Exemplo n.º 1
        public Task <TopDocs> SearchAsync(LuceneQueryContext context, JObject queryObj)
            var queryProp = queryObj["query"] as JObject;

            if (queryProp == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Query DSL requires a [query] property");

            Query query = CreateQueryFragment(context, queryProp);

            var sortProperty = queryObj["sort"];
            var fromProperty = queryObj["from"];
            var sizeProperty = queryObj["size"];

            var size = sizeProperty?.Value <int>() ?? 50;
            var from = fromProperty?.Value <int>() ?? 0;

            string sortField = null;
            string sortOrder = null;

            if (sortProperty != null)
                if (sortProperty.Type == JTokenType.String)
                    sortField = sortProperty.ToString();
                else if (sortProperty.Type == JTokenType.Object)
                    sortField = ((JProperty)sortProperty.First).Name;
                    sortOrder = ((JProperty)sortProperty.First).Value["order"].ToString();

            TopDocs docs = context.IndexSearcher.Search(
                size + from,
                sortField == null ? Sort.RELEVANCE : new Sort(new SortField(sortField, SortField.Type_e.STRING, sortOrder == "desc"))

            if (from > 0)
                docs = new TopDocs(docs.TotalHits - from, docs.ScoreDocs.Skip(from).ToArray(), docs.MaxScore);

Exemplo n.º 2
        public Query CreateQueryFragment(LuceneQueryContext context, JObject queryObj)
            var first = queryObj.Properties().First();

            Query query = null;

            foreach (var queryProvider in _queryProviders)
                query = queryProvider.CreateQuery(this, context, first.Name, (JObject)first.Value);

                if (query != null)

Exemplo n.º 3
        public async Task <object> ExecuteQueryAsync(Query query, IDictionary <string, object> parameters)
            var    luceneQuery = query as LuceneQuery;
            object result      = null;

            await _luceneIndexProvider.SearchAsync(luceneQuery.Index, async searcher =>
                var templateContext = new TemplateContext();
                foreach (var parameter in parameters)
                    templateContext.SetValue(parameter.Key, parameter.Value);

                var tokenizedContent   = await _liquidTemplateManager.RenderAsync(luceneQuery.Template, templateContext);
                var parameterizedQuery = JObject.Parse(tokenizedContent);

                var analyzer = _luceneAnalyzerManager.CreateAnalyzer("standardanalyzer");
                var context  = new LuceneQueryContext(searcher, LuceneSettings.DefaultVersion, analyzer);
                var docs     = await _queryService.SearchAsync(context, parameterizedQuery);

                if (luceneQuery.ReturnContentItems)
                    // Load corresponding content item versions
                    var contentItemVersionIds = docs.ScoreDocs.Select(x => searcher.Doc(x.Doc).Get("Content.ContentItem.ContentItemVersionId")).ToArray();
                    var contentItems          = await _session.Query <ContentItem, ContentItemIndex>(x => x.ContentItemVersionId.IsIn(contentItemVersionIds)).ListAsync();

                    // Reorder the result to preserve the one from the lucene query
                    var indexed = contentItems.ToDictionary(x => x.ContentItemVersionId, x => x);
                    result      = contentItemVersionIds.Select(x => indexed[x]).ToArray();
                    var results = new List <JObject>();
                    foreach (var document in docs.ScoreDocs.Select(hit => searcher.Doc(hit.Doc)))
                        results.Add(new JObject(document.Select(x => new JProperty(x.Name, x.GetStringValue()))));

                    result = results;
