Exemplo n.º 1
        ///<summary>Changes the voice mail's status to Deleted and moves the .wav file into the Archived folder. Permanently deletes the .txt and .ogg
        ///files.  Throws exceptions purposefully.</summary>
        public static void Archive(VoiceMail voiceMail)
            //No need to check RemotingRole; no call to db.
            voiceMail.StatusVM = VoiceMailStatus.Deleted;
            string oldFileName = voiceMail.FileName;

            voiceMail.FileName = "";      //So that we don't end up with an incorrect file name if the stuff below fails.
            Update(voiceMail);            //Updating now in case the file I/O stuff fails.
            Signalods.Insert(new Signalod {
                IType = InvalidType.VoiceMails
            //Move the .wav file to the Archived folder.
            string archivePath = PrefC.GetString(PrefName.VoiceMailArchivePath);
            string newFileName;

            if (PrefC.GetBool(PrefName.VoiceMailSMB2Enabled))
                //This is brutal because we need to create a network connection to the archive path but the path might not exist.
                //We cannot check if the directory exists and we cannot create the directory without first making a network connection to it (or parent dir).
                //Therefore, instead of coding some sort of directory waterfall loop, I'm simply going to let the exception throw and we'll manually create it.
                using (new ODNetworkConnection(archivePath, PrefC.VoiceMailNetworkCredentialsSMB2)) {
                    //Now that we have a network connection to the "parent" archive path we can do file IO like usual (assuming we have permission to).
                    newFileName = ArchiveFile(oldFileName);
                newFileName = ArchiveFile(oldFileName);
            voiceMail.FileName = newFileName;
Exemplo n.º 2
        ///<summary>Inserts an InvalidType.SmsTextMsgReceivedUnreadCount signal which tells all client machines to update the received unread SMS message count.
        ///To get the current count from the database, use SmsFromMobiles.GetSmsNotification().</summary>
        public static long InsertSmsNotification(string json)
            Signalod sig = new Signalod()
                IType    = InvalidType.SmsTextMsgReceivedUnreadCount,
                FKeyType = KeyType.SmsMsgUnreadCount,
                MsgValue = json,

Exemplo n.º 3
 ///<summary>Sets PK as well as DateT.</summary>
 public static long Insert(WebChatMessage webChatMessage)
     if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
         webChatMessage.WebChatMessageNum = Meth.GetLong(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), webChatMessage);
     WebChatMisc.DbAction(delegate() {
     WebChatMisc.DbAction(delegate() {
         Signalod signalSession = new Signalod();
         signalSession.IType    = InvalidType.WebChatSessions;
         signalSession.FKey     = webChatMessage.WebChatSessionNum;
     }, false);
Exemplo n.º 4
        ///<summary>Upserts the InvalidType.SmsTextMsgReceivedUnreadCount signal which tells all client machines to update the received unread SMS
        ///message count.  There should only be max one of this signal IType in the database.</summary>
        public static List <SmsFromMobiles.SmsNotification> UpsertSmsNotification()
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                return(Meth.GetObject <List <SmsFromMobiles.SmsNotification> >(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()));
            string command = "SELECT ClinicNum,COUNT(*) AS CountUnread FROM smsfrommobile WHERE SmsStatus=0 AND IsHidden=0 GROUP BY ClinicNum "
                             + "ORDER BY ClinicNum";
            List <SmsFromMobiles.SmsNotification> ret = Db.GetTable(command).AsEnumerable()
                                                        .Select(x => new SmsFromMobiles.SmsNotification()
                ClinicNum = PIn.Long(x["ClinicNum"].ToString()),
                Count     = PIn.Int(x["CountUnread"].ToString()),
            //Insert as structured data signal so all workstations won't have to query the db to get the counts. They will get it directly from Signalod.MsgValue.
            string json = SmsFromMobiles.SmsNotification.GetJsonFromList(ret);

            //FKeyType SmsMsgUnreadCount is written to db as a string.
            command = "SELECT * FROM signalod WHERE IType=" + POut.Int((int)InvalidType.SmsTextMsgReceivedUnreadCount)
                      + " AND FKeyType='" + POut.String(KeyType.SmsMsgUnreadCount.ToString()) + "' ORDER BY SigDateTime DESC LIMIT 1";
            DataTable table = Db.GetTable(command);
            Signalod  sig   = Crud.SignalodCrud.TableToList(table).FirstOrDefault();

            if (sig != null && sig.MsgValue == json) //No changes, not need to insert a new signal.
                return(ret);                         //Return the list of notifications, but do not update the existing signal.
            Signalods.Insert(new Signalod()
                IType      = InvalidType.SmsTextMsgReceivedUnreadCount,
                FKeyType   = KeyType.SmsMsgUnreadCount,
                MsgValue   = json,
                RemoteRole = RemotingClient.RemotingRole
Exemplo n.º 5
        ///<summary>Called by local practice db to query HQ for EService setup info. Must remain very lite and versionless. Will be used by signup portal.
        ///If HasClinics==true then any SignupOut.EServices entries where ClinicNum==0 are invalid and should be ignored.
        ///If HasClinics==false then SignupOut.EServices should only pay attention items where ClinicNum==0.
        ///This list is kept completely unfiltered by ClinicNum for forward compatibility reasons.
        ///The ClinicNum 0 items are always used by the Signup portal to determine default signup preferences.
        ///However, these items are only used for validation and billing in the case where HasClinics==true.</summary>
        public static EServiceSetup.SignupOut GetEServiceSetupFull(SignupPortalPermission permission, bool isSwitchClinicPref = false)
            //Clinics will be stored in this order at HQ to allow signup portal to display them in proper order.
            List <Clinic> clinics = Clinics.GetDeepCopy().OrderBy(x => x.ItemOrder).ToList();

            if (PrefC.GetBool(PrefName.ClinicListIsAlphabetical))
                clinics = clinics.OrderBy(x => x.Abbr).ToList();
            bool isMockChanged = false;
            if (WebServiceMainHQProxy.MockWebServiceMainHQ == null)
                WebServiceMainHQProxy.MockWebServiceMainHQ = new WebServiceMainHQMockDemo();
                isMockChanged = true;
            EServiceSetup.SignupOut signupOut = ReadXml <EServiceSetup.SignupOut>
                WebSerializer.DeserializePrimitiveOrThrow <string>
                            WriteXml(new EServiceSetup.SignupIn()
                MethodNameInt = (int)EServiceSetup.SetupMethod.GetSignupOutFull,
                HasClinics    = PrefC.HasClinicsEnabled,
                //ClinicNum is not currently used as input.
                ClinicNum                 = 0,
                ProgramVersionStr         = PrefC.GetString(PrefName.ProgramVersion),
                SignupPortalPermissionInt = (int)permission,
                Clinics = clinics
                          .Select(x => new EServiceSetup.SignupIn.ClinicLiteIn()
                    ClinicNum   = x.ClinicNum,
                    ClinicTitle = x.Abbr,
                    IsHidden    = x.IsHidden,
                IsSwitchClinicPref = isSwitchClinicPref,
            }), eServiceCode.Undefined
            if (isMockChanged)
                WebServiceMainHQProxy.MockWebServiceMainHQ = null;
            //We just got the latest sync info from HQ so update the local db to reflect what HQ says is true.
            #region Reconcile Phones
            List <SmsPhone> listPhonesHQ = signupOut.Phones.Select(x => new SmsPhone()
                ClinicNum        = x.ClinicNum,
                CountryCode      = x.CountryCode,
                DateTimeActive   = x.DateTimeActive,
                DateTimeInactive = x.DateTimeInactive,
                InactiveCode     = x.InactiveCode,
                PhoneNumber      = x.PhoneNumber,
            #region Reconcile practice and clinics
            List <EServiceSetup.SignupOut.SignupOutSms> smsSignups = GetSignups <EServiceSetup.SignupOut.SignupOutSms>(signupOut, eServiceCode.IntegratedTexting);
            bool isCacheInvalid = false;
            bool isSmsEnabled   = false;
            if (PrefC.HasClinicsEnabled)              //Clinics are ON so loop through all clinics and reconcile with HQ.
                List <Clinic> listClinicsAll = Clinics.GetDeepCopy();
                foreach (Clinic clinicDb in listClinicsAll)
                    WebServiceMainHQProxy.EServiceSetup.SignupOut.SignupOutSms clinicSignup =
                        smsSignups.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ClinicNum == clinicDb.ClinicNum) ?? new WebServiceMainHQProxy.EServiceSetup.SignupOut.SignupOutSms()
                        //Not found so turn it off.
                        SmsContractDate = DateTime.MinValue,
                        MonthlySmsLimit = 0,
                        IsEnabled       = false,
                    Clinic clinicNew = clinicDb.Copy();
                    clinicNew.SmsContractDate = clinicSignup.SmsContractDate;
                    clinicNew.SmsMonthlyLimit = clinicSignup.MonthlySmsLimit;
                    isCacheInvalid           |= Clinics.Update(clinicNew, clinicDb);
                    isSmsEnabled |= clinicSignup.IsEnabled;
            else               //Clinics are off so ClinicNum 0 is the practice clinic.
                WebServiceMainHQProxy.EServiceSetup.SignupOut.SignupOutSms practiceSignup =
                    smsSignups.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ClinicNum == 0) ?? new WebServiceMainHQProxy.EServiceSetup.SignupOut.SignupOutSms()
                    //Not found so turn it off.
                    SmsContractDate = DateTime.MinValue,
                    MonthlySmsLimit = 0,
                    IsEnabled       = false,
                    |= Prefs.UpdateDateT(PrefName.SmsContractDate, practiceSignup.SmsContractDate)
                       | Prefs.UpdateLong(PrefName.TextingDefaultClinicNum, 0)
                       | Prefs.UpdateDouble(PrefName.SmsMonthlyLimit, practiceSignup.MonthlySmsLimit);
                isSmsEnabled |= practiceSignup.IsEnabled;
            #region Reconcile CallFire
            //Turn off CallFire if SMS has been activated.
            //This only happens the first time SMS is turned on and CallFire is still activated.
            if (isSmsEnabled && Programs.IsEnabled(ProgramName.CallFire))
                Program callfire = Programs.GetCur(ProgramName.CallFire);
                if (callfire != null)
                    callfire.Enabled = false;
                    Signalods.Insert(new Signalod()
                        IType = InvalidType.Providers
                    signupOut.Prompts.Add("Call Fire has been disabled. Cancel Integrated Texting and access program properties to retain Call Fire.");
            #region eConfirmations
            if (Prefs.UpdateBool(PrefName.ApptConfirmAutoSignedUp, IsEServiceActive(signupOut, eServiceCode.ConfirmationRequest)))
                //HQ does not match the local pref. Make it match with HQ.
                isCacheInvalid = true;
                SecurityLogs.MakeLogEntry(Permissions.Setup, 0, "Automated appointment eConfirmations automatically changed by HQ.  Local pref set to "
                                          + IsEServiceActive(signupOut, eServiceCode.ConfirmationRequest).ToString() + ".");
            if (isCacheInvalid)              //Something changed in the db. Alert other workstations and change this workstation immediately.
                Signalods.Insert(new Signalod()
                    IType = InvalidType.Prefs
                Signalods.Insert(new Signalod()
                    IType = InvalidType.Providers