Exemplo n.º 1
        public static WPos LerpQuadratic(WPos a, WPos b, WAngle pitch, int mul, int div)
            // Start with a linear lerp between the points
            var ret = Lerp(a, b, mul, div);

            if (pitch.Angle == 0)
                return ret;

            // Add an additional quadratic variation to height
            // Uses fp to avoid integer overflow
            var offset = (int)((float)((float)(b - a).Length*pitch.Tan()*mul*(div - mul)) / (float)(1024*div*div));
            return new WPos(ret.X, ret.Y, ret.Z + offset);
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: WPos.cs Projeto: embix/OpenRA
        public static WPos LerpQuadratic(WPos a, WPos b, WAngle pitch, int mul, int div)
            // Start with a linear lerp between the points
            var ret = Lerp(a, b, mul, div);

            if (pitch.Angle == 0)
                return ret;

            // Add an additional quadratic variation to height
            // Attempts to avoid integer overflow by keeping the intermediate variables reasonably sized
            var offset = (int)(((((((long)(b - a).Length * mul) / div) * (div - mul)) / div) * pitch.Tan()) / 1024);
            return new WPos(ret.X, ret.Y, ret.Z + offset);
Exemplo n.º 3
 public static WRot FromYaw(WAngle yaw)
     return new WRot(WAngle.Zero, WAngle.Zero, yaw);
Exemplo n.º 4
 public WRot(WAngle roll, WAngle pitch, WAngle yaw)
     Roll = roll; Pitch = pitch; Yaw = yaw;
Exemplo n.º 5
 public WRot WithYaw(WAngle yaw)
     return new WRot(Roll, Pitch, yaw);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public int[] AsQuarternion()
            // Angles increase clockwise
            var r = new WAngle(-Roll.Angle / 2);
            var p = new WAngle(-Pitch.Angle / 2);
            var y = new WAngle(-Yaw.Angle / 2);
            var cr = (long)r.Cos();
            var sr = (long)r.Sin();
            var cp = (long)p.Cos();
            var sp = (long)p.Sin();
            var cy = (long)y.Cos();
            var sy = (long)y.Sin();

            // Normalized to 1024 == 1.0
            return new int[4]
                (int)((sr*cp*cy - cr*sp*sy) / 1048576), // x
                (int)((cr*sp*cy + sr*cp*sy) / 1048576), // y
                (int)((cr*cp*sy - sr*sp*cy) / 1048576), // z
                (int)((cr*cp*cy + sr*sp*sy) / 1048576)  // w
Exemplo n.º 7
 public WRot WithYaw(WAngle yaw)
     return(new WRot(Roll, Pitch, yaw));
Exemplo n.º 8
 public static WRot FromYaw(WAngle yaw)
     return(new WRot(WAngle.Zero, WAngle.Zero, yaw));
Exemplo n.º 9
 public static WRot FromFacing(int facing)
     return(new WRot(WAngle.Zero, WAngle.Zero, WAngle.FromFacing(facing)));
Exemplo n.º 10
 public WRot(WAngle roll, WAngle pitch, WAngle yaw)
     Roll = roll; Pitch = pitch; Yaw = yaw;
Exemplo n.º 11
        public MapGrid(MiniYaml yaml)
            FieldLoader.Load(this, yaml);

            // The default subcell index defaults to the middle entry
            var defaultSubCellIndex = (byte)DefaultSubCell;

            if (defaultSubCellIndex == byte.MaxValue)
                DefaultSubCell = (SubCell)(SubCellOffsets.Length / 2);
                var minSubCellOffset = SubCellOffsets.Length > 1 ? 1 : 0;
                if (defaultSubCellIndex < minSubCellOffset || defaultSubCellIndex >= SubCellOffsets.Length)
                    throw new InvalidDataException("Subcell default index must be a valid index into the offset triples and must be greater than 0 for mods with subcells");

            // Rotation axes and amounts for the different slope types
            var southEast = new WVec(724, 724, 0);
            var southWest = new WVec(-724, 724, 0);
            var south     = new WVec(0, 1024, 0);
            var east      = new WVec(1024, 0, 0);

            var forward      = new WAngle(64);
            var backward     = -forward;
            var halfForward  = new WAngle(48);
            var halfBackward = -halfForward;

            // Slope types are hardcoded following the convention from the TS and RA2 map format
            Ramps = new[]
                // Flat
                new CellRamp(Type, WRot.None),

                // Two adjacent corners raised by half a cell
                new CellRamp(Type, new WRot(southEast, backward), tr: RampCornerHeight.Half, br: RampCornerHeight.Half),
                new CellRamp(Type, new WRot(southWest, backward), br: RampCornerHeight.Half, bl: RampCornerHeight.Half),
                new CellRamp(Type, new WRot(southEast, forward), tl: RampCornerHeight.Half, bl: RampCornerHeight.Half),
                new CellRamp(Type, new WRot(southWest, forward), tl: RampCornerHeight.Half, tr: RampCornerHeight.Half),

                // One corner raised by half a cell
                new CellRamp(Type, new WRot(south, halfBackward), br: RampCornerHeight.Half, split: RampSplit.X),
                new CellRamp(Type, new WRot(east, halfForward), bl: RampCornerHeight.Half, split: RampSplit.Y),
                new CellRamp(Type, new WRot(south, halfForward), tl: RampCornerHeight.Half, split: RampSplit.X),
                new CellRamp(Type, new WRot(east, halfBackward), tr: RampCornerHeight.Half, split: RampSplit.Y),

                // Three corners raised by half a cell
                new CellRamp(Type, new WRot(south, halfBackward), tr: RampCornerHeight.Half, br: RampCornerHeight.Half, bl: RampCornerHeight.Half, split: RampSplit.X),
                new CellRamp(Type, new WRot(east, halfForward), tl: RampCornerHeight.Half, br: RampCornerHeight.Half, bl: RampCornerHeight.Half, split: RampSplit.Y),
                new CellRamp(Type, new WRot(south, halfForward), tl: RampCornerHeight.Half, tr: RampCornerHeight.Half, bl: RampCornerHeight.Half, split: RampSplit.X),
                new CellRamp(Type, new WRot(east, halfBackward), tl: RampCornerHeight.Half, tr: RampCornerHeight.Half, br: RampCornerHeight.Half, split: RampSplit.Y),

                // Full tile sloped (mid corners raised by half cell, far corner by full cell)
                new CellRamp(Type, new WRot(south, backward), tr: RampCornerHeight.Half, br: RampCornerHeight.Full, bl: RampCornerHeight.Half),
                new CellRamp(Type, new WRot(east, forward), tl: RampCornerHeight.Half, br: RampCornerHeight.Half, bl: RampCornerHeight.Full),
                new CellRamp(Type, new WRot(south, forward), tl: RampCornerHeight.Full, tr: RampCornerHeight.Half, bl: RampCornerHeight.Half),
                new CellRamp(Type, new WRot(east, backward), tl: RampCornerHeight.Half, tr: RampCornerHeight.Full, br: RampCornerHeight.Half),

                // Two opposite corners raised by half a cell
                new CellRamp(Type, WRot.None, tr: RampCornerHeight.Half, bl: RampCornerHeight.Half, split: RampSplit.Y),
                new CellRamp(Type, WRot.None, tl: RampCornerHeight.Half, br: RampCornerHeight.Half, split: RampSplit.Y),
                new CellRamp(Type, WRot.None, tr: RampCornerHeight.Half, bl: RampCornerHeight.Half, split: RampSplit.X),
                new CellRamp(Type, WRot.None, tl: RampCornerHeight.Half, br: RampCornerHeight.Half, split: RampSplit.X),

            TilesByDistance = CreateTilesByDistance();
Exemplo n.º 12
Arquivo: WRot.cs Projeto: zredb/OpenRA
 public WRot WithPitch(WAngle pitch)
     return(new WRot(Roll, pitch, Yaw));
Exemplo n.º 13
Arquivo: WRot.cs Projeto: zredb/OpenRA
 public WRot WithRoll(WAngle roll)
     return(new WRot(roll, Pitch, Yaw));