Exemplo n.º 1
        public int GetJXP(NpcMonster monster, Group group)
            int partySize = 1;
            double partyPenalty = 1d;

            if (group != null)
                int levelSum = group.Characters.Sum(g => g.Character.Level);
                partySize = group.CharacterCount;
                partyPenalty = 12 / partySize / (double)levelSum;

            // monster jobxp / penalty * rate
            int jobxp = (int)Math.Round(monster.JobXP * CharacterHelper.ExperiencePenalty(Level, monster.Level) * ServerManager.XPRate);

            // divide jobexp by multiplication of partyPenalty with level e.g. 57 * 0,014...
            if (partySize > 1 && group != null)
                jobxp = (int)Math.Round(jobxp / (Level * partyPenalty));

            return jobxp;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public long GetXP(NpcMonster monster, Group group)
            int partySize = 1;
            double partyPenalty = 1d;
            int levelDifference = Level - monster.Level;

            if (group != null)
                int levelSum = group.Characters.Sum(g => g.Character.Level);
                partySize = group.CharacterCount;
                partyPenalty = 12 / partySize / (double)levelSum;

            // xp calculation dependant on level difference
            long xpcalculation = levelDifference < 5 ? monster.XP : monster.XP / 3 * 2;

            // xp calculation / penalty * rate
            long xp = (long)Math.Round(xpcalculation * CharacterHelper.ExperiencePenalty(Level, monster.Level) * ServerManager.XPRate);

            // bonus percentage calculation for level 1 - 5 and difference of levels bigger or equal
            // to 4
            if (Level <= 5 && levelDifference < -4)
                xp += xp / 2;
            if (monster.Level >= 75)
                xp *= 2;

            // divide exp by multiplication of partyPenalty with level e.g. 57 * 0,014...
            if (partySize > 1 && group != null)
                xp = (long)Math.Round(xp / (Level * partyPenalty));

            return xp;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public string GenerateFamilyMember(Group group)
     string str = "gmbr 0";
     if (group != null)
         foreach (ClientSession groupClientSession in group.Characters)
             str +=
                 $" {groupClientSession.Character.CharacterId}|0|{groupClientSession.Character.Name}|{groupClientSession.Character.Level}|{groupClientSession.Character.Class}|0|0|{groupClientSession.Character.Gender}|0";
     return str;