Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Return a select from
        /// </summary>
        public SqlStatement SelectFrom(Type dataType)
            var tableMap = TableMapping.Get(dataType);

            return(this.Append(new SqlStatement($"SELECT * FROM {tableMap.TableName} AS {tableMap.TableName} ")));
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Query query
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="query"></param>
        public SqlStatement CreateQuery <TModel>(IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <String, Object> > query, String tablePrefix, bool skipJoins, params ColumnMapping[] selector)
            var tableType = m_mapper.MapModelType(typeof(TModel));
            var tableMap  = TableMapping.Get(tableType);
            List <TableMapping> scopedTables = new List <TableMapping>()

            bool         skipParentJoin  = true;
            SqlStatement selectStatement = null;
            KeyValuePair <SqlStatement, List <TableMapping> > cacheHit;

            if (skipJoins)
                selectStatement = new SqlStatement($" FROM {tableMap.TableName} AS {tablePrefix}{tableMap.TableName} ");
                if (!s_joinCache.TryGetValue($"{tablePrefix}.{typeof(TModel).Name}", out cacheHit))
                    selectStatement = new SqlStatement($" FROM {tableMap.TableName} AS {tablePrefix}{tableMap.TableName} ");

                    Stack <TableMapping> fkStack = new Stack <TableMapping>();
                    // Always join tables?
                        var dt = fkStack.Pop();
                        foreach (var jt in dt.Columns.Where(o => o.IsAlwaysJoin))
                            var fkTbl = TableMapping.Get(jt.ForeignKey.Table);
                            var fkAtt = fkTbl.GetColumn(jt.ForeignKey.Column);
                            selectStatement.Append($"INNER JOIN {fkAtt.Table.TableName} AS {tablePrefix}{fkAtt.Table.TableName} ON ({tablePrefix}{jt.Table.TableName}.{jt.Name} = {tablePrefix}{fkAtt.Table.TableName}.{fkAtt.Name}) ");
                            if (!scopedTables.Contains(fkTbl))
                    } while (fkStack.Count > 0);

                    // Add the heavy work to the cache
                    lock (s_joinCache)
                        if (!s_joinCache.ContainsKey($"{tablePrefix}.{typeof(TModel).Name}"))
                            s_joinCache.Add($"{tablePrefix}.{typeof(TModel).Name}", new KeyValuePair <SqlStatement, List <TableMapping> >(selectStatement.Build(), scopedTables));
                    selectStatement = cacheHit.Key.Build();
                    scopedTables    = cacheHit.Value;

            // Column definitions
            var columnSelector = selector;

            if (selector == null || selector.Length == 0)
                columnSelector = scopedTables.SelectMany(o => o.Columns).ToArray();
            // columnSelector = scopedTables.SelectMany(o => o.Columns).ToArray();

            List <String> flatNames  = new List <string>();
            var           columnList = String.Join(",", columnSelector.Select(o =>
                var rootCol     = tableMap.GetColumn(o.SourceProperty);
                skipParentJoin &= rootCol != null;
                if (!flatNames.Contains(o.Name))
                    return($"{tablePrefix}{o.Table.TableName}.{o.Name} AS {o.Name}");
                else if (skipParentJoin)

            selectStatement = new SqlStatement($"SELECT {columnList} ").Append(selectStatement);

            // We want to process each query and build WHERE clauses - these where clauses are based off of the JSON / XML names
            // on the model, so we have to use those for the time being before translating to SQL
            List <KeyValuePair <String, Object> > workingParameters = new List <KeyValuePair <string, object> >(query);

            // Where clause
            SqlStatement        whereClause   = new SqlStatement();
            List <SqlStatement> cteStatements = new List <SqlStatement>();

            // Construct
            while (workingParameters.Count > 0)
                var parm = workingParameters.First();

                // Match the regex and process
                var propertyPredicate = QueryPredicate.Parse(parm.Key);
                if (propertyPredicate == null)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(parm.Key);

                // Next, we want to construct the
                var otherParms = workingParameters.Where(o => QueryPredicate.Parse(o.Key).ToString(QueryPredicatePart.PropertyAndCast) == propertyPredicate.ToString(QueryPredicatePart.PropertyAndCast)).ToArray();

                // Remove the working parameters if the column is FK then all parameters
                if (otherParms.Any() || !String.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyPredicate.Guard) || !String.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyPredicate.SubPath))
                    foreach (var o in otherParms)

                    // We need to do a sub query

                    IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <String, Object> > queryParms = new List <KeyValuePair <String, Object> >()

                    // Grab the appropriate builder
                    var subProp = typeof(TModel).GetQueryProperty(propertyPredicate.Path, true);
                    if (subProp == null)
                        throw new MissingMemberException(propertyPredicate.Path);

                    // Link to this table in the other?
                    // Is this a collection?
                    if (!this.m_hacks.Any(o => o.HackQuery(this, selectStatement, whereClause, typeof(TModel), subProp, tablePrefix, propertyPredicate, parm.Value, scopedTables)))
                        if (typeof(IList).GetTypeInfo().IsAssignableFrom(subProp.PropertyType.GetTypeInfo())) // Other table points at this on
                            var propertyType = subProp.PropertyType.StripGeneric();
                            // map and get ORM def'n
                            var subTableType = m_mapper.MapModelType(propertyType);
                            var subTableMap  = TableMapping.Get(subTableType);
                            var linkColumns  = subTableMap.Columns.Where(o => scopedTables.Any(s => s.OrmType == o.ForeignKey?.Table));
                            var linkColumn   = linkColumns.Count() > 1 ? linkColumns.FirstOrDefault(o => propertyPredicate.SubPath.StartsWith("source") ? o.SourceProperty.Name != "SourceUuid" : o.SourceProperty.Name == "SourceUuid") : linkColumns.FirstOrDefault();
                            // Link column is null, is there an assoc attrib?
                            SqlStatement subQueryStatement = new SqlStatement();

                            var    subTableColumn = linkColumn;
                            string existsClause   = String.Empty;

                            if (linkColumn == null)
                                var tableWithJoin = scopedTables.Select(o => o.AssociationWith(subTableMap)).FirstOrDefault();
                                linkColumn = tableWithJoin.Columns.SingleOrDefault(o => scopedTables.Any(s => s.OrmType == o.ForeignKey?.Table));
                                var targetColumn = tableWithJoin.Columns.SingleOrDefault(o => o.ForeignKey?.Table == subTableMap.OrmType);
                                subTableColumn = subTableMap.GetColumn(targetColumn.ForeignKey.Column);
                                // The sub-query statement needs to be joined as well
                                var lnkPfx = IncrementSubQueryAlias(tablePrefix);
                                subQueryStatement.Append($"SELECT {lnkPfx}{tableWithJoin.TableName}.{linkColumn.Name} FROM {tableWithJoin.TableName} AS {lnkPfx}{tableWithJoin.TableName} WHERE ");
                                existsClause = $"{lnkPfx}{tableWithJoin.TableName}.{targetColumn.Name}";
                                //throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot find foreign key reference to table {tableMap.TableName} in {subTableMap.TableName}");

                            // Local Table
                            var localTable = scopedTables.Where(o => o.GetColumn(linkColumn.ForeignKey.Column) != null).FirstOrDefault();
                            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(existsClause))
                                existsClause = $"{tablePrefix}{localTable.TableName}.{localTable.GetColumn(linkColumn.ForeignKey.Column).Name}";

                            // Guards
                            var guardConditions = queryParms.GroupBy(o => QueryPredicate.Parse(o.Key).Guard);
                            int nGuards         = 0;
                            foreach (var guardClause in guardConditions)
                                var subQuery = guardClause.Select(o => new KeyValuePair <String, Object>(QueryPredicate.Parse(o.Key).ToString(QueryPredicatePart.SubPath), o.Value)).ToList();

                                // TODO: GUARD CONDITION HERE!!!!
                                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(guardClause.Key))
                                    StringBuilder guardCondition = new StringBuilder();
                                    var           clsModel       = propertyType;
                                    while (clsModel.GetTypeInfo().GetCustomAttribute <ClassifierAttribute>() != null)
                                        var clsProperty = clsModel.GetRuntimeProperty(clsModel.GetTypeInfo().GetCustomAttribute <ClassifierAttribute>().ClassifierProperty);
                                        clsModel = clsProperty.PropertyType.StripGeneric();
                                        var redirectProperty = clsProperty.GetCustomAttribute <SerializationReferenceAttribute>()?.RedirectProperty;
                                        if (redirectProperty != null)
                                            clsProperty = clsProperty.DeclaringType.GetRuntimeProperty(redirectProperty);

                                        guardCondition.Append(clsProperty.GetCustomAttributes <XmlElementAttribute>().First().ElementName);
                                        if (typeof(IdentifiedData).GetTypeInfo().IsAssignableFrom(clsModel.GetTypeInfo()))
                                    subQuery.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, object>(guardCondition.ToString(), guardClause.Key.Split('|')));

                                // Generate method
                                var prefix    = IncrementSubQueryAlias(tablePrefix);
                                var genMethod = typeof(QueryBuilder).GetGenericMethod("CreateQuery", new Type[] { propertyType }, new Type[] { subQuery.GetType(), typeof(String), typeof(bool), typeof(ColumnMapping[]) });

                                // Sub path is specified
                                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyPredicate.SubPath) && "null".Equals(parm.Value))
                                    subQueryStatement.And($" {existsClause} NOT IN (");
                                    subQueryStatement.And($" {existsClause} IN (");

                                existsClause = $"{prefix}{subTableColumn.Table.TableName}.{subTableColumn.Name}";

                                if (subQuery.Count(p => !p.Key.Contains(".")) == 0)
                                    subQueryStatement.Append(genMethod.Invoke(this, new Object[] { subQuery, prefix, true, new ColumnMapping[] { subTableColumn } }) as SqlStatement);
                                    subQueryStatement.Append(genMethod.Invoke(this, new Object[] { subQuery, prefix, false, new ColumnMapping[] { subTableColumn } }) as SqlStatement);

                                //// TODO: Check if limiting the the query is better
                                //if (guardConditions.Last().Key != guardClause.Key)
                                //    subQueryStatement.Append(" INTERSECT ");

                            // Unwind guards
                            while (nGuards-- > 0)

                            if (subTableColumn != linkColumn)
                                whereClause.And($"{tablePrefix}{localTable.TableName}.{localTable.GetColumn(linkColumn.ForeignKey.Column).Name} IN (").Append(subQueryStatement).Append(")");
                        else // this table points at other
                            var          subQuery     = queryParms.Select(o => new KeyValuePair <String, Object>(QueryPredicate.Parse(o.Key).ToString(QueryPredicatePart.SubPath), o.Value)).ToList();
                            TableMapping tableMapping = null;
                            var          subPropKey   = typeof(TModel).GetQueryProperty(propertyPredicate.Path);

                            // Get column info
                            PropertyInfo  domainProperty = scopedTables.Select(o => { tableMapping = o; return(m_mapper.MapModelProperty(typeof(TModel), o.OrmType, subPropKey)); })?.FirstOrDefault(o => o != null);
                            ColumnMapping linkColumn     = null;
                            // If the domain property is not set, we may have to infer the link
                            if (domainProperty == null)
                                var subPropType = m_mapper.MapModelType(subProp.PropertyType);
                                // We find the first column with a foreign key that points to the other !!!
                                linkColumn = scopedTables.SelectMany(o => o.Columns).FirstOrDefault(o => o.ForeignKey?.Table == subPropType);
                                linkColumn = tableMapping.GetColumn(domainProperty);

                            var fkTableDef  = TableMapping.Get(linkColumn.ForeignKey.Table);
                            var fkColumnDef = fkTableDef.GetColumn(linkColumn.ForeignKey.Column);

                            // Create the sub-query
                            SqlStatement subQueryStatement = null;
                            var          subSkipJoins      = subQuery.Count(o => !o.Key.Contains(".") && o.Key != "obsoletionTime") == 0;

                            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyPredicate.CastAs))
                                var genMethod = typeof(QueryBuilder).GetGenericMethod("CreateQuery", new Type[] { subProp.PropertyType }, new Type[] { subQuery.GetType(), typeof(string), typeof(bool), typeof(ColumnMapping[]) });
                                subQueryStatement = genMethod.Invoke(this, new Object[] { subQuery, null, subSkipJoins, new ColumnMapping[] { fkColumnDef } }) as SqlStatement;
                            else // we need to cast!
                                var castAsType = new OpenIZ.Core.Model.Serialization.ModelSerializationBinder().BindToType("OpenIZ.Core.Model", propertyPredicate.CastAs);

                                var genMethod = typeof(QueryBuilder).GetGenericMethod("CreateQuery", new Type[] { castAsType }, new Type[] { subQuery.GetType(), typeof(String), typeof(bool), typeof(ColumnMapping[]) });
                                subQueryStatement = genMethod.Invoke(this, new Object[] { subQuery, null, false, new ColumnMapping[] { fkColumnDef } }) as SqlStatement;

                            cteStatements.Add(new SqlStatement($"{tablePrefix}cte{cteStatements.Count} AS (").Append(subQueryStatement).Append(")"));

                            //subQueryStatement.And($"{tablePrefix}{tableMapping.TableName}.{linkColumn.Name} = {sqName}{fkTableDef.TableName}.{fkColumnDef.Name} ");

                            //selectStatement.Append($"INNER JOIN {tablePrefix}cte{cteStatements.Count - 1} ON ({tablePrefix}{tableMapping.TableName}.{linkColumn.Name} = {tablePrefix}cte{cteStatements.Count - 1}.{fkColumnDef.Name})");
                            whereClause.And($"{tablePrefix}{tableMapping.TableName}.{linkColumn.Name} IN (SELECT {tablePrefix}cte{cteStatements.Count - 1}.{fkColumnDef.Name} FROM {tablePrefix}cte{cteStatements.Count - 1})");
                else if (!this.m_hacks.Any(o => o.HackQuery(this, selectStatement, whereClause, typeof(TModel), typeof(TModel).GetQueryProperty(propertyPredicate.Path), tablePrefix, propertyPredicate, parm.Value, scopedTables)))
                    whereClause.And(CreateWhereCondition(typeof(TModel), propertyPredicate.Path, parm.Value, tablePrefix, scopedTables));

            // Return statement
            SqlStatement retVal = new SqlStatement();

            if (cteStatements.Count > 0)
                retVal.Append("WITH ");
                foreach (var c in cteStatements)
                    if (c != cteStatements.Last())
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Visit member access
        /// </summary>
        private Expression VisitMemberAccess(MemberExpression node)
            switch (node.Member.Name)
            case "Now":
                this.m_sqlStatement.Append(" CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ");

            case "NewGuid":
                this.m_sqlStatement.Append(" uuid_generate_v4() ");

            case "HasValue":
                this.m_sqlStatement.Append(" IS NOT NULL ");

                if (node.Expression != null)
                    var expr = node.Expression;
                    while (expr.NodeType == ExpressionType.Convert)
                        expr = (expr as UnaryExpression)?.Operand;
                    // Ignore typeas
                    switch (expr.NodeType)
                    case ExpressionType.Parameter:
                        // Translate
                        var tableMap  = TableMapping.Get(expr.Type);
                        var columnMap = tableMap.GetColumn(node.Member);
                        // Now write out the expression

                    case ExpressionType.Constant:
                    case ExpressionType.TypeAs:
                    case ExpressionType.MemberAccess:
                        // Ok, this is a constant member access.. so ets get the value
                        var cons = this.GetConstantValue(expr);
                        if (node.Member is PropertyInfo)
                            this.m_sqlStatement.Append(" ? ", (node.Member as PropertyInfo).GetValue(cons));
                        else if (node.Member is FieldInfo)
                            this.m_sqlStatement.Append(" ? ", (node.Member as FieldInfo).GetValue(cons));
                            throw new NotSupportedException();
                else     // constant expression
                    if (node.Member is PropertyInfo)
                        this.m_sqlStatement.Append(" ? ", (node.Member as PropertyInfo).GetValue(null));
                    else if (node.Member is FieldInfo)
                        this.m_sqlStatement.Append(" ? ", (node.Member as FieldInfo).GetValue(null));

            // Member expression is node... This has the limitation of only going one deep :/
