Exemplo n.º 1
 ///<summary>If the statement does not have a short guid or URL, a call will be made to HQ to assign it one. The statement will be updated
 ///to the database.</summary>
 public static void AssignURLsIfNecessary(Statement stmt, Patient pat)
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(stmt.ShortGUID) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(stmt.StatementURL))
         List <WebServiceMainHQProxy.ShortGuidResult> listShortGuidUrls = WebServiceMainHQProxy.GetShortGUIDs(1, 1, pat.ClinicNum,
         Statement stmtOld = stmt.Copy();
         stmt.ShortGUID         = listShortGuidUrls[0].ShortGuid;
         stmt.StatementURL      = listShortGuidUrls[0].MediumURL;
         stmt.StatementShortURL = listShortGuidUrls[0].ShortURL;
         Statements.Update(stmt, stmtOld);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static EmailMessage GetEmailMessageForPortalStatement(Statement stmt, Patient pat)
            //No need to check RemotingRole; no call to db.
            if (stmt.PatNum != pat.PatNum)
                string logMsg = Lans.g("Statements", "Mismatched PatNums detected between current patient and current statement:") + "\r\n"
                                + Lans.g("Statements", "Statement PatNum:") + " " + stmt.PatNum + " " + Lans.g("Statements", "(assumed correct)") + "\r\n"
                                + Lans.g("Statements", "Patient PatNum:") + " " + pat.PatNum + " " + Lans.g("Statements", "(possibly incorrect)");
                SecurityLogs.MakeLogEntry(Permissions.StatementPatNumMismatch, stmt.PatNum, logMsg, LogSources.Diagnostic);
            EmailMessage message = new EmailMessage();

            message.PatNum      = pat.PatNum;
            message.ToAddress   = pat.Email;
            message.FromAddress = EmailAddresses.GetByClinic(pat.ClinicNum).GetFrom();
            string emailBody;

            if (stmt.EmailSubject != null && stmt.EmailSubject != "")
                message.Subject = stmt.EmailSubject;
            else              //Subject was not preset, set a default subject.
                message.Subject = Lans.g("Statements", "New Statement Available");
            if (stmt.EmailBody != null && stmt.EmailBody != "")
                emailBody = stmt.EmailBody;
            else              //Body was not preset, set a body text.
                emailBody = Lans.g("Statements", "Dear") + " [nameFLnoPref],\r\n\r\n"
                            + Lans.g("Statements", "A new account statement is available.") + "\r\n\r\n"
                            + Lans.g("Statements", "To view your account statement, log on to our portal by following these steps:") + "\r\n\r\n"
                            + Lans.g("Statements", "1. Visit the following URL in a web browser:") + " " + PrefC.GetString(PrefName.PatientPortalURL) + ".\r\n"
                            + Lans.g("Statements", "2. Enter your credentials to gain access to your account.") + "\r\n"
                            + Lans.g("Statements", "3. Click the Account icon on the left and select the Statements tab.");
            message.BodyText = Statements.ReplaceVarsForEmail(emailBody, pat, stmt);
Exemplo n.º 3
        ///<summary>Returns an email message for the patient based on the statement passed in.</summary>
        public static EmailMessage GetEmailMessageForStatement(Statement stmt, Patient pat)
            if (stmt.PatNum != pat.PatNum)
                string logMsg = Lans.g("Statements", "Mismatched PatNums detected between current patient and current statement:") + "\r\n"
                                + Lans.g("Statements", "Statement PatNum:") + " " + stmt.PatNum + " " + Lans.g("Statements", "(assumed correct)") + "\r\n"
                                + Lans.g("Statements", "Patient PatNum:") + " " + pat.PatNum + " " + Lans.g("Statements", "(possibly incorrect)");
                SecurityLogs.MakeLogEntry(Permissions.StatementPatNumMismatch, stmt.PatNum, logMsg, LogSources.Diagnostic);
            //No need to check RemotingRole; no call to db.
            EmailMessage message = new EmailMessage();

            message.PatNum      = pat.PatNum;
            message.ToAddress   = pat.Email;
            message.FromAddress = EmailAddresses.GetByClinic(pat.ClinicNum).GetFrom();
            string str;

            if (stmt.EmailSubject != null && stmt.EmailSubject != "")
                str = stmt.EmailSubject; //Set str to the email subject if one was already set.
            else                         //Subject was not set.  Set str to the default billing email subject.
                str = PrefC.GetString(PrefName.BillingEmailSubject);
            message.Subject = Statements.ReplaceVarsForEmail(str, pat, stmt);
            if (stmt.EmailBody != null && stmt.EmailBody != "")
                str = stmt.EmailBody; //Set str to the email body if one was already set.
            else                      //Body was not set.  Set str to the default billing email body text.
                str = PrefC.GetString(PrefName.BillingEmailBodyText);
            message.BodyText = Statements.ReplaceVarsForEmail(str, pat, stmt);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static Statement CreateLimitedStatement(List <long> listPatNumsSelected, long patNum, List <long> listPayClaimNums, List <long> listAdjustments,
                                                       List <long> listPayNums, List <long> listProcedures)
            Statement stmt = new Statement();

            if (listPatNumsSelected.Count == 1)
                stmt.PatNum = listPatNumsSelected[0];
                stmt.PatNum = patNum;
            stmt.DateSent      = DateTimeOD.Today;
            stmt.IsSent        = false;
            stmt.Mode_         = StatementMode.InPerson;
            stmt.HidePayment   = false;
            stmt.SinglePatient = listPatNumsSelected.Count == 1;        //SinglePatient determined by the selected transactions
            stmt.Intermingled  = listPatNumsSelected.Count > 1 && PrefC.GetBool(PrefName.IntermingleFamilyDefault);
            stmt.IsReceipt     = false;
            stmt.IsInvoice     = false;
            stmt.StatementType = StmtType.LimitedStatement;
            stmt.DateRangeFrom = DateTime.MinValue;
            stmt.DateRangeTo   = DateTimeOD.Today;
            stmt.Note          = "";
            stmt.NoteBold      = "";
            stmt.IsBalValid    = true;
            stmt.BalTotal      = 0;
            stmt.InsEst        = 0;
            Statements.Insert(stmt);            //we need stmt.StatementNum for attaching procs, adjustments, and paysplits to the statement
            foreach (long adjNum in listAdjustments)
                StmtLinks.Insert(new StmtLink()
                    FKey = adjNum, StatementNum = stmt.StatementNum, StmtLinkType = StmtLinkTypes.Adj
            foreach (long payNum in listPayNums)
                Payment payment = Payments.GetPayment(payNum);
                .FindAll(x => x.PatNum == payment.PatNum && x.ClinicNum == payment.ClinicNum)
                .ForEach(x => StmtLinks.Insert(new StmtLink()
                    FKey = x.SplitNum, StatementNum = stmt.StatementNum, StmtLinkType = StmtLinkTypes.PaySplit
            foreach (long procNum in listProcedures)
                StmtLinks.Insert(new StmtLink()
                    FKey = procNum, StatementNum = stmt.StatementNum, StmtLinkType = StmtLinkTypes.Proc
            foreach (long claimNum in listPayClaimNums)
                StmtLinks.Insert(new StmtLink()
                    FKey = claimNum, StatementNum = stmt.StatementNum, StmtLinkType = StmtLinkTypes.ClaimPay
            //foreach(PayPlanCharge payPlanCharge in listPayPlanCharges) {
            //	StmtLinks.Insert(new OpenDentBusiness.StmtLink() {FKey=payPlanCharge.PayPlanChargeNum,StatementNum=stmt.StatementNum,StmtLinkType=StmtLinkTypes.PayPlanCharge});
            //set statement lists to null in order to force refresh the lists now that we've inserted all of the StmtAttaches
            stmt.ListAdjNums         = null;
            stmt.ListPaySplitNums    = null;
            stmt.ListProcNums        = null;
            stmt.ListInsPayClaimNums = null;
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                //Currently when using MiddleTier null lists inside an object like above causes the deserialized statement to incorrectly set the null lists
                //to empty lists.
                //In the case of a Statement, the public property associated to list in question does not run queries to populate the list as expected because
                //it checks for a null list, but instead sees an empty list.
                //We may fix the underlying MiddleTier bug later, but this is an immediate patch to address this symptom.
                stmt.ListAdjNums      = StmtLinks.GetForStatementAndType(stmt.StatementNum, StmtLinkTypes.Adj);
                stmt.ListPaySplitNums = StmtLinks.GetForStatementAndType(stmt.StatementNum, StmtLinkTypes.PaySplit);
                if (stmt.IsInvoice)
                    stmt.ListProcNums = Procedures.GetForInvoice(stmt.StatementNum);
                    stmt.ListProcNums = StmtLinks.GetForStatementAndType(stmt.StatementNum, StmtLinkTypes.Proc);
                stmt.ListInsPayClaimNums = StmtLinks.GetForStatementAndType(stmt.StatementNum, StmtLinkTypes.ClaimPay);