Exemplo n.º 1
 public virtual void Read(CommandQueue cq, long srcOffset, double[] dstData, int dstStartIndex, int count)
     IntPtr p = cq.EnqueueMapBuffer(this, true, MapFlags.READ, srcOffset, count * sizeof(double));
     double* pBlock = (double*)p.ToPointer();
     for (long i = 0; i < count; i++)
         dstData[dstStartIndex+i] = pBlock[i];
     cq.EnqueueUnmapMemObject(this, p);
Exemplo n.º 2
 public virtual void Write(CommandQueue cq, long dstOffset, double[] srcData, int srcStartIndex, int count)
     IntPtr p = cq.EnqueueMapBuffer(this, true, MapFlags.WRITE, dstOffset, (long)count * sizeof(double));
     double* pBlock = (double*)p.ToPointer();
     for (long i = 0; i < count; i++)
         pBlock[i] = srcData[i + srcStartIndex];
     cq.EnqueueUnmapMemObject(this, p);
Exemplo n.º 3
 public virtual void MemSet(CommandQueue cq, long dstByteOffset, double value, long count)
     IntPtr p = cq.EnqueueMapBuffer(this, true, MapFlags.WRITE, dstByteOffset, count * sizeof(double));
     double* pBlock = (double*)p.ToPointer();
     for (long i = 0; i < count; i++)
         pBlock[i] = value;
     cq.EnqueueUnmapMemObject(this, p);
Exemplo n.º 4
 public virtual void MemSet(CommandQueue cq, byte value)
     long offset = 0;
     long count = MemSize.ToInt64();
     IntPtr p = cq.EnqueueMapBuffer(this, true, MapFlags.WRITE, offset, count);
     byte* pBlock = (byte*)p.ToPointer();
     for (long i = 0; i < count; i++)
         pBlock[i] = value;
     cq.EnqueueUnmapMemObject(this, p);
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Test all versions of:
        /// EnqueueMapBuffer
        /// EnqueueMapImage
        /// The test bounces an array from a managed byte buffer to a mapped buffer,
        /// to an image. The image is then mapped and copied to a new managed buffer
        /// where the result is compared to the original.
        /// On error, the actual point of failure will have to be identified manually.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="c"></param>
        /// <param name="cq"></param>
        private void TestMapBuffer(Context c, CommandQueue cq)
            if (!cq.Device.ImageSupport)
                Output("Skipping EnqueueMapBuffer and EnqueueMapImage tests(not supported on this device)");

            Output("Testing MapBuffer");

            OpenCLNet.Image img0 = null;
            OpenCLNet.Mem mem0 = null;
            int imgWidth = 1024;
            int imgHeight = 1024;
            int bufLen = imgWidth * 4 * imgHeight;
            byte[] srcData = new byte[bufLen];
            byte[] cmpData = new byte[bufLen];
            Event event0;
            Event event1;

            for (int i = 0; i < srcData.Length; i++)
                srcData[i] = (byte)(i);
            Array.Clear(cmpData, 0, cmpData.Length);

                img0 = c.CreateImage2D(MemFlags.READ_WRITE, ImageFormat.RGBA8U, imgWidth, imgHeight);
                mem0 = c.CreateBuffer(MemFlags.READ_WRITE, bufLen, IntPtr.Zero);

                Array.Clear(cmpData, 0, cmpData.Length);
                fixed (byte* pSrc = srcData)
                    fixed (byte* pCmp = cmpData)
                            IntPtr[] origin = new IntPtr[3] { (IntPtr)0, (IntPtr)0, (IntPtr)0 };
                            IntPtr[] region = new IntPtr[3] { (IntPtr)imgWidth, (IntPtr)imgHeight, (IntPtr)1 };
                            IntPtr[] dstOrigin = new IntPtr[3] { (IntPtr)0, (IntPtr)0, (IntPtr)0 };
                            IntPtr[] dstRegion = new IntPtr[3] { (IntPtr)imgWidth, (IntPtr)imgHeight, (IntPtr)1 };
                            IntPtr mapPtr;
                            byte* pMapPtr;
                            IntPtr image_row_pitch;
                            IntPtr image_slice_pitch;

                            Array.Clear(cmpData, 0, cmpData.Length);
                            mapPtr = cq.EnqueueMapBuffer(mem0, true, MapFlags.WRITE, 0, bufLen);
                            pMapPtr = (byte*)mapPtr.ToPointer();
                            for (int i = 0; i < bufLen; i++)
                                pMapPtr[i] = srcData[i];
                            cq.EnqueueUnmapMemObject(mem0, mapPtr);
                            cq.EnqueueCopyBufferToImage(mem0, img0, (IntPtr)0, origin, region);

                            mapPtr = cq.EnqueueMapImage(img0, true, MapFlags.READ, origin, region, out image_row_pitch, out image_slice_pitch);
                            pMapPtr = (byte*)mapPtr.ToPointer();
                            for (int y = 0; y < imgHeight; y++)
                                byte* pSrcRowPtr = pMapPtr + y * (int)image_row_pitch;
                                byte* pDstRowPtr = pCmp + y*imgWidth*4;
                                for (int x = 0; x < imgWidth * 4; x++)
                                    pDstRowPtr[x] = pSrcRowPtr[x];
                            cq.EnqueueUnmapMemObject(img0, mapPtr);
                            if (!CompareArray(cmpData, srcData))
                                Error("EnqueueEnqueueMapBuffer/EnqueueMapImage: (IntPtr version)Copy not identical to source when using no event args");

                            Array.Clear(cmpData, 0, cmpData.Length);
                            mapPtr = cq.EnqueueMapBuffer(mem0, true, MapFlags.WRITE, 0, bufLen);
                            pMapPtr = (byte*)mapPtr.ToPointer();
                            for (int i = 0; i < bufLen; i++)
                                pMapPtr[i] = srcData[i];
                            cq.EnqueueUnmapMemObject(mem0, mapPtr);
                            Event fdjk;
                            cq.EnqueueCopyBufferToImage(mem0, img0, (IntPtr)0, origin, region, 0, null, out fdjk);

                            mapPtr = cq.EnqueueMapImage(img0, false, MapFlags.READ, origin, region, out image_row_pitch, out image_slice_pitch, 0, null, out event0 );
                            pMapPtr = (byte*)mapPtr.ToPointer();
                            for (int y = 0; y < imgHeight; y++)
                                byte* pSrcRowPtr = pMapPtr + y * (int)image_row_pitch;
                                byte* pDstRowPtr = pCmp + y * imgWidth * 4;
                                for (int x = 0; x < imgWidth * 4; x++)
                                    pDstRowPtr[x] = pSrcRowPtr[x];
                            cq.EnqueueUnmapMemObject(img0, mapPtr);
                            if (!CompareArray(cmpData, srcData))
                                Error("EnqueueEnqueueMapBuffer/EnqueueMapImage: (IntPtr version)Copy not identical to source when using event output and no wait list");

                            Event[] waitList = new Event[] { event0 };
                            Array.Clear(cmpData, 0, cmpData.Length);
                            mapPtr = cq.EnqueueMapBuffer(mem0, true, MapFlags.WRITE, 0, bufLen);
                            pMapPtr = (byte*)mapPtr.ToPointer();
                            for (int i = 0; i < bufLen; i++)
                                pMapPtr[i] = srcData[i];
                            cq.EnqueueUnmapMemObject(mem0, mapPtr);
                            cq.EnqueueCopyBufferToImage(mem0, img0, (IntPtr)0, origin, region);

                            mapPtr = cq.EnqueueMapImage(img0, false, MapFlags.READ, origin, region, out image_row_pitch, out image_slice_pitch, 1, waitList, out event1);
                            pMapPtr = (byte*)mapPtr.ToPointer();
                            for (int y = 0; y < imgHeight; y++)
                                byte* pSrcRowPtr = pMapPtr + y * (int)image_row_pitch;
                                byte* pDstRowPtr = pCmp + y * imgWidth * 4;
                                for (int x = 0; x < imgWidth * 4; x++)
                                    pDstRowPtr[x] = pSrcRowPtr[x];
                            cq.EnqueueUnmapMemObject(img0, mapPtr);
                            if (!CompareArray(cmpData, srcData))
                                Error("EnqueueEnqueueMapBuffer/EnqueueMapImage: (IntPtr version)Copy not identical to source when using event output and no wait list");

                            int[] origin = new int[3] { (int)0, (int)0, (int)0 };
                            int[] region = new int[3] { (int)imgWidth, (int)imgHeight, (int)1 };
                            IntPtr mapPtr;
                            byte* pMapPtr;
                            int image_row_pitch;
                            int image_slice_pitch;

                            Array.Clear(cmpData, 0, cmpData.Length);
                            mapPtr = cq.EnqueueMapBuffer(mem0, true, MapFlags.WRITE, 0, bufLen);
                            pMapPtr = (byte*)mapPtr.ToPointer();
                            for (int i = 0; i < bufLen; i++)
                                pMapPtr[i] = srcData[i];
                            cq.EnqueueUnmapMemObject(mem0, mapPtr);
                            cq.EnqueueCopyBufferToImage(mem0, img0, 0, origin, region);

                            mapPtr = cq.EnqueueMapImage(img0, true, MapFlags.READ, origin, region, out image_row_pitch, out image_slice_pitch);
                            pMapPtr = (byte*)mapPtr.ToPointer();
                            for (int y = 0; y < imgHeight; y++)
                                byte* pSrcRowPtr = pMapPtr + y * (int)image_row_pitch;
                                byte* pDstRowPtr = pCmp + y*imgWidth*4;
                                for (int x = 0; x < imgWidth * 4; x++)
                                    pDstRowPtr[x] = pSrcRowPtr[x];
                            cq.EnqueueUnmapMemObject(img0, mapPtr);
                            if (!CompareArray(cmpData, srcData))
                                Error("EnqueueEnqueueMapBuffer/EnqueueMapImage: (int version)Copy not identical to source when using no event args");

                            Array.Clear(cmpData, 0, cmpData.Length);
                            mapPtr = cq.EnqueueMapBuffer(mem0, true, MapFlags.WRITE, 0, bufLen);
                            pMapPtr = (byte*)mapPtr.ToPointer();
                            for (int i = 0; i < bufLen; i++)
                                pMapPtr[i] = srcData[i];
                            cq.EnqueueUnmapMemObject(mem0, mapPtr);
                            cq.EnqueueCopyBufferToImage(mem0, img0, 0, origin, region);

                            mapPtr = cq.EnqueueMapImage(img0, false, MapFlags.READ, origin, region, out image_row_pitch, out image_slice_pitch, 0, null, out event0 );
                            pMapPtr = (byte*)mapPtr.ToPointer();
                            for (int y = 0; y < imgHeight; y++)
                                byte* pSrcRowPtr = pMapPtr + y * (int)image_row_pitch;
                                byte* pDstRowPtr = pCmp + y * imgWidth * 4;
                                for (int x = 0; x < imgWidth * 4; x++)
                                    pDstRowPtr[x] = pSrcRowPtr[x];
                            cq.EnqueueUnmapMemObject(img0, mapPtr);
                            if (!CompareArray(cmpData, srcData))
                                Error("EnqueueEnqueueMapBuffer/EnqueueMapImage: (int version)Copy not identical to source when using event output and no wait list");

                            Event[] waitList = new Event[] { event0 };
                            Array.Clear(cmpData, 0, cmpData.Length);
                            mapPtr = cq.EnqueueMapBuffer(mem0, true, MapFlags.WRITE, 0, bufLen);
                            pMapPtr = (byte*)mapPtr.ToPointer();
                            for (int i = 0; i < bufLen; i++)
                                pMapPtr[i] = srcData[i];
                            cq.EnqueueUnmapMemObject(mem0, mapPtr);
                            cq.EnqueueCopyBufferToImage(mem0, img0, 0, origin, region);

                            mapPtr = cq.EnqueueMapImage(img0, false, MapFlags.READ, origin, region, out image_row_pitch, out image_slice_pitch, 1, waitList, out event1);
                            pMapPtr = (byte*)mapPtr.ToPointer();
                            for (int y = 0; y < imgHeight; y++)
                                byte* pSrcRowPtr = pMapPtr + y * (int)image_row_pitch;
                                byte* pDstRowPtr = pCmp + y * imgWidth * 4;
                                for (int x = 0; x < imgWidth * 4; x++)
                                    pDstRowPtr[x] = pSrcRowPtr[x];
                            cq.EnqueueUnmapMemObject(img0, mapPtr);
                            if (!CompareArray(cmpData, srcData))
                                Error("EnqueueEnqueueMapBuffer/EnqueueMapImage: (int version)Copy not identical to source when using event output and no wait list");

                            long[] origin = new long[3] { (long)0, (long)0, (long)0 };
                            long[] region = new long[3] { (long)imgWidth, (long)imgHeight, (long)1 };
                            IntPtr mapPtr;
                            byte* pMapPtr;
                            long image_row_pitch;
                            long image_slice_pitch;

                            Array.Clear(cmpData, 0, cmpData.Length);
                            mapPtr = cq.EnqueueMapBuffer(mem0, true, MapFlags.WRITE, 0, bufLen);
                            pMapPtr = (byte*)mapPtr.ToPointer();
                            for (int i = 0; i < bufLen; i++)
                                pMapPtr[i] = srcData[i];
                            cq.EnqueueUnmapMemObject(mem0, mapPtr);
                            cq.EnqueueCopyBufferToImage(mem0, img0, (long)0, origin, region);

                            mapPtr = cq.EnqueueMapImage(img0, true, MapFlags.READ, origin, region, out image_row_pitch, out image_slice_pitch);
                            pMapPtr = (byte*)mapPtr.ToPointer();
                            for (int y = 0; y < imgHeight; y++)
                                byte* pSrcRowPtr = pMapPtr + y * image_row_pitch;
                                byte* pDstRowPtr = pCmp + y * imgWidth * 4;
                                for (int x = 0; x < imgWidth * 4; x++)
                                    pDstRowPtr[x] = pSrcRowPtr[x];
                            cq.EnqueueUnmapMemObject(img0, mapPtr);
                            if (!CompareArray(cmpData, srcData))
                                Error("EnqueueEnqueueMapBuffer/EnqueueMapImage: (long version)Copy not identical to source when using no event args");

                            Array.Clear(cmpData, 0, cmpData.Length);
                            mapPtr = cq.EnqueueMapBuffer(mem0, true, MapFlags.WRITE, 0, bufLen);
                            pMapPtr = (byte*)mapPtr.ToPointer();
                            for (int i = 0; i < bufLen; i++)
                                pMapPtr[i] = srcData[i];
                            cq.EnqueueUnmapMemObject(mem0, mapPtr);
                            cq.EnqueueCopyBufferToImage(mem0, img0, (long)0, origin, region);

                            mapPtr = cq.EnqueueMapImage(img0, false, MapFlags.READ, origin, region, out image_row_pitch, out image_slice_pitch, 0, null, out event0);
                            pMapPtr = (byte*)mapPtr.ToPointer();
                            for (int y = 0; y < imgHeight; y++)
                                byte* pSrcRowPtr = pMapPtr + y * image_row_pitch;
                                byte* pDstRowPtr = pCmp + y * imgWidth * 4;
                                for (int x = 0; x < imgWidth * 4; x++)
                                    pDstRowPtr[x] = pSrcRowPtr[x];
                            cq.EnqueueUnmapMemObject(img0, mapPtr);
                            if (!CompareArray(cmpData, srcData))
                                Error("EnqueueEnqueueMapBuffer/EnqueueMapImage: (long version)Copy not identical to source when using event output and no wait list");

                            Event[] waitList = new Event[] { event0 };
                            Array.Clear(cmpData, 0, cmpData.Length);
                            mapPtr = cq.EnqueueMapBuffer(mem0, true, MapFlags.WRITE, 0, bufLen);
                            pMapPtr = (byte*)mapPtr.ToPointer();
                            for (int i = 0; i < bufLen; i++)
                                pMapPtr[i] = srcData[i];
                            cq.EnqueueUnmapMemObject(mem0, mapPtr);
                            cq.EnqueueCopyBufferToImage(mem0, img0, (long)0, origin, region);

                            mapPtr = cq.EnqueueMapImage(img0, false, MapFlags.READ, origin, region, out image_row_pitch, out image_slice_pitch, 1, waitList, out event1);
                            pMapPtr = (byte*)mapPtr.ToPointer();
                            for (int y = 0; y < imgHeight; y++)
                                byte* pSrcRowPtr = pMapPtr + y * image_row_pitch;
                                byte* pDstRowPtr = pCmp + y * imgWidth * 4;
                                for (int x = 0; x < imgWidth * 4; x++)
                                    pDstRowPtr[x] = pSrcRowPtr[x];
                            cq.EnqueueUnmapMemObject(img0, mapPtr);
                            if (!CompareArray(cmpData, srcData))
                                Error("EnqueueEnqueueMapBuffer/EnqueueMapImage: (long version)Copy not identical to source when using event output and no wait list");

            catch (Exception e)
                Error("Exception during testing: " + e.ToString());
                if (img0 != null)
                if (mem0 != null)
Exemplo n.º 6
        private unsafe void TestKernel(Context c, CommandQueue cq, Kernel argIOKernel)
            Mem outArgBuffer = c.CreateBuffer((MemFlags)((ulong)MemFlags.ALLOC_HOST_PTR|(ulong)MemFlags.READ_WRITE), sizeof(IOKernelArgs), IntPtr.Zero);
            byte[] data = new byte[sizeof(IOKernelArgs)];
            Output("Testing kernel - Argument return");

            argIOKernel.SetArg(0, 1);
            argIOKernel.SetArg(1, 65L);
            argIOKernel.SetArg(2, 38.4f);
            argIOKernel.SetArg(3, outArgBuffer);

            Event ev;
            cq.EnqueueTask(argIOKernel,0,null,out ev);

            if ((int)ev.ExecutionStatus < 0)
                Error(cq.Device.Name + ": argIOKernel failed with error code " + (ErrorCode)ev.ExecutionStatus);
                outArgBuffer.Read(cq, 0L, data, 0, sizeof(IOKernelArgs));
                IntPtr outArgPtr = cq.EnqueueMapBuffer(outArgBuffer, true, MapFlags.READ, IntPtr.Zero, (IntPtr)sizeof(IOKernelArgs));
                IOKernelArgs args = (IOKernelArgs)Marshal.PtrToStructure(outArgPtr, typeof(IOKernelArgs));
                cq.EnqueueUnmapMemObject(outArgBuffer, outArgPtr);

                if (args.outInt != 1)
                    Error(cq.Device.Name + ": argIOKernel failed to return correct arguments");
                if (args.outLong != 65)
                    Error(cq.Device.Name + ": argIOKernel failed to return correct arguments");
                if (args.outSingle != 38.4f)
                    Error(cq.Device.Name + ": argIOKernel failed to return correct arguments");
Exemplo n.º 7
        private void TestCommandQueueMemCopy(Context c, CommandQueue cq)
            Output("Testing synchronous host memory->memory copy");

            AlignedArrayFloat aafSrc = new AlignedArrayFloat(1024 * 1024, 64);
            AlignedArrayFloat aafDst = new AlignedArrayFloat(1024 * 1024, 64);

            SetAAF(aafSrc, 0.0f);
            SetAAF(aafDst, 1.0f);

            /// Test HOST_PTR -> HOST_PTR copy
            /// The call to EnqueueMapBuffer synchronizes caches before testing the result
            using (Mem memSrc = c.CreateBuffer((MemFlags)((ulong)MemFlags.READ_WRITE+(ulong)MemFlags.USE_HOST_PTR), aafSrc.ByteLength, aafSrc))
                using (Mem memDst = c.CreateBuffer((MemFlags)((ulong)MemFlags.READ_WRITE+(ulong)MemFlags.USE_HOST_PTR), aafDst.ByteLength, aafDst))
                    cq.EnqueueCopyBuffer(memSrc, memDst, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, (IntPtr)aafSrc.ByteLength);
                    IntPtr mappedPtr = cq.EnqueueMapBuffer(memDst, true, MapFlags.READ_WRITE, (IntPtr)0, (IntPtr)aafDst.ByteLength);
                    if (!TestAAF(aafDst, 0.0f))
                        Error("EnqueueCopyBuffer failed, destination is invalid");
                    cq.EnqueueUnmapMemObject(memDst, mappedPtr);

            /// Test COPY_HOST_PTR -> COPY_HOST_PTR copy
            /// Verify that original source buffers are intact and that the copy was successful
            SetAAF(aafSrc, 0.0f);
            SetAAF(aafDst, 1.0f);
            using (Mem memSrc = c.CreateBuffer(MemFlags.COPY_HOST_PTR, aafSrc.ByteLength, aafSrc))
                using (Mem memDst = c.CreateBuffer(MemFlags.COPY_HOST_PTR, aafSrc.ByteLength, aafDst))
                    SetAAF(aafSrc, 2.0f);
                    SetAAF(aafDst, 3.0f);

                    cq.EnqueueCopyBuffer(memSrc, memDst, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, (IntPtr)aafSrc.ByteLength);

                    if (!TestAAF(aafSrc, 2.0f))
                        Error("Memory copy destroyed src buffer");
                    if (!TestAAF(aafDst, 3.0f))
                        Error("Memory copy destroyed dst buffer");
                    Event ev;
                    cq.EnqueueReadBuffer(memDst, false, IntPtr.Zero, (IntPtr)aafDst.ByteLength, aafDst,0, null, out ev);
                    cq.EnqueueWaitForEvents(1, new Event[] { ev });
                    if (!TestAAF(aafDst, 0.0f))
                        Error("Memory copy failed");

            /// Test ALLOC_HOST_PTR -> ALLOC_HOST_PTR copy
            SetAAF(aafSrc, 0.0f);
            SetAAF(aafDst, 1.0f);
            using (Mem memSrc = c.CreateBuffer((MemFlags)((ulong)MemFlags.ALLOC_HOST_PTR + (ulong)MemFlags.READ_WRITE), aafSrc.ByteLength, IntPtr.Zero))
                using (Mem memDst = c.CreateBuffer((MemFlags)((ulong)MemFlags.ALLOC_HOST_PTR + (ulong)MemFlags.WRITE_ONLY), aafSrc.ByteLength, IntPtr.Zero))
                    cq.EnqueueWriteBuffer(memSrc, false, (IntPtr)0, (IntPtr)aafSrc.ByteLength, aafSrc);
                    cq.EnqueueWriteBuffer(memDst, false, (IntPtr)0, (IntPtr)aafSrc.ByteLength, aafSrc);

                    cq.EnqueueCopyBuffer(memSrc, memDst, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, (IntPtr)aafSrc.ByteLength);

                    cq.EnqueueReadBuffer(memDst, true, IntPtr.Zero, (IntPtr)aafDst.ByteLength, aafDst);
                    if (!TestAAF(aafDst, 0.0f))
                        Error("Memory copy failed");

            /// Test DEFAULT -> DEFAULT copy
            SetAAF(aafSrc, 0.0f);
            SetAAF(aafDst, 1.0f);
            using (Mem memSrc = c.CreateBuffer((MemFlags)((ulong)MemFlags.ALLOC_HOST_PTR + (ulong)MemFlags.READ_ONLY), aafSrc.ByteLength, IntPtr.Zero))
                using (Mem memDst = c.CreateBuffer((MemFlags)((ulong)MemFlags.ALLOC_HOST_PTR + (ulong)MemFlags.WRITE_ONLY), aafSrc.ByteLength, IntPtr.Zero))
                    cq.EnqueueWriteBuffer(memSrc, false, (IntPtr)0, (IntPtr)aafSrc.ByteLength, aafSrc);
                    cq.EnqueueWriteBuffer(memDst, false, (IntPtr)0, (IntPtr)aafSrc.ByteLength, aafSrc);

                    cq.EnqueueCopyBuffer(memSrc, memDst, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, (IntPtr)aafSrc.ByteLength);

                    cq.EnqueueReadBuffer(memDst, true, IntPtr.Zero, (IntPtr)aafDst.ByteLength, aafDst);
                    if (!TestAAF(aafDst, 0.0f))
                        Error("Memory copy failed");
Exemplo n.º 8
        private unsafe void TestVecKernel(Context c, CommandQueue cq, Kernel k)
            Float2 f2 = new Float2(0.0f,1.0f);
            float[] memory = new float[2];

            fixed (float* pMemory = memory)
                Mem mem = c.CreateBuffer((MemFlags)((ulong)MemFlags.READ_WRITE | (ulong)MemFlags.USE_HOST_PTR), 4 * 2, pMemory);

                k.SetArg(0, f2);
                k.SetArg(1, mem);
                IntPtr pMap = cq.EnqueueMapBuffer(mem, true, MapFlags.READ, 0, 2 * 4);
                cq.EnqueueUnmapMemObject(mem, pMap);
Exemplo n.º 9
		unsafe public FLACCLTask(Program _openCLProgram, int channelsCount, int channels, uint bits_per_sample, int max_frame_size, FLACCLWriter writer, int groupSize, bool gpuOnly, bool gpuRice)
			this.UseGPUOnly = gpuOnly;
			this.UseGPURice = gpuOnly && gpuRice;
			this.UseMappedMemory = writer._settings.MappedMemory || writer._settings.DeviceType == OpenCLDeviceType.CPU;
			this.groupSize = groupSize;
			this.channels = channels;
			this.channelsCount = channelsCount;
			this.writer = writer;
			openCLProgram = _openCLProgram;
			var prop = CommandQueueProperties.PROFILING_ENABLE;
			var prop = CommandQueueProperties.NONE;
			openCLCQ = openCLProgram.Context.CreateCommandQueue(openCLProgram.Context.Devices[0], prop);

            int MAX_ORDER = this.writer.eparams.max_prediction_order;
			int MAX_FRAMES = this.writer.framesPerTask;
			int MAX_CHANNELSIZE = MAX_FRAMES * ((writer.eparams.block_size + 3) & ~3);
			residualTasksLen = sizeof(FLACCLSubframeTask) * 32 * channelsCount * MAX_FRAMES;
			bestResidualTasksLen = sizeof(FLACCLSubframeTask) * channels * MAX_FRAMES;
			int samplesBufferLen = writer.PCM.BlockAlign * MAX_CHANNELSIZE * channelsCount;
			int residualBufferLen = sizeof(int) * MAX_CHANNELSIZE * channels; // need to adjust residualOffset?
			int partitionsLen = sizeof(int) * ((writer.PCM.BitsPerSample > 16 ? 31 : 15) * 2 << 8) * channels * MAX_FRAMES;
			int riceParamsLen = sizeof(int) * (4 << 8) * channels * MAX_FRAMES;
			int autocorLen = sizeof(float) * (MAX_ORDER + 1) * lpc.MAX_LPC_WINDOWS * channelsCount * MAX_FRAMES;
            int lpcDataLen = autocorLen * 32;
			int resOutLen = sizeof(int) * channelsCount * (lpc.MAX_LPC_WINDOWS * lpc.MAX_LPC_ORDER + 8) * MAX_FRAMES;
			int wndLen = sizeof(float) * MAX_CHANNELSIZE /** 2*/ * lpc.MAX_LPC_WINDOWS;
			int selectedLen = sizeof(int) * 32 * channelsCount * MAX_FRAMES;
			int riceLen = sizeof(int) * channels * MAX_CHANNELSIZE;

            if (!this.UseMappedMemory)
                clSamplesBytes = openCLProgram.Context.CreateBuffer(MemFlags.READ_WRITE, samplesBufferLen / 2);
				clResidual = openCLProgram.Context.CreateBuffer(MemFlags.READ_WRITE, residualBufferLen);
                clBestRiceParams = openCLProgram.Context.CreateBuffer(MemFlags.READ_WRITE, riceParamsLen / 4);
                clResidualTasks = openCLProgram.Context.CreateBuffer(MemFlags.READ_WRITE, residualTasksLen);
                clBestResidualTasks = openCLProgram.Context.CreateBuffer(MemFlags.READ_WRITE, bestResidualTasksLen);
                clWindowFunctions = openCLProgram.Context.CreateBuffer(MemFlags.READ_WRITE, wndLen);
				clSelectedTasks = openCLProgram.Context.CreateBuffer(MemFlags.READ_WRITE, selectedLen);
				clRiceOutput = openCLProgram.Context.CreateBuffer(MemFlags.READ_WRITE, riceLen);

                clSamplesBytesPinned = openCLProgram.Context.CreateBuffer(MemFlags.READ_WRITE | MemFlags.ALLOC_HOST_PTR, samplesBufferLen / 2);
				clResidualPinned = openCLProgram.Context.CreateBuffer(MemFlags.READ_WRITE | MemFlags.ALLOC_HOST_PTR, residualBufferLen);
                clBestRiceParamsPinned = openCLProgram.Context.CreateBuffer(MemFlags.READ_WRITE | MemFlags.ALLOC_HOST_PTR, riceParamsLen / 4);
                clResidualTasksPinned = openCLProgram.Context.CreateBuffer(MemFlags.READ_WRITE | MemFlags.ALLOC_HOST_PTR, residualTasksLen);
                clBestResidualTasksPinned = openCLProgram.Context.CreateBuffer(MemFlags.READ_WRITE | MemFlags.ALLOC_HOST_PTR, bestResidualTasksLen);
                clWindowFunctionsPinned = openCLProgram.Context.CreateBuffer(MemFlags.READ_WRITE | MemFlags.ALLOC_HOST_PTR, wndLen);
				clSelectedTasksPinned = openCLProgram.Context.CreateBuffer(MemFlags.READ_WRITE | MemFlags.ALLOC_HOST_PTR, selectedLen);
				clRiceOutputPinned = openCLProgram.Context.CreateBuffer(MemFlags.READ_WRITE | MemFlags.ALLOC_HOST_PTR, riceLen);

                clSamplesBytesPtr = openCLCQ.EnqueueMapBuffer(clSamplesBytesPinned, true, MapFlags.READ_WRITE, 0, samplesBufferLen / 2);
				clResidualPtr = openCLCQ.EnqueueMapBuffer(clResidualPinned, true, MapFlags.READ_WRITE, 0, residualBufferLen);
				clBestRiceParamsPtr = openCLCQ.EnqueueMapBuffer(clBestRiceParamsPinned, true, MapFlags.READ_WRITE, 0, riceParamsLen / 4);
				clResidualTasksPtr = openCLCQ.EnqueueMapBuffer(clResidualTasksPinned, true, MapFlags.READ_WRITE, 0, residualTasksLen);
				clBestResidualTasksPtr = openCLCQ.EnqueueMapBuffer(clBestResidualTasksPinned, true, MapFlags.READ_WRITE, 0, bestResidualTasksLen);
				clWindowFunctionsPtr = openCLCQ.EnqueueMapBuffer(clWindowFunctionsPinned, true, MapFlags.READ_WRITE, 0, wndLen);
				clSelectedTasksPtr = openCLCQ.EnqueueMapBuffer(clSelectedTasksPinned, true, MapFlags.READ_WRITE, 0, selectedLen);
				clRiceOutputPtr = openCLCQ.EnqueueMapBuffer(clRiceOutputPinned, true, MapFlags.READ_WRITE, 0, riceLen);
                clSamplesBytes = openCLProgram.Context.CreateBuffer(MemFlags.READ_WRITE | MemFlags.ALLOC_HOST_PTR, (uint)samplesBufferLen / 2);
				clResidual = openCLProgram.Context.CreateBuffer(MemFlags.READ_WRITE | MemFlags.ALLOC_HOST_PTR, residualBufferLen);
                clBestRiceParams = openCLProgram.Context.CreateBuffer(MemFlags.READ_WRITE | MemFlags.ALLOC_HOST_PTR, riceParamsLen / 4);
                clResidualTasks = openCLProgram.Context.CreateBuffer(MemFlags.READ_WRITE | MemFlags.ALLOC_HOST_PTR, residualTasksLen);
                clBestResidualTasks = openCLProgram.Context.CreateBuffer(MemFlags.READ_WRITE | MemFlags.ALLOC_HOST_PTR, bestResidualTasksLen);
                clWindowFunctions = openCLProgram.Context.CreateBuffer(MemFlags.READ_WRITE | MemFlags.ALLOC_HOST_PTR, wndLen);
				clSelectedTasks = openCLProgram.Context.CreateBuffer(MemFlags.READ_WRITE | MemFlags.ALLOC_HOST_PTR, selectedLen);
				clRiceOutput = openCLProgram.Context.CreateBuffer(MemFlags.READ_WRITE | MemFlags.ALLOC_HOST_PTR, riceLen);

				clSamplesBytesPtr = openCLCQ.EnqueueMapBuffer(clSamplesBytes, true, MapFlags.READ_WRITE, 0, samplesBufferLen / 2);
				clResidualPtr = openCLCQ.EnqueueMapBuffer(clResidual, true, MapFlags.READ_WRITE, 0, residualBufferLen);
				clBestRiceParamsPtr = openCLCQ.EnqueueMapBuffer(clBestRiceParams, true, MapFlags.READ_WRITE, 0, riceParamsLen / 4);
				clResidualTasksPtr = openCLCQ.EnqueueMapBuffer(clResidualTasks, true, MapFlags.READ_WRITE, 0, residualTasksLen);
				clBestResidualTasksPtr = openCLCQ.EnqueueMapBuffer(clBestResidualTasks, true, MapFlags.READ_WRITE, 0, bestResidualTasksLen);
				clWindowFunctionsPtr = openCLCQ.EnqueueMapBuffer(clWindowFunctions, true, MapFlags.READ_WRITE, 0, wndLen);
				clSelectedTasksPtr = openCLCQ.EnqueueMapBuffer(clSelectedTasks, true, MapFlags.READ_WRITE, 0, selectedLen);
				clRiceOutputPtr = openCLCQ.EnqueueMapBuffer(clRiceOutput, true, MapFlags.READ_WRITE, 0, riceLen);

                //clSamplesBytesPtr = clSamplesBytes.HostPtr;
                //clResidualPtr = clResidual.HostPtr;
                //clBestRiceParamsPtr = clBestRiceParams.HostPtr;
                //clResidualTasksPtr = clResidualTasks.HostPtr;
                //clBestResidualTasksPtr = clBestResidualTasks.HostPtr;
                //clWindowFunctionsPtr = clWindowFunctions.HostPtr;

            clSamples = openCLProgram.Context.CreateBuffer(MemFlags.READ_WRITE, samplesBufferLen);
            clLPCData = openCLProgram.Context.CreateBuffer(MemFlags.READ_WRITE, lpcDataLen);
            clAutocorOutput = openCLProgram.Context.CreateBuffer(MemFlags.READ_WRITE, autocorLen);
			clSelectedTasksSecondEstimate = openCLProgram.Context.CreateBuffer(MemFlags.READ_WRITE, selectedLen);
			clSelectedTasksBestMethod = openCLProgram.Context.CreateBuffer(MemFlags.READ_WRITE, selectedLen);
			if (UseGPUOnly)
                clPartitions = openCLProgram.Context.CreateBuffer(MemFlags.READ_WRITE, partitionsLen);
                clRiceParams = openCLProgram.Context.CreateBuffer(MemFlags.READ_WRITE, riceParamsLen);

            //openCLCQ.EnqueueMapBuffer(clSamplesBytes, true, MapFlags.WRITE, 0, samplesBufferLen / 2);

            clComputeAutocor = openCLProgram.CreateKernel("clComputeAutocor");
			clStereoDecorr = openCLProgram.CreateKernel("clStereoDecorr");
			//cudaChannelDecorr = openCLProgram.CreateKernel("clChannelDecorr");
			clChannelDecorr2 = openCLProgram.CreateKernel("clChannelDecorr2");
			clChannelDecorrX = openCLProgram.CreateKernel("clChannelDecorrX");
			clFindWastedBits = openCLProgram.CreateKernel("clFindWastedBits");
			clComputeLPC = openCLProgram.CreateKernel("clComputeLPC");
			clQuantizeLPC = openCLProgram.CreateKernel("clQuantizeLPC");
			//cudaComputeLPCLattice = openCLProgram.CreateKernel("clComputeLPCLattice");
            clSelectStereoTasks = openCLProgram.CreateKernel("clSelectStereoTasks");
			clEstimateResidual = openCLProgram.CreateKernel("clEstimateResidual");
			clChooseBestMethod = openCLProgram.CreateKernel("clChooseBestMethod");
			if (UseGPUOnly)
				clEncodeResidual = openCLProgram.CreateKernel("clEncodeResidual");
				if (openCLCQ.Device.DeviceType != DeviceType.CPU)
					clCalcPartition = openCLProgram.CreateKernel("clCalcPartition");
					clCalcPartition16 = openCLProgram.CreateKernel("clCalcPartition16");
				clSumPartition = openCLProgram.CreateKernel("clSumPartition");
				clFindRiceParameter = openCLProgram.CreateKernel("clFindRiceParameter");
				clFindPartitionOrder = openCLProgram.CreateKernel("clFindPartitionOrder");
				if (UseGPURice)
					clCalcOutputOffsets = openCLProgram.CreateKernel("clCalcOutputOffsets");
					clRiceEncoding = openCLProgram.CreateKernel("clRiceEncoding");

			samplesBuffer = new int[MAX_CHANNELSIZE * channelsCount];
			outputBuffer = new byte[max_frame_size * MAX_FRAMES + 1];
			frame = new FlacFrame(channelsCount);
			frame.writer = new BitWriter(outputBuffer, 0, outputBuffer.Length);

			if (writer._settings.DoVerify)
				verify = new FlakeReader(new AudioPCMConfig((int)bits_per_sample, channels, 44100));
				verify.DoCRC = false;