Inheritance: OnlineVideos.MPUrlSourceFilter.SimpleUrl
 public override string GetVideoUrl(VideoInfo video)
     CookieContainer cc = new CookieContainer();
     string postData = "url=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(video.VideoUrl);
     string webData = GetWebData(@"", postData, cc);
     var jData = GetWebData<JObject>(@"", "cid=" + video.Other.ToString(), cc);
     var webData2 = jData.Value<string>("url");
     string m3u = GetWebData(webData2, null, cc);
     Match m = Regex.Match(m3u, @"(?<ch>chu.*)");
     if (m.Success)
         HttpUrl httpUrl = new HttpUrl(FormatDecodeAbsolutifyUrl(webData2, m.Groups["ch"].Value, "{0}", UrlDecoding.None));
         httpUrl.LiveStream = true;
         foreach (Cookie cookie in cc.GetCookies(new Uri(@"")))
         return httpUrl.ToString();
     return String.Empty;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public override List<VideoInfo> GetVideos(Category category)
            String webData = GetWebData(((RssLink)category).Url, forceUTF8: true);
            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

            List<VideoInfo> result = new List<VideoInfo>();

            foreach (XmlNode vidNode in doc.SelectNodes("//resp/VoDs/vod"))
                VideoInfo video = new VideoInfo();
                video.Title = vidNode.Attributes["title"].Value;
                video.Airdate = epoch.AddSeconds(float.Parse(vidNode.Attributes["timestamp"].Value)).ToString();
                video.Length = Helpers.TimeUtils.TimeFromSeconds(vidNode.Attributes["dur"].Value);
                video.Thumb = getThumb(vidNode);

                video.PlaybackOptions = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                foreach (XmlNode urlNode in vidNode.SelectNodes("srcreq[@drmtype=\"0\" and @format!=\"2\"]"))
                    string url = urlNode.Attributes["url"].Value;
                    string quality = urlNode.Attributes["quality"].Value;
                    string key = qualities.ContainsKey(quality) ? qualities[quality] : "quality " + quality;
                    string format = urlNode.Attributes["format"].Value;

                    if (formats.ContainsKey(format))
                        key = key + " " + formats[format];
                        key = key + " format: " + format;

                    if (!video.PlaybackOptions.ContainsKey(key))
                        HttpUrl httpUtl = new HttpUrl(url) { UserAgent = "this is no useragent" };
                        video.PlaybackOptions.Add(key, httpUtl.ToString());
                if (video.PlaybackOptions.Count > 0)

            return result;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public override string GetVideoUrl(string url)
            CookieContainer cc = new CookieContainer();
            if (url.Contains("embed") || url.Contains(@"/f/"))
                string page = WebCache.Instance.GetWebData(url);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(page))
                    Match n = Regex.Match(page, @"file:\s'(?<url>[^']*)'");
                    if (n.Success)
                        HttpUrl httpurl = new HttpUrl(n.Groups["url"].Value);
                        httpurl.UserAgent = @"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko";
                        return httpurl.ToString();
                string page = WebCache.Instance.GetWebData(url, cookies: cc);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(page))

                    string op = Regex.Match(page, @"<input\stype=""hidden""\sname=""op""\svalue=""(?<value>[^""]+)"">").Groups["value"].Value;
                    string id = Regex.Match(page, @"<input\stype=""hidden""\sname=""id""\svalue=""(?<value>[^""]+)"">").Groups["value"].Value;
                    string rand = Regex.Match(page, @"<input\stype=""hidden""\sname=""rand""\svalue=""(?<value>[^""]+)"">").Groups["value"].Value;
                    string referer = Regex.Match(page, @"<input\stype=""hidden""\sname=""referer""\svalue=""(?<value>[^""]+)"">").Groups["value"].Value;
                    string method_free = Regex.Match(page, @"<input\stype=""submit""\sname=""method_free""\svalue=""(?<value>[^""]+)"">").Groups["value"].Value;
                    //string method_premium = Regex.Match(page, @"<input\stype=""submit""\sname=""method_premium""\svalue=""(?<value>[^""]+)"">").Groups["value"].Value;

                    //string timeToWait = Regex.Match(page, @"<span\sid=""countdown_str"">[^>]*>[^>]*>[^>]*>(?<time>[^<]+)</span>").Groups["time"].Value;
                    //if (Convert.ToInt32(timeToWait) < 10)
                        string postdata = "op=" + op +
                                          "&id=" + id +
                                          "&rand=" + rand +
                                          "&referer=" + referer +
                                          "&method_free=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(method_free) +
                            //"&method_premium=" + method_premium +

                        //System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(Convert.ToInt32(timeToWait) * 1001);

                        string page2 = WebCache.Instance.GetWebData(url, postdata, cc, url);

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(page2))
                            string packed = null;
                            int i = page2.LastIndexOf(@"return p}");
                            if (i >= 0)
                                int j = page2.IndexOf(@"</script>", i);
                                if (j >= 0)
                                    packed = page2.Substring(i + 9, j - i - 9);
                            string resUrl;
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(packed))
                                packed = packed.Replace(@"\'", @"'");
                                string unpacked = Helpers.StringUtils.UnPack(packed);
                                string res = Helpers.StringUtils.GetSubString(unpacked, @"'file','", @"'");
                                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(res))
                                    resUrl = res;
                                    resUrl = Helpers.StringUtils.GetSubString(unpacked, @"name=""src""value=""", @"""");
                                resUrl = Helpers.StringUtils.GetSubString(page2, @"addVariable('file','", @"'");
                            resUrl = resUrl.Replace("[", "%5b").Replace("]", "%5d");
                            return resUrl;
            return String.Empty;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public override string GetVideoUrl(string url)
            string webData = WebCache.Instance.GetWebData(url);
            webData = GetFromPost(url, webData);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(webData))
                string packed = null;
                int i = webData.LastIndexOf(@"return p}");
                if (i >= 0)
                    int j = webData.IndexOf(@"</script>", i);
                    if (j >= 0)
                        packed = webData.Substring(i + 9, j - i - 9);
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(packed))
                    packed = packed.Replace(@"\'", @"'");
                    string unpacked = Helpers.StringUtils.UnPack(packed);
                    return Helpers.StringUtils.GetSubString(unpacked, @"name=""src""value=""", @"""");
                return String.Empty;

            Match m = Regex.Match(webData, @"var\slnk1\s=\s'(?<url>[^']*)'");
            if (m.Success)
                HttpUrl httpUrl = new HttpUrl(m.Groups["url"].Value);
                httpUrl.UserAgent = OnlineVideoSettings.Instance.UserAgent;
                return httpUrl.ToString();
            return String.Empty;
Exemplo n.º 5
 public override string GetVideoUrl(string url)
     string webData = WebCache.Instance.GetWebData(url);
     webData = GetFromPost(url, webData);
     Match m = Regex.Match(webData, @"var\slnk1\s=\s'(?<url>[^']*)'");
     if (m.Success)
         HttpUrl httpUrl = new HttpUrl(m.Groups["url"].Value);
         httpUrl.UserAgent = OnlineVideoSettings.Instance.UserAgent;
         return httpUrl.ToString();
     return String.Empty;
Exemplo n.º 6
        public override string GetVideoUrl(VideoInfo video)
            if ("livestream".Equals(video.Other))
                string data = GetWebData(video.VideoUrl);
                Match m2 = Regex.Match(data, @"<param\sname=""flashvars""\svalue=""assetID=(?<assetid>[^_]*)_");
                if (m2.Success)
                    data = GetWebData(String.Format(@"{0}/config/portada.json", m2.Groups["assetid"].Value));
                    m2 = Regex.Match(data, @"""file"":""(?<url>[^""]*)""");
                    if (m2.Success)
                        RtmpUrl rtmpUrl = new RtmpUrl(m2.Groups["url"].Value)
                            Live = true,
                            SwfUrl = @""
                        return rtmpUrl.ToString();
                return null;

            // thanks to aabilio and tvalacarta
            string[] parts = video.VideoUrl.Split(new[] { '/' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            string data2 = GetWebData(String.Format(@"{0}.png", parts[parts.Length - 1]), referer: @"");
            data2 = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(data2));
            Match mm = Regex.Match(data2, ".*tEXt(?<cypher>.*)#[\x00]*(?<key>[0-9]*).*");
            if (mm.Success)
                string cypher = mm.Groups["cypher"].Value;
                string key = mm.Groups["key"].Value;
                string int_cypher = "";
                int inc = 1;
                int ti = 0;
                while (ti < cypher.Length)
                    ti = ti + inc;
                    if (ti > 0 && ti <= cypher.Length)
                        int_cypher += cypher[ti - 1];
                    if (inc == 5) inc = 1;

                string plaintext = "";
                int key_ind = 0;
                inc = 4;
                while (key_ind < key.Length)
                    ti = ((byte)key[key_ind - 1] - 48) * 10;
                    key_ind += inc;
                    if (key_ind <= key.Length)
                        ti += (byte)key[key_ind - 1] - 48;
                    if (inc == 5) inc = 1;
                    if (ti > 0 && ti <= int_cypher.Length)
                        plaintext += int_cypher[ti - 1];
                int p = plaintext.IndexOf("/resources");
                string url = @"" + plaintext.Substring(p) +

                string data = GetWebData(url);
                p = data.IndexOf('?');
                string finalUrl = plaintext.Substring(0, p) + data.Substring(0, p);
                finalUrl = Regex.Replace(finalUrl, @"(//.*?", @"//");

                HttpUrl res = new HttpUrl(finalUrl);
                res.Cookies.Add(new Cookie("odin", "odin=banebdyede"));
                return res.ToString();

            return null;
Exemplo n.º 7
        public override string GetVideoUrl(VideoInfo video)
            Match m = Regex.Match(video.VideoUrl, @"/(?<id>sm\d*)", defaultRegexOptions);
            if (m.Success)
                string id = m.Groups["id"].Value;
                CookieContainer tmpCc = new CookieContainer();
                tmpCc.Add(cc.GetCookies(new Uri(baseUrl)));

                GetWebData(String.Format(@"{0}", id), cookies: tmpCc);// for getting cookies

                fileUrlPostString = "v=" + id;
                string oldUrl = video.VideoUrl;
                video.VideoUrl = @"";
                string res = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(base.GetVideoUrl(video));
                video.VideoUrl = oldUrl;
                HttpUrl result = new HttpUrl(res);

                CookieCollection ccol = tmpCc.GetCookies(new Uri(baseUrl));
                return result.ToString();
            return String.Empty;