Exemplo n.º 1
        public Theater(TileSet tileset)
            var allocated = false;
            Func<Sheet> allocate = () =>
                if (allocated)
                    throw new SheetOverflowException("Terrain sheet overflow. Try increasing the tileset SheetSize parameter.");
                allocated = true;

                return new Sheet(new Size(tileset.SheetSize, tileset.SheetSize), true);

            sheetBuilder = new SheetBuilder(SheetType.Indexed, allocate);
            templates = new Dictionary<ushort, Sprite[]>();

            var frameCache = new FrameCache(Game.modData.SpriteLoaders, tileset.Extensions);
            foreach (var t in tileset.Templates)
                var allFrames = frameCache[t.Value.Image];
                var frames = t.Value.Frames != null ? t.Value.Frames.Select(f => allFrames[f]).ToArray() : allFrames;
                templates.Add(t.Value.Id, frames.Select(f => sheetBuilder.Add(f)).ToArray());

            // 1x1px transparent tile
            missingTile = sheetBuilder.Add(new byte[1], new Size(1, 1));

Exemplo n.º 2
        public CursorProvider(ModData modData)
            var fileSystem = modData.DefaultFileSystem;
            var sequenceYaml = MiniYaml.Merge(modData.Manifest.Cursors.Select(
                s => MiniYaml.FromStream(fileSystem.Open(s), s)));

            var shadowIndex = new int[] { };

            var nodesDict = new MiniYaml(null, sequenceYaml).ToDictionary();
            if (nodesDict.ContainsKey("ShadowIndex"))
                Array.Resize(ref shadowIndex, shadowIndex.Length + 1);
                    out shadowIndex[shadowIndex.Length - 1]);

            var palettes = new Dictionary<string, ImmutablePalette>();
            foreach (var p in nodesDict["Palettes"].Nodes)
                palettes.Add(p.Key, new ImmutablePalette(fileSystem.Open(p.Value.Value), shadowIndex));

            Palettes = palettes.AsReadOnly();

            var frameCache = new FrameCache(fileSystem, modData.SpriteLoaders);
            var cursors = new Dictionary<string, CursorSequence>();
            foreach (var s in nodesDict["Cursors"].Nodes)
                foreach (var sequence in s.Value.Nodes)
                    cursors.Add(sequence.Key, new CursorSequence(frameCache, sequence.Key, s.Key, s.Value.Value, sequence.Value));

            Cursors = cursors.AsReadOnly();
Exemplo n.º 3
		public Theater(TileSet tileset)
			this.tileset = tileset;
			var allocated = false;
			var type = tileset.EnableDepth ? SheetType.DualIndexed : SheetType.Indexed;

			Func<Sheet> allocate = () =>
				if (allocated)
					throw new SheetOverflowException("Terrain sheet overflow. Try increasing the tileset SheetSize parameter.");
				allocated = true;

				return new Sheet(type, new Size(tileset.SheetSize, tileset.SheetSize));

			sheetBuilder = new SheetBuilder(type, allocate);
			random = new MersenneTwister();

			var frameCache = new FrameCache(Game.ModData.SpriteLoaders);
			foreach (var t in tileset.Templates)
				var variants = new List<Sprite[]>();

				foreach (var i in t.Value.Images)
					var allFrames = frameCache[i];
					var frameCount = tileset.EnableDepth ? allFrames.Length / 2 : allFrames.Length;
					var indices = t.Value.Frames != null ? t.Value.Frames : Enumerable.Range(0, frameCount);
					variants.Add(indices.Select(j =>
						var f = allFrames[j];
						var s = sheetBuilder.Allocate(f.Size, f.Offset);
						Util.FastCopyIntoChannel(s, 0, f.Data);

						if (tileset.EnableDepth)
							Util.FastCopyIntoChannel(s, 1, allFrames[j + frameCount].Data);

						return s;

				var allSprites = variants.SelectMany(s => s);

				// Ignore the offsets baked into R8 sprites
				if (tileset.IgnoreTileSpriteOffsets)
					allSprites = allSprites.Select(s => new Sprite(s.Sheet, s.Bounds, float2.Zero, s.Channel, s.BlendMode));

				templates.Add(t.Value.Id, new TheaterTemplate(allSprites.ToArray(), variants.First().Count(), t.Value.Images.Length));

			// 1x1px transparent tile
			missingTile = sheetBuilder.Add(new byte[1], new Size(1, 1));

Exemplo n.º 4
        public TileSetRenderer(TileSet tileset, Size tileSize)
            this.TileSet = tileset;
            this.TileSize = Math.Min(tileSize.Width, tileSize.Height);

            templates = new Dictionary<ushort, byte[][]>();
            var frameCache = new FrameCache(Game.modData.SpriteLoaders, tileset.Extensions);
            foreach (var t in tileset.Templates)
                var allFrames = frameCache[t.Value.Image];
                var frames = t.Value.Frames != null ? t.Value.Frames.Select(f => allFrames[f]).ToArray() : allFrames;
                templates.Add(t.Value.Id, frames.Select(f => ExtractSquareTile(f)).ToArray());
Exemplo n.º 5
        public Theater(TileSet tileset)
            this.tileset = tileset;
            var allocated = false;
            Func<Sheet> allocate = () =>
                if (allocated)
                    throw new SheetOverflowException("Terrain sheet overflow. Try increasing the tileset SheetSize parameter.");
                allocated = true;

                return new Sheet(new Size(tileset.SheetSize, tileset.SheetSize));

            sheetBuilder = new SheetBuilder(SheetType.Indexed, allocate);
            random = new MersenneTwister();

            var frameCache = new FrameCache(Game.ModData.SpriteLoaders);
            foreach (var t in tileset.Templates)
                var variants = new List<Sprite[]>();

                foreach (var i in t.Value.Images)
                    var allFrames = frameCache[i];
                    var frames = t.Value.Frames != null ? t.Value.Frames.Select(f => allFrames[f]).ToArray() : allFrames;
                    variants.Add(frames.Select(f => sheetBuilder.Add(f)).ToArray());

                var allSprites = variants.SelectMany(s => s);

                // Ignore the offsets baked into R8 sprites
                if (tileset.IgnoreTileSpriteOffsets)
                    allSprites = allSprites.Select(s => new Sprite(s.Sheet, s.Bounds, float2.Zero, s.Channel, s.BlendMode));

                templates.Add(t.Value.Id, new TheaterTemplate(allSprites.ToArray(), variants.First().Count(), t.Value.Images.Length));

            // 1x1px transparent tile
            missingTile = sheetBuilder.Add(new byte[1], new Size(1, 1));

Exemplo n.º 6
        public CursorSequence(FrameCache cache, string name, string cursorSrc, string palette, MiniYaml info)
            var d = info.ToDictionary();

            Start = Exts.ParseIntegerInvariant(d["Start"].Value);
            Palette = palette;
            Name = name;

            if ((d.ContainsKey("Length") && d["Length"].Value == "*") || (d.ContainsKey("End") && d["End"].Value == "*"))
                Length = Frames.Length - Start;
            else if (d.ContainsKey("Length"))
                Length = Exts.ParseIntegerInvariant(d["Length"].Value);
            else if (d.ContainsKey("End"))
                Length = Exts.ParseIntegerInvariant(d["End"].Value) - Start;
                Length = 1;

            Frames = cache[cursorSrc]

            if (d.ContainsKey("X"))
                int x;
                Exts.TryParseIntegerInvariant(d["X"].Value, out x);
                Hotspot = Hotspot.WithX(x);

            if (d.ContainsKey("Y"))
                int y;
                Exts.TryParseIntegerInvariant(d["Y"].Value, out y);
                Hotspot = Hotspot.WithY(y);
Exemplo n.º 7
        void IUtilityCommand.Run(Utility utility, string[] args)
            // HACK: The engine code assumes that Game.modData is set.
            var modData = Game.ModData = utility.ModData;

            var imageField = typeof(TerrainTemplateInfo).GetField("Image");
            var pickAnyField = typeof(TerrainTemplateInfo).GetField("PickAny");
            var tileInfoField = typeof(TerrainTemplateInfo).GetField("tileInfo", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
            var terrainTypeField = typeof(TerrainTileInfo).GetField("TerrainType");
            var terrainLeftColorField = typeof(TerrainTileInfo).GetField("LeftColor");
            var terrainRightColorField = typeof(TerrainTileInfo).GetField("RightColor");
            var empty = new Size(0, 0);
            var single = new int2(1, 1);
            var exts = new[] { "" }.Concat(args[1].Split(','));

            foreach (var t in modData.Manifest.TileSets)
                var ts = new TileSet(modData.DefaultFileSystem, t);
                var frameCache = new FrameCache(modData.DefaultFileSystem, modData.SpriteLoaders);

                Console.WriteLine("Tileset: " + ts.Name);
                foreach (var template in ts.Templates.Values)
                    // Find the sprite associated with this template
                    foreach (var ext in exts)
                        Stream s;
                        if (modData.DefaultFileSystem.TryOpen(template.Images[0] + ext, out s))

                        // Rewrite the template image (normally readonly) using reflection
                        imageField.SetValue(template, template.Images[0] + ext);

                        // Fetch the private tileInfo array so that we can write new entries
                        var tileInfo = (TerrainTileInfo[])tileInfoField.GetValue(template);

                        // Open the file and search for any implicit frames
                        var allFrames = frameCache[template.Images[0]];
                        var frames = template.Frames != null ? template.Frames.Select(f => allFrames[f]).ToArray() : allFrames;

                        // Resize array for new entries
                        if (frames.Length > template.TilesCount)
                            var ti = new TerrainTileInfo[frames.Length];
                            Array.Copy(tileInfo, ti, template.TilesCount);
                            tileInfoField.SetValue(template, ti);
                            tileInfo = ti;

                        for (var i = 0; i < template.TilesCount; i++)
                            if (template[i] == null && frames[i] != null && frames[i].Size != empty)
                                tileInfo[i] = new TerrainTileInfo();
                                var ti = ts.GetTerrainIndex("Clear");
                                terrainTypeField.SetValue(tileInfo[i], ti);
                                terrainLeftColorField.SetValue(tileInfo[i], ts[ti].Color);
                                terrainRightColorField.SetValue(tileInfo[i], ts[ti].Color);
                                Console.WriteLine("Fixing entry for {0}:{1}", template.Images[0], i);

                        if (template.TilesCount > 1 && template.Size == single)
                            pickAnyField.SetValue(template, true);

Exemplo n.º 8
        public Theater(TileSet tileset)
            this.tileset = tileset;
            var allocated = false;

            Func <Sheet> allocate = () =>
                if (allocated)
                    throw new SheetOverflowException("Terrain sheet overflow. Try increasing the tileset SheetSize parameter.");
                allocated = true;

                return(new Sheet(SheetType.Indexed, new Size(tileset.SheetSize, tileset.SheetSize)));

            sheetBuilder = new SheetBuilder(SheetType.Indexed, allocate);
            random       = new MersenneTwister();

            var frameCache = new FrameCache(Game.ModData.DefaultFileSystem, Game.ModData.SpriteLoaders);

            foreach (var t in tileset.Templates)
                var variants = new List <Sprite[]>();

                foreach (var i in t.Value.Images)
                    var allFrames  = frameCache[i];
                    var frameCount = tileset.EnableDepth ? allFrames.Length / 2 : allFrames.Length;
                    var indices    = t.Value.Frames != null ? t.Value.Frames : Enumerable.Range(0, frameCount);
                    variants.Add(indices.Select(j =>
                        var f    = allFrames[j];
                        var tile = t.Value.Contains(j) ? t.Value[j] : null;

                        // The internal z axis is inverted from expectation (negative is closer)
                        var zOffset = tile != null ? -tile.ZOffset : 0;
                        var zRamp   = tile != null ? tile.ZRamp : 1f;
                        var offset  = new float3(f.Offset, zOffset);
                        var s       = sheetBuilder.Allocate(f.Size, zRamp, offset);
                        Util.FastCopyIntoChannel(s, f.Data);

                        if (tileset.EnableDepth)
                            var ss = sheetBuilder.Allocate(f.Size, zRamp, offset);
                            Util.FastCopyIntoChannel(ss, allFrames[j + frameCount].Data);

                            // s and ss are guaranteed to use the same sheet
                            // because of the custom terrain sheet allocation
                            s = new SpriteWithSecondaryData(s, ss.Bounds, ss.Channel);


                var allSprites = variants.SelectMany(s => s);

                // Ignore the offsets baked into R8 sprites
                if (tileset.IgnoreTileSpriteOffsets)
                    allSprites = allSprites.Select(s => new Sprite(s.Sheet, s.Bounds, s.ZRamp, new float3(float2.Zero, s.Offset.Z), s.Channel, s.BlendMode));

                templates.Add(t.Value.Id, new TheaterTemplate(allSprites.ToArray(), variants.First().Count(), t.Value.Images.Length));

            // 1x1px transparent tile
            missingTile = sheetBuilder.Add(new byte[1], new Size(1, 1));

Exemplo n.º 9
        public Theater(TileSet tileset)
            this.tileset = tileset;
            var allocated = false;
            var type      = tileset.EnableDepth ? SheetType.DualIndexed : SheetType.Indexed;

            Func <Sheet> allocate = () =>
                if (allocated)
                    throw new SheetOverflowException("Terrain sheet overflow. Try increasing the tileset SheetSize parameter.");
                allocated = true;

                return(new Sheet(type, new Size(tileset.SheetSize, tileset.SheetSize)));

            sheetBuilder = new SheetBuilder(type, allocate);
            random       = new MersenneTwister();

            var frameCache = new FrameCache(Game.ModData.DefaultFileSystem, Game.ModData.SpriteLoaders);

            foreach (var t in tileset.Templates)
                var variants = new List <Sprite[]>();

                foreach (var i in t.Value.Images)
                    var allFrames  = frameCache[i];
                    var frameCount = tileset.EnableDepth ? allFrames.Length / 2 : allFrames.Length;
                    var indices    = t.Value.Frames != null ? t.Value.Frames : Enumerable.Range(0, frameCount);
                    variants.Add(indices.Select(j =>
                        var f = allFrames[j];
                        var s = sheetBuilder.Allocate(f.Size, f.Offset);
                        Util.FastCopyIntoChannel(s, 0, f.Data);

                        if (tileset.EnableDepth)
                            Util.FastCopyIntoChannel(s, 1, allFrames[j + frameCount].Data);


                var allSprites = variants.SelectMany(s => s);

                // Ignore the offsets baked into R8 sprites
                if (tileset.IgnoreTileSpriteOffsets)
                    allSprites = allSprites.Select(s => new Sprite(s.Sheet, s.Bounds, float2.Zero, s.Channel, s.BlendMode));

                templates.Add(t.Value.Id, new TheaterTemplate(allSprites.ToArray(), variants.First().Count(), t.Value.Images.Length));

            // 1x1px transparent tile
            missingTile = sheetBuilder.Add(new byte[1], new Size(1, 1));

Exemplo n.º 10
        public Theater(TileSet tileset)
            this.tileset = tileset;
            var allocated = false;

            Func<Sheet> allocate = () =>
                if (allocated)
                    throw new SheetOverflowException("Terrain sheet overflow. Try increasing the tileset SheetSize parameter.");
                allocated = true;

                return new Sheet(SheetType.Indexed, new Size(tileset.SheetSize, tileset.SheetSize));

            sheetBuilder = new SheetBuilder(SheetType.Indexed, allocate);
            random = new MersenneTwister();

            var frameCache = new FrameCache(Game.ModData.DefaultFileSystem, Game.ModData.SpriteLoaders);
            foreach (var t in tileset.Templates)
                var variants = new List<Sprite[]>();

                foreach (var i in t.Value.Images)
                    var allFrames = frameCache[i];
                    var frameCount = tileset.EnableDepth ? allFrames.Length / 2 : allFrames.Length;
                    var indices = t.Value.Frames != null ? t.Value.Frames : Enumerable.Range(0, frameCount);
                    variants.Add(indices.Select(j =>
                        var f = allFrames[j];
                        var tile = t.Value.Contains(j) ? t.Value[j] : null;

                        // The internal z axis is inverted from expectation (negative is closer)
                        var zOffset = tile != null ? -tile.ZOffset : 0;
                        var zRamp = tile != null ? tile.ZRamp : 1f;
                        var offset = new float3(f.Offset, zOffset);
                        var s = sheetBuilder.Allocate(f.Size, zRamp, offset);
                        Util.FastCopyIntoChannel(s, f.Data);

                        if (tileset.EnableDepth)
                            var ss = sheetBuilder.Allocate(f.Size, zRamp, offset);
                            Util.FastCopyIntoChannel(ss, allFrames[j + frameCount].Data);

                            // s and ss are guaranteed to use the same sheet
                            // because of the custom terrain sheet allocation
                            s = new SpriteWithSecondaryData(s, ss.Bounds, ss.Channel);

                        return s;

                var allSprites = variants.SelectMany(s => s);

                // Ignore the offsets baked into R8 sprites
                if (tileset.IgnoreTileSpriteOffsets)
                    allSprites = allSprites.Select(s => new Sprite(s.Sheet, s.Bounds, s.ZRamp, new float3(float2.Zero, s.Offset.Z), s.Channel, s.BlendMode));

                templates.Add(t.Value.Id, new TheaterTemplate(allSprites.ToArray(), variants.First().Count(), t.Value.Images.Length));

            // 1x1px transparent tile
            missingTile = sheetBuilder.Add(new byte[1], new Size(1, 1));

Exemplo n.º 11
        public Theater(TileSet tileset)
            this.tileset = tileset;
            var allocated = false;

            //Func<Sheet2D> allocate = () =>
            //	if (allocated)
            //		throw new SheetOverflowException("Terrain sheet overflow. Try increasing the tileset SheetSize parameter.");
            //	allocated = true;
            //	SheetBuilder2D shb= Game.worldRenderer.World.Map.Rules.Sequences.SpriteCache.SheetBuilder2D;
            //	return new Sheet2D(SheetType.Indexed, shb., shb.TextureArrayIndex);

            //SheetBuilder2D shb = Game.OrderManager.World.Map.Rules.Sequences.SpriteCache.SheetBuilder2D;

            //sheetBuilder2d = Game.OrderManager.World.Map.Rules.Sequences.SpriteCache.SheetBuilder2D;
            sheetBuilder2d = Game.SheetBuilder2D;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tileset.MegaTexture))
                sbMegaTexture = sheetBuilder2d;
            random = new MersenneTwister();

            var frameCache = new FrameCache(Game.ModData.DefaultFileSystem, Game.ModData.SpriteLoaders);

            //дл¤ каждого templates есть сво¤ коллекци¤ Sprites , это заполн¤етс¤ в цикле по tileset.Templates ниже
            foreach (var t in tileset.Templates)
                var variants = new List <Sprite[]>();

                foreach (var i in t.Value.Images)
                    var allFrames  = frameCache[i];
                    var frameCount = tileset.EnableDepth ? allFrames.Length / 2 : allFrames.Length;
                    var indices    = t.Value.Frames != null ? t.Value.Frames : Enumerable.Range(0, frameCount);
                    variants.Add(indices.Select(j =>
                        var f    = allFrames[j];
                        var tile = t.Value.Contains(j) ? t.Value[j] : null;

                        // The internal z axis is inverted from expectation (negative is closer)
                        var zOffset = tile != null ? -tile.ZOffset : 0;
                        var zRamp   = tile != null ? tile.ZRamp : 1f;
                        var offset  = new float3(f.Offset, zOffset);
                        var s       = sheetBuilder2d.Allocate(f.Size, zRamp, offset);
                        Util.FastCopyIntoChannel(s, f.Data);

                        if (tileset.EnableDepth)
                            var ss = sheetBuilder2d.Allocate(f.Size, zRamp, offset);
                            Util.FastCopyIntoChannel(ss, allFrames[j + frameCount].Data);

                            // s and ss are guaranteed to use the same sheet
                            // because of the custom terrain sheet allocation
                            s = new SpriteWithSecondaryData(s, s.Sheet, ss.Bounds, ss.Channel);


                var allSprites = variants.SelectMany(s => s);

                // Ignore the offsets baked into R8 sprites
                if (tileset.IgnoreTileSpriteOffsets)
                    allSprites = allSprites.Select(s => new Sprite(s.Sheet2D, s.Bounds, s.ZRamp, new float3(float2.Zero, s.Offset.Z), s.Channel, s.BlendMode));

                if (t.Value.Variants == "Calc")
                    templates.Add(t.Value.Id, new TheaterTemplate(allSprites.ToArray(), 1, variants.First().Count()));
                    templates.Add(t.Value.Id, new TheaterTemplate(allSprites.ToArray(), variants.First().Count(), t.Value.Images.Length));

            // 1x1px transparent tile
            missingTile = sheetBuilder2d.Add(new byte[1], new Size(1, 1));

Exemplo n.º 12
        public Theater(TileSet tileset, Action <uint, string> onMissingImage = null)
            this.tileset = tileset;
            var allocated = false;

            Func <Sheet> allocate = () =>
                if (allocated)
                    throw new SheetOverflowException("Terrain sheet overflow. Try increasing the tileset SheetSize parameter.");
                allocated = true;

                return(new Sheet(SheetType.Indexed, new Size(tileset.SheetSize, tileset.SheetSize)));

            random = new MersenneTwister();

            var frameCache = new FrameCache(Game.ModData.DefaultFileSystem, Game.ModData.SpriteLoaders);

            foreach (var t in tileset.Templates)
                var variants = new List <Sprite[]>();

                foreach (var i in t.Value.Images)
                    ISpriteFrame[] allFrames;
                    if (onMissingImage != null)
                            allFrames = frameCache[i];
                        catch (FileNotFoundException)
                            onMissingImage(t.Key, i);
                        allFrames = frameCache[i];

                    var frameCount = tileset.EnableDepth ? allFrames.Length / 2 : allFrames.Length;
                    var indices    = t.Value.Frames != null ? t.Value.Frames : Exts.MakeArray(t.Value.TilesCount, j => j);

                    var start = indices.Min();
                    var end   = indices.Max();
                    if (start < 0 || end >= frameCount)
                        throw new YamlException("Template `{0}` uses frames [{1}..{2}] of {3}, but only [0..{4}] actually exist"
                                                .F(t.Key, start, end, i, frameCount - 1));

                    variants.Add(indices.Select(j =>
                        var f    = allFrames[j];
                        var tile = t.Value.Contains(j) ? t.Value[j] : null;

                        // The internal z axis is inverted from expectation (negative is closer)
                        var zOffset = tile != null ? -tile.ZOffset : 0;
                        var zRamp   = tile != null ? tile.ZRamp : 1f;
                        var offset  = new float3(f.Offset, zOffset);
                        var type    = SheetBuilder.FrameTypeToSheetType(f.Type);

                        // Defer SheetBuilder creation until we know what type of frames we are loading!
                        // TODO: Support mixed indexed and BGRA frames
                        if (sheetBuilder == null)
                            sheetBuilder = new SheetBuilder(SheetBuilder.FrameTypeToSheetType(f.Type), allocate);
                        else if (type != sheetBuilder.Type)
                            throw new YamlException("Sprite type mismatch. Terrain sprites must all be either Indexed or RGBA.");

                        var s = sheetBuilder.Allocate(f.Size, zRamp, offset);
                        Util.FastCopyIntoChannel(s, f.Data);

                        if (tileset.EnableDepth)
                            var ss = sheetBuilder.Allocate(f.Size, zRamp, offset);
                            Util.FastCopyIntoChannel(ss, allFrames[j + frameCount].Data);

                            // s and ss are guaranteed to use the same sheet
                            // because of the custom terrain sheet allocation
                            s = new SpriteWithSecondaryData(s, s.Sheet, ss.Bounds, ss.Channel);


                var allSprites = variants.SelectMany(s => s);

                // Ignore the offsets baked into R8 sprites
                if (tileset.IgnoreTileSpriteOffsets)
                    allSprites = allSprites.Select(s => new Sprite(s.Sheet, s.Bounds, s.ZRamp, new float3(float2.Zero, s.Offset.Z), s.Channel, s.BlendMode));

                if (onMissingImage != null && !variants.Any())

                templates.Add(t.Value.Id, new TheaterTemplate(allSprites.ToArray(), variants.First().Count(), t.Value.Images.Length));

            // 1x1px transparent tile
            missingTile = sheetBuilder.Add(new byte[sheetBuilder.Type == SheetType.BGRA ? 4 : 1], new Size(1, 1));
