Exemplo n.º 1
        private void HandleMessage(Message msg)
            Console.WriteLine("Received: " + msg.Text);

            InvokeOnMainThread (() => {
                string[] listOfAllAddresses = new string[msg.Others.Length + 1];
                listOfAllAddresses[0] = msg.From.Address;
                for (int i = 0; i < msg.Others.Length; i++)
                    listOfAllAddresses[i + 1] = msg.Others[i].Address;

                Conversation conv = ConversationDatabase.GetConversationForParticipants(listOfAllAddresses);
                if (conv == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Conversation cannot be null");

                ChatMessage newMsg = new ChatMessage ();
                newMsg.Type = ChatMessageType.Incoming;
                newMsg.Sender = ContactDatabase.GetContact(msg.From.Address);
                newMsg.Text = msg.Text;
                newMsg.Unread = true;



                ChatViewController cvc = this.NavigationController.TopViewController as ChatViewController;
                if (cvc != null && cvc.Conversation == conv)
                    cvc.HandleMessage (newMsg);
Exemplo n.º 2
		private async Task ReadMessages()
				if (client.IsConnected == false)
					Console.WriteLine("Connect is required");
					await client.ConnectAsync (Account.ImapAddress, Account.ImapPort, SecureSocketOptions.SslOnConnect);

				if (client.IsAuthenticated == false)
					Console.WriteLine("Auth is required");
					client.AuthenticationMechanisms.Remove ("XOAUTH");
					await client.AuthenticateAsync (Account.Address.Address, Account.Password);

				// The Inbox folder is always available on all IMAP servers...
				var inbox = client.Inbox;

				FolderAccess access = await inbox.OpenAsync(FolderAccess.ReadWrite);
				Console.WriteLine("Got folder access: " + access);

				var query = SearchQuery.SubjectContains("[OpenFlow").And(SearchQuery.NotSeen);

				IList<UniqueId> list = (await inbox.SearchAsync(query));

				Console.WriteLine(list.Count + " new message(s)");
				for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) 
					var message = await inbox.GetMessageAsync (list[i]);
					string msg = message.TextBody;
					await inbox.SetFlagsAsync(list[i], MessageFlags.Seen, true);

					MailboxAddress[] receipients = new MailboxAddress[message.To.Count];
					for (int j = 0; j < receipients.Length; j++)
						receipients[j] = message.To[j] as MailboxAddress;

					Message newMsg = new Message();
					newMsg.From = message.From[0] as MailboxAddress;
					newMsg.Others = receipients;
					newMsg.Text = msg;

					if (newMsg.Text.EndsWith("\r\n"))
						newMsg.Text = newMsg.Text.Substring(0, newMsg.Text.Length - "\r\n".Length);
