Exemplo n.º 1
        // TerrainData.Clone
        public override TerrainData Clone()
            HeightmapTerrainData ret = new HeightmapTerrainData(SizeX, SizeY, SizeZ);

            ret.m_heightmap = (float[, ]) this.m_heightmap.Clone();
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// A new version of terrain merge that processes the terrain in a specific order and corrects the problems with rotated terrains
        /// having 'holes' in that need to be smoothed. The correct way to rotate something is to iterate over the target, taking data from
        /// the source, not the other way around. This ensures that the target has no holes in it.
        /// The processing order of an incoming terrain is:
        /// 1. Apply rotation
        /// 2. Apply bounding rectangle
        /// 3. Apply displacement
        /// rotationCenter is no longer needed and has been discarded.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newTerrain"></param>
        /// <param name="displacement">&lt;x, y, z&gt;</param>
        /// <param name="rotationDegrees"></param>
        /// <param name="boundingOrigin">&lt;x, y&gt;</param>
        /// <param name="boundingSize">&lt;x, y&gt;</param>
        public void MergeWithBounding(ITerrainChannel newTerrain, Vector3 displacement, float rotationDegrees, Vector2 boundingOrigin, Vector2 boundingSize)
            m_log.DebugFormat("{0} MergeWithBounding: inSize=<{1},{2}>, rot={3}, boundingOrigin={4}, boundingSize={5}, disp={6}, outSize=<{7},{8}>",
                                LogHeader, newTerrain.Width, newTerrain.Height, rotationDegrees, boundingOrigin.ToString(),
                                boundingSize.ToString(), displacement, m_terrainData.SizeX, m_terrainData.SizeY);

            // get the size of the incoming terrain
            int baseX = newTerrain.Width;
            int baseY = newTerrain.Height;

            // create an intermediate terrain map that is 25% bigger on each side that we can work with to handle rotation
            int offsetX = baseX / 4; // the original origin will now be at these coordinates so now we can have imaginary negative coordinates ;)
            int offsetY = baseY / 4;
            int tmpX = baseX + baseX / 2;
            int tmpY = baseY + baseY / 2;
            int centreX = tmpX / 2;
            int centreY = tmpY / 2;
            TerrainData terrain_tmp = new HeightmapTerrainData(tmpX, tmpY, (int)Constants.RegionHeight);
            for (int xx = 0; xx < tmpX; xx++)
                for (int yy = 0; yy < tmpY; yy++)
                    terrain_tmp[xx, yy] = -65535f; //use this height like an 'alpha' mask channel

            double radianRotation = Math.PI * rotationDegrees / 180f;
            double cosR = Math.Cos(radianRotation);
            double sinR = Math.Sin(radianRotation);
            if (rotationDegrees < 0f) rotationDegrees += 360f; //-90=270 -180=180 -270=90

            // So first we apply the rotation to the incoming terrain, storing the result in terrain_tmp
            // We special case orthogonal rotations for accuracy because even using double precision math, Math.Cos(90 degrees) is never fully 0
            // and we can never rotate around a centre 'pixel' because the 'bitmap' size is always even

            int x, y, sx, sy;
            for (y = 0; y <= tmpY; y++)
                for (x = 0; x <= tmpX; x++)
                    if (rotationDegrees == 0f)
                        sx = x - offsetX;
                        sy = y - offsetY;
                    else if (rotationDegrees == 90f)
                        sx = y - offsetX;
                        sy = tmpY - 1 - x - offsetY;
                    else if (rotationDegrees == 180f)
                        sx = tmpX - 1 - x - offsetX;
                        sy = tmpY - 1 - y - offsetY;
                    else if (rotationDegrees == 270f)
                        sx = tmpX - 1 - y - offsetX;
                        sy = x - offsetY;
                        // arbitary rotation: hmmm should I be using (centreX - 0.5) and (centreY - 0.5) and round cosR and sinR to say only 5 decimal places?
                        sx = centreX + (int)Math.Round((((double)x - centreX) * cosR) + (((double)y - centreY) * sinR)) - offsetX;
                        sy = centreY + (int)Math.Round((((double)y - centreY) * cosR) - (((double)x - centreX) * sinR)) - offsetY;

                    if (sx >= 0 && sx < baseX && sy >= 0 && sy < baseY)
                            terrain_tmp[x, y] = (float)newTerrain[sx, sy];
                        catch (Exception)   //just in case we've still not taken care of every way the arrays might go out of bounds! ;)
                            m_log.DebugFormat("{0} MergeWithBounding - Rotate: Out of Bounds sx={1} sy={2} dx={3} dy={4}", sx, sy, x, y);

            // We could also incorporate the next steps, bounding-rectangle and displacement in the loop above, but it's simpler to visualise if done separately
            // and will also make it much easier when later I want the option for maybe a circular or oval bounding shape too ;).

            int newX = m_terrainData.SizeX;
            int newY = m_terrainData.SizeY;
            // displacement is relative to <0,0> in the destination region and defines where the origin of the data selected by the bounding-rectangle is placed
            int dispX = (int)Math.Floor(displacement.X);
            int dispY = (int)Math.Floor(displacement.Y);

            // startX/Y and endX/Y are coordinates in bitmap_tmp
            int startX = (int)Math.Floor(boundingOrigin.X) + offsetX;
            if (startX > tmpX) startX = tmpX;
            if (startX < 0) startX = 0;
            int startY = (int)Math.Floor(boundingOrigin.Y) + offsetY;
            if (startY > tmpY) startY = tmpY;
            if (startY < 0) startY = 0;

            int endX = (int)Math.Floor(boundingOrigin.X + boundingSize.X) + offsetX;
            if (endX > tmpX) endX = tmpX;
            if (endX < 0) endX = 0;
            int endY = (int)Math.Floor(boundingOrigin.Y + boundingSize.Y) + offsetY;
            if (endY > tmpY) endY = tmpY;
            if (endY < 0) endY = 0;

            //m_log.DebugFormat("{0} MergeWithBounding: inSize=<{1},{2}>, disp=<{3},{4}> rot={5}, offset=<{6},{7}>, boundingStart=<{8},{9}>, boundingEnd=<{10},{11}>, cosR={12}, sinR={13}, outSize=<{14},{15}>", LogHeader,
            //                            baseX, baseY, dispX, dispY, radianRotation, offsetX, offsetY, startX, startY, endX, endY, cosR, sinR, newX, newY);

            int dx, dy;
            for (y = startY; y < endY; y++)
                for (x = startX; x < endX; x++)
                    dx = x - startX + dispX;
                    dy = y - startY + dispY;
                    if (dx >= 0 && dx < newX && dy >= 0 && dy < newY)
                            float newHeight = (float)terrain_tmp[x, y]; //use 'alpha' mask
                            if (newHeight != -65535f) m_terrainData[dx, dy] = newHeight + displacement.Z;
                        catch (Exception)   //just in case we've still not taken care of every way the arrays might go out of bounds! ;)
                            m_log.DebugFormat("{0} MergeWithBounding - Bound & Displace: Out of Bounds sx={1} sy={2} dx={3} dy={4}", x, y, dx, dy);
Exemplo n.º 3
 public void StoreTerrain(double[,] ter, UUID regionID)
     m_terrains[regionID] = new HeightmapTerrainData(ter);
Exemplo n.º 4
 // Legacy. Just don't do this.
 public void StoreTerrain(double[,] ter, UUID regionID)
     TerrainData terrData = new HeightmapTerrainData(ter);
     StoreTerrain(terrData, regionID);