Exemplo n.º 1
        private void SongLoaded(SongData song, string songName, string songFile)
            curSong     = song;
            curSongName = songName;
            curSongFile = songFile;
            beat        = 0;

            ticksPerBeat      = 0;
            beatsPerMeasure   = 0;
            eventsAtTicksDict = new Dictionary <int, List <int[]> >();

            SongName.Content = songName;

            lastPopulate = -100000000;

            List <Rectangle> markedChildren = new List <Rectangle>();

            foreach (Rectangle child in PianoRoll.Children)
            foreach (Rectangle child in markedChildren)

            for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                var squareNumber = "square" + (i + 1).ToString(); //get the correct image to populate's name. I changed the image names to what's on that sheet of paper.
                var rectNumber   = "rect" + (i + 1).ToString();   //get the correct rect to populate's name. I changed the rect names to what's on that sheet of paper.

                object rectangle = FindName(rectNumber);
                Canvas rect      = (Canvas)rectangle;
                rect.Background = colorByChannel[i];
                rect.Opacity    = .6;

                object item = FindName(squareNumber); // turn its name from a string into the Image

                Image imgToPopulate = (Image)item;

                imgToPopulate.Source = null;

                ChannelHandler temp = new ChannelHandler();
                channels[i] = temp;
                channels[i].channelImage = imgToPopulate;
                channels[i].prevInst     = -1;
            ticksPerBeat             = song.ppq;
            beatsPerMeasure          = song.beatsPerMeasure;
            eventsAtTicksDict        = song.eventsAtTicksDict;
            PianoRoll.ClipToBounds   = true;
            VolumeGauge.ClipToBounds = true;

        private void SongLoaded(SongData song, string songName, string songFile)
            curSong = song;
            curSongName = songName;
            curSongFile = songFile;
            beat = 0;

            ticksPerBeat = 0;
            beatsPerMeasure = 0;
            eventsAtTicksDict = new Dictionary<int, List<int[]>>();

            SongName.Content = songName;

            lastPopulate = -100000000;

            List<Rectangle> markedChildren = new List<Rectangle>();
            foreach (Rectangle child in PianoRoll.Children)
            foreach (Rectangle child in markedChildren)

            for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                var squareNumber = "square" + (i + 1).ToString(); //get the correct image to populate's name. I changed the image names to what's on that sheet of paper.
                var rectNumber = "rect" + (i + 1).ToString(); //get the correct rect to populate's name. I changed the rect names to what's on that sheet of paper.

                object rectangle = FindName(rectNumber);
                Canvas rect = (Canvas)rectangle;
                rect.Background = colorByChannel[i];
                rect.Opacity = .6;

                object item = FindName(squareNumber); // turn its name from a string into the Image

                Image imgToPopulate = (Image)item;

                imgToPopulate.Source = null;

                ChannelHandler temp = new ChannelHandler();
                channels[i] = temp;
                channels[i].channelImage = imgToPopulate;
                channels[i].prevInst = -1;
            ticksPerBeat = song.ppq;
            beatsPerMeasure = song.beatsPerMeasure;
            eventsAtTicksDict = song.eventsAtTicksDict;
            PianoRoll.ClipToBounds = true;
            VolumeGauge.ClipToBounds = true;
