to create a token, and outputs a proof of validity.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="k">The private key for the token scheme</param>
        /// <param name="K">The public key for the token scheme</param>
        /// <param name="ecParameters">Curve parameters</param>
        /// <param name="P">Point submitted by the app</param>
        /// <returns>A signed point Q and a Chaum-Pedersen proof (c,z) proving that the point is signed correctly</returns>
        public (ECPoint Q, BigInteger c, BigInteger z) GenerateToken(
            BigInteger k,
            ECPoint K,
            X9ECParameters ecParameters,
            ECPoint P)
            ECCurve?curve = ecParameters.Curve;

            // Check that P is a valid point on the currect curve
            if (ECPointVerifier.PointIsValid(P, curve) == false)
                throw new AnonymousTokensException("P is not a valid point on the curve");

            // Compute Q = k*P
            ECPoint?Q = P.Multiply(k);

            // Chaum-Pedersen proof of correct signature
            var(c, z) = CreateProof(ecParameters, k, K, P, Q);

            return(Q, c, z);
Exemplo n.º 12
        public static ECPoint SumOfTwoMultiplies(ECPoint p, IBigInteger a, ECPoint q, IBigInteger b)
            var c = p.Curve;

            if (!c.Equals(q.Curve))
                throw new ArgumentException("P and Q must be on same curve");

            // Point multiplication for Koblitz curves (using WTNAF) beats Shamir's trick
            var f2MCurve = c as F2MCurve;

            if (f2MCurve != null)
                if (f2MCurve.IsKoblitz)

            return(ImplShamirsTrick(p, a, q, b));
Exemplo n.º 13
        public static ECPoint SumOfTwoMultiplies(ECPoint P, BigInteger a, ECPoint Q, BigInteger b)
            ECCurve cp = P.Curve;
            Q = ImportPoint(cp, Q);

            // Point multiplication for Koblitz curves (using WTNAF) beats Shamir's trick
            if (cp is F2mCurve)
                F2mCurve f2mCurve = (F2mCurve) cp;
                if (f2mCurve.IsKoblitz)
                    return P.Multiply(a).Add(Q.Multiply(b));

            GlvEndomorphism glvEndomorphism = cp.GetEndomorphism() as GlvEndomorphism;
            if (glvEndomorphism != null)
                return ImplSumOfMultipliesGlv(new ECPoint[] { P, Q }, new BigInteger[] { a, b }, glvEndomorphism);

            return ImplShamirsTrickWNaf(P, a, Q, b);
Exemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Used by the token service. Creates a full transcript of a Chaum-Pedersen protocol instance, using the strong Fiat-Shamir transform.
        /// The Chaum-Pedersen proof proves that the same secret key k is used to compute K = k*G and Q = k*P, without revealing k.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ecParameters">Curve parameters</param>
        /// <param name="k">The private key of the token scheme</param>
        /// <param name="K">The public key of the token scheme</param>
        /// <param name="P">Point submitted by the initiator</param>
        /// <param name="Q">Point signed using the secret key</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private (BigInteger c, BigInteger z) CreateProof(
            X9ECParameters ecParameters,
            BigInteger k,
            ECPoint K,
            ECPoint P,
            ECPoint Q)
            // Sample a random integer 0 < r < N
            BigInteger r = ECCurveRandomNumberGenerator.GenerateRandomNumber(ecParameters.Curve, _random);

            // Computes X = r*G
            ECPoint X = ecParameters.G.Multiply(r);

            // Computes Y = r*P
            ECPoint Y = P.Multiply(r);

            BigInteger c = CPChallengeGenerator.CreateChallenge(ecParameters.G, P, K, Q, X, Y);

            // Compute proof z = r - ck mod N
            BigInteger z = r.Subtract(c.Multiply(k)).Mod(ecParameters.Curve.Order);

            return(c, z);
Exemplo n.º 15
        public static ECPoint SumOfTwoMultiplies(ECPoint P, BigInteger a, ECPoint Q, BigInteger b)
            ECCurve curve = P.Curve;

            Q = ImportPoint(curve, Q);
            AbstractF2mCurve abstractF2mCurve = curve as AbstractF2mCurve;

            if (abstractF2mCurve != null && abstractF2mCurve.IsKoblitz)
            GlvEndomorphism glvEndomorphism = curve.GetEndomorphism() as GlvEndomorphism;

            if (glvEndomorphism != null)
                return(ValidatePoint(ImplSumOfMultipliesGlv(new ECPoint[2] {
                    P, Q
                }, new BigInteger[2] {
                    a, b
                }, glvEndomorphism)));
            return(ValidatePoint(ImplShamirsTrickWNaf(P, a, Q, b)));
Exemplo n.º 16
         * Recover the public key that corresponds to the private key, which signed this message.
        public static byte[] RecoverPublicKey(byte[] sigR, byte[] sigS, byte[] sigV, byte[] message)
            //ECNamedCurveParameterSpec spec = ECNamedCurveTable.getParameterSpec("secp256k1");
            X9ECParameters spec = ECNamedCurveTable.GetByName("secp256k1");

            BigInteger pointN = spec.N;

                BigInteger pointX = new BigInteger(1, sigR);

                byte[] compEnc =
                    X9IntegerConverter.IntegerToBytes(pointX, 1 + X9IntegerConverter.GetByteLength(spec.Curve));
                compEnc[0] = (byte)((sigV[0] & 1) == 1 ? 0x03 : 0x02);
                ECPoint pointR = spec.Curve.DecodePoint(compEnc);
                if (!pointR.Multiply(pointN).IsInfinity)
                    return(new byte[0]);

                BigInteger pointE        = new BigInteger(1, message);
                BigInteger pointEInv     = BigInteger.Zero.Subtract(pointE).Mod(pointN);
                BigInteger pointRInv     = new BigInteger(1, sigR).ModInverse(pointN);
                BigInteger srInv         = pointRInv.Multiply(new BigInteger(1, sigS)).Mod(pointN);
                BigInteger pointEInvRInv = pointRInv.Multiply(pointEInv).Mod(pointN);
                ECPoint    pointQ        = ECAlgorithms.SumOfTwoMultiplies(spec.G, pointEInvRInv, pointR, srInv);
                byte[]     pointQBytes   = pointQ.GetEncoded(false);
            catch (Exception e)

            return(new byte[0]);
Exemplo n.º 17
         * Checks, if the point multiplication algorithm of the given point yields
         * the same result as point multiplication done by the reference
         * implementation given in <code>multiply()</code>. This method tests
         * multiplication of <code>p</code> by every number of bitlength
         * <code>numBits</code> or less.
         * @param p
         *            The point to be multiplied.
         * @param numBits
         *            Try every multiplier up to this bitlength
        private void ImplTestMultiplyAll(ECPoint p, int numBits)
            BigInteger bound = BigInteger.One.ShiftLeft(numBits);
            BigInteger k = BigInteger.Zero;

                ECPoint reff = Multiply(p, k);
                ECPoint q = p.Multiply(k);
                AssertPointsEqual("ECPoint.Multiply is incorrect", reff, q);
                k = k.Add(BigInteger.One);
            while (k.CompareTo(bound) < 0);
Exemplo n.º 18
  * Checks, if the point multiplication algorithm of the given point yields
  * the same result as point multiplication done by the reference
  * implementation given in <code>multiply()</code>. This method chooses a
  * random number by which the given point <code>p</code> is multiplied.
  * @param p
  *            The point to be multiplied.
  * @param numBits
  *            The bitlength of the random number by which <code>p</code>
  *            is multiplied.
 private void ImplTestMultiply(ECPoint p, int numBits)
     BigInteger k = new BigInteger(numBits, secRand);
     ECPoint reff = Multiply(p, k);
     ECPoint q = p.Multiply(k);
     AssertPointsEqual("ECPoint.Multiply is incorrect", reff, q);
Exemplo n.º 19
         * Goes through all points on an elliptic curve and checks, if adding a
         * point <code>k</code>-times is the same as multiplying the point by
         * <code>k</code>, for all <code>k</code>. Should be called for points
         * on very small elliptic curves only.
         * @param p
         *            The base point on the elliptic curve.
         * @param infinity
         *            The point at infinity on the elliptic curve.
        private void ImplTestAllPoints(ECPoint p, ECPoint infinity)
            ECPoint adder = infinity;
            ECPoint multiplier = infinity;

            BigInteger i = BigInteger.One;
                adder = adder.Add(p);
                multiplier = p.Multiply(i);
                AssertPointsEqual("Results of Add() and Multiply() are inconsistent " + i, adder, multiplier);
                i = i.Add(BigInteger.One);
            while (!(adder.Equals(infinity)));
		internal static BigInteger CalculateAgreement (ECPoint q, BigInteger d)
			ECPoint p = q.Multiply (d);

			// if ( p.IsInfinity ) throw new Exception("d*Q == infinity");

			return p.X.ToBigInteger();
Exemplo n.º 21
        private double RandMult(SecureRandom random, ECPoint g, BigInteger n)
            BigInteger[] ks = new BigInteger[128];
            for (int i = 0; i < ks.Length; ++i)
                ks[i] = new BigInteger(n.BitLength - 1, random);

            int ki = 0;
            ECPoint p = g;
            for (int i = 1; i <= PRE_ROUNDS; i++)
                BigInteger k = ks[ki];
                p = g.Multiply(k);
                if (++ki == ks.Length)
                    ki = 0;
                    g = p;
            long startTime = DateTimeUtilities.CurrentUnixMs();
            for (int i = 1; i <= NUM_ROUNDS; i++)
                BigInteger k = ks[ki];
                p = g.Multiply(k);
                if (++ki == ks.Length)
                    ki = 0;
                    g = p;
            long endTime = DateTimeUtilities.CurrentUnixMs();

            return (double)(endTime - startTime) / NUM_ROUNDS;
Exemplo n.º 22
		private BigInteger ExtractUsersPrivateKey(
			ECPoint G, BigInteger N,
			string message1,
			string message2,
			BigInteger r1, BigInteger s1,
			BigInteger r2, BigInteger s2,
			BigInteger attackersPrivate, ECPoint attackersPublic,
			ECPoint usersPublic)
			var m1 = new BigInteger(1, Hash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message1))); // hash of m1
			var m2 = new BigInteger(1, Hash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message2))); // hash of m2

			//calculate the result of verifying signature 1
			var w = s1.ModInverse(N);
			var u1 = m1.Multiply(w).Mod(N);
			var u2 = r1.Multiply(w).Mod(N);
			var verifyPoint = ECAlgorithms.SumOfTwoMultiplies(G, u1, usersPublic, u2).Normalize();

			//reinit K calculator to reproduce a,b,h,e
			var kCalc = new RandomDsaKCalculator();
			kCalc.Init(N, new SecureRandom(new SeededGenerator(Hash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message2)))));

			var a = kCalc.NextK();
			var b = kCalc.NextK();
			var h = kCalc.NextK();
			var e = kCalc.NextK();

			var Z1 = verifyPoint.Multiply(a).Add(verifyPoint.Multiply(attackersPrivate).Multiply(b));

			//cycle through all possible j & u
			for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
				for (int l = 0; l < 2; l++)
					var j = new BigInteger(i.ToString());
					var u = new BigInteger(l.ToString());

					var Z2 = Z1.Add(G.Multiply(j).Multiply(h)).Add(attackersPublic.Multiply(u).Multiply(e)).Normalize();
					var zX = Z2.AffineXCoord.ToBigInteger().ToByteArray();
					var hash = Hash(zX);
					var kCandidate = new BigInteger(1, hash);
					var verifyPointCandidate = G.Multiply(kCandidate).Normalize();
					var rCandidate = verifyPointCandidate.AffineXCoord.ToBigInteger().Mod(N);

					if (rCandidate.Equals(r2)) // Gotcha!
						return s2.Multiply(kCandidate).Subtract(m2).Multiply(r2.ModInverse(N)).Mod(N);

			return null;
Exemplo n.º 23
        private double RandMult(SecureRandom random, ECPoint g, BigInteger n)
            BigInteger[] ks = new BigInteger[128];
            for (int i = 0; i < ks.Length; ++i)
                ks[i] = new BigInteger(n.BitLength - 1, random);

            int ki = 0;
            ECPoint p = g;

                long startTime = DateTimeUtilities.CurrentUnixMs();
                long goalTime = startTime + MILLIS_WARMUP;

                    BigInteger k = ks[ki];
                    p = g.Multiply(k);
                    if ((ki & 1) != 0)
                        g = p;
                    if (++ki == ks.Length)
                        ki = 0;
                while (DateTimeUtilities.CurrentUnixMs() < goalTime);

            double minRate = Double.MaxValue, maxRate = Double.MinValue, totalRate = 0.0;

            for (int i = 1; i <= NUM_ROUNDS; i++)
                long startTime = DateTimeUtilities.CurrentUnixMs();
                long goalTime = startTime + MILLIS_PER_ROUND;
                long count = 0, endTime;


                    for (int j = 0; j < MULTS_PER_CHECK; ++j)
                        BigInteger k = ks[ki];
                        p = g.Multiply(k);
                        if ((ki & 1) != 0)
                            g = p;
                        if (++ki == ks.Length)
                            ki = 0;

                    endTime = DateTimeUtilities.CurrentUnixMs();
                while (endTime < goalTime);

                double roundElapsed = (double)(endTime - startTime);
                double roundRate = count * MULTS_PER_CHECK * 1000L / roundElapsed;

                minRate = System.Math.Min(minRate, roundRate);
                maxRate = System.Math.Max(maxRate, roundRate);
                totalRate += roundRate;

            return (totalRate - minRate - maxRate) / (NUM_ROUNDS - 2);
Exemplo n.º 24
		 * Goes through all points on an elliptic curve and checks, if adding a
		 * point <code>k</code>-times is the same as multiplying the point by
		 * <code>k</code>, for all <code>k</code>. Should be called for points
		 * on very small elliptic curves only.
		 * @param p
		 *            The base point on the elliptic curve.
		 * @param infinity
		 *            The point at infinity on the elliptic curve.
		private void implTestAllPoints(ECPoint p, ECPoint infinity)
			ECPoint adder = infinity;
			ECPoint multiplier = infinity;
			int i = 1;
				adder = adder.Add(p);
				multiplier = p.Multiply(new BigInteger(i.ToString()));
				Assert.AreEqual(adder, multiplier,
					"Results of add() and multiply() are inconsistent " + i);
			while (!(adder.Equals(infinity)));
Exemplo n.º 25
		 * Checks, if the point multiplication algorithm of the given point yields
		 * the same result as point multiplication done by the reference
		 * implementation given in <code>multiply()</code>. This method chooses a
		 * random number by which the given point <code>p</code> is multiplied.
		 * @param p
		 *            The point to be multiplied.
		 * @param numBits
		 *            The bitlength of the random number by which <code>p</code>
		 *            is multiplied.
		private void implTestMultiply(ECPoint p, int numBits)
			BigInteger k = new BigInteger(numBits, secRand);
			ECPoint reff = multiply(p, k);
			ECPoint q = p.Multiply(k);
			Assert.AreEqual(reff, q, "ECPoint.multiply is incorrect");
Exemplo n.º 26
        private double RandMult(SecureRandom random, ECPoint g, BigInteger n)
            BigInteger[] ks = new BigInteger[128];
            for (int i = 0; i < ks.Length; ++i)
                ks[i] = new BigInteger(n.BitLength - 1, random);

            int ki = 0;
            ECPoint p = g;
            for (int i = 1; i <= PRE_ROUNDS; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < MULTS_PER_ROUND; ++j)
                    BigInteger k = ks[ki];
                    p = g.Multiply(k);
                    if ((ki & 1) != 0)
                        g = p;
                    if (++ki == ks.Length)
                        ki = 0;

            double minElapsed = Double.MaxValue, maxElapsed = Double.MinValue, totalElapsed = 0.0;

            for (int i = 1; i <= NUM_ROUNDS; i++)
                long startTime = DateTimeUtilities.CurrentUnixMs();

                for (int j = 0; j < MULTS_PER_ROUND; ++j)
                    BigInteger k = ks[ki];
                    p = g.Multiply(k);
                    if ((ki & 1) != 0)
                        g = p;
                    if (++ki == ks.Length)
                        ki = 0;

                long endTime = DateTimeUtilities.CurrentUnixMs();

                double roundElapsed = (double)(endTime - startTime);
                minElapsed = System.Math.Min(minElapsed, roundElapsed);
                maxElapsed = System.Math.Max(maxElapsed, roundElapsed);
                totalElapsed += roundElapsed;

            return (totalElapsed - minElapsed - maxElapsed) / (NUM_ROUNDS - 2) / MULTS_PER_ROUND;
        public static string PrivHexToPubHex(string PrivHex, ECPoint point)
            byte[] hex = ValidateAndGetHexPrivateKey(0x00, PrivHex, 33);
            if (hex == null) throw new ApplicationException("Invalid private hex key");
            Org.BouncyCastle.Math.BigInteger Db = new Org.BouncyCastle.Math.BigInteger(hex);
            ECPoint dd = point.Multiply(Db);

            byte[] pubaddr = PubKeyToByteArray(dd);

            return ByteArrayToString(pubaddr);
Exemplo n.º 28
		 * Checks, if the point multiplication algorithm of the given point yields
		 * the same result as point multiplication done by the reference
		 * implementation given in <code>multiply()</code>. This method tests
		 * multiplication of <code>p</code> by every number of bitlength
		 * <code>numBits</code> or less.
		 * @param p
		 *            The point to be multiplied.
		 * @param numBits
		 *            Try every multiplier up to this bitlength
		private void implTestMultiplyAll(ECPoint p, int numBits)
			BigInteger bound = BigInteger.Two.Pow(numBits);
			BigInteger k = BigInteger.Zero;

				ECPoint reff = multiply(p, k);
				ECPoint q = p.Multiply(k);
				Assert.AreEqual(reff, q, "ECPoint.multiply is incorrect");
				k = k.Add(BigInteger.One);
			while (k.CompareTo(bound) < 0);