Exemplo n.º 1
 ///<summary>Gets all providers for the appointment view passed in.  Pass 0 to get all provs associated with the 'none' view.</summary>
 public static List <long> GetProvsForView(long apptViewNum)
     //No need to check RemotingRole; no call to db.
     if (apptViewNum == 0)
         //Simply return all visible ops.  These are the ops that the 'none' appointment view currently displays.
         List <Operatory> listVisibleOps = Operatories.GetWhere(x => !PrefC.HasClinicsEnabled || Clinics.ClinicNum == 0 || x.ClinicNum == Clinics.ClinicNum
                                                                , true);
         List <long> listProvNums = listVisibleOps.Select(x => x.ProvDentist).ToList();
         listProvNums.AddRange(listVisibleOps.Select(x => x.ProvHygienist));
     return(GetWhere(x => x.ApptViewNum == apptViewNum && x.ProvNum != 0)
            .Select(x => x.ProvNum).ToList());
Exemplo n.º 2
        ///<summary>Gets all operatories for the appointment view passed in.  Pass 0 to get all ops associated with the 'none' view.
        ///Only returns operatories that are associated to the currently selected clinic.</summary>
        public static List <long> GetOpsForView(long apptViewNum)
            //No need to check RemotingRole; no call to db.
            List <long> retVal = new List <long>();

            if (apptViewNum == 0)
                bool hasClinicsEnabled = PrefC.HasClinicsEnabled;
                //Simply return all visible ops.  These are the ops that the 'none' appointment view currently displays.
                //Do not consider operatories that are not associated with the currently selected clinic.
                return(Operatories.GetWhere(x => !hasClinicsEnabled || Clinics.ClinicNum == 0 || x.ClinicNum == Clinics.ClinicNum, true)
                       .Select(x => x.OperatoryNum).ToList());
            return(ApptViewItems.GetWhere(x => x.ApptViewNum == apptViewNum && x.OpNum != 0).Select(x => x.OpNum).ToList());
Exemplo n.º 3
        ///<summary>Get all provider operatory availabilities for passed in data.</summary>
        private static List <ApptSearchOperatorySchedule> GetAllForDate(DateTime scheduleDate, List <Schedule> listSchedules
                                                                        , List <Appointment> listAppointments, List <ScheduleOp> listSchedOps, List <long> listOpNums, List <long> listProvNums, long blockoutType)
            //No need to check RemotingRole; no call to db.
            List <ApptSearchOperatorySchedule> listOpScheds = new List <ApptSearchOperatorySchedule>();
            List <Operatory> listOps = Operatories.GetWhere(x => x.OperatoryNum.In(listOpNums));

            //Remove any ScheduleOps that are not related to the operatories passed in.
            listSchedOps.RemoveAll(x => !listOpNums.Contains(x.OperatoryNum));
            //Create dictionaries that are comprised of every operatory in question and will keep track of all ProviderNums for specific scenarios.
            Dictionary <long, List <long> > dictProvNumsInOpsBySched = listOps.ToDictionary(x => x.OperatoryNum, x => new List <long>());
            Dictionary <long, List <long> > dictProvNumsInOpsByOp    = listOps.ToDictionary(x => x.OperatoryNum,
                                                                                            x => new List <long>()
                x.ProvDentist, x.ProvHygienist
            });                                        //Could be a list of two 0's if no providers are associated to this op.

            scheduleDate = scheduleDate.Date;          //remove time component
            foreach (long opNum in listOpNums)
                ApptSearchOperatorySchedule apptSearchOpSched = new ApptSearchOperatorySchedule();
                apptSearchOpSched.SchedDate     = scheduleDate;
                apptSearchOpSched.ProviderNums  = new List <long>();
                apptSearchOpSched.OperatoryNum  = opNum;
                apptSearchOpSched.IsOpAvailable = new bool[288];
                for (int j = 0; j < 288; j++)
                    apptSearchOpSched.IsOpAvailable[j] = true;                  //Set entire operatory schedule to true. True=available.
            #region Fill OpScheds with Providers allowed to work in each operatory
            //Make explicit entries into dictProvNumsInOpsBySched if there are any SchedOps for each schedule OR add an entry to every operatory if none found.
            foreach (Schedule schedule in listSchedules.FindAll(x => x.SchedDate == scheduleDate))           //use this loop to fill listProvsInOpBySched
                List <ScheduleOp> listSchedOpsForSchedule = listSchedOps.FindAll(x => x.ScheduleNum == schedule.ScheduleNum);
                if (listSchedOpsForSchedule.Count > 0)
                                    listSchedOpsForSchedule.Select(x => x.OperatoryNum).Distinct().ToList(),
                else                  //Provider scheduled to work, but not limited to specific operatory to add providerNum to all ops in opsProvPerSchedules
            //Set each listOpScheds.ProviderNums to the corresponding providers via operatory OR schedules.
            foreach (Operatory op in listOps)
                //If blockoutType is not 0 and 0 is only provNum in listProvNums, we are just looking for blockout schedules in ops.
                //Add zero to ProviderNums list for op if op has any blockout for the date we are searching. Unwanted blockouts are filtered out below.
                if (blockoutType > 0 && listProvNums.Max() == 0 && dictProvNumsInOpsBySched[op.OperatoryNum].Contains(0))
                    listOpScheds.First(x => x.OperatoryNum == op.OperatoryNum).ProviderNums.Add(0);
                //If the operatory does not have a primary and secondary provider use all providers from the schedules.
                else if (dictProvNumsInOpsByOp[op.OperatoryNum][0] == 0 && dictProvNumsInOpsByOp[op.OperatoryNum][1] == 0)
                    listOpScheds.First(x => x.OperatoryNum == op.OperatoryNum).ProviderNums = dictProvNumsInOpsBySched[op.OperatoryNum];
                else                  //Otherwise; only add providers that intersect between schedules and being explicitly assigned to an operatory.
                    List <long> listIntersectingProvNums = dictProvNumsInOpsBySched[op.OperatoryNum].Intersect(dictProvNumsInOpsByOp[op.OperatoryNum]).ToList();
                    if (listIntersectingProvNums.Count() > 0)
                        listOpScheds.First(x => x.OperatoryNum == op.OperatoryNum).ProviderNums.AddRange(listIntersectingProvNums);
            #region Remove provider availability for current appointments
            List <Appointment> listAppointmentsForDate = listAppointments.FindAll(x => x.Op != 0 && x.AptDateTime.Date == scheduleDate);
            foreach (Appointment appt in listAppointmentsForDate)             //Remove unavailable slots from schedule
                ApptSearchOperatorySchedule apptSearchOperatorySchedule = listOpScheds.FirstOrDefault(x => x.OperatoryNum == appt.Op);
                if (apptSearchOperatorySchedule == null)
                int apptStartIndex = (int)appt.AptDateTime.TimeOfDay.TotalMinutes / 5;
                for (int j = 0; j < appt.Pattern.Length; j++)                              //make unavailable all blocks of time during this appointment
                    apptSearchOperatorySchedule.IsOpAvailable[apptStartIndex + j] = false; //set time block to false, meaning something is scheduled here
            #region Remove provider availiabilty for blockouts set to Do Not Schedule
            List <long> listBlockoutsDoNotSchedule = new List <long>();
            List <Def>  listBlockoutsAll           = Defs.GetDefsForCategory(DefCat.BlockoutTypes, true);
            foreach (Def blockout in listBlockoutsAll)
                if (blockout.ItemValue.Contains(BlockoutType.NoSchedule.GetDescription()))
                    listBlockoutsDoNotSchedule.Add(blockout.DefNum);                    //do not return results for blockouts set to 'Do Not Schedule'
                if (blockoutType != 0 && blockoutType != blockout.DefNum)
                    listBlockoutsDoNotSchedule.Add(blockout.DefNum);                    //do not return results for blockouts that are not of our requested type
            if (listBlockoutsDoNotSchedule.Count > 0)
                List <Schedule> listBlockouts = listSchedules.FindAll(x => x.ProvNum == 0 && x.SchedType == ScheduleType.Blockout && x.SchedDate == scheduleDate &&
                foreach (Schedule blockout in listBlockouts)
                    //get length of blockout (how many 5 minute increments does it span)
                    TimeSpan duration             = blockout.StopTime.Subtract(blockout.StartTime);
                    double   fiveMinuteIncrements = Math.Ceiling(duration.TotalMinutes / 5);
                    int      blockoutStartIndex   = (int)blockout.StartTime.TotalMinutes / 5;
                    //Set each operatory as unavailable that has this blockout.
                    List <ScheduleOp> listSchedOpsForBlockout = listSchedOps.FindAll(x => x.ScheduleNum == blockout.ScheduleNum);
                    foreach (ScheduleOp schedOp in listSchedOpsForBlockout)
                        ApptSearchOperatorySchedule apptSearchOperatorySchedule = listOpScheds.FirstOrDefault(x => x.OperatoryNum == schedOp.OperatoryNum);
                        if (apptSearchOperatorySchedule == null)
                        for (int i = 0; i < fiveMinuteIncrements; i++)
                            apptSearchOperatorySchedule.IsOpAvailable[blockoutStartIndex + i] = false;
            //Return all ApptSearchOperatorySchedules for the providers passed in.
            return(listOpScheds.FindAll(x => x.ProviderNums.Any(y => y.In(listProvNums))));