Exemplo n.º 1
 internal SheetBuilder(TextureChannel ch)
     current = null;
     rowHeight = 0;
     channel = null;
     initialChannel = ch;
Exemplo n.º 2
		public override void Initialize(WidgetArgs args)

			var width = world.Map.Bounds.Width;
			var height = world.Map.Bounds.Height;
			var size = Math.Max(width, height);
			var rb = RenderBounds;

			previewScale = Math.Min(rb.Width * 1f / width, rb.Height * 1f / height);
			previewOrigin = new int2((int)(previewScale * (size - width) / 2), (int)(previewScale * (size - height) / 2));
			mapRect = new Rectangle(previewOrigin.X, previewOrigin.Y, (int)(previewScale * width), (int)(previewScale * height));

			// Only needs to be done once
			using (var terrainBitmap = Minimap.TerrainBitmap(world.Map.Rules.TileSets[world.Map.Tileset], world.Map))
				var r = new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height);
				var s = new Size(terrainBitmap.Width, terrainBitmap.Height);
				var terrainSheet = new Sheet(s, false);
				terrainSprite = new Sprite(terrainSheet, r, TextureChannel.Alpha);

				// Data is set in Tick()
				customTerrainSprite = new Sprite(new Sheet(s, false), r, TextureChannel.Alpha);
				actorSprite = new Sprite(new Sheet(s, false), r, TextureChannel.Alpha);
				shroudSprite = new Sprite(new Sheet(s, false), r, TextureChannel.Alpha);
Exemplo n.º 3
		public void Init(Manifest m, Dictionary<string, string> info)
			var sheet = new Sheet(SheetType.BGRA, info["Image"]);
			var res = Game.Renderer.Resolution;
			bounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, res.Width, res.Height);
			sprite = new Sprite(sheet, new Rectangle(0, 0, 1024, 480), TextureChannel.Alpha);
Exemplo n.º 4
		public override void Init(Manifest m, Dictionary<string, string> info)
			loadInfo = info;

			// Avoid standard loading mechanisms so we
			// can display loadscreen as early as possible
			r = Game.Renderer;
			if (r == null) return;

			sheet = new Sheet(SheetType.BGRA, Platform.ResolvePath(loadInfo["Image"]));
			var res = r.Resolution;
			bounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, res.Width, res.Height);

			borderTop = new Sprite(sheet, new Rectangle(161, 128, 62, 33), TextureChannel.Alpha);
			borderBottom = new Sprite(sheet, new Rectangle(161, 223, 62, 33), TextureChannel.Alpha);
			borderLeft = new Sprite(sheet, new Rectangle(128, 161, 33, 62), TextureChannel.Alpha);
			borderRight = new Sprite(sheet, new Rectangle(223, 161, 33, 62), TextureChannel.Alpha);
			cornerTopLeft = new Sprite(sheet, new Rectangle(128, 128, 33, 33), TextureChannel.Alpha);
			cornerTopRight = new Sprite(sheet, new Rectangle(223, 128, 33, 33), TextureChannel.Alpha);
			cornerBottomLeft = new Sprite(sheet, new Rectangle(128, 223, 33, 33), TextureChannel.Alpha);
			cornerBottomRight = new Sprite(sheet, new Rectangle(223, 223, 33, 33), TextureChannel.Alpha);

			nodLogo = new Sprite(sheet, new Rectangle(0, 256, 256, 256), TextureChannel.Alpha);
			gdiLogo = new Sprite(sheet, new Rectangle(256, 256, 256, 256), TextureChannel.Alpha);
			evaLogo = new Sprite(sheet, new Rectangle(256, 64, 128, 64), TextureChannel.Alpha);
			nodPos = new float2(bounds.Width / 2 - 384, bounds.Height / 2 - 128);
			gdiPos = new float2(bounds.Width / 2 + 128, bounds.Height / 2 - 128);
			evaPos = new float2(bounds.Width - 43 - 128, 43);

			brightBlock = new Sprite(sheet, new Rectangle(320, 0, 16, 35), TextureChannel.Alpha);
			dimBlock = new Sprite(sheet, new Rectangle(336, 0, 16, 35), TextureChannel.Alpha);

			versionText = m.Mod.Version;
Exemplo n.º 5
 public void DrawVertexBuffer(IVertexBuffer<Vertex> buffer, int start, int length, PrimitiveType type, Sheet sheet)
     shader.SetTexture("DiffuseTexture", sheet.Texture);
     shader.Render(() => renderer.DrawBatch(buffer, start, length, type));
Exemplo n.º 6
 public void Init(Manifest m, Dictionary<string, string> info)
     var sheet = new Sheet("mods/modchooser/chrome.png");
     var res = Game.Renderer.Resolution;
     bounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, res.Width, res.Height);
     sprite = new Sprite(sheet, new Rectangle(0,0,1024,480), TextureChannel.Alpha);
Exemplo n.º 7
		public SheetBuilder(SheetType t, Func<Sheet> allocateSheet)
			channel = TextureChannel.Red;
			type = t;
			current = allocateSheet();
			this.allocateSheet = allocateSheet;
Exemplo n.º 8
        public TerrainRenderer(World world, WorldRenderer wr)
            this.world = world;
            this.map = world.Map;

            var tileSize = new Size( Game.CellSize, Game.CellSize );
            var tileMapping = new Cache<TileReference<ushort,byte>, Sprite>(
                x => Game.modData.SheetBuilder.Add(world.TileSet.GetBytes(x), tileSize));

            var vertices = new Vertex[4 * map.Bounds.Height * map.Bounds.Width];

            terrainSheet = tileMapping[map.MapTiles.Value[map.Bounds.Left, map.Bounds.Top]].sheet;

            int nv = 0;

            var terrainPalette = wr.Palette("terrain").Index;

            for( int j = map.Bounds.Top; j < map.Bounds.Bottom; j++ )
                for( int i = map.Bounds.Left; i < map.Bounds.Right; i++ )
                    var tile = tileMapping[map.MapTiles.Value[i, j]];
                    // TODO: move GetPaletteIndex out of the inner loop.
                    Util.FastCreateQuad(vertices, Game.CellSize * new float2(i, j), tile, terrainPalette, nv, tile.size);
                    nv += 4;

                    if (tileMapping[map.MapTiles.Value[i, j]].sheet != terrainSheet)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Terrain sprites span multiple sheets");

            vertexBuffer = Game.Renderer.Device.CreateVertexBuffer( vertices.Length );
            vertexBuffer.SetData( vertices, nv );
Exemplo n.º 9
        public TerrainSpriteLayer(World world, WorldRenderer wr, Sheet sheet, BlendMode blendMode, PaletteReference palette, bool restrictToBounds)
            worldRenderer = wr;
            this.restrictToBounds = restrictToBounds;
            Sheet = sheet;
            BlendMode = blendMode;
            paletteIndex = palette.TextureIndex;

            map = world.Map;
            rowStride = 4 * map.MapSize.X;

            vertices = new Vertex[rowStride * map.MapSize.Y];
            vertexBuffer = Game.Renderer.Device.CreateVertexBuffer(vertices.Length);
            emptySprite = new Sprite(sheet, Rectangle.Empty, TextureChannel.Alpha);

            wr.PaletteInvalidated += () =>
                paletteIndex = palette.TextureIndex;

                // Everything in the layer uses the same palette,
                // so we can fix the indices in one pass
                for (var i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++)
                    var v = vertices[i];
                    vertices[i] = new Vertex(v.X, v.Y, v.Z, v.U, v.V, paletteIndex, v.C);

                for (var row = 0; row < map.MapSize.Y; row++)
Exemplo n.º 10
        public static Sprite GetImage(Renderer renderer, string collection, string image)
            // Cached sprite
            if (cachedSprites.ContainsKey(collection) && cachedSprites[collection].ContainsKey(image))
                return cachedSprites[collection][image];

            MappedImage mi;
            try { mi = collections[collection][image]; }
            catch (KeyNotFoundException)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                    "Collection `{0}` does not have an image `{1}`".F(collection, image));

            // Cached sheet
            Sheet sheet;
            if (cachedSheets.ContainsKey(mi.Src))
                sheet = cachedSheets[mi.Src];
                sheet = new Sheet(renderer, mi.Src);
                cachedSheets.Add(mi.Src, sheet);

            // Cache the sprite
            if (!cachedSprites.ContainsKey(collection))
                cachedSprites.Add(collection, new Dictionary<string, Sprite>());
            cachedSprites[collection].Add(image, mi.GetImage(renderer, sheet));

            return cachedSprites[collection][image];
Exemplo n.º 11
 public SheetBuilder(Renderer r, TextureChannel ch)
     renderer = r;
     current = null;
     rowHeight = 0;
     channel = null;
     initialChannel = ch;
Exemplo n.º 12
		void SetRenderStateForSprite(Sprite s)
			renderer.CurrentBatchRenderer = this;

			if (s.BlendMode != currentBlend || s.Sheet != currentSheet || nv + 4 > renderer.TempBufferSize)

			currentBlend = s.BlendMode;
			currentSheet = s.Sheet;
Exemplo n.º 13
        public void DrawSprite(Sprite s, float2 location, string palette, float2 size)
            if (s.sheet != currentSheet)

            currentSheet = s.sheet;
            Util.FastCreateQuad(vertices, indices, location.ToInt2(), s, Game.world.WorldRenderer.GetPaletteIndex(palette), nv, ni, size);
            nv += 4; ni += 6;
            if (++sprites >= spritesPerBatch)
Exemplo n.º 14
        public void Init(ModData modData, Dictionary<string, string> info)
            var res = Game.Renderer.Resolution;
            bounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, res.Width, res.Height);

            using (var stream = modData.DefaultFileSystem.Open(info["Image"]))
                var sheet = new Sheet(SheetType.BGRA, stream);
                sprite = new Sprite(sheet, new Rectangle(0, 0, 1024, 480), TextureChannel.Alpha);
Exemplo n.º 15
 public void Init(Dictionary<string, string> info)
     Info = info;
     // Avoid standard loading mechanisms so we
     // can display loadscreen as early as possible
     r = Game.Renderer;
     if (r == null) return;
     var s = new Sheet("mods/d2k/uibits/loadscreen.png");
     Logo = new Sprite(s, new Rectangle(0,0,256,256), TextureChannel.Alpha);
     Stripe = new Sprite(s, new Rectangle(256,0,256,256), TextureChannel.Alpha);
     StripeRect = new Rectangle(0, Renderer.Resolution.Height/2 - 128, Renderer.Resolution.Width, 256);
     LogoPos =  new float2(Renderer.Resolution.Width/2 - 128, Renderer.Resolution.Height/2 - 128);
Exemplo n.º 16
		public override void Initialize(WidgetArgs args)

			// Bitmap data is generated in a background thread and then flipped
			front = new byte[4*256*256];
			back = new byte[4*256*256];

			var rect = new Rectangle((int)(255*SRange[0]), (int)(255*(1 - VRange[1])), (int)(255*(SRange[1] - SRange[0]))+1, (int)(255*(VRange[1] - VRange[0])) + 1);
			var mixerSheet = new Sheet(new Size(256, 256), false);
			mixerSheet.Texture.SetData(front, 256, 256);
			mixerSprite = new Sprite(mixerSheet, rect, TextureChannel.Alpha);
Exemplo n.º 17
		public void Flush()
			if (nv > 0)
				shader.SetTexture("DiffuseTexture", currentSheet.GetTexture());


				nv = 0;
				currentSheet = null;
Exemplo n.º 18
        public void DrawSprite(Sprite s, float2 location, int paletteIndex, float2 size)
            Renderer.CurrentBatchRenderer = this;

            if (s.sheet != currentSheet)

            if( nv + 4 > Renderer.TempBufferSize )

            currentSheet = s.sheet;
            Util.FastCreateQuad(vertices, location.ToInt2(), s, paletteIndex, nv, size);
            nv += 4;
Exemplo n.º 19
        public void Init()
            // Avoid standard loading mechanisms so we
            // can display loadscreen as early as possible
            r = Game.Renderer;
            if (r == null) return;
            Font = r.BoldFont;

            var s = new Sheet("mods/ra/loadscreen.png");
            Logo = new Sprite(s, new Rectangle(0,0,256,256), TextureChannel.Alpha);
            Stripe = new Sprite(s, new Rectangle(256,0,256,256), TextureChannel.Alpha);
            StripeRect = new Rectangle(0, Renderer.Resolution.Height/2 - 128, Renderer.Resolution.Width, 256);
            LogoPos =  new float2(Renderer.Resolution.Width/2 - 128, Renderer.Resolution.Height/2 - 128);
Exemplo n.º 20
		public void Init(Manifest m, Dictionary<string, string> info)
			// Avoid standard loading mechanisms so we
			// can display the loadscreen as early as possible
			r = Game.Renderer;
			if (r == null)

			messages = info["Text"].Split(',');
			var s = new Sheet(info["Image"]);
			logo = new Sprite(s, new Rectangle(0, 0, 256, 256), TextureChannel.Alpha);
			stripe = new Sprite(s, new Rectangle(256, 0, 256, 256), TextureChannel.Alpha);
			stripeRect = new Rectangle(0, r.Resolution.Height / 2 - 128, r.Resolution.Width, 256);
			logoPos = new float2(r.Resolution.Width / 2 - 128, r.Resolution.Height / 2 - 128);
Exemplo n.º 21
        public Sprite(Sheet sheet, Rectangle bounds, float2 offset, TextureChannel channel, BlendMode blendMode = BlendMode.Alpha)
            Sheet = sheet;
            Bounds = bounds;
            Offset = offset;
            Channel = channel;
            Size = new float2(bounds.Size);
            BlendMode = blendMode;

            FractionalOffset = offset / Size;

            Left = (float)Math.Min(bounds.Left, bounds.Right) / sheet.Size.Width;
            Top = (float)Math.Min(bounds.Top, bounds.Bottom) / sheet.Size.Height;
            Right = (float)Math.Max(bounds.Left, bounds.Right) / sheet.Size.Width;
            Bottom = (float)Math.Max(bounds.Top, bounds.Bottom) / sheet.Size.Height;
        public override void Draw()
            var map = Map();
            if( map == null ) return;

            if (lastMap != map)
                lastMap = map;

                // Update image data
                var preview = PreviewCache[map];
                if( mapChooserSheet == null || mapChooserSheet.Size.Width != preview.Width || mapChooserSheet.Size.Height != preview.Height )
                    mapChooserSheet = new Sheet(new Size( preview.Width, preview.Height ) );

                mapChooserSheet.Texture.SetData( preview );
                mapChooserSprite = new Sprite( mapChooserSheet, new Rectangle( 0, 0, map.Bounds.Width, map.Bounds.Height ), TextureChannel.Alpha );

            // Update map rect
            PreviewScale = Math.Min(RenderBounds.Width * 1.0f / map.Bounds.Width, RenderBounds.Height * 1.0f / map.Bounds.Height);
            var size = Math.Max(map.Bounds.Width, map.Bounds.Height);
            var dw = (int)(PreviewScale * (size - map.Bounds.Width)) / 2;
            var dh = (int)(PreviewScale * (size - map.Bounds.Height)) / 2;
            MapRect = new Rectangle(RenderBounds.X + dw, RenderBounds.Y + dh, (int)(map.Bounds.Width * PreviewScale), (int)(map.Bounds.Height * PreviewScale));

            Game.Renderer.RgbaSpriteRenderer.DrawSprite( mapChooserSprite,
                new float2(MapRect.Location),
                new float2( MapRect.Size ) );

            if (ShowSpawnPoints)
                var colors = SpawnColors();

                foreach (var p in map.GetSpawnPoints())
                    var owned = colors.ContainsKey(p);
                    var pos = ConvertToPreview(p);
                    var sprite = ChromeProvider.GetImage("spawnpoints", owned ? "owned" : "unowned");
                    var offset = new int2(-sprite.bounds.Width/2, -sprite.bounds.Height/2);

                    if (owned)
                        WidgetUtils.FillRectWithColor(new Rectangle(pos.X + offset.X + 2, pos.Y + offset.Y + 2, 12, 12), colors[p]);

                    Game.Renderer.RgbaSpriteRenderer.DrawSprite(sprite, pos + offset);
Exemplo n.º 23
		public void Open(VqaReader video)
			this.video = video;

			stopped = true;
			paused = true;
			onComplete = () => { };

			invLength = video.Framerate * 1f / video.Frames;

			var size = Math.Max(video.Width, video.Height);
			var textureSize = Exts.NextPowerOf2(size);
			var videoSheet = new Sheet(SheetType.BGRA, new Size(textureSize, textureSize));

			videoSheet.GetTexture().ScaleFilter = TextureScaleFilter.Linear;

			videoSprite = new Sprite(videoSheet,
				new Rectangle(

			var scale = Math.Min((float)RenderBounds.Width / video.Width, (float)RenderBounds.Height / video.Height * AspectRatio);
			videoOrigin = new float2(
				RenderBounds.X + (RenderBounds.Width - scale * video.Width) / 2,
				RenderBounds.Y + (RenderBounds.Height - scale * video.Height * AspectRatio) / 2);

			// Round size to integer pixels. Round up to be consistent with the scale calcuation.
			videoSize = new float2((int)Math.Ceiling(video.Width * scale), (int)Math.Ceiling(video.Height * AspectRatio * scale));

			if (!DrawOverlay)

			var scaledHeight = (int)videoSize.Y;
			overlay = new uint[Exts.NextPowerOf2(scaledHeight), 1];
			var black = (uint)255 << 24;
			for (var y = 0; y < scaledHeight; y += 2)
				overlay[y, 0] = black;

			var overlaySheet = new Sheet(SheetType.BGRA, new Size(1, Exts.NextPowerOf2(scaledHeight)));
			overlaySprite = new Sprite(overlaySheet, new Rectangle(0, 0, 1, scaledHeight), TextureChannel.Alpha);
Exemplo n.º 24
        public static Sprite GetImage(string collectionName, string imageName)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(collectionName))
                return null;

            // Cached sprite
            Dictionary<string, Sprite> cachedCollection;
            Sprite sprite;
            if (cachedSprites.TryGetValue(collectionName, out cachedCollection) && cachedCollection.TryGetValue(imageName, out sprite))
                return sprite;

            Collection collection;
            if (!collections.TryGetValue(collectionName, out collection))
                Log.Write("debug", "Could not find collection '{0}'", collectionName);
                return null;

            MappedImage mi;
            if (!collection.Regions.TryGetValue(imageName, out mi))
                return null;

            // Cached sheet
            Sheet sheet;
            if (cachedSheets.ContainsKey(mi.Src))
                sheet = cachedSheets[mi.Src];
                using (var stream = fileSystem.Open(mi.Src))
                    sheet = new Sheet(SheetType.BGRA, stream);

                cachedSheets.Add(mi.Src, sheet);

            // Cache the sprite
            if (cachedCollection == null)
                cachedCollection = new Dictionary<string, Sprite>();
                cachedSprites.Add(collectionName, cachedCollection);

            var image = mi.GetImage(sheet);
            cachedCollection.Add(imageName, image);

            return image;
Exemplo n.º 25
        public TerrainSpriteLayer(World world, WorldRenderer wr, Sheet sheet, BlendMode blendMode, PaletteReference palette, bool restrictToBounds)
            worldRenderer = wr;
            this.restrictToBounds = restrictToBounds;
            Sheet = sheet;
            BlendMode = blendMode;
            this.palette = palette;

            map = world.Map;
            rowStride = 6 * map.MapSize.X;

            vertices = new Vertex[rowStride * map.MapSize.Y];
            vertexBuffer = Game.Renderer.Device.CreateVertexBuffer(vertices.Length);
            emptySprite = new Sprite(sheet, Rectangle.Empty, TextureChannel.Alpha);

            wr.PaletteInvalidated += UpdatePaletteIndices;
Exemplo n.º 26
        public Sheet AllocateSheet()
            // Reuse cached fbo
            if (unmappedBuffers.Count > 0)
                var kv = unmappedBuffers.Pop();
                mappedBuffers.Add(kv.Key, kv.Value);
                return kv.Key;

            var size = new Size(renderer.SheetSize, renderer.SheetSize);
            var framebuffer = renderer.Device.CreateFrameBuffer(size);
            var sheet = new Sheet(SheetType.BGRA, framebuffer.Texture);
            mappedBuffers.Add(sheet, framebuffer);

            return sheet;
Exemplo n.º 27
        public Sprite(Sheet sheet, Rectangle bounds, float zRamp, float3 offset, TextureChannel channel, BlendMode blendMode = BlendMode.Alpha)
            Sheet = sheet;
            Bounds = bounds;
            Offset = offset;
            ZRamp = zRamp;
            Channel = channel;
            Size = new float3(bounds.Size.Width, bounds.Size.Height, bounds.Size.Height * zRamp);
            BlendMode = blendMode;
            FractionalOffset = Size.Z != 0 ? offset / Size :
                new float3(offset.X / Size.X, offset.Y / Size.Y, 0);

            Left = (float)Math.Min(bounds.Left, bounds.Right) / sheet.Size.Width;
            Top = (float)Math.Min(bounds.Top, bounds.Bottom) / sheet.Size.Height;
            Right = (float)Math.Max(bounds.Left, bounds.Right) / sheet.Size.Width;
            Bottom = (float)Math.Max(bounds.Top, bounds.Bottom) / sheet.Size.Height;
Exemplo n.º 28
        public void DrawSprite(Sprite s, float2 a, float2 b, float2 c, float2 d)
            Renderer.CurrentBatchRenderer = this;

            if (s.sheet != currentSheet)

            if (s.blendMode != currentBlend)

            if (nv + 4 > Renderer.TempBufferSize)

            currentSheet = s.sheet;
            currentBlend = s.blendMode;
            Util.FastCreateQuad(vertices, a, b, c, d, s, 0, nv);
            nv += 4;
Exemplo n.º 29
		public override void Initialize(WidgetArgs args)

			// The four layers are stored in a 2x2 grid within a single texture
			radarSheet = new Sheet(SheetType.BGRA, new Size(2 * previewWidth, 2 * previewHeight).NextPowerOf2());
			radarData = radarSheet.GetData();


			// Set initial terrain data
			foreach (var cell in world.Map.AllCells)

			world.Map.MapTiles.Value.CellEntryChanged += UpdateTerrainCell;
			world.Map.CustomTerrain.CellEntryChanged += UpdateTerrainCell;
Exemplo n.º 30
		void DrawSprite(Sprite s, float2 location, int paletteIndex, float2 size)
			Renderer.CurrentBatchRenderer = this;

			if (s.sheet != currentSheet)

			if (s.blendMode != currentBlend)

			if (nv + 4 > Renderer.TempBufferSize)

			currentBlend = s.blendMode;
			currentSheet = s.sheet;
			Util.FastCreateQuad(vertices, location + s.offset, s, paletteIndex, nv, size);
			nv += 4;
Exemplo n.º 31
 public void DrawVertexBuffer(IVertexBuffer <Vertex> buffer, int start, int length, PrimitiveType type, Sheet sheet)
     shader.SetTexture("DiffuseTexture", sheet.GetTexture());
     shader.Render(() => renderer.DrawBatch(buffer, start, length, type));
Exemplo n.º 32
 public Sprite(Sheet sheet, Rectangle bounds, TextureChannel channel, BlendMode blendMode)
     : this(sheet, bounds, float2.Zero, channel, blendMode)
Exemplo n.º 33
 public Sprite GetImage(Sheet s)
     return(new Sprite(s, rect, TextureChannel.Alpha));
Exemplo n.º 34
 public Sprite(Sheet sheet, Rectangle bounds, TextureChannel channel)
     : this(sheet, bounds, float2.Zero, channel)
Exemplo n.º 35
 public ModelRenderData(int start, int count, Sheet sheet)
     Start = start;
     Count = count;
     Sheet = sheet;
Exemplo n.º 36
        public Theater(TileSet tileset)
            this.tileset = tileset;
            var allocated = false;

            Func <Sheet> allocate = () =>
                if (allocated)
                    throw new SheetOverflowException("Terrain sheet overflow. Try increasing the tileset SheetSize parameter.");
                allocated = true;

                return(new Sheet(SheetType.Indexed, new Size(tileset.SheetSize, tileset.SheetSize)));

            random = new MersenneTwister();

            var frameCache = new FrameCache(Game.ModData.DefaultFileSystem, Game.ModData.SpriteLoaders);

            foreach (var t in tileset.Templates)
                var variants = new List <Sprite[]>();

                foreach (var i in t.Value.Images)
                    var allFrames  = frameCache[i];
                    var frameCount = tileset.EnableDepth ? allFrames.Length / 2 : allFrames.Length;
                    var indices    = t.Value.Frames != null ? t.Value.Frames : Enumerable.Range(0, frameCount);
                    variants.Add(indices.Select(j =>
                        var f    = allFrames[j];
                        var tile = t.Value.Contains(j) ? t.Value[j] : null;

                        // The internal z axis is inverted from expectation (negative is closer)
                        var zOffset = tile != null ? -tile.ZOffset : 0;
                        var zRamp   = tile != null ? tile.ZRamp : 1f;
                        var offset  = new float3(f.Offset, zOffset);
                        var type    = SheetBuilder.FrameTypeToSheetType(f.Type);

                        // Defer SheetBuilder creation until we know what type of frames we are loading!
                        // TODO: Support mixed indexed and BGRA frames
                        if (sheetBuilder == null)
                            sheetBuilder = new SheetBuilder(SheetBuilder.FrameTypeToSheetType(f.Type), allocate);
                        else if (type != sheetBuilder.Type)
                            throw new InvalidDataException("Sprite type mismatch. Terrain sprites must all be either Indexed or RGBA.");

                        var s = sheetBuilder.Allocate(f.Size, zRamp, offset);
                        Util.FastCopyIntoChannel(s, f.Data);

                        if (tileset.EnableDepth)
                            var ss = sheetBuilder.Allocate(f.Size, zRamp, offset);
                            Util.FastCopyIntoChannel(ss, allFrames[j + frameCount].Data);

                            // s and ss are guaranteed to use the same sheet
                            // because of the custom terrain sheet allocation
                            s = new SpriteWithSecondaryData(s, s.Sheet, ss.Bounds, ss.Channel);


                var allSprites = variants.SelectMany(s => s);

                // Ignore the offsets baked into R8 sprites
                if (tileset.IgnoreTileSpriteOffsets)
                    allSprites = allSprites.Select(s => new Sprite(s.Sheet, s.Bounds, s.ZRamp, new float3(float2.Zero, s.Offset.Z), s.Channel, s.BlendMode));

                templates.Add(t.Value.Id, new TheaterTemplate(allSprites.ToArray(), variants.First().Count(), t.Value.Images.Length));

            // 1x1px transparent tile
            missingTile = sheetBuilder.Add(new byte[sheetBuilder.Type == SheetType.BGRA ? 4 : 1], new Size(1, 1));

Exemplo n.º 37
        public Theater(TileSet tileset, Action <uint, string> onMissingImage = null)
            this.tileset = tileset;
            var allocated = false;

            Func <Sheet> allocate = () =>
                if (allocated)
                    throw new SheetOverflowException("Terrain sheet overflow. Try increasing the tileset SheetSize parameter.");
                allocated = true;

                return(new Sheet(SheetType.Indexed, new Size(tileset.SheetSize, tileset.SheetSize)));

            random = new MersenneTwister();

            var frameCache = new FrameCache(Game.ModData.DefaultFileSystem, Game.ModData.SpriteLoaders);

            foreach (var t in tileset.Templates)
                var variants = new List <Sprite[]>();

                foreach (var i in t.Value.Images)
                    ISpriteFrame[] allFrames;
                    if (onMissingImage != null)
                            allFrames = frameCache[i];
                        catch (FileNotFoundException)
                            onMissingImage(t.Key, i);
                        allFrames = frameCache[i];

                    var frameCount = tileset.EnableDepth ? allFrames.Length / 2 : allFrames.Length;
                    var indices    = t.Value.Frames != null ? t.Value.Frames : Exts.MakeArray(t.Value.TilesCount, j => j);

                    var start = indices.Min();
                    var end   = indices.Max();
                    if (start < 0 || end >= frameCount)
                        throw new YamlException("Template `{0}` uses frames [{1}..{2}] of {3}, but only [0..{4}] actually exist"
                                                .F(t.Key, start, end, i, frameCount - 1));

                    variants.Add(indices.Select(j =>
                        var f    = allFrames[j];
                        var tile = t.Value.Contains(j) ? t.Value[j] : null;

                        // The internal z axis is inverted from expectation (negative is closer)
                        var zOffset = tile != null ? -tile.ZOffset : 0;
                        var zRamp   = tile != null ? tile.ZRamp : 1f;
                        var offset  = new float3(f.Offset, zOffset);
                        var type    = SheetBuilder.FrameTypeToSheetType(f.Type);

                        // Defer SheetBuilder creation until we know what type of frames we are loading!
                        // TODO: Support mixed indexed and BGRA frames
                        if (sheetBuilder == null)
                            sheetBuilder = new SheetBuilder(SheetBuilder.FrameTypeToSheetType(f.Type), allocate);
                        else if (type != sheetBuilder.Type)
                            throw new YamlException("Sprite type mismatch. Terrain sprites must all be either Indexed or RGBA.");

                        var s = sheetBuilder.Allocate(f.Size, zRamp, offset);
                        Util.FastCopyIntoChannel(s, f.Data, f.Type);

                        if (tileset.EnableDepth)
                            var ss         = sheetBuilder.Allocate(f.Size, zRamp, offset);
                            var depthFrame = allFrames[j + frameCount];
                            Util.FastCopyIntoChannel(ss, depthFrame.Data, depthFrame.Type);

                            // s and ss are guaranteed to use the same sheet
                            // because of the custom terrain sheet allocation
                            s = new SpriteWithSecondaryData(s, s.Sheet, ss.Bounds, ss.Channel);


                var allSprites = variants.SelectMany(s => s);

                // Ignore the offsets baked into R8 sprites
                if (tileset.IgnoreTileSpriteOffsets)
                    allSprites = allSprites.Select(s => new Sprite(s.Sheet, s.Bounds, s.ZRamp, new float3(float2.Zero, s.Offset.Z), s.Channel, s.BlendMode));

                if (onMissingImage != null && !variants.Any())

                templates.Add(t.Value.Id, new TheaterTemplate(allSprites.ToArray(), variants.First().Count(), t.Value.Images.Length));

            // 1x1px transparent tile
            if (sheetBuilder.Type == SheetType.BGRA)
                missingTile = sheetBuilder.Add(new byte[4], SpriteFrameType.Bgra32, new Size(1, 1));
                missingTile = sheetBuilder.Add(new byte[1], SpriteFrameType.Indexed8, new Size(1, 1));

Exemplo n.º 38
 public void DrawVertexBuffer(IVertexBuffer <Vertex> buffer, int start, int length, PrimitiveType type, Sheet sheet, BlendMode blendMode)
     shader.SetTexture("Texture0", sheet.GetTexture());
     renderer.DrawBatch(buffer, start, length, type);
Exemplo n.º 39
        public static Sprite GetImageOld(string collectionName, string imageName)
            if (imageName == "harktitle")
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(collectionName))

            // Cached sprite
            Dictionary <string, Sprite> cachedCollection;
            Sprite sprite;

            if (cachedSprites.TryGetValue(collectionName, out cachedCollection) && cachedCollection.TryGetValue(imageName, out sprite))

            Collection collection;

            if (!collections.TryGetValue(collectionName, out collection))
                Log.Write("debug", "Could not find collection '{0}'", collectionName);

            MappedImage mi;

            if (!collection.Regions.TryGetValue(imageName, out mi))

            SequenceProvider seqprov;

            seqprov = World.Map.Rules.Sequences;
            // по идее, можно написать в chrome.yaml разные ресурсы игры cps и т.п. , они будут загружаться , только при обращении в этот метод.
            // при обращении за cps , переменная wolrd уже будет заполнена.
            bool switch2Seq = false;

            if (seqprov != null)
                if (seqprov.HasSequence(mi.Src))
                    switch2Seq = true;
            Sprite image = null, image2 = null;
            Sheet  sheet;

            if (switch2Seq)
                if (cachedSheets.ContainsKey(mi.Src))                 //mi.Src это имя png файла.
                    sheet = cachedSheets[mi.Src];
                    sheet = seqprov.GetSequence(mi.Src, "idle").GetSprite(0).Sheet;
                    cachedSheets.Add(mi.Src, sheet);
                image2 = seqprov.GetSequence(mi.Src, "idle").GetSprite(0);
                int2 offset = new int2(image2.Bounds.Location.X, image2.Bounds.Location.Y);                                                              //основная часть текстуры
                image = new Sprite(sheet, new Rectangle(mi.rect.X + offset.X, mi.rect.Y + offset.Y, mi.rect.Width, mi.rect.Height), TextureChannel.Red); //смещение в основной части текстуры

                if (mi.Rotate > 0)
                    // передаем данные о повороте, если больше 0
                    image.Rotate = mi.Rotate;
                if (mi.Stretched)
                    image.Stretched = true;
                image.SpriteType = 3;                 // для Utils.FastCreateQuad для алгоритма Fill rect with

                if (cachedCollection == null)
                    cachedCollection = new Dictionary <string, Sprite>();
                    cachedSprites.Add(collectionName, cachedCollection);
                cachedCollection.Add(imageName, image);

            if (!switch2Seq)
                // Cached sheet
                if (cachedSheets.ContainsKey(mi.Src))                 //mi.Src это имя png файла. То есть Sheet создается под каждый файл png.
                    sheet = cachedSheets[mi.Src];
                    using (var stream = fileSystem.Open(mi.Src))
                        sheet = new Sheet(SheetType.BGRA, stream);

                    cachedSheets.Add(mi.Src, sheet);

                // Cache the sprite
                if (cachedCollection == null)
                    cachedCollection = new Dictionary <string, Sprite>();
                    cachedSprites.Add(collectionName, cachedCollection);

                image = mi.GetImage(sheet);
                cachedCollection.Add(imageName, image);
Exemplo n.º 40
 public Sprite(Sheet sheet, Rectangle bounds, TextureChannel channel, float scale = 1)
     : this(sheet, bounds, 0, float2.Zero, channel, BlendMode.Alpha, scale)