Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Grabs HTML copied in the clipboard and pastes it into the document (pulls in a copy of embedded content too)
        /// </summary>
        protected override bool DoInsertData(DataAction action, MarkupPointer begin, MarkupPointer end)
            using (new WaitCursor())
                    // get the list of files from the data meister
                    FileItem[] files = DataMeister.FileData.Files;

                    string[] filePaths = new string[files.Length];
                    // create an array of file entities to insert
                    for (int i = 0; i < files.Length; i++)
                        filePaths[i] = files[i].ContentsPath;

                    string html = EditorContext.HtmlGenerationService.GenerateHtmlFromFiles(filePaths);
                    EditorContext.InsertHtml(begin, end, html, null);

                    //place the caret at the end of the inserted content
                    //EditorContext.MoveCaretToMarkupPointer(end, true);
                    return true;
                catch (Exception e)
                    //bugfix 1696, put exceptions into the trace log.
                    Trace.Fail("Exception while inserting HTML: " + e.Message, e.StackTrace);
                    return false;
        protected override bool DoInsertData(DataAction action, MarkupPointer begin, MarkupPointer end)
            // get the table and its cells
            IHTMLTable sourceTable = GetSourceTable(DataMeister);
            IHTMLElementCollection cells = (sourceTable as IHTMLElement2).getElementsByTagName("td");

            // single-cell tables just get the innerHTML of the cell pasted at the selection
            if (cells.length == 1)
                IHTMLElement cell = cells.item(0, 0) as IHTMLElement;
                EditorContext.InsertHtml(begin, end, cell.innerHTML, UrlHelper.GetBaseUrl(DataMeister.HTMLData.SourceURL));
                // if we are inside a table
                TableSelection tableSelection = new TableSelection(EditorContext.MarkupServices.CreateMarkupRange(begin, end));
                if (tableSelection.Table != null)
                    // paste the source cells into the table
                    PasteCellsIntoTable(sourceTable, tableSelection);
                    // get table html (make sure width matches # of rows selected)
                    string html = (sourceTable as IHTMLElement).outerHTML;

                    // insert the html (nests within an undo unit)
                    EditorContext.InsertHtml(begin, end, html, UrlHelper.GetBaseUrl(DataMeister.HTMLData.SourceURL));

            return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Insert html at the given pointer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="html"></param>
        /// <param name="insertionPoint"></param>
        public void InsertHtml(string html, MarkupPointer insertionPoint)
            MarkupRange content = CreateMarkupRange();

            ParseString(html, content.Start, content.End);

            Move(content.Start, content.End, insertionPoint);
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Create an unpositioned MarkupRange.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public MarkupRange CreateMarkupRange()
            MarkupPointer start = CreateMarkupPointer();
            MarkupPointer end   = CreateMarkupPointer();

            end.Gravity = _POINTER_GRAVITY.POINTER_GRAVITY_Right;
            return(CreateMarkupRange(start, end));
Exemplo n.º 5
 public void EnsureStartIsBeforeEnd()
     if (Start.IsRightOf(End))
         MarkupPointer temp = End.Clone();
         End   = Start.Clone();
         Start = temp;
Exemplo n.º 6
 public void Normalize()
     if (Start.IsRightOf(End))
         MarkupPointer tmp = Start;
         Start = End;
         End   = tmp;
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Walk through the markup range in reverse, letting the walker visit each position.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="walker">the delegate walking navigating the the markup range</param>
        /// <param name="inScopeElementsOnly">if true, enter/exit notifications about out-of-scope elements will be suppressed.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public void WalkRangeReverse(MarkupRangeWalker walker, bool inScopeContextsOnly)
            MarkupPointer p1 = MarkupServices.CreateMarkupPointer(End);
            MarkupPointer p2 = MarkupServices.CreateMarkupPointer(End);

            p1.Cling = false;
            p2.Cling = false;
            MarkupContext context         = new MarkupContext();
            bool          continueWalking = true;
            MarkupRange   currentRange    = null;

            while (continueWalking && p2.IsRightOf(Start))
                string text      = null;
                bool   isInScope = true;

                p2.Left(true, context);
                currentRange = new MarkupRange(p2.Clone(), p1.Clone(), MarkupServices);

                if (inScopeContextsOnly)
                    if (context.Element != null)
                        if (context.Context == _MARKUP_CONTEXT_TYPE.CONTEXT_TYPE_EnterScope)
                            p1.MoveAdjacentToElement(context.Element, _ELEMENT_ADJACENCY.ELEM_ADJ_AfterEnd);
                            isInScope = InRange(p1);
                        else if (context.Context == _MARKUP_CONTEXT_TYPE.CONTEXT_TYPE_ExitScope)
                            p1.MoveAdjacentToElement(context.Element, _ELEMENT_ADJACENCY.ELEM_ADJ_BeforeBegin);
                            isInScope = InRange(p1);
                    else if (context.Context == _MARKUP_CONTEXT_TYPE.CONTEXT_TYPE_Text)
                        // It's possible part of the text is out of scope, so only return the in-scope text.
                        if (currentRange.Start.IsLeftOf(Start))

                if (context.Context == _MARKUP_CONTEXT_TYPE.CONTEXT_TYPE_Text)
                    text = currentRange.Text;

                if (!inScopeContextsOnly || isInScope)
                    continueWalking = walker(currentRange, context, text);

 /// <summary>
 /// Create a text range spanning the specified markup positions.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="start">the start point of the text range</param>
 /// <param name="end">the end point of the text range</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public IHTMLTxtRange CreateTextRange(MarkupPointer start, MarkupPointer end)
     // when switching between wywiwyg and source view sometimes .body is null
     // and this throws a null ref exception that we catch (can be detected by enabling
     // exception breaking in the debugger)
     IHTMLTxtRange range = (Document.body as IHTMLBodyElement).createTextRange();
     MarkupServices.MoveRangeToPointers(start, end, range);
     return range;
Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Condenses this range into the smallest well-formed state that still contains the same
        /// text markup.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool Trim()
            MarkupPointer newStart = MarkupServices.CreateMarkupPointer(Start);
            MarkupPointer newEnd   = MarkupServices.CreateMarkupPointer(End);
            MarkupContext context  = new MarkupContext();

            //set newStart adjacent to the first text element to its right
            newStart.Right(true, context);
            while (!HasContentBetween(Start, newStart) && newStart.IsLeftOf(End))
                newStart.Right(true, context);
            if (HasContentBetween(Start, newStart))
                newStart.Left(true); //we overstepped the text, so back up one step
            //set newEnd adjacent to the first text element to its left
            newEnd.Left(true, context);
            while (!HasContentBetween(newEnd, End) && newEnd.IsRightOf(Start))
                newEnd.Left(true, context);
            if (HasContentBetween(newEnd, End))
                newEnd.Right(true); //we overstepped the text, so back up one step
            IHTMLElement sharedParent = GetSharedParent(newStart, newEnd);

            //span the start and end pointers as siblings by finding the parents of start and end
            //pointers that are direct children of the sharedParent
            IHTMLElement child = GetOuterMostChildOfParent(newStart, true, sharedParent);

            if (child != null)
                newStart.MoveAdjacentToElement(child, _ELEMENT_ADJACENCY.ELEM_ADJ_BeforeBegin);

            child = GetOuterMostChildOfParent(newEnd, false, sharedParent);
            if (child != null)
                newEnd.MoveAdjacentToElement(child, _ELEMENT_ADJACENCY.ELEM_ADJ_AfterEnd);

            if (!HasContentBetween(newStart, Start) && !HasContentBetween(End, newEnd) &&
                !(Start.IsEqualTo(newStart) && End.IsEqualTo(newEnd)))
                //the range didn't change, so return false.
Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a copy of this markup pointer that is positioned at the same location.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public MarkupPointer Clone()
            MarkupPointer p = MarkupServices.CreateMarkupPointer(this);

            p.Cling        = Cling;
            p.Gravity      = Gravity;
            p.clingStack   = (Stack)clingStack.Clone();
            p.gravityStack = (Stack)gravityStack.Clone();
Exemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a text range spanning the specified markup positions.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="start">the start point of the text range</param>
        /// <param name="end">the end point of the text range</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IHTMLTxtRange CreateTextRange(MarkupPointer start, MarkupPointer end)
            // when switching between wywiwyg and source view sometimes .body is null
            // and this throws a null ref exception that we catch (can be detected by enabling
            // exception breaking in the debugger)
            IHTMLTxtRange range = (Document.body as IHTMLBodyElement).createTextRange();

            MarkupServices.MoveRangeToPointers(start, end, range);
Exemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a MarkupRange from a TextRange.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="textRange"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public MarkupRange CreateMarkupRange(IHTMLTxtRange textRange)
            MarkupPointer Begin = CreateMarkupPointer();
            MarkupPointer End   = CreateMarkupPointer();

            End.Gravity = _POINTER_GRAVITY.POINTER_GRAVITY_Right;
            MovePointersToRange(textRange, Begin, End);
            MarkupRange markupRange = new MarkupRange(Begin, End, this);

Exemplo n.º 13
 private static void MovePointer(MarkupPointer p, MoveDirection d, MarkupContext context)
     if (d == MoveDirection.LEFT)
         p.Left(true, context);
         p.Right(true, context);
Exemplo n.º 14
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns true if the specified pointer is in a position between, or equal to this range's Start/End points.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="p"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public bool InRange(MarkupPointer p, bool allowEquals)
     if (allowEquals)
         return(Start.IsLeftOfOrEqualTo(p) && End.IsRightOfOrEqualTo(p));
         return(Start.IsLeftOf(p) && End.IsRightOf(p));
Exemplo n.º 15
 private static bool CheckMoveBoundary(MarkupPointer p, MarkupPointer boundary, MoveDirection d)
     if (d == MoveDirection.LEFT)
 public override bool ShouldMoveDropLocationRight(MarkupPointer dropLocation)
     MarkupContext mc = new MarkupContext();
     dropLocation.Right(false, mc);
     if (mc.Context == _MARKUP_CONTEXT_TYPE.CONTEXT_TYPE_EnterScope && ElementFilters.IsBlockElement(mc.Element) && !ContentSourceManager.IsSmartContent(mc.Element))
         dropLocation.Left(false, mc);
         if (mc.Context == _MARKUP_CONTEXT_TYPE.CONTEXT_TYPE_EnterScope && ElementFilters.IsBlockElement(mc.Element))
             return true;
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a MarkupRange from that surrounds an Element.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public MarkupRange CreateMarkupRange(IHTMLElement element, bool outside)
            MarkupPointer      Begin    = CreateMarkupPointer(element, beginAdj);
            MarkupPointer      End      = CreateMarkupPointer(element, endAdj);

            End.Gravity = _POINTER_GRAVITY.POINTER_GRAVITY_Right;
            MarkupRange markupRange = new MarkupRange(Begin, End, this);

        public TypographicCharacterHandler(MarkupRange currentSelection, InsertHtml insertHtml, IBlogPostImageEditingContext imageEditingContext, IHTMLElement postBodyElement, char c, string htmlText, MarkupPointer blockBoundary)
            _currentSelection = currentSelection.Clone();
            _currentSelection.Start.Gravity = _POINTER_GRAVITY.POINTER_GRAVITY_Right;
            _currentSelection.End.Gravity = _POINTER_GRAVITY.POINTER_GRAVITY_Left;
            _insertHtml = insertHtml;
            _imageEditingContext = imageEditingContext;
            _postBodyElement = postBodyElement;

            this.c = c;
            this.htmlText = htmlText;
            this.blockBoundary = blockBoundary;
Exemplo n.º 19
        private static void AdjustMarkupRangeCore(MarkupRange range, int offset, int length, string currentText)
            MarkupPointer start = range.Start;
            MarkupPointer end   = range.End;

            if (offset > 0)
                start.MoveToMarkupPosition(start.Container, start.MarkupPosition + offset);
            if (length < (offset + currentText.Length))
                end.MoveToMarkupPosition(start.Container, start.MarkupPosition + length);
Exemplo n.º 20
        public static void PerformImageBreakout(MarkupPointer p)
            Direction dir = ImageBreakout(p);

            if (dir == Direction.Right)
                p.MoveAdjacentToElement(p.CurrentScope, _ELEMENT_ADJACENCY.ELEM_ADJ_AfterEnd);

            if (dir == Direction.Left)
                p.MoveAdjacentToElement(p.CurrentScope, _ELEMENT_ADJACENCY.ELEM_ADJ_BeforeBegin);
Exemplo n.º 21
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns true if the specified element begins and ends within the range.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool isInScope(IHTMLElement e)
            MarkupPointer p = MarkupServices.CreateMarkupPointer(e, _ELEMENT_ADJACENCY.ELEM_ADJ_BeforeBegin);

            if (p.IsRightOfOrEqualTo(Start))
                p = MarkupServices.CreateMarkupPointer(e, _ELEMENT_ADJACENCY.ELEM_ADJ_AfterEnd);
                if (p.IsLeftOfOrEqualTo(End))
Exemplo n.º 22
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a MarkupContainer that contains the results of parsing the contents of a string.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="html">html content to parse</param>
        /// <param name="start">pointer to position at the beginning of the parsed content (null is allowed)</param>
        /// <param name="end">pointer to position at the end of the parsed content (null is allowed)</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public MarkupContainer ParseString(string html, MarkupPointer start, MarkupPointer end)
            if (start == null)
                start = CreateMarkupPointer();
            if (end == null)
                end = CreateMarkupPointer();
            IMarkupContainerRaw container;

            MarkupServices.ParseString(html, 0, out container, start.PointerRaw, end.PointerRaw);
            return(new MarkupContainer(this, container));
Exemplo n.º 23
        public static void SplitBlockForInsertionOrBreakout(MshtmlMarkupServices markupServices, MarkupRange bounds, MarkupPointer insertAt)
            IHTMLElement currentBlock = insertAt.GetParentElement(ElementFilters.BLOCK_OR_TABLE_CELL_ELEMENTS);

            if (currentBlock == null)

            if (ElementFilters.IsBlockQuoteElement(currentBlock) || ElementFilters.IsTableCellElement(currentBlock))

            MarkupPointer blockStart = markupServices.CreateMarkupPointer(currentBlock, _ELEMENT_ADJACENCY.ELEM_ADJ_BeforeBegin);
            MarkupPointer blockEnd   = markupServices.CreateMarkupPointer(currentBlock, _ELEMENT_ADJACENCY.ELEM_ADJ_AfterEnd);

            if (bounds != null && (blockStart.IsLeftOf(bounds.Start) || blockEnd.IsRightOf(bounds.End)))

            // Don't split if at the beginning or end of the visible content in the block.
            // Instead just move the insertion point outside the block.
            MarkupRange testRange = markupServices.CreateMarkupRange();

            testRange.End.MoveAdjacentToElement(currentBlock, _ELEMENT_ADJACENCY.ELEM_ADJ_BeforeEnd);
            if (testRange.IsEmptyOfContent())
                insertAt.MoveAdjacentToElement(currentBlock, _ELEMENT_ADJACENCY.ELEM_ADJ_AfterEnd);
            testRange.Start.MoveAdjacentToElement(currentBlock, _ELEMENT_ADJACENCY.ELEM_ADJ_AfterBegin);
            if (testRange.IsEmptyOfContent())
                insertAt.MoveAdjacentToElement(currentBlock, _ELEMENT_ADJACENCY.ELEM_ADJ_BeforeBegin);

            MarkupPointer moveTarget = markupServices.CreateMarkupPointer(blockEnd);

            markupServices.Move(insertAt, blockEnd, moveTarget);
            insertAt.MoveAdjacentToElement(currentBlock, _ELEMENT_ADJACENCY.ELEM_ADJ_AfterEnd);
Exemplo n.º 24
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns null if ranges do not intersect
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="range"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public MarkupRange Intersect(MarkupRange range)
            MarkupPointer maxStart = Start.IsRightOf(range.Start) ? Start : range.Start;
            MarkupPointer minEnd   = End.IsLeftOf(range.End) ? End : range.End;

            if (minEnd.IsLeftOf(maxStart))

            MarkupRange intersection = MarkupServices.CreateMarkupRange();


Exemplo n.º 25
        /// <summary>
        /// Shrinks the range until further shrinking would exclude text that is currently in the range.
        /// </summary>
        public void SelectInner()
            // Without this check, the start pointer can move outside
            // of the current container tag (e.g. ...text...|</p> => </p>|)
            if (IsEmpty())


            // Move the start until you hit text
            MarkupPointer innerStart = GetFirstTextPoint(Start, true);
            MarkupPointer innerEnd   = GetFirstTextPoint(End, false);

            Start = innerStart;
            End   = innerEnd;
Exemplo n.º 26
        //this is similar to the GetTopLevelElements except will also return table cells if correct filter
        // is set and recurse is equal to true
        public IHTMLElement[] GetTopLevelBlocksAndCells(IHTMLElementFilter filter, bool recurse)
            ArrayList list         = new ArrayList();
            Hashtable usedElements = new Hashtable();

            MarkupPointer p       = MarkupServices.CreateMarkupPointer(Start);
            MarkupContext context = p.Right(false);

            //move p through the range to locate each of the top level elements
            while (p.IsLeftOf(End))
                if (context.Context == _MARKUP_CONTEXT_TYPE.CONTEXT_TYPE_EnterScope || context.Context == _MARKUP_CONTEXT_TYPE.CONTEXT_TYPE_NoScope)
                    p.MoveAdjacentToElement(context.Element, _ELEMENT_ADJACENCY.ELEM_ADJ_AfterEnd);
                    if (usedElements[context.Element] == null)
                        if (p.IsLeftOfOrEqualTo(End) && (filter == null || filter(context.Element)))
                        //special case--inside of a table element, want to get out the cells inside
                        else if (recurse && ElementFilters.TABLE_ELEMENTS(context.Element))
                            MarkupRange newRange = MarkupServices.CreateMarkupRange(context.Element);
                            newRange.Start.MoveAdjacentToElement(context.Element, _ELEMENT_ADJACENCY.ELEM_ADJ_AfterBegin);
                            if (newRange.Start.IsLeftOf(Start))
                            if (newRange.End.IsRightOf(End))
                            //recursively check inside table element for table cells
                            list.AddRange(newRange.GetTopLevelBlocksAndCells(filter, true));
                        //cache the fact that we've already tested this element.
                        usedElements[context.Element] = context.Element;
                p.Right(true, context);
Exemplo n.º 27
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if the MarkupPointer is inside of an anchor that only contains
        /// an image, and if so, moves the pointer to be outside the anchor.
        /// This prevents cases where hyperlinked images were getting nested inside
        /// of each other as a result of drag and drop.
        /// </summary>
        public static Direction ImageBreakout(MarkupPointer p)
            //   If inside <a><img></a>, then move to outside
            IHTMLElement currentScope = p.CurrentScope;

            if (currentScope is IHTMLAnchorElement)
                IHTMLDOMNode anchor = (IHTMLDOMNode)currentScope;
                if (anchor.hasChildNodes() && anchor.firstChild is IHTMLImgElement && anchor.firstChild.nextSibling == null)
                    // Figure out if we are positioned before or after the image; this will determine
                    // whether we want to move before or after the anchor
                    return((p.Right(false).Element is IHTMLImgElement)
                                                              ? Direction.Left
                                                              : Direction.Right);
Exemplo n.º 28
        /// <summary>
        /// Grabs text copied in the clipboard and pastes it into the document
        /// </summary>
        protected override bool DoInsertData(DataAction action, MarkupPointer begin, MarkupPointer end)
                // get the text data as a string
                string textData = DataMeister.TextData.Text;
                string html = EditorContext.HtmlGenerationService.GenerateHtmlFromPlainText(textData);

                //insert captured content into the document
                EditorContext.InsertHtml(begin, end, html, null);
                return true;
            catch (Exception e)
                //bugfix 1696, put exceptions into the trace log.
                Trace.Fail("Exception while inserting URL: " + e.Message, e.StackTrace);
                return false;
Exemplo n.º 29
        public static void TraceMoveToMarkupPointer(IDisplayPointerRaw displayPointer, MarkupPointer markupPointer)
                if (displayPointer == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Unexpected null display pointer.");

                if (markupPointer == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Unexpected null markup pointer.");

                //position a display pointer on the same line as the markup pointer
                displayPointer.MoveToMarkupPointer(markupPointer.PointerRaw, null);
            catch (Exception e)
                Trace.Fail("Unexpected exception in TraceMoveToMarkupPointer: " + e.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 30
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve the parent of a child element that is closest to an outer parent element.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="from">the position to move move out from</param>
        /// <param name="lookRight">if true, look right for the inner child to start from, otherwise look left</param>
        /// <param name="outerParent">parent element to move out to</param>
        /// <returns>the direct child of the outerparent that contains the innerChild</returns>
        IHTMLElement GetOuterMostChildOfParent(MarkupPointer from, bool lookRight, IHTMLElement outerParent)
            MarkupContext lookContext = new MarkupContext();

            if (lookRight)
                from.Right(false, lookContext);
                from.Left(false, lookContext);

            //if there is a new element coming into scope, start the search from there,
            //otherwise, start from the currentScope.
            IHTMLElement innerChild;

            if (lookContext.Context == _MARKUP_CONTEXT_TYPE.CONTEXT_TYPE_EnterScope)
                innerChild = lookContext.Element;
                innerChild = from.CurrentScope;

            IHTMLElement parent      = innerChild;
            IHTMLElement innerParent = innerChild;

            while (parent != outerParent && parent != null)
                innerParent = parent;
                parent      = parent.parentElement;
            Debug.Assert(innerParent != null, "Parent not found");

            if (innerParent == outerParent) //occurs when the from pointer is position directly in the parent.
Exemplo n.º 31
        public IHTMLElement SeekElementRight(IHTMLElementFilter filter, MarkupPointer boundaryPointer)
            // initialize markup context used to track seeking
            MarkupContext markupContext = new MarkupContext();

            markupContext.Context = _MARKUP_CONTEXT_TYPE.CONTEXT_TYPE_NoScope;

            while ((boundaryPointer == null || IsLeftOf(boundaryPointer)) &&                          // apply boundary if one exists
                   (markupContext.Context != _MARKUP_CONTEXT_TYPE.CONTEXT_TYPE_None))                 // otherwise use end of document
                Right(true, markupContext);

                IHTMLElement element = markupContext.Element;

                if (element != null && filter(element))

            // none found
Exemplo n.º 32
        private MarkupPointer GetFirstTextPoint(MarkupPointer from, bool forward)
            MarkupPointer firstTextPoint = from.Clone();

            MarkupContext context     = new MarkupContext();
            bool          keepLooking = true;

                if (forward)
                    firstTextPoint.Right(false, context);
                    firstTextPoint.Left(false, context);

                if (context.Context == _MARKUP_CONTEXT_TYPE.CONTEXT_TYPE_Text)

                if (forward)
                    firstTextPoint.Right(true, context);
                    keepLooking = context.Element != null && firstTextPoint.IsLeftOf(End);
                    firstTextPoint.Left(true, context);
                    keepLooking = context.Element != null && firstTextPoint.IsRightOf(Start);
            } while (keepLooking);

Exemplo n.º 33
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the elements in the range that match the filter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filter">the delegate testing each element to determine if it should be added to the list of elements to return</param>
        /// <param name="inScopeElementsOnly">if true, the only</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IHTMLElement[] GetElements(IHTMLElementFilter filter, bool inScopeElementsOnly)
            ArrayList list = new ArrayList();

            if (!IsEmpty())
                Hashtable     usedElements = new Hashtable();
                MarkupPointer p            = MarkupServices.CreateMarkupPointer(Start);
                MarkupPointer end          = MarkupServices.CreateMarkupPointer(End);
                MarkupContext context      = p.Right(false);

                //move p through the range to locate each the elements adding elements that pass the filter
                while (p.IsLeftOfOrEqualTo(end))
                    if (context.Context == _MARKUP_CONTEXT_TYPE.CONTEXT_TYPE_EnterScope ||
                        context.Context == _MARKUP_CONTEXT_TYPE.CONTEXT_TYPE_ExitScope ||
                        context.Context == _MARKUP_CONTEXT_TYPE.CONTEXT_TYPE_NoScope)
                        if (usedElements[context.Element] == null)
                            if ((inScopeElementsOnly && isInScope(context.Element)) || !inScopeElementsOnly)
                                if (filter(context.Element))

                            //cache the fact that we've already tested this element.
                            usedElements[context.Element] = context.Element;
                    p.Right(true, context);
        private static void MoveUnitBounded(MarkupPointer p, MoveDirection direction, MoveContextFilter continueFilter, MarkupPointer boundary)
            MarkupPointer p1 = p.Clone();
            MarkupPointer lastGoodPosition = p.Clone();
            MarkupContext context = new MarkupContext();
            MoveFilterResult result = MoveFilterResult.CONTINUE;
            while (CheckMoveBoundary(p1, boundary, direction) && result == MoveFilterResult.CONTINUE)
                MovePointer(p1, direction, context);
                result = continueFilter(context);
            if (result == MoveFilterResult.CONTINUE)
                //we hit the boundary, so position pointer at the boundary
            else if (result == MoveFilterResult.STOP_BACK)

 public bool IsAdjacentToWordEnd(MarkupPointer p)
     lock (_p)
         return _p.IsEqualTo(p);
Exemplo n.º 36
 private float GetFontSizeAt(MarkupPointer location)
     IDisplayServicesRaw displayServices = (IDisplayServicesRaw)HTMLDocument;
     IHTMLComputedStyle computedStyle;
     displayServices.GetComputedStyle(location.PointerRaw, out computedStyle);
     float pixels = DisplayHelper.TwipsToPixelsY(computedStyle.fontSize);
     float points = HTMLElementHelper.PixelsToPointSize(pixels, true);
     return points;
 public void MoveToWordEnd(MarkupPointer p)
     lock (_p)
         // If CurrentScope is null, this means we have walked off the end of the
         // document, in that case we don't want to move the pointer, at is already
         // at the end of word.
         if (_p2.IsLeftOfOrEqualTo(_p) && _p.CurrentScope != null)
         //else, the pointer is already at the end of the current word
Exemplo n.º 38
 private IDisposable CreateDamageTracking(MarkupPointer end, bool p)
     return _damageServices.CreateDamageTracker(end, end, true);
Exemplo n.º 39
 /// <summary>
 /// Moves the pointer one unit, but not past a given markup pointer's position.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="muAction"></param>
 public void MoveUnitBounded(_MOVEUNIT_ACTION muAction, MarkupPointer boundary)
     (PointerRaw as IMarkupPointer2Raw).MoveUnitBounded(muAction, boundary.PointerRaw);
        /// <summary>
        /// Inserts the extended entry break into the editor at the specified location.
        /// </summary>
        internal IHTMLElement InsertExtendedEntryBreak(MarkupPointer insertionPoint)
            IHTMLElement entryBreakDiv = EditorContext.MarkupServices.CreateElement(_ELEMENT_TAG_ID.TAGID_DIV, null);
            IHTMLElement postBodyElement = HTMLElement;
                //insert the entryBreak DIV into the beginning of the post body
                entryBreakDiv.id = EXTENDED_ENTRY_ID;
                entryBreakDiv.setAttribute("name", EXTENDED_ENTRY_ID, 0);

                MarkupRange markupRange = EditorContext.MarkupServices.CreateMarkupRange();
                markupRange.MoveToElement(postBodyElement, false);
                EditorContext.MarkupServices.InsertElement(entryBreakDiv, markupRange.Start, markupRange.End);

                //move all content that should stay above the extended entry line, above the entryBreakDiv
                //this effectively forces all open tags to be closed, and leaves the insertion point below
                //the extended entry line (with the pre-insert parent tree still intact.
                markupRange.Start.MoveAdjacentToElement(entryBreakDiv, _ELEMENT_ADJACENCY.ELEM_ADJ_AfterEnd);
                MarkupPointer target = EditorContext.MarkupServices.CreateMarkupPointer(entryBreakDiv, _ELEMENT_ADJACENCY.ELEM_ADJ_BeforeBegin);
                EditorContext.MarkupServices.Move(markupRange.Start, markupRange.End, target);

            return entryBreakDiv;
        private IHTMLElement GetNextElement(MarkupPointer start, MarkupRange boundaries, IHTMLElementFilter filter, bool forward)
            start = start.Clone();
            MarkupPointer boundary = forward ? boundaries.End : boundaries.Start;
            MarkupContext moveResult = new MarkupContext();

            //advance the pointer
            if (forward)
                start.Right(true, moveResult);
                start.Left(true, moveResult);

            while (forward ? start.IsLeftOf(boundary) : start.IsRightOf(boundary))
                if (moveResult.Element != null && moveResult.Context != skipContext && filter(moveResult.Element))
                    return moveResult.Element;
                //advance the pointer
                if (forward)
                    start.Right(true, moveResult);
                    start.Left(true, moveResult);
            return null;
Exemplo n.º 42
        private bool OverwriteDestinationBlockIfEmpty(MarkupPointer destinationStart, MarkupRange bounds)
            bool blockOverwritten = false;
            IHTMLElement parentBlockElement = destinationStart.GetParentElement(ElementFilters.BLOCK_ELEMENTS);
            if (parentBlockElement != null)
                MarkupRange parentBlockRange = MarkupServices.CreateMarkupRange(parentBlockElement, false);
                if (bounds.InRange(parentBlockRange, false))
                    if (PrimaryEditableBounds == null || PrimaryEditableBounds.InRange(parentBlockRange))
                        if (parentBlockRange.IsEmptyOfContent())
                            parentBlockRange.MoveToElement(parentBlockElement, true);
                            DeleteContentNoCling(parentBlockRange.Start, parentBlockRange.End);
                            // Check to see if the delete we just did caused the insertion point to be
                            // to become a no longer positioned, and if it did we move it to the start
                            // of what we deleted
                            if (!destinationStart.Positioned)
                                //Debug.WriteLine("Invalid pointer after delete, moving the target pointer to the start of the deleted markup.");

                            blockOverwritten = true;
            return blockOverwritten;
 public IDisposable CreateDamageTracker(MarkupPointer start, MarkupPointer end, bool includeAdjacentWords)
     if (DamageTrackingEnabled)
         return new DamageTracker(this, start, end, includeAdjacentWords);
         return null;
Exemplo n.º 44
        public static void MoveUnitBounded(MarkupPointer p, MoveDirection direction, MarkupPointerAdjacency stopRule, MarkupPointer boundary)
            MoveContextFilter filter = CreateMoveContextFilter(stopRule);

            MoveUnitBounded(p, direction, filter, boundary);
Exemplo n.º 45
        private static void MoveUnitBounded(MarkupPointer p, MoveDirection direction, MoveContextFilter continueFilter, MarkupPointer boundary)
            MarkupPointer    p1 = p.Clone();
            MarkupPointer    lastGoodPosition = p.Clone();
            MarkupContext    context          = new MarkupContext();
            MoveFilterResult result           = MoveFilterResult.CONTINUE;

            while (CheckMoveBoundary(p1, boundary, direction) && result == MoveFilterResult.CONTINUE)
                MovePointer(p1, direction, context);
                result = continueFilter(context);
            if (result == MoveFilterResult.CONTINUE)
                //we hit the boundary, so position pointer at the boundary
            else if (result == MoveFilterResult.STOP_BACK)

Exemplo n.º 46
 void IHtmlMarshallingTarget.InsertHtml(MarkupPointer start, MarkupPointer end, string html, string sourceUrl)
     InsertHtml(start, end, html, sourceUrl, true);
Exemplo n.º 47
        /// <summary>
        /// Utility for deleting a range of content while suppressing pointer cling.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="start"></param>
        /// <param name="end"></param>
        private void DeleteContentNoCling(MarkupPointer start, MarkupPointer end)

                DeleteContent(start, end);
Exemplo n.º 48
 /// <summary>
 /// Delete the content between 2 pointers from the document.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="start"></param>
 /// <param name="end"></param>
 private void DeleteContent(MarkupPointer start, MarkupPointer end)
     MarkupRange range = MarkupServices.CreateMarkupRange(start, end);
Exemplo n.º 49
        /// <summary>
        /// Grabs HTML copied in the clipboard and pastes it into the document (pulls in a copy of embedded content too)
        /// </summary>
        protected override bool DoInsertData(DataAction action, MarkupPointer begin, MarkupPointer end)
            using (new WaitCursor())
                    //StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder();
                    //html.AppendFormat("<a href=\"{0}\">{1}</a>", DataMeister.URLData.URL, DataMeister.URLData.Title);
                    string html = EditorContext.HtmlGenerationService.GenerateHtmlFromLink(Url, Title, Title, String.Empty, false);
                    EditorContext.InsertHtml(begin, end, html, null);

                    //place the caret at the end of the inserted content
                    //EditorContext.MoveCaretToMarkupPointer(end, true);
                    return true;
                catch (Exception e)
                    //bugfix 1696, put exceptions into the trace log.
                    Trace.Fail("Exception while inserting URL: " + e.Message, e.StackTrace);
                    return false;
 public DamageTracker(HtmlEditorControlDamageServices damageServices, MarkupPointer start, MarkupPointer end, bool includeAdjacentWords)
     _damageServices = damageServices;
     _damageRange = damageServices.wordRangeDamager.CreateDamageTrackingRange(start, end, includeAdjacentWords);
Exemplo n.º 51
 protected virtual bool ContentIsDeletableForInsert(MarkupPointer start, MarkupPointer end)
     return true;
 internal MarkupRange CreateDamageTrackingRange(MarkupPointer start, MarkupPointer end, bool includeAdjecentWords)
     MarkupRange range = _mshtmlEditor.MshtmlControl.MarkupServices.CreateMarkupRange();
     range.Start.Gravity = _POINTER_GRAVITY.POINTER_GRAVITY_Left;
     range.End.Gravity = _POINTER_GRAVITY.POINTER_GRAVITY_Right;
     if (includeAdjecentWords)
     return range;
 private void DeleteInsertionTargetBlockIfEmpty(MarkupPointer insertionPoint)
     //locate the parent block element (stop at post body element)
     IHTMLElement parent = insertionPoint.GetParentElement(
     if (parent != null &&
         parent.sourceIndex != HTMLElement.sourceIndex &&  //never remove the post body block
         EditorContext.MarkupServices.CreateMarkupRange(parent, false).IsEmptyOfContent())
         //delete the empty parent block element
         (parent as IHTMLDOMNode).removeNode(true);
 public MarkupServicesWordHelper(MshtmlMarkupServices markupServices)
     MarkupServices = markupServices;
     _p = MarkupServices.CreateMarkupPointer();
     _p2 = MarkupServices.CreateMarkupPointer();
Exemplo n.º 55
        private void EnsureNewLineAtDocEnd(MarkupPointer mpStart, MarkupPointer mpEnd)
            // Add a <p></p> at the end of the document if there isn't one.
            MarkupPointer endBody = MarkupServices.CreateMarkupPointer();
            endBody.MoveAdjacentToElement(PostBodyElement, _ELEMENT_ADJACENCY.ELEM_ADJ_BeforeEnd);

            // If we have to insert the <p> this is where we will do it, so save it for later
            MarkupPointer insertLocation = endBody.Clone();

            // Move left one more time to find out if it is p with a space in it.

            // Check to see if it a p with a space.  We use innerHtml because if the html looked like
            // <p><img ...>&nbsp;</p> innerText only reports " " though this isnt really just a blank line.
            // We dont use HtmlUtils.HtmlToText because it will replace img tags as a space.
            if (endBody.CurrentScope.tagName != "P" || endBody.CurrentScope.innerHTML != "&nbsp;")
                // Move it into the real document
                IHTMLDocument2 docInsert = mpStart.GetDocument();
                MarkupRange stagingRangeInsert = MarkupServices.CreateMarkupRange(mpStart, mpEnd);
                stagingRangeInsert.MoveToElement(docInsert.body, false);
                MarkupServices.Move(stagingRangeInsert.Start, stagingRangeInsert.End, insertLocation);
 public void MoveToWordStart(MarkupPointer p)
     lock (_p)
         if (_p2.IsRightOfOrEqualTo(_p))
         //else, the pointer is already at the start of the current word
Exemplo n.º 57
 /// <summary>
 /// Moves this pointer to another pointer's location.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="p"></param>
 public void MoveToPointer(MarkupPointer p)
 public bool IsAdjacentToWordStart(MarkupPointer p)
     lock (_p)
         return _p.IsEqualTo(p);
Exemplo n.º 59
        public void InsertPlainText(MarkupPointer start, MarkupPointer end, string text)
            IUndoUnit undo = CreateUndoUnit();
            using (undo)
                if (!start.IsEqualTo(end))
                    DeleteContentNoCling(start, end);

                if (start.CurrentScope.tagName == "PRE")
                    //if pasting into a preblock, then we want to preserve the whitespace in
                    //the text, and we don't want to convert line breaks into <BR>.  MSHTML
                    //is really nasty about tossing out whitespace, but will keep its hands
                    //off the text as long as it has <pre> tags around it

                    //hack MSHTML's whitespace mangling by the text wrapping in a <pre> tag
                    //for insertion, and then yank it.
                    text = "<pre>" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(text) + "</pre>";
                    MarkupRange range = MarkupServices.CreateMarkupRange();
                    MarkupContainer c = MarkupServices.ParseString(text, range.Start, range.End);
                    range.MoveToElement((IHTMLElement)(c.Document.body as IHTMLDOMNode).firstChild, false);
                    MarkupServices.Move(range.Start, range.End, start);
                    //if this insn't wrapped in a <pre> tag, then use a textRange to insert the
                    //text so that it will be padded with <BR> and &nbsp.
                    MarkupRange range = MarkupServices.CreateMarkupRange(start, end);
                    IHTMLTxtRange txtRange = range.ToTextRange();
                    txtRange.text = text;

Exemplo n.º 60
 public virtual bool ShouldMoveDropLocationRight(MarkupPointer dropLocation)
     return false;