Exemplo n.º 1
 internal ArgumentParser(string[] args)
     optList = GetOptions();
     if (args == null)
         args = new string[] {  };
     argumentList = args;
     parsed       = null;
Exemplo n.º 2
        // gets the config merged with the arguments
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
        private ConfigExtractor GetTestConfig(bool sleep)
            ArgumentParser parser = new ArgumentParser(GetTestArgs(sleep));

            ArgumentParser.ParsedOutput @out = parser.Parse();
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue([email protected]());
            ConfigMerger    merge     = new ConfigMerger();
            Configuration   cfg       = merge.GetMerged(@out, GetBaseConfig());
            ConfigExtractor extractor = new ConfigExtractor(cfg);

Exemplo n.º 3
 /// <summary>Parses the command line options</summary>
 /// <returns>false if need to print help output</returns>
 /// <exception cref="System.Exception">when parsing fails</exception>
 internal virtual ArgumentParser.ParsedOutput Parse()
     if (parsed == null)
         PosixParser parser = new PosixParser();
         CommandLine popts  = parser.Parse(GetOptionList(), argumentList, true);
         if (popts.HasOption(ConfigOption.Help.GetOpt()))
             parsed = new ArgumentParser.ParsedOutput(null, this, true);
             parsed = new ArgumentParser.ParsedOutput(popts, this, false);
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the specific task of merging operations from the command line or
        /// extractor object into the base configuration provided
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="opts">the parsed command line option output</param>
        /// <param name="base">the base configuration to merge with</param>
        /// <param name="extractor">
        /// the access object to fetch operations from if none from the
        /// command line
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>merged configuration object</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ConfigException">when verification fails</exception>
        /// <exception cref="Org.Apache.Hadoop.FS.Slive.ConfigMerger.ConfigException"/>
        private Configuration HandleOperations(ArgumentParser.ParsedOutput opts, Configuration
                                               @base, ConfigExtractor extractor)
            // get the base set to start off with
            IDictionary <Constants.OperationType, OperationData> operations = GetBaseOperations
            // merge with what is coming from config
            IDictionary <Constants.OperationType, OperationData> cfgOperations = extractor.GetOperations

            foreach (Constants.OperationType opType in cfgOperations.Keys)
                operations[opType] = cfgOperations[opType];
            // see if any coming in from the command line
            foreach (Constants.OperationType opType_1 in Constants.OperationType.Values())
                string opName = opType_1.LowerName();
                string opVal  = opts.GetValue(opName);
                if (opVal != null)
                    operations[opType_1] = new OperationData(opVal);
                // remove those with <= zero percent
                IDictionary <Constants.OperationType, OperationData> cleanedOps = new Dictionary <Constants.OperationType
                                                                                                  , OperationData>();
                foreach (Constants.OperationType opType_2 in operations.Keys)
                    OperationData data = operations[opType_2];
                    if (data.GetPercent() == null || data.GetPercent() > 0.0d)
                        cleanedOps[opType_2] = data;
                operations = cleanedOps;
            if (operations.IsEmpty())
                throw new ConfigMerger.ConfigException("No operations provided!");
            // verify and adjust
            double currPct  = 0;
            int    needFill = 0;

            foreach (Constants.OperationType type in operations.Keys)
                OperationData op = operations[type];
                if (op.GetPercent() != null)
                    currPct += op.GetPercent();
            if (currPct > 1)
                throw new ConfigMerger.ConfigException("Unable to have accumlative percent greater than 100%"
            if (needFill > 0 && currPct < 1)
                double leftOver = 1.0 - currPct;
                IDictionary <Constants.OperationType, OperationData> mpcp = new Dictionary <Constants.OperationType
                                                                                            , OperationData>();
                foreach (Constants.OperationType type_1 in operations.Keys)
                    OperationData op = operations[type_1];
                    if (op.GetPercent() == null)
                        op = new OperationData(op.GetDistribution(), (leftOver / needFill));
                    mpcp[type_1] = op;
                operations = mpcp;
                if (needFill == 0 && currPct < 1)
                    // redistribute
                    double leftOver = 1.0 - currPct;
                    IDictionary <Constants.OperationType, OperationData> mpcp = new Dictionary <Constants.OperationType
                                                                                                , OperationData>();
                    double each = leftOver / operations.Keys.Count;
                    foreach (Constants.OperationType t in operations.Keys)
                        OperationData op = operations[t];
                        op      = new OperationData(op.GetDistribution(), (op.GetPercent() + each));
                        mpcp[t] = op;
                    operations = mpcp;
                    if (needFill > 0 && currPct >= 1)
                        throw new ConfigMerger.ConfigException(needFill + " unfilled operations but no percentage left to fill with"
            // save into base
            foreach (Constants.OperationType opType_3 in operations.Keys)
                string        opName = opType_3.LowerName();
                OperationData opData = operations[opType_3];
                string        distr  = opData.GetDistribution().LowerName();
                string        ratio  = opData.GetPercent() * 100.0d.ToString();
                @base.Set(string.Format(Constants.Op, opName), opData.ToString());
                @base.Set(string.Format(Constants.OpDistr, opName), distr);
                @base.Set(string.Format(Constants.OpPercent, opName), ratio);
Exemplo n.º 5
 /// <summary>
 /// Merges the given command line parsed output with the given configuration
 /// object and returns the new configuration object with the correct options
 /// overwritten
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="opts">the parsed command line option output</param>
 /// <param name="base">the base configuration to merge with</param>
 /// <returns>merged configuration object</returns>
 /// <exception cref="ConfigException">when configuration errors or verification occur
 ///     </exception>
 /// <exception cref="Org.Apache.Hadoop.FS.Slive.ConfigMerger.ConfigException"/>
 internal virtual Configuration GetMerged(ArgumentParser.ParsedOutput opts, Configuration
     return(HandleOptions(opts, @base));
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles merging all options and verifying from the given command line
        /// output and the given base configuration and returns the merged
        /// configuration
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="opts">the parsed command line option output</param>
        /// <param name="base">the base configuration to merge with</param>
        /// <returns>the merged configuration</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ConfigException"/>
        /// <exception cref="Org.Apache.Hadoop.FS.Slive.ConfigMerger.ConfigException"/>
        private Configuration HandleOptions(ArgumentParser.ParsedOutput opts, Configuration
            // ensure variables are overwritten and verified
            ConfigExtractor extractor = new ConfigExtractor(@base);

                // overwrite the map amount and check to ensure > 0
                int mapAmount = null;
                    mapAmount = extractor.GetMapAmount(opts.GetValue(ConfigOption.Maps.GetOpt()));
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new ConfigMerger.ConfigException("Error extracting & merging map amount", e
                if (mapAmount != null)
                    if (mapAmount <= 0)
                        throw new ConfigMerger.ConfigException("Map amount can not be less than or equal to zero"
                    @base.Set(ConfigOption.Maps.GetCfgOption(), mapAmount.ToString());
                // overwrite the reducer amount and check to ensure > 0
                int reduceAmount = null;
                    reduceAmount = extractor.GetMapAmount(opts.GetValue(ConfigOption.Reduces.GetOpt()
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new ConfigMerger.ConfigException("Error extracting & merging reducer amount"
                                                           , e);
                if (reduceAmount != null)
                    if (reduceAmount <= 0)
                        throw new ConfigMerger.ConfigException("Reducer amount can not be less than or equal to zero"
                    @base.Set(ConfigOption.Reduces.GetCfgOption(), reduceAmount.ToString());
                // overwrite the duration amount and ensure > 0
                int duration = null;
                    duration = extractor.GetDuration(opts.GetValue(ConfigOption.Duration.GetOpt()));
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new ConfigMerger.ConfigException("Error extracting & merging duration", e);
                if (duration != null)
                    if (duration <= 0)
                        throw new ConfigMerger.ConfigException("Duration can not be less than or equal to zero"
                    @base.Set(ConfigOption.Duration.GetCfgOption(), duration.ToString());
                // overwrite the operation amount and ensure > 0
                int operationAmount = null;
                    operationAmount = extractor.GetOpCount(opts.GetValue(ConfigOption.Ops.GetOpt()));
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new ConfigMerger.ConfigException("Error extracting & merging operation amount"
                                                           , e);
                if (operationAmount != null)
                    if (operationAmount <= 0)
                        throw new ConfigMerger.ConfigException("Operation amount can not be less than or equal to zero"
                    @base.Set(ConfigOption.Ops.GetCfgOption(), operationAmount.ToString());
                // overwrite the exit on error setting
                    bool exitOnError = extractor.ShouldExitOnFirstError(opts.GetValue(ConfigOption.ExitOnError
                    @base.SetBoolean(ConfigOption.ExitOnError.GetCfgOption(), exitOnError);
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new ConfigMerger.ConfigException("Error extracting & merging exit on error value"
                                                           , e);
                // overwrite the truncate wait setting
                    bool waitOnTruncate = extractor.ShouldWaitOnTruncate(opts.GetValue(ConfigOption.TruncateWait
                    @base.SetBoolean(ConfigOption.TruncateWait.GetCfgOption(), waitOnTruncate);
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new ConfigMerger.ConfigException("Error extracting & merging wait on truncate value"
                                                           , e);
                // verify and set file limit and ensure > 0
                int fileAm = null;
                    fileAm = extractor.GetTotalFiles(opts.GetValue(ConfigOption.Files.GetOpt()));
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new ConfigMerger.ConfigException("Error extracting & merging total file limit amount"
                                                           , e);
                if (fileAm != null)
                    if (fileAm <= 0)
                        throw new ConfigMerger.ConfigException("File amount can not be less than or equal to zero"
                    @base.Set(ConfigOption.Files.GetCfgOption(), fileAm.ToString());
                // set the grid queue to run on
                    string qname = extractor.GetQueueName(opts.GetValue(ConfigOption.QueueName.GetOpt
                    if (qname != null)
                        @base.Set(ConfigOption.QueueName.GetCfgOption(), qname);
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new ConfigMerger.ConfigException("Error extracting & merging queue name", e
                // verify and set the directory limit and ensure > 0
                int directoryLimit = null;
                    directoryLimit = extractor.GetDirSize(opts.GetValue(ConfigOption.DirSize.GetOpt()
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new ConfigMerger.ConfigException("Error extracting & merging directory file limit"
                                                           , e);
                if (directoryLimit != null)
                    if (directoryLimit <= 0)
                        throw new ConfigMerger.ConfigException("Directory file limit can not be less than or equal to zero"
                    @base.Set(ConfigOption.DirSize.GetCfgOption(), directoryLimit.ToString());
                // set the base directory
                Path basedir = null;
                    basedir = extractor.GetBaseDirectory(opts.GetValue(ConfigOption.BaseDir.GetOpt())
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new ConfigMerger.ConfigException("Error extracting & merging base directory"
                                                           , e);
                if (basedir != null)
                    // always ensure in slive dir
                    basedir = new Path(basedir, Constants.BaseDir);
                    @base.Set(ConfigOption.BaseDir.GetCfgOption(), basedir.ToString());
                // set the result file
                string fn = null;
                    fn = extractor.GetResultFile(opts.GetValue(ConfigOption.ResultFile.GetOpt()));
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new ConfigMerger.ConfigException("Error extracting & merging result file",
                if (fn != null)
                    @base.Set(ConfigOption.ResultFile.GetCfgOption(), fn);
                string fn = null;
                    fn = extractor.GetResultFile(opts.GetValue(ConfigOption.ResultFile.GetOpt()));
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new ConfigMerger.ConfigException("Error extracting & merging result file",
                if (fn != null)
                    @base.Set(ConfigOption.ResultFile.GetCfgOption(), fn);
                // set the operations
                    @base = HandleOperations(opts, @base, extractor);
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new ConfigMerger.ConfigException("Error extracting & merging operations", e
                // set the replication amount range
                Range <short> replicationAm = null;
                    replicationAm = extractor.GetReplication(opts.GetValue(ConfigOption.ReplicationAm
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new ConfigMerger.ConfigException("Error extracting & merging replication amount range"
                                                           , e);
                if (replicationAm != null)
                    int minRepl = @base.GetInt(Constants.MinReplication, 1);
                    if (replicationAm.GetLower() < minRepl)
                        throw new ConfigMerger.ConfigException("Replication amount minimum is less than property configured minimum "
                                                               + minRepl);
                    if (replicationAm.GetLower() > replicationAm.GetUpper())
                        throw new ConfigMerger.ConfigException("Replication amount minimum is greater than its maximum"
                    if (replicationAm.GetLower() <= 0)
                        throw new ConfigMerger.ConfigException("Replication amount minimum must be greater than zero"
                    @base.Set(ConfigOption.ReplicationAm.GetCfgOption(), replicationAm.ToString());
                // set the sleep range
                Range <long> sleepRange = null;
                    sleepRange = extractor.GetSleepRange(opts.GetValue(ConfigOption.SleepTime.GetOpt(
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new ConfigMerger.ConfigException("Error extracting & merging sleep size range"
                                                           , e);
                if (sleepRange != null)
                    if (sleepRange.GetLower() > sleepRange.GetUpper())
                        throw new ConfigMerger.ConfigException("Sleep range minimum is greater than its maximum"
                    if (sleepRange.GetLower() <= 0)
                        throw new ConfigMerger.ConfigException("Sleep range minimum must be greater than zero"
                    @base.Set(ConfigOption.SleepTime.GetCfgOption(), sleepRange.ToString());
                // set the packet size if given
                string pSize = opts.GetValue(ConfigOption.PacketSize.GetOpt());
                if (pSize == null)
                    pSize = ConfigOption.PacketSize.GetDefault();
                if (pSize != null)
                        long packetSize = StringUtils.TraditionalBinaryPrefix.String2long(pSize);
                        @base.Set(ConfigOption.PacketSize.GetCfgOption(), packetSize.ToString());
                    catch (Exception e)
                        throw new ConfigMerger.ConfigException("Error extracting & merging write packet size"
                                                               , e);
                // set the block size range
                Range <long> blockSize = null;
                    blockSize = extractor.GetBlockSize(opts.GetValue(ConfigOption.BlockSize.GetOpt())
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new ConfigMerger.ConfigException("Error extracting & merging block size range"
                                                           , e);
                if (blockSize != null)
                    if (blockSize.GetLower() > blockSize.GetUpper())
                        throw new ConfigMerger.ConfigException("Block size minimum is greater than its maximum"
                    if (blockSize.GetLower() <= 0)
                        throw new ConfigMerger.ConfigException("Block size minimum must be greater than zero"
                    // ensure block size is a multiple of BYTES_PER_CHECKSUM
                    // if a value is set in the configuration
                    long bytesPerChecksum = extractor.GetByteCheckSum();
                    if (bytesPerChecksum != null)
                        if ((blockSize.GetLower() % bytesPerChecksum) != 0)
                            throw new ConfigMerger.ConfigException("Blocksize lower bound must be a multiple of "
                                                                   + bytesPerChecksum);
                        if ((blockSize.GetUpper() % bytesPerChecksum) != 0)
                            throw new ConfigMerger.ConfigException("Blocksize upper bound must be a multiple of "
                                                                   + bytesPerChecksum);
                    @base.Set(ConfigOption.BlockSize.GetCfgOption(), blockSize.ToString());
                // set the read size range
                Range <long> readSize = null;
                    readSize = extractor.GetReadSize(opts.GetValue(ConfigOption.ReadSize.GetOpt()));
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new ConfigMerger.ConfigException("Error extracting & merging read size range"
                                                           , e);
                if (readSize != null)
                    if (readSize.GetLower() > readSize.GetUpper())
                        throw new ConfigMerger.ConfigException("Read size minimum is greater than its maximum"
                    if (readSize.GetLower() < 0)
                        throw new ConfigMerger.ConfigException("Read size minimum must be greater than or equal to zero"
                    @base.Set(ConfigOption.ReadSize.GetCfgOption(), readSize.ToString());
                // set the write size range
                Range <long> writeSize = null;
                    writeSize = extractor.GetWriteSize(opts.GetValue(ConfigOption.WriteSize.GetOpt())
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new ConfigMerger.ConfigException("Error extracting & merging write size range"
                                                           , e);
                if (writeSize != null)
                    if (writeSize.GetLower() > writeSize.GetUpper())
                        throw new ConfigMerger.ConfigException("Write size minimum is greater than its maximum"
                    if (writeSize.GetLower() < 0)
                        throw new ConfigMerger.ConfigException("Write size minimum must be greater than or equal to zero"
                    @base.Set(ConfigOption.WriteSize.GetCfgOption(), writeSize.ToString());
                // set the append size range
                Range <long> appendSize = null;
                    appendSize = extractor.GetAppendSize(opts.GetValue(ConfigOption.AppendSize.GetOpt
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new ConfigMerger.ConfigException("Error extracting & merging append size range"
                                                           , e);
                if (appendSize != null)
                    if (appendSize.GetLower() > appendSize.GetUpper())
                        throw new ConfigMerger.ConfigException("Append size minimum is greater than its maximum"
                    if (appendSize.GetLower() < 0)
                        throw new ConfigMerger.ConfigException("Append size minimum must be greater than or equal to zero"
                    @base.Set(ConfigOption.AppendSize.GetCfgOption(), appendSize.ToString());
                // set the truncate size range
                Range <long> truncateSize = null;
                    truncateSize = extractor.GetTruncateSize(opts.GetValue(ConfigOption.TruncateSize.
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new ConfigMerger.ConfigException("Error extracting & merging truncate size range"
                                                           , e);
                if (truncateSize != null)
                    if (truncateSize.GetLower() > truncateSize.GetUpper())
                        throw new ConfigMerger.ConfigException("Truncate size minimum is greater than its maximum"
                    if (truncateSize.GetLower() < 0)
                        throw new ConfigMerger.ConfigException("Truncate size minimum must be greater than or equal to zero"
                    @base.Set(ConfigOption.TruncateSize.GetCfgOption(), truncateSize.ToString());
                // set the seed
                long seed = null;
                    seed = extractor.GetRandomSeed(opts.GetValue(ConfigOption.RandomSeed.GetOpt()));
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new ConfigMerger.ConfigException("Error extracting & merging random number seed"
                                                           , e);
                if (seed != null)
                    @base.Set(ConfigOption.RandomSeed.GetCfgOption(), seed.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 7
        public virtual int Run(string[] args)
            ArgumentParser.ParsedOutput parsedOpts = null;
                ArgumentParser argHolder = new ArgumentParser(args);
                parsedOpts = argHolder.Parse();
                if (parsedOpts.ShouldOutputHelp())
            catch (Exception e)
                Log.Error("Unable to parse arguments due to error: ", e);
            Log.Info("Running with option list " + Helper.StringifyArray(args, " "));
            ConfigExtractor config = null;

                ConfigMerger  cfgMerger = new ConfigMerger();
                Configuration cfg       = cfgMerger.GetMerged(parsedOpts, new Configuration(@base));
                if (cfg != null)
                    config = new ConfigExtractor(cfg);
            catch (Exception e)
                Log.Error("Unable to merge config due to error: ", e);
            if (config == null)
                Log.Error("Unable to merge config & options!");
                Log.Info("Options are:");
            catch (Exception e)
                Log.Error("Unable to dump options due to error: ", e);
            bool jobOk = false;

                Log.Info("Running job:");
                jobOk = true;
            catch (Exception e)
                Log.Error("Unable to run job due to error: ", e);
            if (jobOk)
                    Log.Info("Reporting on job:");
                catch (Exception e)
                    Log.Error("Unable to report on job due to error: ", e);
            // attempt cleanup (not critical)
            bool cleanUp = GetBool(parsedOpts.GetValue(ConfigOption.Cleanup.GetOpt()));

            if (cleanUp)
                    Log.Info("Cleaning up job:");
                catch (Exception e)
                    Log.Error("Unable to cleanup job due to error: ", e);
            // all mostly worked
            if (jobOk)
            // maybe didn't work